3-19-14 ww committeeMarch 19, 2014 A meeting of the Scandia Wastewater Advisory Committee was held on the above date. The meeting was called to order by Chair Chris Ness at 6:02 p.m. In attendance were: Council member Jim Schneider, Daniel Cartier, Holly Kaufhold and Doug Salmela. Staff Kristina Handt and Tim Keiffer. Members absent were Wayne Schmidt, and Brad Bergo. Motion by Cartier, seconded by Schneider to approve the minutes from the November 20, 2013 meeting. Motion carried. Motion by Schneider, seconded by Cartier to approve the agenda. Motion carried. Activity Report The committee reviewed the staff report from Public Work Director Kieffer regarding activities related to the sewers since the last meeting. Handt mentioned a property owner seeking reimbursement for building sewer replacement which is not covered in our ordinance. Schneider asked about a tank repair. “201” System Upgrades Jay Krogh and Lane Stewart from Automatic Systems Company went over their proposal for control panel upgrades to Bliss 3 and 4 and Anderson/Erickson lift stations and a master SCADA system. Cost of their proposal was $94,918. Bob Connelly from Connelly Industrial Electronics, Inc then spoke about his proposal for control panel upgrades and a master SCADA system. Cost for Bliss 3 and 4, Anderson/Erickson and the SCADA would be $92,583 plus the cost for an electrician for site prep. The committee decided to delay action on this item until their next meeting. Public Forum The Committee returned to the public forum portion of the agenda as a user arrived late. Neil Swenson, 18590 Norell Ave, asked about the possibility of having a part time and full time rate for the 201 system. His property is a seasonal cabin and he doesn’t feel he should pay as much as those who use the system year around. He also asked about the possibility of just getting one bill a year instead of quarterly. The committee will look into the rate issue more at their next meeting. Uptown flow/capacity discussion At the last meeting it was noted that revenues for the Uptown system were coming in under budget. Committee asked if this meant there was capacity to the system. Data was reviewed that showed how much usage had gone down since 2010 but Kieffer explained the system was under designed and does exceed limits on some peak days. It was noted there is no capacity for additional users. Drain field Replacement Options Kieffer contacted the MPCA and Washington County about the possibility of building a mound system over the existing 201 drain fields. This would be allowed for replacement but not for expansion. Staff requested direction from the committee on whether to plan for replacement or expansion in the CIP. Neither would be planned for earlier than 2022. Committee directed staff to include both the mound and the land costs for expansion in the CIP. Future Meeting Date / Agenda The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 8, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. The 201 upgrades and part time v. full time fees for the 201 will be on the agenda. Motion by Cartier, seconded by Kaufhold to adjourn. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Kristina Handt City Administrator