06-23-16 ww committee City of Scandia Wastewater Advisory Committee June 23, 2016 A meeting of the Scandia Wastewater Advisory Committee was held on the above date. The meeting was called to order by Chris Ness at 6:30 p.m. In attendance were: Council members Jim Schneider and Chris Ness and Committee Members Brad Bergo, Daniel Cartier, Holly Kaufhold, and Peter Nora. Also present was Administrator Neil Soltis. Committee members Jim Schneider and Doug Salmela were absent. Approval of Minutes: Motion by Schneider, seconded by Kaufhold, to approve the minutes from the August 17, 2015 meeting. Vote 4-0. Motion carried. Approval of Agenda: Motion by Schneider, seconded by Nora, to approve the agenda. Vote 4-0. Motion carried. Discussion on Bliss nitrate issues and compliance with MPCA reporting requirements : Ryan Goodman and Seth Peterson of Bolton & Menk presented a report on the nitrate issues at the Bliss collector system as identified in the compliance evaluation inspection by the MCPA. The City’s discharge permit for the period 3/18/2015 to 2/29/2020 noted the nitrate levels over 10 mg/L (the safe drinking water standard) and the requirement to monitor the nitrate levels and to submit a nitrate mitigation plan which was due on 3/15/2016. The permit also requires the City to submit a performance report on the nitrate levels by 9/2/2019. Peterson present to potential alternatives based on the addition of treatment equipment on the site with the projected cost of $525,500 and $960,000 without any cost if additional land is needed. Peterson also presented potential sources for funding the project. An implementation schedule will likely be a component of the 2020 permit renewal. The Committee discussed the alternatives and potential immediate solutions to reduce the nitrate levels and the inflow and infiltration into the treatment system. Bolton & Menk will assist in d rafting the mitigation plan for submittal to the MPCA. Discussion of Anderson Erickson capacity: Ryan Goodman reviewed the 3/21/16 report on the A/E lift station and drain field noting that the drain field is designed to treat up to 6,700 gallons per day and the flow data for 2015 indicates an average daily flow of 5,134 g.p.d. The flow data for 2013 and 2014 indicate flows in excess of the design capacity but the accuracy of the data is questionable. Based on the 2015 flows another 3 hourses could be added to the system. Goodman commented on the potential to add pretreatment to increase the capacity. The Committee discussed the previous decision not to add users, the size of the replacement homes being built, the transition from season to permanent re sidences, the number of homes that have stubs but are not connected, the connection fee, and the potential to allow additional connections in order help fund system improvements and expansion. Discussion of 2016 – 2021 Capital Improvement Plan: The Committee reviewed the projects that were included in the 2015 – 2020 capital improvement plans and projects that were designated for funding beyond 2020. 2017 projects include the replacement of control panels June 23, 2016 Page 2 and pumps for the Bliss lift stations #1 and #2. It was noted that $200,000 was included in the plan for 2022 improvements and expansion of the Anderson / Erickson drainfield. Discussion of 2017 budget: Soltis presented cash flow projections for the 2 sewer utilities noting that without a rate increase there will not be sufficient funds for the 2022 A/E improvements to be funded out of the cash balance and that the cash balance for the Uptown system remains at a very low level that would not be able to fund any major repair or replacement. The Committee discussed the need to stage rate increases into the future as a part of the 2017 budget and options for basing the sewer fee beyond a flat charge for all users. Future Meeting Dates: The Committee will be at a date in August to be determined. Motion by Ness, seconded by Nora to adjourn. Vote 4-0. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Neil Soltis Administrator