08-17-15 ww committeeAugust 17, 2015 A meeting of the Scandia Wastewater Advisory Committee was held on the above date. The meeting was called to order by Chris Ness at 6:30 p.m. In attendance were: Council members Jim Schneider and Chris Ness, Committee Members Daniel Cartier, Doug Salmela, Brad Bergo and Peter Nora, and staff Administrator Kristina Handt, Public Works Director Dave Williams and Treasurer Colleen Firkus. Holly Kaufhold was absent. Schneider, seconded by Cartier, moved to approve the minutes from the July 20, 2015 meeting. Schneider, seconded by Salmela, moved to approve the agenda. The motion carried. Activity Report Handt noted a 2007 educational letter made available by the County that could be updated and sent out with next quarterly bills. Schneider mentioned that he has a box of brochures for individual septic system education that may be of use. He will bring them in for review by staff. The committee would like to see what kind of proactive material can be found that tells users what they can do to improve the system, as well as what they should not be doing. Williams Sewer & Wastewater Activity Report was reviewed. Schneider questioned Williams on how much staff time is spent locating and checking tanks, reading pumps and if that has changed with the new SCADA system. Williams reported the SCADA is just fully coming online now as there was a problem with getting a password on the Fire Department’s router, which is connected to the Public Works wireless router. Miscommunication between Automatic Systems staff led to delays. Williams anticipates it will take less time to do pump readings, but Bliss Lift Stations 1 & 2 will still need to be read manually, and there will still be the need to locate and check tanks for pumping needs. Tanks are checked on a rotating system with 30 checked last year and manhole upgrades made as needed. Salmela said his was checked last year, but would have appreciated more notice and less damage to his yard. Cartier asked if there was a mandate for height of covers. Handt indicated it must be to the surface or a few inches higher. Most people prefer that they are not more than a few inches high. Nora asked about the red light on at the Uptown System on the Rasmussen property. Williams indicated everything is working fine there, but they have had trouble getting the light to turn off. Williams said there were no notices on testing results in response to Schneider’s question about PACE testing results. Natural Systems Utilities Contracts for Services Handt provided a comparison of tasks and services between Natural Systems Utilities and City Staff. City staff would perform more maintenance tasks and provide daily service to the systems. Cost savings would be approximately $4,000 to the 201 System, but an increase of $1,200 to the Uptown System. Handt then shared a letter from Kaufhold expressing her opinion that the net cost savings between the two systems is not significant enough to stop providing the level of service that happens with city staff. Handt also pointed out that city staff has only been fully providing all services since the first of this year, and there is no data yet on the cost savings using the new SCADA system. Handt lowered budget expense projections for 2016 based on expenses for the first part of 2015. Schneider noted that there are only 5 to 6 call outs per year. Handt indicated those are only after-hours calls for service. Williams estimated there are 12 to 15 per year when you include daytime calls when staff is available. Schneider asked if there are things homeowners can check on their own before calling for service, like check breakers. Salmela pointed out he cannot check a circuit breaker as his is shared with his neighbor. Handt also anticipated less staff time will be needed on the 201System as things get fixed and upgraded, and there is not a lot of time needed on the Uptown System. Nora asked how many staff are certified operators. Handt replied only one person is fully certified, one more is one class away from certification, and the two newest employees need to start the training, hence the training line item in the budget. The committee was in consensus to recommend to the City Council that the city keep sewer maintenance in-house and to check the actual costs once more data is available. Future Meeting Dates It was determined that is was probably not necessary to meet until next year’s budget time. However, the committee would like to be kept up to date with activity reports that include how the SCADA is working, problems that occur, callouts for service, and testing results. A Discharge Monitoring Report is made to the State and County, and a copy can be given to the committee. Schneider asked if the drainfield can be kept mowed to make it easier to check for surface discharge and keep trees from taking root. Cartier, seconded by Schneider made a motion to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Colleen Firkus Treasurer