2. Minutes of the 07-11-16 EDA meeting The Scandia Economic Development Authority met in the Board Room at the Scandia Community Center on Monday, July 11, 2016 beginning at 6:30pm. Commissioners Present: Greg Isaacson, Dan Lee, and Bruce Swenson. Staff Present: Neil Soltis Also present: Chris Eng and Robert Feidt. Swenson called the meeting to order at 6:30pm. Motion by Lee, seconded by Isaacson to approve the April 12, 2016 minutes. Motion carried. Motion by Lee, seconded by Isaacson to approve the agenda. Motion carried. Commissioner Bob Hegland arrived during the following discussion. Introduction of Chris Eng, Economic Development director, Washington County CDA – Chris Eng was introduced as the recently hired Economic Development Director for the Washington County Community Development Authority (previously the Washington County Housing and Redevelopment Authority). Eng talked about working with the City on future economic development efforts and entrepreneurship and predevelopment loan fund programs that he is seeking to put into place. Eng noted the need to seek State funding for a program that would help assist with façade improvements. Discussion on incentive programs – The Board discussed the potential for incentive programs such as tax abatement and tax increment financing for projects in the City and the potential to include funding in the 2017 budget. The Board felt that a higher priority should be placed on predevelopment funding for wetland delineation and preliminary engineering would provide greater benefits than the incentive programs. Discussion on 2017 budget and programs – After the discussion on incentive programs, the Board recommended that $5,000 be included in the 2017 budget to be used as matching funds for predevelopment loans, Discussion on Planning Commission recommendations for changes to uses in the Rural Commercial District – The Board reviewed the changes in allowed uses recommended by the Planning Commission in the Rural Commercial Districts which include Copas, Abrahamson’s Nursery, the s.w. corner of STH 95 and STH 97, and the area around the Big Lake store. The Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on the ordinance at the August 2, 2016 meeting. The Commissioners discussed the existing zoning districts and opportunities to expand the commercial base in the City. Motion by Swenson, seconded by Lee, to recommend that the land adjacent to the intersection of Scandia Trail N (MN 97) and Manning Trail N (Cty. Rd. 15) be rezoned to rural commercial. Vote 4-0 motion carried. Treasurer’s report – The balance in the EDA checking account is $5,070.47 Executive Director Report: Soltis reported that funding for the comprehensive plan update will be included in the 2017 budget and the extent of the update could range from a minor update to the current plan to a plan that starts without using the current plan as a basis. Soltis noted that the updates to the land use and economic development elements will have the greater impact and that the Washington County CDA will be providing much of the information for the housing element. The Board discussed the lack of housing stock that is affordable to working families and its impact of the elementary school. Soltis reported that The Bluebell Mercantile & Co. will be opening in the old school house in Copas, which will help bring traffic to the other businesses at that commercial hub. The next meeting was tentatively set for Monday, August 8, 2016 at 6:30 pm provided there are items to be discussed.. Motion by Swenson, seconded by Lee to adjourn at 7:50 p.m. Motion carried. Respectfully Submitted, Neil Soltis, Secretary