11-20-2013 November 20, 2013 A meeting of the Scandia Wastewater Advisory Committee was held on the above date. The meeting was called to order by Chair Chris Ness at 6:00 p.m. In attendance were: Council member Jim Schneider, Daniel Cartier, Wayne Schmidt, and Brad Bergo. Staff Kristina Handt, Tim Keiffer, and Engineer Ryan Goodman. Members absent were Holly Kaufhold and Doug Salmela. Motion by Schneider, seconded by Cartier to approve the minutes from the August 28, 2013 meeting. Motion carried. Motion by Schneider, seconded by Schmidt to approve the agenda. Motion carried. Staff Report The committee reviewed the staff report from Public Work Director Kieffer regarding activities related to the sewers since the last meeting. Review October 2013 Test Results Goodman summarized report on test results from October testing of the 201 system.No limits were exceeded; levels have been coming down since the monitoring began. Pete Ganzel, Washington County, has agreed to use the bent wells as piezometers. 2014 "201" Operatin� Budget Handt explained the reduction in expenses from the last meeting was due to the assumption the contract with Ecocheck would not be renewed at its expiration. With an addition to the staff, this work will be brought in house. Kieffer provided additional quotes related to the control panel upgrades. The original $45,000 included in the draft budget would not be sufficient to upgrade the panels on Bliss 3 and 4,the pumps and a master station on the public works shop. Kieffer proposed increasing the budget to $81,000 to get these completed in 2014. Then plan for additional replacements in following years. Given that the 201 fund was projected to have a balance around $170,000 by 12/31/l3,there was discussion about also doing similar improvements on the Anderson/Erickson portion of the system. Motion by Ness, seconded by Cartier to amend the 2014 budget to include Bliss 3 and 4, Anderson/Erickson, pumps, and master station improvements at a cost not to exceed $120,000. Motion carried. 201 Capital Improvement Budget Kieffer presented a draft capital improvement plan for the 201 system to begin the discussion about long range planning. The A/E control panels and pumps would be moved to 2014 per the previous action item. Schneider asked if the drainfield cost estimate included the land and improvements. The proposed $200,000 is just improvements and does not account for land costs. Schneider asked if the current dranfield location could be used with an alternative system. Kieffer will check with the County on what they would likely permit.No other changes were made to the draft presented. 2014 Uptown Draft Operating Budget Handt explained the reduction in expenses from the last meeting was due to fewer of the Treasurer's hours allocated to the system if quarterly billing was instituted and also the assumption that the contract with Ecocheck would not be renewed similar to on the 201 system. November 20, 2013 Page 2 Also, revenue projections had been changed due to a reduction in use from 2010. There were questions on whether or not the reduction would allow capacity for new users. This will be researched further by staff and brought back to the next meeting. The Uptown System is projected to have a small fund balance by 12/31/13 mainly due to there being less pumping required than budgeted for as result of the low usage. However, the pumping costs remained the same for the 2014 budget because the amount of pumping needed could vary depending on usage. Expenditures exceed revenues in the draft 2014 budget. Since the variability in expenses (mainly pumping) is related to usage, staff proposed an increase in the usage charge of 2%to $15.28/1,000 gallons. While the projected fund balance could cover the losses for a couple years,the committee discussed whether it was preferred to slowly increase rates to cover costs or wait a couple years and have a larger increase. Schmidt said he preferred the gradual increase. Motion by Cartier, seconded by Ness to recommend the volume charge be increased by 2%on the Uptown System. Motion carried. Uptown Capital Budget Kieffer presented a draft capital improvement plan for the Uptown system to begin long range planning. Given the 2012 Improvement Project,there were few items in the near future. The blower replacement is scheduled for 2017 and pump replacements in 2022. The committee discussed the drainfield replacement planned for 2027, which will be the largest expense for the system. Ordinance No. 148 Staff prepared Ordinance No. 148 which would amend Ordinance No. 134 Governing the Uptown System. The amendment would allow for quarterly billing as opposed to the current monthly billing. Motion by Schmidt, seconded by Cartier to recommend Ordinance No. 148 to the City Council. Motion carried. Ordinance No. 149 Staff prepared Ordinance No. 149 to amend the rates for 2014, setting a quarterly rate eyual to three monthly base charges to coincide with the change to quarterly billing. It was also noted that the Ordinance would need to be amended to include the new $15.28/1,000 gallons as discussed previously. Motion by Ness, seconded by Cartier to recommend Ordinance No. 149 with the changes to the volume rate to the City Council. Motion carried. Future Meeting Date/Agenda The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 19, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. The 201 upgrades, Uptown flow/capacity issues, and drainfield replacement options will be on the agenda. Motion by Schneider, seconded by Cartier to adjourn. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Kristina Handt City Administrator CITY OF SCANDIA WASTEWATER ADVISORY COMMITTEE Wednesday, November 20,2013 6:00 P.M. Scandia Community Center Board Room 1. Call to Order, Chair Chris Ness 2. Approval of Minutes (August 28, 2013) 3. Approval of Agenda 4. Activity Report 5. October 2013 "201" Test Results 6. 2014 "201" Draft Budget a) Operating Budget b) Capital Improvement Budget 7. 2014 Uptown Draft Budget a) Operating Budget b) Capital Budget c) Ordinance No. 148 Amending Ordinance No. 134: Governing the Uptown System d) Ordinance No. 149: 2014 Rate Proposal-Quarterly Billing 8. Set Future Meeting Date(s)/Agendas 9. Adjournment Committee Members: Staff/Ex-Officio: Chris Ness,Councilmember/Chair Kristina Handt,City Administrator Jim Schneider,Councilmember/Vice Chair Ryan Goodman,City Engineer Daniel Cartier Tim Kieffer,Director of Public Works Wayne Schmitt Holly Kaufhold Doug Salmela Brad Bergo August 28, 20l 3 A meeting of the Scandia Wastewater Advisory Committee was held on the above date. The meeting was called to order by Chair Chris Ness at 7:00 p.m. In attendance were: Doug Salmela, Council member Jim Schneider, Daniel Cartier, Holly Kaufhold, Wayne Schmidt, Brad Bergo Planning Commissioner Steven Philippi Staff Kristina Handt, Tim Keiffer, and Engineer Ryan Goodman. Members absent were James Malmquist and Mike Peterson. Motion by Cartier, seconded by Kaufhold to approve the minutes from the April 24, 2013 meeting. Motion carried. Staff Report The committee reviewed the staff report from Public Work Director Kieffer regarding activities related to the sewers since the last meeting. There are two tanks left to pump in the 201 system, staff will be raising access covers, tanks are being put into GIS system, new contractor used for pumping tanks has led to cost reductions. Review Julv 2013 Test Results Goodman summarized report on test results from July testing of the 20l system.No limits were exceeded. A-Deep and B-Deep wells were not sampled this time because of damaged casing and pipe that was discovered when contractor tried to pull pumps in these wells that weren't working. Kieffer will talk to Pete Ganzel at Washington County about the possibility of just capping these wells since others wells are available down gradient for monitoring. 2014 "201" Draft Budget Keiffer mentioned the control panels in Bliss are old, failing and it is getting difficult to find replacement parts so he has been seeking quotes on upgrades. Dave Gardeen, Vice President, Sales, TPC was present to cover over a proposal to upgrade control panels in both the 201 and Uptown systems. The proposal includes upgrading all control panels and a number of options but they could be implemented in stages. The base price for seven pumps would be about $119,000 with options the price would be around $160,000. Gardeen answered questions from the committee regarding selected brands, pricing and other options. Ness asked Kieffer which parts of the proposal are most needed. Kieffer suggests starting with Bliss 3 and 4 since they're having the most trouble and then the Anderson-Erickson control panel. Cost to do these pumps would be approximately $48,000. The question was asked if the individual tanks on properties needed to be monitored and how they would work with the new control panels for the lift stations. Kieffer doesn't' recommend updating control panels on the individual tanks because they are much simpler and it would not be cost effective. It's more important to monitor what's going into the drain field. Upgrading the control panels on the lift station will not cause a problem for the individual tanks on properties because they don't' interact. Gardeen stated the pricing would be good for one year and provided a list of references from Oakdale, Stillwater, Cottage Grove and Hugo. The committee reviewed the draft budget for 2014. No rate increase is proposed, staffing will be charged to the fund rather than as a transfer to the general fund,the budget includes $45,000 for control panel upgrades. Expenses exceed revenues which means fund balance will be needed. The fund balance at the end of 2012 was approximately $165,000. Cartier asked about the efficiency and economy of scale of doing a larger project versus the piecemeal approach. The August 28, 2013 Page 2 committee will work on putting together a long range plan and capital improvement plan for the 201 system at future meetings. 2014 Uptown Draft Budget The committee reviewed the draft budget for the Uptown System for 2014. Staff time will be charged directly to the fund rather than as a transfer to the general fund. Treasurer time could be reduced if billing was done yuarterly rather than monthly. Kaufhold and Schmidt were in agreement that anything to bring down costs should be done. An ordinance update will be brought to a future meeting to recommend the change to the City Council. Utility costs (Xcel) are increasing as a result of the system upgrades completed in 2012 and the loan repayment is included for 2014. So far no pumping has been required this year. Kieffer stated it is very dependent upon the usage from the customers. The 2014 budget includes the same amount for pumping in case it is needed next year. The draft budget includes a 5% increase in the usage charge. The committee will review expenses again in November to see if the rate increase is still necessary. Committee Membership Handt suggested the committee membership be reduced since there have been struggles to get a quorum of inembers to meetings in the past. Also, 10 members on the Wastewater Advisory Committee is double the membership of other committees and boards. Based on attendance Handt recommended the following be appointed to staggered terms, thereafter the terms would be five year. Initial appointments did not indicate term lengths. Brad Bergo, Holly Kaufhold, Dan Cartier, Doug Salmela and Wayne Schmidt with Jim Schneider as the non-voting Council Liaison. Ness pointed out that those appointments gave Bliss and Uptown two representatives but A/E only one. After further discussion the committee suggested a seven member committee comprised of two representatives from each system and one voting Council member. Terms would be staggered so there would be overlap amongst the two positions for each system. Terms would end February lst consistent with other committees. Motion by Schneider, seconded by Kaufihold to recommend to the City Council a seven member Wastewater Advisory Committee with staggered terms to be provided by Handt. Motion carried. Future Meeting Date/A�enda The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 20 at 6:00 p.m. The budget, test results, flow data and long range planning will be on the agenda. Motion by Schneider, seconded by Cartier to adjourn. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Kristina Handt City Administrator Wastewater Activity Report � t i � �C��� �. � Tim Kieffer, Public Works Director ��1e���� (651) 433-5223 t.kieffer@ci.scandia.mn.us August 1 throu�h Au�ust 31, 2013 Maintenance tasks • Read pump run times at all of the lift stations • Worked on STEP system on Layton Av • Mr. Anderson and Mr. Kieffer attended Service Provider training • Mowed drainfields Management tasks • Worked with EcoCheck to repair valves at Bliss Lift Station 4 • Scheduled contractor to pump septic tanks on the 201 system • Scheduled contractor to raise access cover on the Bliss system • Worked with contractor to repair monitoring wells at the Anderson/Erickson Drainfield • Met with vendor to replace the 201 control panels September 1 throu�h September 30 Maintenance tasks • Read pump run times at all of the lift stations Management tasks • Worked with EcoCheck to repair valves at Bliss Lift Station 4 • Scheduled contractor to pump septic tank on the Uptown system • Corresponded with Elim Church to have their septic tank pumped • Met with several vendors to replace the 201 control panels • Met with White Bear Township to review their SCADA system • Corresponded with the County about the Anderson/Erickson monitoring wells October 1 throu�h October 31 Maintenance tasks • Read pump run times at all of the lift stations • Responded to two STEP system back-ups on the Bliss system • Repaired driveway after the septic tank access cover was raised Management tasks • Corresponded with EcoCheck • Met with contractor about upgrades to the 201 systems • Attended wastewater operator training e t � :� -. ,-�� .��' , ,�; ..�. �. �. � SCANDIA Staff Report Date of Meeting: November 20, 2013 To: Wastewater Advisory Committee From: Kristina Handt, City Administrator Re: 201 Operating Budget Update from Last Meeting: Revenue: No changes. Proposing rates remain the same in 2014. Expense: Line item 386 has been reduced. The proposed budgeted number assumes the contract with Ecocheck will not be renewed for the Anderson/Erickson system when it expires in mid-2014. Public Works staff will complete monitoring tasks and other duties. This lowers the total expenditures to $97,096. Expenses do exceed budgeted revenues. The plan would be to make up the difference with fund balance.Fund balance is approximately$159,000 currently,projected to be approximately$170,500 by 12/31/13 and $144, 200 by 12/31/l 4. 2094 Draf!Budget 201 PROJECT SEWER FUND 802 REVENUE 2010 2011 2012 2013 10l31/2013 2013 2014 Actual Aatual Actual Proposed Year-to-0ate EsNmated Proposed Account Description Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Notes: 36100 Special Assessments 5,475 4,258 5,159 5,OD0 4,437 4,437 S,D00 ' Other Income 36210 Interest Income 1,358 1.205 723 563 790 700 36250 Misc.Refurnls Totai Other Income 1 358 1,205 723 563 0 78U 700 Proprietary Fund Revenues 3d401 SewerCharges 61,238 61,945 70,896 85,1D0 57,442 85,100 65,100 ! 3725U Sewer Connection/Reconnection Fees 0 Totai Proprietary Fund 61,236 61,945 70,696 65,t00 57,442 65,100 85,100 Totai 201 Proiect Sewer Fund 602 68,D69 67,407 76,570 70,663 81,879 70,317 70,800 i I i � E 3 1 of 1 201 SEWER REV 6:00 PM 11/13/2013 201�Dn/t 8udget . 201 SEWER PROJEC7(FUND 602)EXPENSE 2010 2011 2012 2013 10131l2013 2013 2014 Change Actual Actual Actual Adopted Ytar-taDate Estimated Proposed '13-14 Account Description F�cpenses Expenses Expdtrs Budget Expdts Expdtrs Budget Budget Notes: Personnel Services 101 Regular Wages&5alades 2.784 3,5W 15,830 121 PERA Coord.Employer Contribution 177 1,1A8 122 FlCA Employer CoMdbutlon 180 984 126 MEOICARE Employer Contributlon 37 230 , Total Personnel Serv�es 3158 3 50d 18189 #OIVJD! 1 ' Materials&Supplies 200 Office Supplies 148 75 75 75 203 Printed Forms 8 Papers 77 210 Operating Supplies R Equipment 900 200 248 2-08 2� ' 212 Fuel 221 Equipmerd Parts 240 Small Tools&Mirror EqWpmerit 4,728 Total Materials&Supplles 71 5.778 275 248 323 275 C�tractuai Services ' 302 Surveying #REF! ' 303 Engineering Services 24,447 2,641 2,80Q 1,000 304 Legal Services 1,238 306 Personnel Testing&Recruitment ' 308 Other Professional Serv�es 1,825 1,825 , 309 Software Support 8�Maintenance ' 311 Permit Fees 505 680 505 1:316 1,W0 317 Empbyee Training 923 923 2,100 319 Other Services 321 Teleptwne 814 962 1,025 824 1,877 2,300 1,536 322 Postage 339 Trevel Expenses 334 License/CDL 6� 690 351 Legal Notices Publishing 353 Sales Tax 380 3$0 361 LiaWlitylPropertylnsurance 1.299 2,756 1.636 7.719 1,111 1,111 1,144 381 Ulllitles 1.446 1.75� 1.637 1,800 1,389 1,fi7$ 1,750 385 Sewer Pumping 6,444 13,700 4,83A 5,000 6,500 386 Operation&Maintenance 32,418 54,091 45,757 13,376 11,509 13.376 10,952 403 Improvemants other than Bldg 40d Machinery 8 Equipment Repair 5,315 5,000 16,166 16.168 5,000 414 EquipmeM Rentai 735 150 433 D�us&Subscript3ons 438 Misc ConVactual 938 742 6,325 5,085 5.085 2,5Q0 439 Refunds Issued Total ConVactual Services 37,420 6D.987 88,006 44,195 48,230 51,334 33,632 -23.90�0 Capital Outlays 510 Capltal OuUay�l.ar� 512 Easement Acquistion 520 Capitel Improvements to Bklgs 530 Capital lmprovements oiher tAan Bldgs 45,W0 2 540 Heavy Machinery Capital 550 Motor Vehicles Capitsl 560 Fumfture&FixWres 570 Office Equfpmerrt 2,868 Total Capital Outlays 2,868 45,000 #DN10! Trensfers 710 Res�ual EquityTransfers 720 Operating Transfers 3,645 3,&45 2,825 7,145 3,645 Total Transfers 3 845 3 B45 2 825 7 145 3,645 T�aI201 SewerProlecttF,02) 41,065 64,703 99A?5 51,615 51,636 58,802 97,096 88.12% Notes: 1.�eratlng Transfer replaced by expense to personnel servtces 2.3 Contrd Panel replacements i 1 011 201 SEWER 5:47 PM 11/13/2013 Staff Report To: Wastewater Advisory Committee � � From: Tim Kieffer, Director of Public Works � � ��r`��0� Date: November 20, 2013 �(`1/�� �T�T /� Re: Control Panel Upgrades 1� llr 111 Background: The committee heard from Telemetry and Process Controls, Inc. at the August 28th meeting to upgrade the control panels. The committee directed staff to obtain more quotes to ensure due diligence. Proposal: Staff contacted four more vendors to solicit bids. Healy Ruff and Electric Pump decided not to bid on the project. Electric Pump, however, recommended the City own the software to the SCADA system. Connelly Industrial and Automatic Systems both suggested radio reads. This would require data from one lift station to be received through another lift station. This would allow for real time analysis and no cellular fees. Automatic Systems provided only a budgetary proposal for planning purposes. Their proposal is vague and included cellular communication. Their proposal did not address the replacement of the dosing and back flow valves. Installation was included in the net price. TPC did not provide quotes for replacing the valves either. Their proposal also included cellular communication. Installation and start-up is an additional fee. Connelly Industrial's proposal included valve replacement and radio communication but did not include installation and wiring. The pumps will also need to be replaced because they will use 3 phase power instead of the existing single phase. This will cut down on energy cost and extend the life of the pumps. The Bliss Lift Stations 3 and 4 are in the most critical condition. Currently,the dosing valves and back flow valves are not warking. The control panel has obsolete parts that are becoming more difficult to obtain. A master station would also be required to initiate the SCADA system. Issue: Should upgrades to Bliss Lift Stations 3 and 4 with a new master station occur in 2014? Fiscal Impact: The 2014 operating budget has $45,000 for upgrades to the system. Increasing the budget to $81,000 would bring the fund balance to $108,200 at the end of 2014. Options: 1) Increase the amount to $81,000 to replace Bliss Lift Stations 3 and 4 and install a master station. 2) Keep the amount at $45,000 and replace different equipment. 3) Do not upgrade any equipment. Recommendation: Option 1 Attachments: • Quote fram Telemetry and Process Controls, [nc. • Quote from Connelly Industrial Electronics, Inc. • Quote from Automatic Systems Co. t ' TP� Telemetry and Process Controls, Inc. 7250 Hudson Blvd. Suite 160-Oakdale,Minnesota 55128-Tel.651-430-0435 - Fax 651-430-0783 August 19, 2013 Mr. Tim Kieffer-Maintenance Superintendent Scandia Public Works 14727 209`h Street North Scandia, MN 55073 Subject: Lift Station Alarm /Monitoring & Control System Proposal Thank you for the opportunity to provide the following proposal. It is offered in response to our meeting on May 14th, 2013 wherein we visited each of your lift station/drain field locations and you described the current and desired system functionality and features. In addition to the photos that I took at each site, you provided me with the existing Healy-Ruff control panel('87 "As-builY') documentation to review. The following proposed system provides: y New automatic control & remote alarm/monitoring panels & wet well level transmitters to operate in conjunction with your existing Rhombus pump motor controls @ the Uptown Lift Station &the Uptown Drain field Lift Station locations ➢ New automatic motor control & remote alarm /monitoring panels &wet well level transmitters to replace your existing Healy-Ruff control systems @ the Anderson/Erickson & Bliss Lift Station locations ➢ Indoor/Outdoor viewable (LED back-lit LCD) display of station alarm/status information at each location ➢ Wet well level sensing and indication with operator adjustable control &alarm set points ➢ Automatic wet well level responsive pump control (with operator adjustable time-based drain field & sand filter dosing at locations that currently have that capability) ➢ Automatic lift station pump alternation of the lead pump called for on successive starts with manual override capability ➢ Staggered pump starting following utility power failure restoration ➢ Manual operator step sequence selection of the lift station's drain field discharge valve ➢ Valve"Open"/"Closed" position indication ➢ Valve"Open-Auto-"Closed" operator selector switches ➢ Wet well volumetric flow calculation'' ~ ➢ Pump"Hand-Off-Auto"operator selector switches ;���� ➢ Pump run indication lights ➢ Pump run time accumulators ➢ Pump start counters ➢ Lift station alarm notification/acknowledgement via two-way SMS text message notification/query (abnormal wet well level, station power failure) ➢ Two-Way SMS text message communications for pump station information querying (Wet well Level, Pump Run Time, Pump start counts, Pump Run Status, Flow, etc.) ➢ Lift station control set point adjustment via SMS text messaging ➢ A central alarm/monitoring/control/cellular transceiver panel with PC /printer/modem option to provide local & internet access to the system with MS Excel report capability for pump run time, start counts& station flow information ➢ The capability, via two-way SMS text message, for all sites to automatically transmit system alarm&status not�cations&be queried directly for station status information. This allows the system to be incrementally purchased (with one or several sites at a time). The purchase of the central alarm/ SCADA&Telemetry for Utilities and Industries • t 2 monitoring/control/cellular transceiver panel with PC/printer/modem option will be required to facilitate internet access to the system with MS Excel report capability. "for a pump station wet well where/when the station influent pipe is not submerged Uptown Lift Station Control & Alarm / Monitoring Panel with wet well level sensing transmitter Item/Quantitv/Description A 1 Nema 3X automatic pump control &alarm/monitoring panel for operation on 120 VAC, 1 phase, 3 wire, 60 cycle incoming service. To operate in conjunction with the existing Rhombus pump control panel's motor control, replacing its existing automatic control capability with new wet well level responsive pump control operating in a"pump-down" mode with monitoring and alarm logic. Nema 3X, non-metallic, enclosure with a hinged, pad-lockable, front access door, hinged aluminum inner door(for access to operator related components), & mild steel sub-panel suitable for rack mounting. To include: a) Incoming power circuit breaker, inner door mounted b) Power distribution block c) Incoming power ground lug d) Incoming power transient voltage surge suppressor a) 120VAC control power monitoring relay b) Staggered pump starting following utility power failure restoration e) Thermostatically controlled, enclosure interior heater � 2—"Hand-Off-Auto" 3 position, rotary pump selector switches, inner door mounted g) 2—Pump"run" indication lights, "green" LED type, inner door mounted h) 120VAC/24VDC Power supply i) Battery/charger backed VDC power supply(provides battery-backed power to the level controller/ cellular transceiver to facilitate power failure alarm transmission j) Sci-Text 1062 graphic HMI (Human Machine Interface)/ PLC controller, inner door mounted, outdoor viewable (LED back-lit LCD) display providing: . Digital"Feet&tenths" + bar graph wet well liquid • Wet well level responsive, independently adjustable On/Off pump control & abnormal level alarm set-points . Automatic alternation of the pumps on successive starts (to facilitate equal wear of the pumps)with fixed sequence override • Volumetric Flow Calculations* • Pump Run Time Accumulators • Pump Start Counters • Alarm Callout via direct SMS Text Communication (No third party server required) of the specific station alarm condition • Station status Callout via direct SMS Text Communication (No third party server required) of the station operating conditions, that can happen on a regularly scheduled basis (once or several times as day) and/or upon demand via SMS Text query (Wet well level, pump run time, pump start counts, current pump On/Off&station status, flow total, etc.) k) Control & alarm interface relay logic I) Intrinsic safety barrier(for the submersible level transducer signal interface) m) GSM Cellular Data Modem with antenna n) Control & alarm relay logic o) Terminal blocks for external connections p) Color-coded&numbered control wiring SCADA&Telemetry for Utilities and Industries 3 q) UL698A"Enclosed Construction"serialized Industrial Control Panel label r) Laminated panel schematics s) Fully documented, assembled,wired and pre-shipment tested B 1 Submersible level transducer with 40'signal/breather cable for suspension by its cable in the wet well&direct connection to Item A Items A&B-$7,360 Uptown Drain Field Lift Station Control & Alarm / Monitoring Panel with wet well level sensing transmitter C 1 Nema 3X automatic pump control &alarm/monitoring panel for operation on 120 VAC, 1 phase, 3 wire, 60 cycle incoming service. To operate in conjunction with the existing Rhombus pump control panel's motor control, replacing its existing automatic control capability with new operator adjustable, timer-based drain field dosing pump control and wet well level responsive pump control operating in a"pump-down" mode with monitoring and alarm logic. Nema 3X, non-metallic, enclosure with a hinged, pad-lockable, front access door, hinged aluminum inner door(for access to operator related components), & mild steel sub-panel suitable for rack mounting. To include the same sub-item description as Item A with the addition of the Sci-Text 1062 graphic HMI /PLC controller also providing automatic, user-adjustable, time-based override of the wet well level responsive"pump required" level control stage actuation (if there is adequate wet well liquid level)to facilitate regular time-based dosing of the drain field. D 1 Submersible level transducer with 40'signa►/breather cable for suspension by its cable in the wet well&direct connection to Item C Items C&D-$7,680 Anderson / Erickson Lift Station Control 8� Alarm / Monitoring Panel Item/Quantitv/Description E 1 Nema 3X automatic motor control &alarm /monitoring panel for operation on 240 VAC, 1 phase, 3 wire, 60 cycle incoming service. To provide manual drain field dosing discharge valve selection, automatic time-based drain field dosing &wet well level responsive, across-the-line, full voltage motor control for each of the two existing 5HP submersible pumps operating in a"pump-down" mode, pump discharge pipe drain valve manual/auto control with system monitoring and alarm logic. Nema 3X, type 304 stainless steel, single door(insulated) enclosure with (rack) mounting tabs, hinged, pad-lockable,front access door, hinged aluminum inner door(for access to operator related components) and painted mild steel sub-panel. To include: a) Incoming power distribution block b) Incoming power&motor ground lugs c) Incoming power transient voltage surge suppressor d) 2-Combination motor circuit breaker/motor starter with inner door overload reset pushbutton e) Terminals for pump motor over-temperature auto cutout input � 2—Sets of single phase motor start/run components g) 240/120 VAC, control power(isolation)transformer h) 3- 120VAC circuit breaker(control power, GFCI receptacle,enclosure interior&dosing valve heaters) , inner door mounted i) 120VAC control power monitoring relay SCADA&Telemetry for Utilities and Industries 4 j) Staggered pump starting following utility power failure restoration k) 2"Hand-Off-Auto" pump selector switch, inner door mounted I) 2—Pump"run" indication light, inner door mounted m) 2—Pump"moisture/seal failure" alarm indication light, inner door mounted n) 2—Pump"moisture/seal fail sensing relays o) 4-"Open-Auto-Close" (dosing, drain) valve control mode selector switch, inner door mounted p) 4—"Valve Open" indication light (dosing, drain), inner door mounted q) 4—"Valve Closed" indication light, (dosing, drain) inner door mounted r) Thermostatically controlled, enclosure interior heater s) Enclosure interior insulation t) GFCI duplex convenience receptacle, inner door mounted u) 120VAC/24VDC Power supply v) Battery/charger backed VDC power supply (provides battery-backed power to the level controller/ cellular transceiver to facilitate power failure alarm transmission w) Sci-Text 1062 graphic HMI /PLC controller, inner door mounted, outdoor viewable (LED back-lit LCD)display providing: • Digital "Feet&tenths" + bar graph wet well liquid • Wet well level responsive, independently adjustable On/Off pump control & abnormal level alarm set points • Automatic, operator adjustable, time-based override of the wet well level responsive"pump required" level control stage actuation (if there is adequate wet well liquid level)to facilitate regular time-based dosing of the drain field • Automatic alternation of the pumps on successive starts (to facilitate equal wear of the pumps)with fixed sequence override • Manual operator selection of the active (1 of 3) lift station's drain field discharge valve(dry contact closure output for each valve) • Volumetric Flow Calculations" • Pump Run Time Accumulators • Pump Start Counters • Alarm Callout via direct SMS Text Communication (No third party server required)of the specific station alarm condition '• Station status Callout via direct SMS Text Communication (No third party server required)of the station operating conditions, that can happen on a regularly scheduled basis (once or several times as day)and/or upon demand via SMS Text query(Wet well level, pump run time, pump start counts, current pump On/Off&station status, flow, etc.) x) Intrinsic safety barrier(for the submersible level transducer signal interface) y) GSM Cellular Data Modem with antenna z) Control &alarm relay logic aa) Terminal blocks for external connections bb) Color-coded&numbered control wiring cc) UL698A"Enclosed Construction"serialized Industrial Control Panel label dd) Laminated panel schematics, door interior mounted ee) Fully documented, assembled,wired and pre-shipment tested F 1 Submersible level transducer with 40'signal/breather cable for suspension by its cable in the wet well&direct connection to Item E Items E&F-$18,095 SCADA&Telemetry for Utilities and Industries 5 Bliss Lift Station #1 Control 8� Alarm / Monitoring Panel Item/Quantitv/Description G 1 Nema 3X automatic motor control &alarm/monitoring panel for operation on 240 VAC, 1 phase, 3 wire, 60 cycle incoming service. To provide automatic wet well level responsive, across-the-line, full voltage motor control for 2—'/2 or 1 HP submersible pumps operating in a"pump- down" mode with monitoring and alarm logic. Nema 3X, type 304 stainless steel, freestanding, three door(insulated) enclosure with hinged, pad-lockable, front access doors, S.S. framed utility meter viewing window, hinged aluminum inner doors (for access to operator related components), painted mild steel sub-panel and vented skirts. To include: a) Incoming utility power meter socket, 100 ampere/service entrance rated, sub-panel mounted in an isolated section of the con#rol cabinet with its own hinged door having an integral meter viewing window& locking stud (power meter furnished by the utility), functionally identical to the existing b) Incoming power manual transfer switch assembly including 2 -circuit breakers (utility& portable generator power), with inner door accessible, lockable slide interlock, service entrance rated c) Emergency generator receptacle with angle adapter, mounted on the side of the enclosure, functionally identical to the existing d) Power distribution block e) Incoming power&motor ground lugs fl Incoming power transient voltage surge suppressor g) 2-Combination motor circuit breaker/motor starter with inner door overload reset pushbutton h) 240/120 VAC, control power(isolation)transformer i) 3- 120VAC circuit breaker(control power,GFCI receptacle,enclosure interior heater) , inner door mounted c) 120VAC control power monitoring relay d) Staggered pump starting following utility power failure restoration j) 2"Hand-Off-Auto" pump selector switch, inner door mounted k) 2—Pump"run" indication light, inner door mounted I) 2—Pump"moisture/seal failure" alarm indication light, inner door mounted m) 2—Pump"moisture/seal fail sensing relays n) Thermostatically controlled, enclosure interior heater o) Enclosure interior insulation p) GFCI duplex convenience receptacle, inner door mounted q) 120VAC/24VDC Power supply r) Battery/charger backed VDC power suppty(provides battery-backed power to the level controller/ cellular transceiver to facilitate power failure alarm transmission s) Sci-Text 1062 graphic HMI /PLC controller, inner door mounted, outdoor viewable (LED back-�it LCD) display providing: • Digital "Feet&tenths" + bar graph wet well liquid • Wet well level responsive, independently adjustable On/Off pump control & abnormal level alarm set points • Automatic alternation of the pumps on successive starts (to facilitate equal wear of the pumps)with fixed sequence override • Volumetric Flow Calculations* • Pump Run Time Accumulators • Pump Start Counters • Alarm Callout via direct SMS Text Communication (No third party server required) of the specific station alarm condition • Station status Callout via direct SMS Text Communication (No third party server required) of the station operating conditions, that can happen on a regularly scheduled basis (once or several times as day) and/or upon SCADA&Telemetry for Utilities and Industries 6 demand via SMS Text query (Wet well level, pump run time, pump start counts, current pump On/Off&station status, flow, etc.) t) Intrinsic safety barrier(for the submersible level transducer signal interface) u) GSM Cellular Data Modem with antenna v) Control &alarm relay logic w) Terminal blocks for external connections x) Color-coded&numbered control wiring y) UL698A"Enclosed Construction"serialized Industrial Control Panel label z) Laminated panel schematics, door interior mounted aa) Fully documented, assembled,wired and pre-shipment tested H 1 Submersible level transducer with 40'signal/breather cable for suspension by its cable in the wet well&direct connection to Item G _��� Items G&H-$18,062 �� Bliss Lift Station #2 Control 8� Alarm / Monitoring Panel Item/Quantitv/Description I 1 Nema 3X automatic motor control& alarm /monitoring panel for operation on 240 VAC, 1 phase, 3 wire, 60 cycle incoming service. To provide automatic wet well level responsive, across-the-line, full voltage motor control for 2—5HP submersible pumps operating in a"pump- down" mode with monitoring and alarm logic. Nema 3X, type 304 stainless steel, freestanding, three door(insulated) enclosure with hinged, pad-lockable, front access doors, S.S. framed utility meter viewing window, hinged aluminum inner doors (for access to operator related components), painted mild steel sub-panel and vented skirts. To include the same sub-item description as Item G with the addition of 2—sets of single phase motor start /run components(one set per each of the two pump motors). J 1 Submersible level transducer with 40'signal/breather cable for suspension by its cable in the wet well&direct connection to Item I Items I&J-$18,877 �k�`� �-�. ��..., ;,,_ ,-,}. �'" nJ . � � Bliss Lift Station #3 8� 4 Control & Alarm / Monitoring Panel Item/Quantitv/Description K 1 Nema 3X automatic motor control &alarm /monitoring panel for operation on 240 VAC, 1 phase, 3 wire, 60 cycle incoming service. To provide manual drain field discharge valve selection, automatic, operator- adjustable, time-based sand filter(L.S.#3)/drain field (L.S.#4) dosing &wet well level responsive, across-the-line, full voltage motor control for the two sets of existing submersible pumps (Sand Filter Dosing L.S.#3—3HP motors & Drain Field Dosing L.S.#4—2HP) operating in a"pump-down" mode with monitoring and alarm logic. Nema 3X, type 304 stainless steel, two door(insulated) enclosure with (rack) mounting tabs, hinged, Pad-lockable, front access doors, hinged aluminum inner doors (for access to operator related components)and painted mild steel sub-panel. To include: a) Incoming power distribution block b) Incoming power&motor ground lugs SCADA&Telemetry for Utilities and Industries � c) Incoming power transient voltage surge suppressor d) 4-Combination motor circuit breaker/motor starter with inner door overload reset pushbutton e) 4—Sets of single phase motor start/run components fl 240/120 VAC, control power(isolation)transformer g) 3- 120VAC circuit breaker(control power, GFCI receptacle, enclosure interior heater) , inner door mounted h) 120VAC control power monitoring relay i) Staggered pump starting following utility power failure restoration j) 4"Hand-Off-Auto" pump selector switch, inner door mounted k) 4—Pump"run" indication light, inner door mounted I) 4—Pump"moisture/seal failure" alarm indication light, inner door mounted m) 4—Pump"moisture/seal fail sensing relays n) 5-"Open-Auto-Close" pump discharge valve control mode selector switch, inner door mounted o) 5—"Valve Open" indication light, inner door mounted p) 5—"Valve Closed" indication light, inner door mounted q) Thermostatically controlled, enclosure interior heater �"'� A�,�� . r) Enclosure interior insulation s) GFCI duplex convenience receptacle, inner door mounted t) 120VAC/24VDC Power supply u) Battery/charger backed VDC power supply (provides battery-backed power to the level controller/ cellular transceiver to facilitate power failure alarm transmission v) Sci-Text 1062 graphic HMI /PLC controller, inner door mounted, outdoor viewable (LED back-lit LCD) display providing: • Digital "Feet&tenths" + bar graph wet well liquid • Wet well level responsive, independently adjustable On/Off pump control& abnormal level alarm set points • Automatic, operator adjustable, time-based override of the wet well level responsive"pump required" levet control stage actuation (if there is adequate wet well liquid level)to facilitate regular time-based dosing of the sand filter/ drain field • Automatic alternation of the pumps on successive starts (to facilitate equal wear of the pumps)with fixed sequence override • Manual operator selection of lift station #3's three sand filter dosing discharge valve's automatic sequence steps (dry contact closure output for each valve) • Manual operator selection of lift station#4's two drain field dosing discharge valve's automatic sequence steps (dry contact closure output for each valve) • Volumetric Flow Calculations'` • Pump Run Time Accumulators • Pump Start Counters • Alarm Callout via direct SMS Text Communication (No third party server required) of the specific station alarm condition • Station status Callout via direct SMS Text Communication (No third party server required)of the station operating conditions, that can happen on a regularly scheduled basis (once or several times as day) and/or upon demand via SMS Text query(Wet well level, pump run time, pump start counts, current pump On/Off&station status, flow, etc.) w) Intrinsic safety barrier(for the submersible level transducer signal interface) x) GSM Cellular Data Modem with antenna y) Control& alarm relay logic z) Terminal blocks for external connections aa) Color-coded&numbered control wiring bb) UL698A"Enclosed Construction"serialized Industrial Control Panel label cc) Laminated panel schematics, door interior mounted dd) Fully documented, assembled,wired and pre-shipment tested SCADA&Telemetry for Utilities and Industries 8 L 2 Submersible level transducer with 40'signal/breather cable for suspension by its cable in the wet well&direct connection to Item K Items K&L-$29,641 Central Alarm / Monitoring / Control / Cellular Transceiver Panel with PC, monitor & printer Item/Quantitv/ Description M 1 Nema 12 Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition Panel for operation on 120 VAC, 1 phase, 3 wire, 60 cycle incoming service. To automatically communicate with the pump station site panels described above via wireless cellular SMS text messaging to monitor&display all system status and alarm conditions (with date/time alarm &status event logging) and provide alarm acknowledgment, level set point&dosing timer adjustment. Nema 12 painted steel enclosure with a hinged,front access door& mild steel sub-panel suitable for wall mounting. To include: a) 2-Circuit breaker(Incoming power& UPS load) b) Power distribution block c) tncoming power ground lug d) Incoming power transient voltage surge suppressor e) Uninterruptible Power Supply(UPS), 550VA,panel mounted fl 120VAC Receptacle for the UPS, panel mounted g) 120VAC/24VDC Power supply h) Sci-Text Plus 10.4" color graphic touchscreen operator interface (HMI-Human Machine Interface)/ PLC controller with LED back-lit LCD display, door mounted, providing: • Digital "Feet&tenths" + bar graph liquid level indication for each wet well • Wet well level responsive, independently adjustable On/Off pump control & �u abnormal level alarm set points • Automatic, operator adjustable, time-based override of the wet well level responsive"pump required" level control stage actuation (if there is adequate wet well liquid level)to facilitate regular time-based dosing of the sand filter/drain fields • Automatic afternation of the pumps @ each location on successive starts (to facilitate equal wear of the pumps)with fixed sequence override • Volumetric Flow Calculations" • Pump Run Time Accumulators • Pump Start Counters • Manual operator step sequence selection of the lift station's drain field discharge valve • Valve"Open"/"Closed" position indication . Alarm Callout capability via direct SMS Text Communication (No third party server required) of the specific station alarm condition • Station status Callout capability via direct SMS Text Communication (No third party server required)of the station operating conditions, that can happen on a regularly scheduled basis (once or several times as day) and/or upon demand via SMS Text query(Wet well level, pump run time, pump start counts, current pump On/Off&station status, flow, etc.) • PC/printer interface i) GSM Cellular Data Modem with antenna j) PC/printer/UPS interface hardware/cables SCADA&Telemetry for Utilities and Industries 9 k) Terminal blocks for external connections I) Color-coded&numbered control wiring m) UL508A"Enclosed Construction"serialized Industrial Control Panel label n) Laminated panel/work station schematics o) Fully documented, assembled,wired and pre-shipment tested N 1 Desktop PC, Dell OptiPlex 9010 Mini Tower computer with 3�d Gen Intel Core i5-3470 processor, Windows 7 Pro operating system, MS Office Pro, 4G6 memory, USB keyboard, 500 GB HDs, 10/100/1000 pci network card, , optical mouse, 16X DVD+ & -RW SATA removable media storage, internal audio speaker(see attached data sheet for full description) O 1 21.5" Flat panel color L.E.D. monitor, Dell E2213H P 1 Uninterruptible Power Supply(UPS), 1500VA, 900W CyberPower CP1500AVRLCD Mini-Tower Q 1 Monochrome laser printer(for reports), HP LaserJet R 1 System Software o MS Office Professional 2013 o Log Me In (for secure remote system access via the internet) S 1 Lot of configuration/programming time to tailor the HMI software to the City of Scandia, MN's specific lift station/drain field/sand filter system requirements; including the creation of MS Excel lift station pump run time/start count&discharge flow reports. The PC software/hardware will be ready for(either local hardwire or wireless router)connection to the City's existing LAN (local area network) providing internet access. Items M—S$19,888 Items A—M Total net price to the City of Scandia,MN is$119,603 TPC's pricing includes: • Engineering � • Approval Submittals ��� • Operation& Maintenance Manuals �' • Shipment or delivery of the equipment �,,,� • 1 Year Warranty �`� • Net 30 day terms TPCs pricing does not include: o Start-up & operator instruction services (see"Optional system adders") o Taxes Optional system adders: 1. Installation, start-up & operator instruction services are quoted separately due to the proposed equipment either being purchased incrementally or in total at one time. Start-up and operator instruction services are available at$85 an hour per field service engineer plus $0.656 per mile service vehicle travel expense, portal-to-portal.An eight hour day for one service engineer including mileage, will cost approximately$735. Once a new control panel is mounted with wiring connections brought to it (**by others per TPC's direction), Start-up&operator instructions should take one or two days average per location. 2. Add $424 per lift station for the system to include monitoring of the station's total current draw. 3. Add $983 per lift station for the system to include an independent, intrinsically-safe, back-up dual wet well suspended float switch system to activate the high level alarm output&the pump(s) in a staggered starting mode on a high wet well level and shut the pumps off on a low wet well level. This system to SCADA&Telemetry for Utilities and Industries �o include an inner door mounted "back-up system activated" indicating light and reset pushbutton (to restore system operation to the primary Sci-Text 1062/submersible level transmitter system). 4. Add $914 for Item E Anderson Erickson lift station control panel enclosure to alternately be provided in a freestanding enclosure (similar to the Bliss Pump Station#1 &#2 control panels proposed above, only without the third door, service entrance metering, manual transfer switch &portable generator receptacle. Add an additional$4,125 for Item E Anderson Erickson lift station control panel to also include the third door, service entrance metering, manual transfer switch & portable generator receptacle. 5. Add $6,455 per lift station for Item E-Anderson Erickson lift station control panel and/or Item I —Bliss #2 lift station control panel to include a VFD to convert the 240VAC, single phase incoming power to three phase power with thermostatically controlled, forced air enclosure interior ventilation &three phase pump motor control components and deleting the 2 sets of single phase motor start/run components (requiring replacement of the existing single phase with three phase submersible pump motors). 6. Add$320(to any control panel)to add a top or side of enclosure mounted, red,flashing LED, Common Alarm Light/fixture with side or inner door mounted alarm light reset pushbutton. Once reset the flashing alarm light will remain steady-state"ON" until the alarm condition has cleared. Proposal Notes • The pricing itemized in this proposal is offered net to the City of Scandia, MN, F.O.B.TPC's factory in Oakdale,MN—freight allowed to the jobsite • Approval submittal drawings will be provided approximately 3 to 6 weeks following receipt of an order(depending upon the scope of equipment purchased). • Control System shipment, ready for installation thereafter, will be provided approximately 6 to 10 weeks after submittal approval and release to production (depending upon the scope of equipment purchased). • " Please advise if you would like us to contract with a licensed MN electrician to provide a proposal adder for removal of the existing control equipment(where applicable) and installation of the proposed TPC equipment. . The proposed HMI/PLC hardware is well proven, used internationally in multiple municipal and industrial control & monitoring markets. It is readily available through multiple distributors locally & nationally. • The GSM cellular data modems included in each panel are designed for GTMA cellular data communication. GTMA cellular SMS data teut messaging with coverage of the Scandia, MN area is offered by AT&T and T-Mobile. The City of Scandia, MN can purchase unlimited SMS data text messaging service direct from T-Mobile for$8.19 per month per location. T-Mobile has confirmed via phone& e-mail that their coverage will work in Scandia, MN. Following your review, please let us know rf you have any questions or requested proposal additions or modifications. Sincerely, L7A�VP/ C7Gi.V'G�.P.P�VV Vice President—Sales SCADA&Telemetry for Utilities and Industries 11 Telemetry and Process Controls, Inc. Lift Station Alarm / Monitorinq 8� Control Svstem Proposal for the Citv of Scandia, MN Items and Options Accepted by: The proposal and terms &conditions herein are acknowledged and accepted: Name/Title Date Authorized Signature Purchase Order No. � General Conditions • This proposal is subject to the following/attached terms and conditions. Terms of payment are 25% invoiced after approval drawings are submitted, with 75% invoiced after the new control & alarm/monitoring system equipment is documented,assembled,wired, programmed,tested and shipped to The City of Scandia, MN. Alternately, if start-up and operator instruction services are initially ordered with the equipment, 25%will be invoiced after approval drawings are submitted, 65%will be invoiced after the new control & alarm / monitoring system equipment is documented,assembled,wired, programmed,tested and shipped to The City of Scandia, MN and 10%will be invoiced following successful system start-up and operator instruction services have been provided. • Terms are Net 30 days after each invoice date. • This proposal and pricing is based on our interpretation of the Request For Proposal (RFP)that was provided to us. Exceptions have been noted wherever possible. In the event of a conflict between the language in the RFP and the proposal, the language in the proposal takes precedence and is the basis of the proposed pricing. Telemetry and Process Controls, Inc. (TPC) reserves the right to reject any order based on differences in pricing. • Taxes are not included in the prices quoted. The customer must pay all applicable Federal, State and local sales or use taxes. SCADA&Telemetry for Utilities and Industries . . i tONNELLY INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, INCORPORATED TO: City of Scandia PROPOSAL/QUOTATION NO: Tim Kieffer CIE1300920ScandiaLS SCADAQT 14727 209`" Street N Scandia. MN 55073 PROJECT: Scandia Lift Stations and SCADA Project ' RE: Instrumentation and Controls F.O.B.: Factory QUOTATION EXPIRES: 45 Days SHIPMENT: 12-14 Weeks after Receipt ' of Approval DATE: Septembcr 25, 2013 PAGE 1 OF 6 PROPOSAL/QUOTATION This quotation constitutes an offer to fiirnish the items listed subject to terrns and conditions stated hereon,receipt of your purchase order by CIE,Centerville,MN,and a written acceptance of your order by CIE as follows: Connelly Industrial meet.s all requirements of the spec�cations and takes no exception to them. We are a UL approved systems integrator and all panels and components proposed for this project will be UL labeled/listed as required. Scandia Site Locations: Bliss LS 3 and LS 4(combo) Anderson Erickson LS 1 Bliss LS 2 Bliss LS 1 Master Station A. Lift Station Control Panel aer Site: Bliss LS 3 and LS 4(combo) and Anderson Erickson LS 1 a. Custom Stainless Steel Enclosure(60"X 48"W X 20"D)with 18"Legs and a Louvered Skirt with insect screen(double dead front inner door to open a minimum of 150 de�-ees),NEMA 3R,gasketed and insulated,continuously hinged,Outer '' Double Door(open a minimum of 180 degrees),continuously welded seems,and Back Panel b. Three point handle with a�adlock hasp on the handle , a Alarm Beacon Red Flashing d. LED 24V Enclosure Lighting � e. Door Switches and Lever Arms I f. Enclosure Heater with adjustable thermostat control � g. Temperature Switch h. AB PLC Controller i. AB Digital Input 120VAC j. AB Digital Output 120VAC , 6845-20TH AVE.S.,STE. 140,CENTERVILLE,MN 55038 • PHONE(651)773-542Z • FAX�651)773-5423 •TOLL FREE 1 (866�Z22-0763 � � I , k. AB Mono Color HMI Display Screen ' 1. Grounding Bars m. TVSS n. Lighming and Surge Protection o. Power Supply p. UPS ; q. Ethernet Switch 4-Port r. Circuit Breakers s. Molded Case CB for Manual Transfer Switch w/Mechanical Interlock t. Thermal Overload Ext Reset Mechanism Kits u. Fixed Handle CB Assembly v. Power Distribution Block and Cover w. Pump Breaker 2-Phase 30A x. Overloads y. Breaker Surface Mount Sub-Assembly Box and Breakers(6 Breaker Minimum) z. Pump Seal Leak Detect Relays aa. ISB for Floats bb. ISB for Level Transducer cc. GFCI Receptacle dd. GFI Receptacle ee. VFDs 7.SHP for SHP 1-Phase Power/Motor f£ Input Line Reactors for VFDs gg. One(1)Lot for all other components and control devices as specified:relays, sockets, auxiliary contacts,fuses,fuse holders,finger safe fuses, indicating lights,switches, terminals,legend plates,Panduit,din-rail and wiring. B. SCADA System: Bliss LS 3 and LS 4 (combo) and Anderson Erickson LS 1 a. SCADA Radio b. LMR Radio Cabling and N-Type Connectors c. LMR Antenna Wire and RFI UHF Male Crimps d. Radio 3' LMR Jumper Cable e. Grounding Kit and Weatherproofing Kit £ Surge Protection g. Power Supply h. Yagi Antenna w/Mounting Bracket C. Field Instrumentation: Bliss LS 3 and LS 4(combo) a. Four(4)Floats Non Mercury NO/NC with 60 feet of neoprene jacketed cable b. Two(2)Anchor Kit with Stainless Stee] Clamps and 60 feet cable ' c. Two(2)Level Transducer and 60 Feet of Cable ' D. Field Instrumentation: Anderson Erickson LSl a. Two(2)Floats Non Mercury NO/NC with 60 feet of neoprene jacketed cable b. One(1)Anchor Kit with Stainless Steel Clamps and 60 feet cable c. One(1)Level Transducer and 60 Feet of Cable E. Valves: Bliss LS 3 and LS 4(combo) a. Three(3)6"Dosing Butterfly Vaive Actuators b. Two(2)3"Ball Valve Actuators c. Three(3)6"PVC Vanstone Flanges d. Three(3)6"Stud/Bolt Kit ', e. Two(2)3" Stud/Bolt Kit ' 6845-20TH AVE.S.,STE. 140,CENTERVILLE,MN 55038 • PHONE(651�773-5422• FAX(651)773-54z3 • TOLL FREE 1 (866)222-0763 i F. Valves:Anderson Erickson LSl a. Three(3)6"Dosing Butterfly Valve Actuators b. One(1)3"Ball Valve Actuators c. Three(3)6"PVC Vanstone Flanges d. Three(3)6" Stud/Bolt Kit e. One(1)3" Stud/Bolt Kit G. One(1)Lot Panel Assembly,Programming,ACAD Drawings,O&M manuals, , on-site startup supervision and training,and warranty 1-year. ' NET price each site for Items A through C,E and G � 39,991.�� Bliss LS 3 and LS 4(combo) NET price each site for Items A,B,D,F and G � 33�1 Sl.�0 Anderson Erickson LS 1 A. Lift Station Control Panel ner Site: Bliss LS 1 and Bliss LS 2 a. Custom Stainless Steel Enclosure(60"X 48"W X 20"D)with 18"Legs and a ' Louvered Skirt with insect screen(double dead front inner door to open a minimum of 150 degrees),NEMA 3R,gasketed and insulated,continuously hinged,Outer Double Door(open a minimum of 180 degrees),continuously welded seems,and Back Panel b. Three point handle with a padlock hasp on the handle c. Alarm Beacon Red Flashing d. LED 24V Enclosure Lighting e. Door Switches and Lever Arms f. Enctosure Heater with adjustable thermostat control g. Temperature Switch h. AB PLC Controller i. AB Mono Color HMI Display Screen j. Grounding Bars k. TVSS l. Lighfiing and Surge Protection m. Power Supply n. UPS o. Ethernet Switch 4-Port p. Circuit Breakers ', q. Molded Case CB for Manual Transfer Switch w/Mechanical Interlock r. Thermal Overload Ext Reset Mechanism Kits s. Fixed Handle CB Assembly t. Power Distribution Black and Cover � u. Pump Breaker 2-Phase 30A v. Overloads w. Breaker Surface Mount Sub-Assembly Box and Breakers(6 Breaker Minimum) x. Pump Seal Leak Detect Relays y. ISB for Floats z. ISB for Level Transducer b845-20TH AVE.S.,STE. 140,CENTERVILLE,MN 55038 • PHONE(651�773-5422 • FAX(651)773-5423 •TOLL FREE 1 �866)222-0763 i ; i aa. GFCI Receptacle bb. GFI Receptacle cc. VFDs 7.SHP for SHP 1-Phase Power/Motor dd. Input Line Reactors for VFDs ee. One(1)Lot for all other components and control devices as specified: relays,sockets, auxiliary contacts,fuses, fuse holders, finger safe fuses, indicating lights, switches, terminals, le�end plates, Panduit,din-rail and wiring. B. SCADA Svstem: Bliss LS 1 and Bliss LS 2 a. SCADA Radio ' b. LMR Radio Cabling and N-Type Connectors c. LMR Antenna Wire and RFI UHF Male Crimps d. Radio 3' LMR Jumper Cable e. Grounding Kit and Weatherproofing Kit ' f. Surge Protection g. Power Supply h. Yagi Antenna w/Mounting Bracket C. Field Instrumentation: Bliss LS 1 and Bliss LS 2 a. Two(2)Floats Non Mercury NO/NC with 60 feet of neoprene jacketed cable ' b. One(1)Anchor Kit with Stainless Steel Clamps and 60 feet cable c. One(1)Level Transducer and 60 Feet of Cable D. One(1)Lot Panel Assembly,Programming,ACAD Drawings,O&M manuals, on-site startup supervision and training,and warranty 1-year. ' NET price each site for Items A through D � 27,416.0� Bliss LS 1 N�'�'�price each site for Items A through D � 2 7,416.Q� gHss LS 2 A. Control Panel: Master Station a. Stainless Steel Enclosure(36"X 30"W X 10"D)and Back Panel b. Three point handle with a padlock hasp on tt�e handle c. AB CompactLogix PLC Controller d. Desktop Computer Station,MS Software,and AB Studio ME Runtime 75 page e. AB Digital Input Module 120VAC f. AB Digital Output Relay g. Grounding Bar h. Surge Suppressor i. Power Supply 24VDC 72W i j. UPS ; k. Ethernet Switch 4-Port L One(1)Lot for all other components and control devices as specified:relays, sockets, auxiliary contacts,fuses,fuse holders, finger safe fuses, indicating lights, switches, terminals,legend plates,Panduit,din-rail and wiring. 6845-20TH AVE.S.,STE. 140,CENTERVILLE,MN 55038 • PHONE(b51�773-5422 • FAX(651)773-5423 •TOLL FREE i (866J 222-0763 i � + � � i B. SCADA System: Master Station ; a. SCADA Radio b. LMR Radio Cabling and N-Type Connectors ' c. LMR Antenna Wire and RFI UHF Male Crimps d. Radio 3' LMR Jumper Cable e. Grounding Kit and Weatherproofing Kit , f. Surge Protection � g. Power Supply h. Fiberglass OMNI Antenna w/Mounting Bracket ; ; NET price for Items A through B � ��,441.00 i Master Station i _ ; , ; _ , I ; GRAND NET Total for all Items �147,41 J�.�� ' NOT INCLUDED IN PRICING: Sales or use taxes Valve installation costs AssumpNons—wiring to valves is in working conditio�n and re-wiring is not required ; Contractors excise tax or Bond Costs i Other Station Maintenance Services Pipe,Valve,Fittings or any kind—unless specifically noted otherwise Wire, cable,or conduit—unless specifically noted otherwise Wire Termination Labor License,Permits,or electrical inspection fees Removal or disposal of any existing equipment j Excavation or backfill work of any kind - ' Concrete work of any kind � , Unloading of equipment from delivery trucks or temporary storage thereof i Labor for any other miscellaneous equipment or services required to facilitaxe instailation and interconnection of components other than specified ***No Electrician Services*** j , � � � . : ' ; � � . . . ... `. ..... � . : � :.':t .. . , ' - . , � . . .3 . . ... , .. . . _. . : . ��. , . -- � . . � . . . -.. . .. . .� � .. . .�- . . :. . . , . � . t .... ' . � . .. ': . . , . � . ' � . , , . . � , . .. : �. , .: ' ' . . � .. . � .. . ... ", .. ' � . . � .' . i .. _ � , . . � . ., , � , , ._ ,. . . . . 1 , , ; ; ; 3 _ , , f , � � 6845-20TH AVE.S.,STE. 14Q CENTERVILLE,MN 55038 • PHONE�G51)773-5422 • FAX�651)773-5423 • TOLL FREE 1 �866)222-07b3 i QUOTATION/PROPOSAL NO.: CIE 130920Scandi al,S_SCADAQT DATE: September 25,2013 PAGE6OF6 We wish to point out: i OUR TERMS OF PAYMENT ARE NET 30 DAYS FROM DATE OF INVOICE OR DATE OF SHIPMENT,WHICH ' EVER COMES FIRST, UNLESS STARTUP SERVICE IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO THE EXPIRATION OF THE 30 DAYS, IN WHICH CASE PAYMENT IS DUE IN FULL PRIOR TO STARTUP,WITH NO RETAINAGE ALLOWE0. ANY ' BALANCE REMAINING DUE 31 DAYS BEYOND THE INVOICE DATE WILL BE SUBJECT TO A 1.5 PERCENT MONTHLY SERVICE FEE UNTIL PAID. CONNELLY INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS(CIE)SHALL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBIE FOR,OR SHALL ACCEPT ' ANY BACKCHARGES FOR LIQUIDATED DAMAGES RESULTING FROM FAILURE OF THE CONTRACTOR TO COMPLETE THE PROJECT CONTRACT ON TIME,OR ANY EXTRA ENGINEERIN6 COSTS NECESSITATED BY THE CONTINUANCE OF WORK BEYOND THE SPECIFIED COMPLETION DATE. CIE ANTICIPATES DfUVERY ' OF APPROVAL DRAWINGS AND MATERIAL/EQUIPMENT IN ACCORDANE WITH THE PERIODS STATED ON PAGE 1 OF THIS QUOTATION/PROPOSAL. MATERIAL SUPPLIERSJMANUFACTURERS HAVE BEEN EXTENDING DELIVERY SCHEDULES WITNOUT PRIOR NOTICE. CIE CANNOT ASSUME ANY RESPONSIBILITY ' FOR DELAYS DUE TO THE UNAYAILABILITY OF MATERIAL OR EQUIPMENT WHICH IS BEYOND OUR ' CONTROL. ' UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE,THE WARRANTYPERIOD FOR EQUIPMENT PROVIDED UNDER THIS QUOTATION/PROPOSAL SHALL BE ONE(1)YEAR FROM DATE OF STARTUP, NOT TO EXCEED 18 MONTHS ' FROM DATE Of SHIPMENT. EXTENDED WARRANTIES ARE AVAI�,4BLE AND WILL BE QUOTED UPON ' REQUEST. THE WARRANTY PERIOD INCLUDED IN THE ABOVE SELL PRICE{S) FOR EQUIPMENT PROVIDED UNDER THIS QUOTATION/PROPOSAL EXPRESSLY EXCLUDES THOSE ITEMS NORMALLY CONSUMED IN ' SERVICE. EXAMPLES: LIGHT BULBS, FUSES, ETC. . i Respectfully submitted, � CONNELLY IND TRIAL ELECT ONI _ � ' j � � By i Robert Connelly To expedite handling and confirmation,you m w and forward as your order for equipment quoted above. Purchase Order Na Tota)Net Price$ Customer Firm Name Date Authorized By Signature : i 6845-20TH AVE.S.,STE. 140,CENTERVILLE,MN 55038 • PHONE(651)773-54Z2 • FAX�b51)773-5423 •TOLL FREE 1 �86G�222-0763 .Automatic Systems Co. AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS CO. Friday,November 15,2013 Mr. Tim Kieffer City of Scandia 14727 209`''Street North Scandia,MN 55073 Subject: Scandia Municipal Water Control Systems Upgrade Dear Tim: Based on our discussion and recent site visit we would like to offer this budgetary proposal for your review and consideration. A Modify the Uptown and Uptown Drain Field installations. Provide four(4)Nema 4X Outdoor Control Panels replacing the Lift Station 1,Lift Station 2, Lift Station 3,and Anderson-Erickson Panels. Included-cellular communication, automatic/manual pump control as necessary, monitoring of pumps, flow and motors. B Master Control Panel, Cellular Modem, and Operatar lnterface installed in the Main Office. C Installation of the above panels and reconnection of control and power wires. D One(])Lot programming,calibration, start-up and training. Your net price far Items A, B, C, and D;FOB factory with freight allowed to Scandia, MN is....$231,000.00. This price includes $35,000.00 for item C, installation. Price does not include any sales or use tax. If you desire to proceed with Automatic Systems on this project we would be happy to refine your cost for each installation. Thank you for the opportunity of providing you with this proposal, should you have any questions please don't hesitate to give me a call. Sincerely, �`� ��,r 1 f�� -�'� ;.� � � �._.. `�� �� Jay Krogh Automatic Systems Company Cc: Bruce Wirth, ASC MANUFACTURERS REPRESENTITIVES • SYSTEMS INTEGRATION • INSTRUMENTATION � MAIN OFFICE P.O.BOX 120359 ST.PAUL,MINNESOTA 55112 PHONE 651-631-9005 FAX(651)631-0027 ❑ BRANCH OFFICE P.O.BOX 787 AMES,IOWA 50010 PHONE 515-232-4770 FAX(515)232-0795 ❑ BRANCH OFFICE CHICAGO,ILLINOIS PHONE 815-9273386 FAX(651)631-0027 Staff Report To: Wastewater Advisory Committee � � � From: Tim Kieffer, Director of Public Works � � � ���� Date: November 20, 2013 �� /� ���� ,1`�l\I Re: 201 Capital lmprovement Program Background: During the 2014 Budget discussion, the committee talked about repairs and expansion of the City's wastewater systems. A Wastewater Capital Improvement Program should be created to evaluate when upgrades, replacements, and expansions will be needed and associate a cost with them. A Wastewater Capital Improvement Program will help with long term planning and budgeting. The Anderson/Erickson System had an assessment done in 2012 to evaluate the system's capacity. It was recommended that the dosing valves, drain back valve, and control panel be replaced. Current estimates for the recommended upgrades range from $18,100, for just the control panel, to $33,150 for complete replacement. This does not include $10,500 for two new pumps that would use 3 phase power or instillation and wiring. Acquisition of additional land was contemplated, but at the present time, the City does not own any land for the replacement of the drainfield. Improvements to the drainfield may include similar improvements made to the Uptown Drainfield. This would include a 10,000 gallon dosing tank,two pumps, and a pre-treatment unit. An upgraded control panel would allow for easier integration with these new improvements. Estimates in the report suggested improvements to the drainfield would range from $200,000 to $400,000. The Uptown improvements to the drainfield were around $150,000. The Bliss System consists of four main lift stations, a sand filter, and the drainfield. Improvements to Lift Station 1 would include upgrading the panel. The estimated cost for improvements to Lift Station 1 range from $18,000 to $27,500. Lift Station 2 would have similar upgrades to 1 but the pumps would have to be replaced in order to run on 3 phase power. Estimates are from $19,000 to $27,500 plus $10,500 for the pumps. Lift Station 3 and 4, which dose the sand filter and drainfield, would require replacing the control panel, pumps, and valves. Costs for the control panel and valves range from $30,000 to $40,000 and does not include installation or wiring. An additional $21,000 would be need for new pumps. Land acquisition to replace the existing drainfield has not been studied and costs are unknown. Additionally, a master station at the Public Works Building would track and store all the data. it would also alert city staff of problems. The master station would cost about$20,000 for computer, software, and radio equipment. The pumps at Lift Station 1 have a life cycle of l 0 years. The pumps at Stations 2, 3, 4, and Anderson/Erickson are 15 years. The control panels have a 20 year life cycle. The life cycle of the sand filter and drainfields are unknown. The cost of an individual STEP system pump is $1,900 on the Anderson/Erickson system and $665 on the Bliss system. The control panels are relatively simple and do not require expensive repairs. Since these costs are repairs and not upgrades, staff proposes that they are included in the operating budget and not the capital improvement program. Proposal: The Wastewater Advisory Committee should determine what upgrades, replacements, and expansions should be included in the 201 Capital Improvement Program. Specific consideration for 2014 improvements should be discussed. Fiscal Impact: The 20l Enterprise Fund will need to save $437,000 over the next 20 years to be self-sufficient. Attachments: 201 Capital Improvement Program spreadsheet. 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 A/E Control Panel&Valves $ 35,000 A/E Pump 1 $ 5,250 A/E Pump 2 $ 5,250 A/E Drainfield $200,000 Bliss L.S. 1 Control Panel $ 27,500 Bliss L.S. 1 Pump 1 $ 665 Bliss L.S. 1 Pump 2 $ 665 Bliss L.S. 2 Control Panel $ 27,500 Bliss L.S. 2 Pump 1 $ 5,250 Bliss L.S. 2 Pump 2 $ 5,250 Bliss L.S. 3 Control Panel &Valves $ 20,000 Bliss L.S. 3 Pump 1 $ 5,250 Bliss L.S. 3 Pump 2 $ 5,250 Bliss Sand Filter Bliss L.S.4 Control Panel &Valves $ 20,000 Bliss L.S. 4 Pump 1 $ 5,250 Bliss L.S.4 Pump 2 $ 5,250 Bliss Drainfield Master Station $ 20,000 Total $ - $ 81,665 $ 45,500 $ 38,000 $ 27,500 $ - $ - $ - $ - $200,665 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 A/E Control Panel &Valves A/E Pump 1 $ 5,250 A/E Pump 2 $ 5,250 A/E Drainfield Bliss L.S. 1 Control Panel Bliss L.S. 1 Pump 1 $ 665 Bliss L.S. 1 Pump 2 $ 665 Bliss L.S. 2 Control Panel Bliss L.S. 2 Pump 1 $ 5,250 Bliss L.S. 2 Pump 2 $ 5,250 Bliss L.S. 3 Control Panel &Valves Bliss L.S. 3 Pump 1 $ 5,250 Bliss L.S. 3 Pump 2 $ 5,250 Bliss Sand Filter Bliss L.S.4 Control Panel&Valves Bliss L.S. 4 Pump 1 $ 5,250 Bliss L.S.4 Pump 2 $ 5,250 Bliss Drainfield Master Station Total $ - $ 665 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 21,000 $ 10,500 $ 10,500 $ 665 r ` G"} � J)` f/�+ r-� -�, f�, JiP'"'� �...+ �f .+`.. _J"�, �..i SC�►NDIA Staff Report Date of Meeting: November 20,20]3 To: Wastewater Advisory Committee From: Kristina Handt, City Administrator Re: Uptown Operating Budget Update from Last Meeting: Revenue: Budget has been changed to reflect no increase in rates for 2014. Given than expenses are expected to exceed revenues,the committee should discuss possibly raising rates. Also, revenue estimates have been lowered for 2013 based on usage amounts read via water meters. When the 2013 budget was prepared usage rates similar to those included in the Bolton and Menk study from 2011 were used to make revenue projections. Total monthly usage on the system was estimated at 57,285 gallons(based upon 2010 water use). Actually monthly use this year has ranged from a low of 27,560 to a high of 39,740 and average of 34,448. Although usage is projected to be at 60%of 2010 levels,revenues are projected to come in at about 85%of budget. This is because most of the revenue to the fund comes from the base fee which is not impacted by usage. Expense: Personnel Services have been reduced from the last draft to reflect the change to quarterly billing and therefore less of the treasurer's time charged to the fund. Similar to the 201 system, line item 386 has been reduced to reflect the assumption that the contract with Ecocheck will not be renewed when it expires mid-year. Expenses do exceed budgeted revenues. The fund is expected to have a balance of approximately $3,600 by 12/31/13. If everything performed to budget the fund balance would be $2,350 by 12/31/14. So while fund balance may cover the operating loss for the next couple years, if expenses continue to increase and revenues do not,the committee, council and users may be facing larger increases in a couple years versus a gradual increase each year. 2014 Draft Budget UPTOWN SEWER FUND 612 REVENUE BUDGET 2012 08/31/t2 2012 2013 10/31l2013 2013 2014 Proposed Year-lo-Date Actual Proposed Year-to-Date Estlmated Proposed Accounl DescripUon Reverwe Revenue Revenue Revenue Reverure Revenue Revenue Pbtes• �� 38100 Scecial Asaessments Otlur Income 38210 Interest Incorr� 36230 Dona6ons 36240 Ir�surance Retund 36250 laisc.Retunds Total ONier Income 0 0 Pt�rietary Fund RBvenues 34401 SewerCharges 24,385 7,114 9,578 22,676 13,162 79,428 79 426 1 TMaI Propnel�y Fund 24,385 �,114 9,579 22,676 13162 19 A26 19 426 Other Financiny Sources 39203 Transfer ftom other Funds 99,601 99,BD1 175,178 Total Other Finant�ng Sources 99,607 99.601 175,778 0 0 0 0 Totel Uptown SewerFund 812 123,986 106.715 184.757 22,676 73,162 19,426 79,426 1.no rale inorease � � I � � � � i J 3 I � I 1 of 1 UPTOWN SEWER 6:07 PM 11l73/2013 mu onn e��y.r UPTONM SEINER(FUND 612)EXPENSE 2010 201� 2012 2D13 1W31l2013 2073 2014 Chanpe qo(uel Actual Actual Adopted Year-to-Date Estimated Roposed '13-'14 ' Accourx Desixiptfai Expenses Expdtrs Expdtrs Budget Exp�s E�cpdtrs Budget Budget Notes: ' Peraomel Services 1D1 Regular Wages&Salaries 1.203 1,500 6,285 121 PERA Coord.Empbyer Cmrtribulion 74 105 479 122 FICA Empbyer ContrlbuNon 69 93 410 , 128 MEOICARE Empoyer Corin'bulion 16 22 98 TWsI Persomel Servk.es 1,362 1,T20 7,270 #DNlO! 1 Materials 8 Supplies 200 Otf�e Supplies Y3 75 75 203 PrirMed Fonr�s&Papera 2�0 oE,ere«supp�es a E�,�,mer� soo a2 a2 2so 212 Fuel 221 Equipment PaAs 159 240 SmaN Tods&NEnor EquipmeM �� TotN Materials&S�,.�I�s 172 500 82 157 325 �5.00% Contrectu�Services 302 S�aveyfng 303 Ergineerirg Services 74.969 6.373 500 500 304 Legal Services 1.OD1 500 500 306 Persormel Testkg&RecniHmerR ' 308 Other Professi�al Servicea 258 258 309 Software Support 8 AAakuenance 31� Contractuai Permit Fees 175 855 855 3t3 Comm�iee 8 Comm�sbn Reimburs 316 CoMerence 8 Seminars 317 Empbyae Trainirg 308 3� 700 318 Other Serv�es 46 321 Telephone 322 Postage 331 Travef Experees 334 Llceres�CDL 785 185 351 Lepal Nolices PuWisNrg 353 Sales Tau 61 70 361 LIabNNylPropaAylnsurance 55 244 48 48 83 63 65 3$1 Utd'Ries 243 356 331 500 1,4D8 7,500 1,500 I 385 Sew�r(Pumprt�p) 2,384 3.996 184 2,100 691 691 2.100 386 Operstion 6 Nl�nt�ance 1.850 4,008 2,685 4,0� 3,225 403 Improvements otlier than Bldg 404 MscYdnery 8 Equipment Repe� 2,746 1,875 1,680 1,500 500 418 VetNcte or Eq�pmerN Leasing 420 De�xeclalion Expe�e 433 Dues 8 S�scriptiorts 438 Mlsc CaMactual 1,500 500 439 Refunds Issued TWeI Contractuel Services 5,519 21 374 11 491 11 b11 5,fi59 7 083 10,445 -9.2646 Cao�tal Outlays 510 Capifal O�lay-Land 512 Eas�nerM Acqustlon 520 Capkel lmprovemerus to Bidgs 530 Capkal Imprwements aher than BWgs 129,067 540 Heavy Mechk�ary Capital 550 Iybtor VeHcles Cepital ` 560 Fur�re&Fbd�xes 570 Office Eqt�ment 1,412 � Tdal Capital Outlays 130,479 Debt Service ; 602 Lorg Temt DeW Irkerest 6ai Long Term Debt Princlpal 2,687 2.64tl 2,640 Total Debt Service 2 887 2 640 2 640 -1.01°�, Transters ' 710 Resldu�Equity Transfer5 l 720 Operatirg Trensfers 1,744 5,840 4,220 ( Totai Trarefer8 7 744 5 940 4,220 j Total Uptam Sewer (fi12) 5,519 2i,374 143,886 20,618 7,103 15,820 20,680 0.�95 NOtes: 1.Opc�ing transfer replaced with personnel services i t � 1 d 1 UPTOWN SEINER 5:55 PM 11/13Y1013 i I 3 Staff Report To: Wastewater Advisory Committee � � � From: Tim Kieffer, Director of Public Works � � � � Date: November 20, 2013 �('���\ �T�� Re: Uptown Capital Improvement Program ��� ��� Background: During the 2014 Budget discussion,the committee talked about repairs and expansion of the City's wastewater systems. A Wastewater Capital Improvement Program should be created to evaluate when upgrades, replacements, and expansion will be needed and associate a cost with them. A Wastewater Capital Improvement Program will help with long term planning and budgeting. The Uptown System was upgraded in 2012 to treat the influent more effectively. The main lift station was upgraded with bigger pumps and a new wet well. The drainfield was equipped with a 10,000 gallon equalizing tank, two pumps, control panel, and aerobic pre-treatment unit. The equalizing tank captures the peak flows and time doses the flows to the drainfield at a consistent rate. The pre-treatment unit adds air to feed the bacteria to further treat the wastewater before it is discharged to the drain�eld. The City has purchased land to the West of the existing drainfield for future replacement. The estimated cost for replacing the existing drainfield, with no expansion, is roughly $90,000. To meet code, a mound system would be required. Additional upgrades to the control panels could allow for data collection and telemetry. Cost for upgrading the panels is $15,000. The life cycle on the four main pumps is 10 years. Each cost approximately$1,100. The blower life cycle is 5 years at a cost of$500. The control panels have a life cycle of 20 years. The life cycle of the drainfield is unknown but expansion may be the deciding factor. Proposal: The Wastewater Advisory Committee should determine what upgrades, replacements, and expansion should be included in the Uptown Capital Improvement Program. Fiscal Impact: The Uptown Enterprise Fund will need to save $115,800 over the next 20 years to be self-sufficient. Attachments: Uptown Capital Improvement Program spreadsheet. 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Uptown Control Panel Uptown Pump 1 $ 1,100 Uptown Pump 2 $ 1,100 Drainfield Control Panel Drainfield Pump 1 $ 1,100 Drainfield Pump 2 $ 1,100 Drainfield Blower $ 500 $ 500 Drainfield Replacement Total $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 500 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 4,900 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 Uptown Control Panel $ 7,500 Uptown Pump 1 $ 1,100 Uptown Pump 2 $ 1,100 Drainfield Control Panel $ 7,500 Drainfield Pump 1 $ 1,100 Drainfield Pump 2 $ 1,100 Drainfield Blower $ 500 $ 500 Drainfield Replacement $ 90,000 Total $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 105,500 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 4,900 �_ r--`�� J.r`� � ;� ,� .�. s��,,. � SC��TDIA Staff Renort Date of Meeting: November 20, 2013 To: Wastewater Advisory Committee From: Kristina Handt, City Administrator Re: Ordinance Proposals Background: At the August meeting we discussed the possibility of moving to quarterly billing for the Uptown system as opposed to the current monthly billing. In order to do so,the ordinance governing the system would need to be updated as well as the ordinance that sets the rates. Issue: Should quarterly billing replace monthly billing on the Uptown system?Is a rate increase needed? Proposal Details: Included in your packet are two ordinance revisions. The proposed changes are reflected in red. The first amends Ord.No. 134 that was adopted last year to establishing the rules governing the system. Section 4 addresses billings and subsection b specifically states monthly billing. The proposed language would allow quarterly billing. The bills would be mailed out by the fifth day of January, April, July and October. Each billing would cover the previous three months. Selecting these months makes it easier to keep each quarterly billing with the correct calendar year rather than having to prorate a quarter and spilt between two fiscal years. The second ordinance amends Ord.No. 137 adopted last December setting the rates. The rates would not increase;the change from a monthly to a quarterly flat rate is reflected to be consistent with the previous ardinance. If the committee decides a rate increase is needed, further amendments would be needed to this ordinance. Options: 1) Recommend one or both of the ordinances to the Council for adoption. 2) Amend one or both of the ordinances and then recommend approval to the Council. 3) Do not make any recommendation and stick with current billing cycle and rates. Recommendation: Option 1, unless a rate increase is proposed. CITY OF SCANDIA ORDINANCE NO. 148 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO: 134: AN ORDINANCE GOVERNING THE "UPTOWN" WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM The City Council of the City of Scandia, Washington County, Minnesota hereby ordains: Section 1. Amendment. Ordinance No. 134, Section 4, USER CHARGES AND BILLING, shall be amended to read as follows: SECTION 4. USER CHARGES AND BILLING. A. A schedule of User charges and other fees shall be adopted from time to time by ordinance as allowed by and in accordance with Minnesota Statutes. Such ordinance shall be kept on file and open to inspection in the office of the City Clerk and shall be uniformly enforced. � B. � . � _ �.��+::-tl-n��,,;�, ,� .. ., , ,;+�. .�,o ,. .,+ �,.�.oa.,io ,.�..�v..,.ti,,..,.o� ,,,,a €ee�Bills shall be mailed for each account on or before th � ��"' ' `� ` ���� �� � ..:t � 2, , a n ,r �- �. ��'. t, „a ;r'. ,i„� ; i, All charges shall be due upon receipt and considered delinquent after the fifth day of the following month. Section 2. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its adoption and publication according to law. Passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Scandia this 17th day of December, 2013. Randall Simonson, Mayor ATTEST: Kristina Handt, Administrator/Clerk 1 CITY OF SCANDIA ORDINANCE NO.: 149 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING USER CHARGES AND CONNECTION FEES FOR THE UPTOWN WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM The City Council of the City of Scandia, Washington County, Minnesota hereby ordains: Section 1. ESTABLISHMENT OF USER CHARGES. User charges and fees for the Uptown Wastewater Treatment System shall be as follows: Fee (A) Base charge: $ � ' (B) Volume charge: $14.98/1,000 gallons (C) Late payment fee: $10.00 (D) Annual interest rate on account balances 30 days 12% past due: (E) Annual interest rate on delinquent accounts 12% certified for collection with property taxes: (F) Connection fee, per dwelling unit: $4,250.00 Section . EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect on January 1, 2014, after publication according to law. Passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Scandia this 17th day of December, 20]3. Randall Simonson, Mayor ATTEST: Kristina Handt, Clerk/Administrator