11-03-22 Wastewater minutesDNovember 3, 2022 A meeting of the Wastewater Advisory Committee was held on the above date with modifications. The meeting was conducted in-person at the Scandia Community Center and over an electronic platform. All participants who joined the meeting remotely could hear each other and contribute to discussions. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 by Chairperson Steve Kronmiller. In attendance were committee members Steve Kronmiller, Peter Nora, and joining remotely Dan Cartier. City Staff in attendance were City Administrator Ken Cammilleri, and City Treasurer Colleen Firkus. City Engineer Ryan Goodman participated remotely. DRAFT PROPOSED 2023 SEWER BUDGET AND UTILITY STUDY Administrator Cammilleri reported that finding funding sources to support wastewater infrastructure continues to be an issue and strongly recommends that any future federal infrastructure funds be applied to replacing and upgrading the city’s aging wastewater infrastructure. The MPCA’s suggestion for a Utility District cannot be applied to Scandia as it does not meet the requirements. The Big Marine Sewer project is on the State’s Project Priority List (PPL) but the city’s median income is too high to meet the wealth criteria. State financing through a low interest loan may be the only other option which would allow for a longer-term loan to be paid back through higher user fees. Cammilleri suggested assembling a coalition with other entities who are also experiencing compliance issues for these wastewater systems put in with federal dollars back in the 1970’s and 1980’s, and to continue to lobby the legislature for help dealing with these issues. Another idea it to check with the Army Corp of Engineers to see if any programs are available for which the city could qualify. Kronmiller mentioned looking for other technology for pretreatment, but there is still a cost for installation. Engineer Goodman stated the city is still heading for Track 2. Using drainfields and pretreatments are still the most cost-effective way. Lagoons and ponds take a lot of land and would need to not be around homes because of the smell. The new estimate for the Bliss Nitrate project is $1.25 million. The new estimate for replacing the Bliss Lift Station 2 is $385,000. Goodman also said a pipe going to the MET Council’s interceptor pipe which impact the capacity of other municipalities on that line and a written agreement between parties would be needed. The interceptor pipe is west of Highway 61. Timing a connection to a new development in Forest Lake or Hugo would be good. UPTOWN SEWER Uptown Sewer is also experiencing problems with infrastructure under ground that needs inspected and upgraded. Cammilleri suggested the city declare a current and proposed service area to bring in new users to help support the cost of the system. A suggestion was made to see if the CDA is experiencing similar issues and may want to partner with the city. A connection fee should also be established. Classes of rates can also be used: Commercial and Residential, or Tiered based on volume. A higher base would be needed to recoup lower rates on volume. Uptown is currently running at 45% capacity. The last connection was probably the Gammelgarden. The next connection expected is the Scandia Heritage Center. To do list: Match proposed rate increases for Big Marine and Uptown (25% 2023-2025, then 20%) Propose a connection fee of $8,000 for Uptown. Consider increasing to $10,000 for both systems. Develop a service area map – current and proposed future areas. Verify and update CIP & FMP data with engineer provided costs out to 2035. Operational costs are already built into the FMP. Invite Ehlers to November 15 meeting to address the funding gap between needs and resources. Recommend Bolton & Menk develop a utility expansion plan (facilities study) Recommend a policy that future federal infrastructure funds are applied to wastewater systems. Explore ways to be more efficient, using automation, and cost cutting at future meetings. Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 15, at 6:00 p.m. as a joint meeting with City Council prior to their regular meeting. Meeting ended at 8:06 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Colleen Firkus, City Treasurer