04-24-13 ww committeeApril 24, 2013 A meeting of the Scandia Wastewater Advisory Committee was held on the above date. The meeting was called to order by Chair Chris Ness at 7:00 p.m. In attendance were: Doug Salmela, Council member Jim Schneider, Planning Commissioner Steven Philippi, Daniel Cartier, Holly Kaufold, Staff Kristina Handt, Tim Keiffer, and Engineer Phil Gravel. Members absent were James Malmquist, Mike Peterson, Wayne Schmidt and Brad Bergo. Chair Ness reviewed the notes from the previous meeting, asking for additions or corrections. There were none. Connection Policy – Amending Ordinance No. 108 for 201 System Handt presented the revised changes to the ordinance. Sufficient capacity was defined as a minimum availability of 10% of permitted flows. Only properties that are not able to accommodate an onsite sewage treatment system will be permitted to connect to the community sewage treatment system. New connections to the system after the effective date of the ordinance shall have their own septic tanks. The committee discussed what to do when one home on a shared system updates and adds to the flow. The committee directed the administrator to work with the City Attorney on language to require separation of shared septic tanks for any material improvement that increases flow and to allow for a variance from this requirement if practical difficulties exist. Lastly, the ordinance would be updated to add language highlighting all costs to connect to the system such as the septic tank, pumps, wet wells, laterals, road repair, etc would be the responsibility of the new user. Motion by Cartier, seconded by Ness to recommended changes to Ordinance No. 108 as amended. Motion carried. Review March 2013 Test Results Gravel went over the March 2013 test results with the committee. The committee discussed the number of testings to complete each year (Washington County permit says three but should seek change to two), the need to rotate cells, and future improvements to the system. Short term plans include new valves and rotating the cells. Long term plans include expansion and pre-treatment options. Recommendation Regarding Continenza Request to Connect In 2011, Jim and Sandi Continenza applied for a variance from the minimum lot size to allow construction of a single family dwelling at 13350 188th Street North on Big Marine Lake. They also requested a connection to the 201 (Anderson-Erickson) sewer system. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the variance but the Council wanted to study the capacity of the A/E system before approving a connection. The Continenzas need two connections to the A/E system, one for the existing dwelling on Lot 8, Anderson’s Big Lake 2nd Addition and one connection for Lots 9 and 10 (combined). Lot 8 has an existing dwelling located on it and is presently served by a septic system located on Lot 9. This system would need to be removed in order to construct the new home on Lots 9 and 10. The existing house on Lot 8 is approximately 1,380 sq. ft. and includes two bedroom. The Continenzas are proposing to build a year-round home on Lots 9 and 10 that includes 6,678 square feet on 3 floors, seven bathrooms, four bedrooms plus a bunk room and a full kitchen. Based on MN Administrative Rules the design flow (gallons per day) would be 750 gpd for this new residence and 225 gpd for the exiting residence. If both connections were allowed, 975 gpd would be added to the system. Sandi Continenza and her mother-in-law were present and discussed the process they began in 2011 to obtain a connection to the system. The committee discussed that the Administrative Rules were only a guide. Philippi asked if the City had classification information, as noted in the MN Administrative Rules, for each property currently connected to the system. The City does not currently have that info and it would require researching the square footage and number of bedrooms in each dwelling. The committee discussed providing residents with information on low-flow fixtures to help address the capacity issue. Motion by Schneider, seconded by Kaufhold to recommend the Council that the Continenzas receive two connections to the A/E system provided the house on Lots 9 and 10 has no more than four bedrooms. Motion carried. Future Meeting Date / Agenda The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 28 at 7:00 p.m. The budget, test results, committee membership and updating the control panels will be on the agenda. Motion by Schneider, seconded by Cartier to adjourn. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Kristina Handt City Administrator