04 26 17 meetingCity of Scandia Wastewater Advisory Committee April 26, 2017 A meeting of the Scandia Wastewater Advisory Committee was held on the above date. The meeting was called to order by Chris Ness at 6:30 p.m. In attendance were: Council members Chris Ness and Jim Schneider and Committee Members Brad Bergo, Patrick Kelly, Peter Nora, and Doran O’Brien. Staff present were Administrator Neil Soltis and Public Works Director Adam Hawkinson. Approval of Agenda – Motion by Schneider, seconded by Bergo, to approve the agenda. Vote: 6-0 Motion carried. Approval of Minutes - Motion by Schneider, seconded by Bergo, to approve the minutes from the October 16J, 2017 meeting. Vote 6-0. Motion carried. Wastewater system background and orientation – Soltis provided an orientation on the City’s sewer systems noting the origination of the systems, number of users, current and design flows, rate structure, historical revenues and expenditures, and operational and capital issues. Discussion on request for new connection to Uptown system – Soltis reported that Susan Rodsjo has applied to the Planning Commission for a conditional use permit to convert the building located at 21090 Olinda Trail to a multifamily building and that the current septic system does not have capacity for this use. Soltis noted that the 2016 meter readings indicate an annual flow of 444,090 gallons which is 61% of the design flow. The Committee members were in agreement that the new connection would be allowed subject to the payment of the connection fees with all costs associated with the connection to be paid by the user. In reviewing the metered usage the Committee also discussed the rate structure which emphasizes a base rate. The Committee recommended that alternatives revenue structure, including ones based on # of fixtures and building size be discussed at a future meeting. Discussion on responsibility for maintenance of 201 system ongoing maintenance and replacement – Hawkinson provided information from the operations and maintenance manual for the 201 system that places the responsibility on the user for new installations and on the City for maintenance and replacement. The Committee discussed the feasibility of changing the operation and maintenance of the system to transfer the responsibility for maintenance, specifically the pumping of the septic tanks, to the user with the City still providing annual inspections of the tanks. Further discussion will occur at the next meeting. Discussion on sewer system operations and maintenance update – Hawkinson provided an update on issues relating to the operation of the system noting that he will be attending training for certification on land spreading as required for the disposal of sludge from the Bliss additional tanks, that the crew has been trained by Bolton & Menk on performing the drawdown tests use to determine the flow rates, that the inflow and infiltration into the Bliss system is being investigated and quotes are being obtained to seal one of the manholes, issues with check valves which are impacting the measured flows and issues with maintaining the gravity and force mains and testing them for leaks. . Staff report on 2016 audit report for sewer systems – Soltis reported that the operating losses for the 2010 and Uptown systems totaled $38,099 and $2,662 respectively primarily due to depreciation expense and the account treatment future retirement costs. The cash balances in the 201 and Uptown systems increased by $17,025 and $2,784 respectively primarily due to the lack of capital expenditures. Discussion on 2018 – 2022 Capital Improvement Plan – Soltis reviewed the projects that were included in the previous CIP plan and noted that the low end of the engineers estimate for the Bliss addition nitrate issue has been included for 2022 based on the MPCA permit expiring in 2020. Based on maintaining the current revenue and expenditures the 201 system will have a shortfall of $676,000 and the Uptown $23,000 through the end of 2022. Soltis noted that Bolton & Menk are looking at other options to address the nitrate issue including connection to the Metropolitan system. Further discussion on rates and funding models will be on the agenda for the next Committee meeting. Future Meeting Dates: The next meeting date was tentatively set for late July. No further discussion occurred. A motion to adjourn was made by Ness, seconded by Schneider, and unanimously approved. Respectfully submitted, Neil Soltis Administrator