03-30-22 WastewaterMarch 30, 2022 A meeting of the Wastewater Advisory Committee was held on the above date with modifications. The meeting was conducted in-person at the Scandia Community Center and over an electronic platform. All participants who joined the meeting remotely could hear each other and contribute to discussions. The meeting was called to order at 6:35 by Chairperson Steve Kronmiller. In attendance were committee members Peter Nora, Perry Rynders, and Steve Kronmiller as City Council liaison. A quorum was not achieved as Doran O’Brien, Richard Bohrer and Dan Cartier were absent. City Staff in attendance were City Administrator Ken Cammilleri, City Engineer Ryan Goodman, and City Treasurer Colleen Firkus. Administrator Cammilleri updated the Committee on the state legislative bonding and Point Source Implementation (PSI) grant program as well as the effects on the sewer budget. Cammilleri reported that the City Council approved hiring a lobbyist at Libby Law Office to help state bonding requests move through legislature. The 50% shared cost to Sewer Fund is $18,000. Scandia’s projects, with a minimum score of 50, did not make the on state’s 2022 PPL, but is on the 2023 list. It may be two years to obtain funding. Our projects may be too small to be eligible for a revolving loan program, but the Point Source Implementation grant program allows matching for G.O. Bonds. The city has letters/materials for interested parties to send to their legislators to request support for city projects. It is important to targe members of the Capital Investment Committee, especially the leaders. In the meantime, the city should focus on making our projects more eligible for state funding. Engineer Goodman stated that facilities studies are needed to apply for these funding programs. The scope of the studies needs to be clarified before they can be written, including if planned expansions will increase daily flows to change the permitting process from the County to the MPCA, or what infrastructure needs replacing. Cammilleri indicated the focus right now show be on getting the Bliss system compliant. However, he spoke with the grant reviewer and all the city’s systems are eligible for state grants and there are other programs for smaller systems. The goals for the 3 systems need to be identified as well as considering if Bliss is reaching capacity. A recommendation from the committee is needed to bring to a council work session. Nora asked the status of the test well. Cammilleri said it needs to be completed this year. Flow meters were added recently to Lift Station 4 which is revealing that actual flows are less than estimates made from pump time readings. Cammillier reported that the water town barn project has a planned ground breaking in 2024. There needs to be a plan to position how it will affect the Uptown Sewer.. Goodman indicated a new monitoring well may not be needed if the nitrate issue is dealt with through the proposed treatment project. Clarification on what the plans for the Bliss are needed to complete a facility report by September. The city will need to start in September/October with plans and specs for a 2023 PSI grant with construction starting in 2025. While the Scope of work already been identified on nutrient treatment, cost estimates should be redone as bidding currently is dramatically higher than a year ago. The meeting is proposed for Wednesday, April 27 at 6:30 p.m. The meeting adjourned at 7:11 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Colleen Firkus Treasurer