7-20-15 ww committeeJuly 20, 2015 A meeting of the Scandia Wastewater Advisory Committee was held on the above date. The meeting was called to order by Chris Ness at 6:30 p.m. In attendance were: Council members Jim Schneider and Chris Ness, Committee Members Holly Kaufhold, Daniel Cartier, Doug Salmela and Peter Nora, and staff Administrator Kristina Handt, Public Works Director Dave Williams and Treasurer Colleen Firkus. Brad Bergo was absent. New members, Peter Nora and Public Works Director Dave Williams, were introduced. Schneider, seconded by Kaufhold, moved to approve the minutes from the July 30, 2014 meeting. The motion carried with Cartier abstaining due to his absence from that meeting. Schneider asked what had happened to the possible expansion of the 201 System. He was informed that the property being considered was sold. Cartier, seconded by Salmela, moved to approve the agenda. The motion carried. “201” System Upgrades Update Administrator Handt reported that the upgrades to the control panels by Automatic Systems are not completed as there are telemetry issues. During power outages the system notifies the city, but then keeps notifying the city even though pumps are working. Also, it was necessary to install a 40-foot pole at the Anderson-Erickson system for the signal to reach above the topography of the area at an additional cost of $8,000. The City is holding off payment of approximately $100,000 to Automatic Systems until this issue is resolved and the manuals for the system are received. The new Public Works Director will be contacting them this week. “201” System Budget for 2016 Handt presented the 2016 budget. The main increase in the 2016 expenses is for the capital improvements to Bliss 1 and 2 control panels and pumps. This would bring the two lift stations in line with the upgrades made in 2014/2015 to the other lift stations on the system and extend the use of the SCADA system to these as well. Fund balance at the end of 2015 is projected to be about $65,000. Handt said the goal is to increase fund balance by $10,000 per year to cover future upgrades and maintenance. About $28,000 of that would be spent down in the 2016 proposed budget. However, considering the problems the City is currently experiencing with the SCADA system, Handt suggested the Committee might want to put off upgrades until 2017 so the system has a chance to work and be tested. Handt also reported that may be a couple of new connections coming from new homes. One connection fee of $4,250 has been prepaid in 2015. There is no rate increase proposed for 2016 as there is still a healthy fund balance by the end of 2015. The Public Works Director is budgeted to spend 12.5% of his time on the 201 System in addition to 11% for one maintenance worker and 25% for another. The Administrator’s time is allocated at 1% for the 201 System and .5% for Uptown. These percentages have also been increased due to the amount of time staff is spending this year maintaining the system. Software costs associated with utility billing have been budgeted within the sewer funds as opposed to the general fund as have Workers Compensation costs. Training costs remain given the turnover in staff. Staff explained that the Revenue side only shows one quarter of User Fees received as the figures are as of May 30, 2015. Schneider asked by $5,000 is needed in Operations expense when staff costs are $33,000 and increasing. He noted that contracting with Eco Check/Natural Systems Utilities in 2013 cost only $14,119. Schneider also asked if contracting out operations and maintenance would be less expensive now with the SCADA system. The committee agreed this was worth checking into. Handt reported that Council had decided to bring sewer operations and maintenance in-house to not only save money compared to when it was being operated by the County, but also to provide better service to its customers. Cartier, seconded by Salmela, made a motion to recommend the budget to the Council after taking out the $38,000 Capital Expense for 2016, recommending it be moved to 2017. The motion carried. Uptown System Budget for 2016 Handt presented the 2015 budget the Uptown system. There are no Capital Improvements scheduled in the next five years. As with the 201 system, 2015 was the first year of the workers comp premium and this accounts for the increase in Personnel Services. However, other areas of the budget were decreased so the overall expense budget decreases slightly. No rate increase is proposed for 2016. The Public Works Director and two maintenance workers are budgeted to spend about 4% of their time on the Uptown System. Training costs remain due to employee turnover. Schneider verified that customers on the Uptown take care of their own pumps and the City takes care of the Community Center’s pumps. Handt indicated that staff does daily rounds of meters to try and catch problems without delays as well as other tasks. Ness, seconded by Schneider, moved to recommend the budget to the Council with no changes, and for staff to check into the cost/benefit of contracting out operations and maintenance for both sewer systems versus using staff. The motion passed. Kaufhold asked when the City could start a process of educating users on best practices to maintain these sewer systems. Staff reported that low flow toilets were implemented in the Uptown System and sump pumps were checked in the Bliss and A/E systems. Firkus offered to track down educational material to include with quarterly bills. Future Meeting Date / Agenda The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, August 17, 2015, at 6:30 p.m. The agenda will include updates on SCADA system, cost of using Eco Check/Natural Systems Utilities, and staff tasks on sewer systems. Schneider, seconded by Cartier made a motion to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:22 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Colleen Firkus Treasurer