08-28-2013 August 28, 2013 A meeting of the Scandia Wastewater Advisory Committee was held on the above date. The meeting was called to order by Chair Chris Ness at 7:00 p.m. In attendance were: Doug Salmela, Council member Jim Schneider, Daniel Cartier, Holly Kaufhold, Wayne Schmidt, Brad Bergo Planning Commissioner Steven Philippi Staff Kristina Handt, Tim Keiffer, and Engineer Ryan Goodman. Members absent were James Malmquist and Mike Peterson. Motion by Cartier, seconded by Kaufhold to approve the minutes from the April 24, 2013 meeting. Motion carried. Staff Report The committee reviewed the staff report from Public Work Director Kieffer regarding activities related to the sewers since the last meeting. There are two tanks left to pump in the 201 system, staff will be raising access covers, tanks are being put into GIS system, new contractor used for pumping tanks has led to cost reductions. Review Julv 2013 Test Results Goodman summarized report on test results from July testing of the 201 system. No limits were exceeded. A-Deep and B-Deep wells were not sampled this time because of damaged casing and pipe that was discovered when contractor tried to pull pumps in these wells that weren't working. Kieffer will talk to Pete Ganzel at Washington County about the possibility of just capping these wells since others wells are available down gradient for monitoring. 2014 "201" Draft Bud�et Keiffer mentioned the control panels in Bliss are old, failing and it is getting difficult to find replacement parts so he has been seeking yuotes on upgrades. Dave Gardeen, Vice President, Sales, TPC was present to cover over a proposal to upgrade control panels in both the 201 and Uptown systems. The proposal includes upgrading all control panels and a number of options but they could be implemented in stages. The base price for seven pumps would be about $119,000 with options the price would be around $160,000. Gardeen answered questions from the committee regarding selected brands, pricing and other options. Ness asked Kieffer which parts of the proposal are most needed. Kieffer suggests starting with Bliss 3 and 4 since they're having the most trouble and then the Anderson-Erickson control panel. Cost to do these pumps would be approximately $48,000. The question was asked if the individual tanks on properties needed to be monitored and how they would work with the new control panels for the lift stations. Kieffer doesn't' recommend updating control panels on the individual tanks because they are much simpler and it would not be cost effective. It's more important to monitor what's going into the drain field. Upgrading the control panels on the lift station will not cause a problem for the individual tanks on properties because they don't' interact. Gardeen stated the pricing would be good for one year and provided a list of references from Oakdale, Stillwater, Cottage Grove and Hugo. The committee reviewed the draft budget for 2014. No rate increase is proposed, staffing will be charged to the fund rather than as a transfer to the general fund, the budget includes $45,000 for control panel upgrades. Expenses exceed revenues which means fund balance will be needed. The fund balance at the end of 2012 was approximately $165,000. Cartier asked about the efficiency and economy of scale of doing a larger project versus the piecemeal approach. The August 28, 2013 Page 2 committee will work on putting together a long range plan and capital improvement plan for the 201 system at future meetings. 2014 Uptown Draft Budget The committee reviewed the draft budget for the Uptown System for 2014. Staff time will be charged directly to the fund rather than as a transfer to the general fund. Treasurer time could be reduced if billing was done quarterly rather than monthly. Kaufhold and Schmidt were in agreement that anything to bring down costs should be done. An ordinance update will be brought to a future meeting to recommend the change to the City Council. Utility costs (Xcel) are increasing as a result of the system upgrades completed in 2012 and the loan repayment is included for 2014. So far no pumping has been required this year. Kieffer stated it is very dependent upon the usage from the customers. The 2014 budget includes the same amount for pumping in case it is needed next year. The draft budget includes a 5% increase in the usage charge. The committee will review expenses again in November to see if the rate increase is still necessary. Committee Membership Handt suggested the committee membership be reduced since there have been struggles to get a quorum of inembers to meetings in the past. Also, 10 members on the Wastewater Advisory Committee is double the membership of other committees and boards. Based on attendance Handt recommended the following be appointed to staggered terms, thereafter the terms would be five year. Initial appointments did not indicate term lengths. Brad Bergo, Holly Kaufhold, Dan Cartier, Doug Salmela and Wayne Schmidt with Jim Schneider as the non-voting Council Liaison. Ness pointed out that those appointments gave Bliss and Uptown two representatives but A/E only one. After further discussion the committee suggested a seven member committee comprised of two representatives from each system and one voting Council member. Terms would be staggered so there would be overlap amongst the two positions for each system. Terms would end February l st consistent with other committees. Motion by Schneider, seconded by Kaufhold to recommend to the City Council a seven member Wastewater Advisory Committee with staggered terms to be provided by Handt. Motion carried. Future Meeting Date/Agenda The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 20 at 6:00 p.m. The budget,test results, flow data and long range planning will be on the agenda. Motion by Schneider, seconded by Cartier to adjourn. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Kristina Handt City Administrator CITY OF SCANDIA WASTEWATER ADVISORY COMMITTEE Wednesday,August 28,2013 7:00 P.M. Scandia Community Center Board Room 1. Call to Order, Chair Chris Ness 2. Approval of Minutes (April 24, 2013) 3. Staff Report 4. July 2013 "20]" Test Results 5. 2014 "201" Draft Budget 6. 2014 Uptown Draft Budget 7. Committee Membership 8. Set Future Meeting Date(s)/Agendas 9. Adjournment Committee Members: Staff/Ex-Officio: Chris Ness,CouncilmembedChair Kristina Handt,City Administrator Jim Schneider,Councilmember/Vice Chair Ryan Goodman,City Engineer Steven Philippi,Planning Commissioner Tim Kieffer,Director of Public Works Daniel Cartier James(Moose)Malmquist Wayne Schmitt Holly Kaufhold Micheal Peterson Doug Salmela Brad Bergo � � April 24, 2013 A meeting of the Scandia Wastewater Advisory Committee was held on the above date. The meeting was called to order by Chair Chris Ness at 7:00 p.m. In attendance were: Doug Salmela, Council member Jim Schneider, Planning Commissioner Steven Philippi, Daniel Cartier, Holly Kaufold, Staff Kristina Handt, Tim Keiffer, and Engineer Phil Gravel. Members absent were James Malmquist, Mike Peterson, Wayne Schmidt and Brad Bergo. Chair Ness reviewed the notes from the previous meeting, asking for additions or corrections. There were none. Connection Policv—Amending Ordinance No. 108 for 201 Svstem Handt presented the revised changes to the ordinance. Sufficient capacity was defined as a minimum availability of 10%of permitted flows. Only properties that are not able to accommodate an onsite sewage treatment system will be permitted to connect to the community sewage treatment system.New connections to the system after the effective date of the ordinance shall have their own septic tanks. The committee discussed what to do when one home on a shared system updates and adds to the flow. The committee directed the administrator to work with the City Attorney on language to require separation of shared septic tanks for any material improvement that increases flow and to allow for a variance from this requirement if practical difficulties exist. Lastly, the ordinance would be updated to add language highlighting all costs to connect to the system such as the septic tank, pumps, wet wells, laterals, road repair, etc would be the responsibility of the new user. Motion by Cartier, seconded by Ness to recommended changes to Ordinance No. 108 as amended. Motion carried. Review March 2013 Test Results Gravel went over the March 2013 test results with the committee. The committee discussed the number of testings to complete each year (Washington County permit says three but should seek change to two), the need to rotate cells, and future improvements to the system. Short term plans include new valves and rotating the cells. Long term plans include expansion and pre-treatment options. Recommendation Regarding Continenza Request to Connect In 2011, Jim and Sandi Continenza applied for a variance from the minimum lot size to allow construction of a single family dwelling at 13350 188th Street North on Big Marine Lake. They also requested a connection to the 20] (Anderson-Erickson) sewer system. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the variance but the Council wanted to study the capacity of the A/E system before approving a connection. The Continenzas need two connections to the A/E system, one for the existing dwelling on Lot 8, Anderson's Big Lake 2°d Addition and one connection for Lots 9 and 10 (combined). Lot 8 has an existing dwelling located on it and is presently served by a septic system located on Lot 9. This system would need to be removed in order to construct the new home on Lots 9 and 10. The existing house on Lot 8 is approximately 1,380 sq. ft. and includes two bedroom. The Continenzas are proposing to build a year-round home on Lots 9 and 10 that includes 6,678 square feet on 3 floors, seven bathrooms, four bedrooms plus a bunk room and a full kitchen. Based on MN Administrative Rules the design flow (gallons per day) would be 750 gpd for this Apri124, 2013 Page 2 new residence and 225 gpd for the exiting residence. If both connections were allowed, 975 gpd would be added to the system. Sandi Continenza and her mother-in-law were present and discussed the process they began in 2011 to obtain a connection to the system. The committee discussed that the Administrative Rules were only a guide. Philippi asked if the City had classification information, as noted in the MN Administrative Rules, far each property currently connected to the system. The City does not currently have that info and it would require researching the square footage and number of bedrooms in each dwelling. The committee discussed providing residents with information on low-flow fixtures to help address the capacity issue. Motion by Schneider,seconded by Kaufhold to recommend the Council that the Continenzas receive two connections to the A/E system provided the house on Lots 9 and 10 has no more than four bedrooms. Motion carried. Future Meeting Date/Agenda The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 28 at 7:00 p.m. The budget,test results, committee membership and updating the control panels will be on the agenda. Motion by Schneider, seconded by Cartier to adjourn. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Kristina Handt City Administratar � . Wastewater Staff Report ` � � � C� � �'�'�.��J Tim Kieffer, Public Works Director ���/� 1�T�� (651) 433-5223 t.kieffer@ci.scandia.mn.us � ,�1� Julv 1 throu�h July 31, 2013 Maintenance tasks • Read pump run times at all of the lift stations • Worked on STEP system on Layton Av • Replaced the kitchen septic pump at the Community Center Management tasks • Worked with EcoCheck to inspect the septic tanks on the 201 system • Scheduled the testing of the Anderson/Erickson Drainfield monitoring wells • Corresponded with vendor to replace the 201 control panels • Met with resident about a proposed septic system June 1 throu�h June 30. 2013 Maintenance tasks • Read pump run times at all of the lift stations Management tasks • Worked with EcoCheck on the Uptown and Bliss systems • Scheduled the septic and pump tank inspections for the 201 system with EcoCheck • Sent out inspection notice letters • Scheduled the replacement of the Bliss Drainfield transformer with Xcel • Worked on the 201 and Uptown budgets • Corresponded with engineer about the final improvements to the Uptown System May 1 throu�h May 31, 2013 Maintenance tasks • Read pump run times at all of the lift stations • Raised access cover for the kitchen septic and pump tanks at the Community Center Management tasks • Worked with EcoCheck on the Uptown and Bliss systems • Worked with contractor to clean wet well at Bliss Lift Station 4 • Met with several contractors about upgrading the 201 control panels • Diagnosed problem at the Gammelgarden April 1 throu�h April 30, 2013 Maintenance tasks • Read pump run times at all of the lift stations • Responded to emergency call outs at two Bliss STEP systems • Repaired top casting on a storm sewer manhole Management tasks • Worked with EcoCheck on the Uptown and Bliss systems • Ordered two Bliss STEP pumps to have in an emergency • Attended training for managing sewer systems • Worked with contractor at Bliss Lift Station 4 � � 201 SEWER PROJECT BUDGETS The 201 Sewer Project Fund is an enterprise fund that does not receive property tax support. User fees must pay the costs of operating the system and provide reserves for operations,major repairs and eventual replacement of system components. Beginning in 2014,Personnel Services related to the operation and rnaintenance of the 201 System will be charged directly to the fund rather than having operating transfers to the general fund. Hourly employees will account for their time on each time card and salaried employees will have a set percentage of their salary charged to the 201 System each pay period. The following percentages of wages/sal�ries were assumed for the 201 System in 2014: Administrator-1%,Treasurer-1%, Director of Public Works-12.5%and Maintenance Workers- 10%and 3%.These amounts were arrived at based upon experiences from the last six months. Benefits such as health,life and disability were not charged to the sewer budget because the added time to separate those billings would outweigh the benefit to the general fund. The Materials and Supplies category expenses are similar to 2013. Contractual Services now includes the cost of employee training related to sewers. The sewer training costs have been split 75%to the 201 System and 25%to the Uptown System. Telephone costs are projected to increase with the addition of new dialers on the control panels. Pumping costs were decreased significantly based on 2013 experience. Over all,the Contractual Service category is down. Capital Outlays proposed for 2014 includes replacement of three control panels. No rate increase is proposed for 2014. 28 S/7/2013 2014 Draft Budgei 201 PROJECT SEWER FUND 602 REVENUE 2010 2011 2012 2013 7l9/2013 2013 2014 Actual Actual Adual Proposed Year-to-0afe Estimated Proposed Accourt Description Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Naes: 36700 Special Assessmerds 5,475 4,258 5,151 5,000 4,437 5,000 5,000 Other Income 36210 Interest Income 1,358 1,205 723 563 780 700 36250 Misc.Refunds Total Other Income 1,358 1,205 723 563 0 780 700 Proprietary Fund Revenues 34401 SewerCharges 61,236 61,945 70,696 65,100 31,523 65,100 65,100 37250 Sewer ConnectioNReconnection Fees 0 Total Proprietary Furd 6'f.236 61,945 70,696 85,100 3�,523 85,100 65,100 Total 201 Project Sewer Fund 602 68,089 67,407 76,57D 70,663 _____ 35,961 ___ 70,880___ 70,800 � �G, 1 of 1 201 SEWER REV 4:34 PM 81712013 2094 Draft Budgei 201 SEWER PROJECT(FUND 602)EXPENSE 20'10 2011 2012 2013 6/30/2013 2013 2014 Change Actua� Actual Actual Adopted Year-to-0ate Eslima[ed Proposed '13=74 Account Descnption Expenses Expenses ExpdVs BudAet Expdts Expdtrs Budgel Budget Notes: Personnel Services 101 Regular Wages&Salaries 1,230 2,460 15,830 121 PERA Coord.Empbyer Contributian 88 '1,148 122 FICA Empbyer Contribution 69 981 126 MEDICARE Empbyer Contnbution 230 Total Personnel Services 1.387 2,460 '18,189 ►�N/0! 1 Materials S Supplies 200 Offlce Supplies 148 75 16 75 203 Printed Forms 6 Papers 71 210 Operating Supplies&Equipment 900 200 14 200 212 Fuel 22'I Equipmetlt Parts 240 Smatl Tools&Minor Equipment 4.728 Total Materials 8 Su�plies 71 5.776 275 31 275 _ ComraMual Services 302 Surveying #REF! 303 Engineering Services 24,447 2,641 1,000 304 Legal Services 1,238 306 Personnel Testing 8 Recruitment 308 Other Professional Services 523 309 Softwere Support 8 Meintenence 371 Pertnil Fees 505 680 505 1,316 1,000 317 Empbyee Training Z��� 319 Other Services 321 Telephone 8�4 962 1,025 824 1.054 1,536 322 Postage 331 Travel Expenses 334 License/CDL 690 35'1 Legel Notices Publishing 353 Sales Tax �9 369 LiabtlitylProperly Insurance 1.299 2.756 1.638 '1,719 1,117 1,111 1.144 381 Utiities 1.446 1.i57 1,637 1,SOD 781 1,562 1,750 385 Sewer Pumping 6,444 13,700 1,095 6,500 386 Operatbn 8 Maintenance 32,418 54,091 30,150 13,376 5,862 13,376 14,714 403 Improvements other than Bldg 404 Machinery�Equipment Repak 5,31b 5,000 12.071 5,000 414 Equipment Rental 135 150 433 Dues&Subscriptions 438 Misc Contractual 938 742 fi,325 400 2,500 439 Refunds Issued Total Contraclual Services 37,420 60,987 72,399 44,195 26,248 16,049 37,394 -15.39% Cav'�al Outlays 510 Capital Outlay-Land 512 EasementAcquistion 520 Capltal Improvements to Bldgs 530 Capital Improvements other than Bklgs 45,D00 2 540 Heavy Machinery Capital 550 Motor Vehicles Capital 560 Fumilure&Fixtures 570 Office EquiDment 2�a Totsl Capital OudaYs 2 868 45,000 #DIVIO! Debt Service 602 Long Term Debt Interest 603 Lonq Term Debt Principal Total Debt Senice Transfers 710 Residual Equity Trans(ers 720 Operating Transfers 3 645 3,645 2 825 7 145 4,685 Totsl Trensfers 3,645 3.645 2,825 7.'145 4,685 Tota1201 Sewer Pro}ect(602) 41,065 64.703 83,868 51,615 27,665 23.194 700,858 95.404t. Notes: �.Operatlng Trans�er replsced by expense lo personnel services 2.3 Control Panel replacements ���� 1 oi 1 20 SEWER 4:32 PM 81712013 � . TP� Telemetry and Process Controls, Inc. 7250 Hudson Blvd. Suite 160�Oakdale,Minnesota 55128�Tel.651-430-0435�Fax 651-430-0783 August 19, 2013 Mr. Tim Kieffer—Maintenance Superintendent Scandia Public Works 14727 209'h Street North Scandia, MN 55073 Subject: Lift Station Alarm/Monitoring &Control System Proposal Thank you for the opportunity to provide the following proposal. It is offered in response to our meeting on May 14th, 2013 wherein we visited each of your lift station/drain field locations and you described the current and desired system functionality and features. In addition to the photos that 1 took at each site, you provided me with the existing Healy-Ruff control panel ('87"As-built") documentation to review. The following proposed system provides: ➢ New automatic control & remote alarm/monitoring panels &wet well level transmitters to operate in conjunction with your existing Rhombus pump motor controls @ the Uptown Lift Station &the Uptown Drain field Lift Station locations ➢ New automatic motor control & remote alarm /monitoring panels &wet well level transmitters to replace your existing Healy-Ruff control systems @ the Anderson/Erickson & Bliss Lift Station locations ➢ Indoor/Outdoor viewable (LED back-lit LCD) display of station alarm/status information at each location ➢ Wet well level sensing and indication with operator adjustable control &alarm set points ➢ Automatic wet well level responsive pump control (with operator adjustable time-based drain field & sand filter dosing at locations that currently have that capability) ➢ Automatic lift station pump alternation of the lead pump called for on successive starts with manual override capability ➢ Staggered pump starting following utility power failure restoration ➢ Manual operator step sequence selection of the lift station's drain field discharge valve ➢ Valve "Open°/"Closed° position indication ➢ Valve"Open—Auto-"Closed" operator selector switches ➢ Wet well volumetric flow calculation' ➢ Pump°Hand-Off-Auto"operator selector switches ` ➢ Pump run indication lights ➢ Pump run time accumulators ➢ Pump start counters ➢ Lift station alarm notification/acknowledgement via two-way SMS text message notification/query (abnormal wet well level, station power failure) ➢ Two-Way SMS text message communications for pump station information querying (Wet well Level, Pump Run Time, Pump start counts, Pump Run Status, Flow, etc.) ➢ Lift station control set point adjustment via SMS text messaging ➢ A central alarm/monitoring/control/cellular transceiver panel with PC/printer/modem option to provide local & internet access to the system with MS Excel report capability for pump run time, start counts& station flow information ➢ The capability, via two-way SMS text message,for all sites to automatically transmit system alarm&status notifications&be queried directly for station status information. This a�lows the system to be incrementally purchased (with one or several sites at a time). The purchase of the central alarm/ SCADA&Telemetry for Utilities and Industries 2 monitoring/control/cellular transceiver panel with PC/printer/modem option will be required to facilitate internet access to the system with MS Excel report capability. 'for a pump station wet well where/when the station influent pipe is not submerged Uptown Lift Station Control 8� Alarm / Monitoring Panel with wet well level sensing transmitter Item/Quantitv/Description A 1 Nema 3X automatic pump control &alarm/monitoring panel for operation on 120 VAC, 1 phase, 3 wire, 60 cycle incoming service. To operate in`conjunctionwith theExisting Rhombus pump control panePs motor control, replacing its existing automatic control capability with new wet well level responsive pump control operating in a"pump-down" mode with monitoring and alarm logic. Nema 3X, non-metallic, enclosure with a hinged, pad-lockable, front access door, hinged aluminum inner door(for access to operator related components), &mild steel sub-panel suitable for rack mounting. To include: a) Incoming power circuit breaker, inner door mounted ' b) Power distribution block c) Incoming power ground lug d) Incoming power transient voltage surge suppressor a) 120VAC control power monitoring relay b) Staggered pump starting following utility power failure restoration e) Thermostatically controlled, enclpsure interior`heater � 2—"Hand-Off-Auto" 3 position, rotary pump selectar switches, inner door mounted g) 2—Pump"run" indication lights, "green" LED type, inner door mounted h) 120VAC/24VDC Power supply i) Battery/charger backed VDC power supply(provides battery-backed power to the level controller/ cellular transceiver to facilitate power failure alarm transmission j) Sci-Text 1062 graphic HMI (Human Machine Interface)/PLC controller,inner door mounted, outdoor viewable (LED back-lit LCD) display providing: . Digital"Feet&tenths" + bar graph wet well i'tquid • Wet well level responsive, independer�'tly adjustable On/Off pump control& abnarmal level alarm set-points • Autcm�atic alternation of the puimps on successive starts (to facilitate equal wear of the pumps)with fixed sequence override • Volumetric Flow Calculations� • Pump Run Time Accumulators • Pump Start Counters • Alarm Callout via direct SMS Text Communication (No third party server required) of the specific station alarm condition • Station status Callout via direct SMS Text Communication (No third party server required)of the station operating conditions, that can happen on a regularly scheduled basis(once or several times as day) and/or upon demand via SMS Text query (Wet well level, pump run time, pump start counts, current pump On/Off&station status, flow total, etc.) k) Control&alarm interface relay logic I) Intrinsic safety barrier(for the submersible level transducer signal interface) m) GSM Cel�ular Data Modem with antenna n) Control& alarm relay logic o) Terminal blocks for external connections p) Color-coded&numbered control wiring SCADA&Telemetry for Utilities and Industries 3 q) UL698A"Enclosed Construction"serialized Industrial Control Panel label r) Laminated panel schematics s) Fully documented,assembled,wired and pre-shipment tested B 1 Submersible level transducer with 40'signal/breather cable for suspension by its cable in the wet well&direct connection to Item A Items A&B-$7,360 Uptown Drain Field Lift Station Control & Alarm / Monitoring Panel with wet well level sensing transmitter C 1 Nema 3X automatic pump controi&alarm/monitoring panel foroperation on 120 VAC, 1 phase, 3 wire, 60 cycle incoming service. To operate in conjunction With the existing Rhombus pump control panel's motor control, replacing its existing automatic control capability with new operator adjustable, timer-based drain field dosing pump control and wet well level responsive pump control operating in a"pump-down" mode with monitoring and alarm logic. Nema 3X, non-metallic, enclosure with a hinged, pad-lockable, front access door, hinged aluminum inner door(for access to operator related components), &mild steel sub-panel suitable for rack mounting. To include the same sub-item description as Item A with the addition of the Sci-Text 1062 graphic HMI /PLC controller also providing automatic, user-adjustable, time-based override of the wet well level responsive"pump required" level control stage actuation (if there is adequate wet well liquid level)to facilitate regular time-based dosing of the drain field.' D 1 Submersible level transducer with 40'signal/breather cable for suspension by its cable in the wet well&direct connection to Item C Items C&D-$7,680 Anderson / Erickson Lift Station Control & Alarm / Monitoring Panel Item/Quantitv/Description E 1 Nema 3X automatic motor control&alarm/monitoring panel for operation on 240 VAC, 1 phase, 3 wire, 60 cycle incoming service. To provide manual drain field dosing discharge valve selection, automatic time-based drain field dosing &wet well level responsive, across-the-line, full voltage motor control for each of the two existing 5HP submersible pumps operating in a"pump-down" mode, pump discharge pipe drain valve manual/auto control with system monitoring and alarm logic. Nema 3X, type 304 stainless steel, single door(insulated) enclosure with (rack) mounting tabs, hinged, pad-lockable, front access door, hinged aluminum inner door(for access to operator related components) and painted mild steel sub-panel. To include: a) Incoming power distribution block b) Incoming power&motor ground lugs c) Incoming power transient voltage surge suppressor d) 2-Combination motor circuit breaker/motor starter with inner door overload reset pushbutton e) Terminals for pump motor over-temperature auto cutout input fl 2—Sets of single phase motor start/run components g) 240/120 VAC, control power(isolation)transformer h) 3- 120VAC circuit breaker(control power,GFCI receptacle,enclosure interior&dosing valve heaters) , inner door mounted i) 120VAC control power monitoring relay SCADA&Telemetry for Utilities and Industries 4 j) Staggered pump starting following utility power failure restoration k) 2"Hand-Off-Auto" pump selector switch, inner door mounted I) 2—Pump"run" indication light, inner door mounted m) 2—Pump"moisture/seal failure" alarm indication light, inner door mounted n) 2—Pump"moisture/seal fail sensing relays o) 4-"Open-Auto-Close" (dosing, drain)valve control mode selector switch, inner door mounted p) 4—"Valve Open" indication light (dosing, drain), inner door mounted q) 4—"Valve Closed" indication light, (dosing, drain) inner door mounted r) Thermostatically controlled, enclosure interior heater s) Enclosure interior insulation t) GFCI duplex convenience receptacle, inner door mounted u) 120VAC/24VDC Power supply v) Battery/charger backed VDC power supply(provides battery-backed power to the level controller/ cellular transceiver to facilitate power failure alarm#ransmission w) Sci-Text 1062 graphic HMI /PLC`controller, inner door mounted, outdoor viewable (LED back-lit LCD)display providing: �• Digital "Feet&tenths" + bar graph wet well liquid : Wet well level responsive, independently adjustable On/Off pump control & abnormal level alarm set points • Automatic, operator adjustable, time-based override of the wet well level responsive"pump required" level control stage actuation (if there is adequate wet well liquid level)to facilitate regular time-based dosing of the drain field . Automatic alternation of the pumps on successive starts(to facilitate equal wear of the pumps)with fixed sequence override • Manual operator selection of the active (1 of 3) lift station's drain field discharge valve (dry contact closure output foreach valve) • Volumetric Flow Calculations" • Pump Run Time Accumulators • Pump Start Counters • Alarm Callout via direct SMS Text Communication (Na third party server required)of the specific station alarm condition � `• Station status Callout via direct SMS Text Communication (No third party server ' required)of the station operating conditions, that can happen on a regularly scheduled basis (once or several times as day)and/or upon demand via SMS Text query(Wet well level, pump run time, pump start counts, current pump On/Off&station status, flow, etc.) x) Intrinsic safety barrier(for the submersible level transducer signal interface) y) GSM Cellular Data Modem with antenna z) Control &alarm relay logic aa) Terminal blocks for external connections bb) Color-coded&numbered control wiring cc) UL698A"Enclosed Construction"serialized Industrial Control Panel label dd) Laminated panel schematics, door interior mounted ee) Fully documented,assembled,wired and pre-shipment tested F 1 Submersible level transducer with 40'signal/breather cable for suspension by its cable in the wet well&direct connection to Item E Items E&F-$18,095 SCADA&Telemetry for Utilities and Industries 5 Bliss Lift Station #1 Control 8� Alarm / Monitoring Panel Item/Quantitv/Description G 1 Nema 3X automatic motor control &alarm/monitoring panel for operation on 240 VAC, 1 phase, 3 wire, 60 cycle incoming service. To provide automatic wet well level responsive, across-the-line, full voltage motor control for 2—'/2 or 1 HP submersible pumps operating in a"pump- down" mode with monitoring and alarm logic. Nema 3X, type 304 stainless steel, freestanding, three door(insulated) enclosure with hinged, pad-lockable, front access doors, S.S. framed utility meter viewing window, hinged aluminum inner doors (for access to operator related components), painted mild steel sub-panel and vented skirts. To include: a) Incoming utility power meter socket, 100 ampete/service entrance rated, sub-panel mounted in an isolated section of the control cabinet with its own hinged door having an integral meter viewing window& locking stud (power meter furnished by the utility), functionally identical to the existing b) Incoming power manual transfer switch assembly including 2 -circuit breakers (utility& portable generator powerj;with inner door accessible, lockable slide interlock,service entrance rated c) Emergency generator receptacle with angle adapter, mounted on the si�1e of the enclosure, functionally identical to the existing d) Power distribution block e) Incoming power&motor ground lugs fl Incoming power transient voltage surge suppressor g) 2-Combination motor circuit breaker/motor starter with inner door overload reset pushbutton h) 240/120 VAC,control power(isolation)transformer ` i) 3-120VAC circuit breaker(control power,GFCI receptacle,enclosure interior heater) , inner door mounted c) 120VAC control power monitoring relay d) Staggered pump starting following utility power failure restoration j) 2"Hand-Off-Auto" pump selector switch, inner door mounted k) 2—Pump"run" indication light, inner door mounted I) 2—Pump"moisture/seal failure" alarm indication light, inner door moun�ed m) 2—Pump"moisture/seal fail sensing relays n) Thermostatically.controlled, enclosure interior heater � � o) Enclosure interior insulation �'� i p) GFCI duplex convenier�ce receptacle, inner door mounted q) 120VAC/24VDC Power s�pply;� r) Battery/charger backed VDC power supply(provides battery-backed power to the level controller/ cellular transceiver to facilitate power faiture alarm transmission s) Sci-Text 1062 graphic HMI /PLC controller, inner door mounted, outdoor viewable (LED back-lit LCD)display providing: • Digital"Feet&tenths" + bar graph wet well liquid • Wet well level responsive, independently adjustable On/Off pump control & abnormal level alarm set points • Automatic alternation of the pumps on successive starts (to facilitate equal wear of the pumps)with fixed sequence override • Volumetric Flow Calculations" • Pump Run Time Accumulators • Pump Start Counters • Alarm Callout via direct SMS Text Communication (No third party server required) of the specific station alarm condition • Station status Callout via direct SMS Text Communication (No third party server required)of the station operating conditions, that can happen on a regularly scheduled basis (once or several times as day) and/or upon SCADA&Telemetry for Utilities and Industries 6 demand via SMS Text query(Wet well level, pump run time, pump start counts, current pump On/Off&station status, flow, etc.) t) Intrinsic safety barrier(for the submersible level transducer signal interface) u) GSM Cellular Data Modem with antenna v) Control &alarm relay logic w) Terminal blocks for external connections x) Color-coded&numbered control wiring y) UL698A"Enclosed Construction"serialized Industrial Control Panel label z) Laminated panel schematics, door interior mounted aa) Fully documented,assembled,wired and pre-shipment tested H 1 Submersible level transducer with 40'signal/breather c�able for suspension by its cable in the wet well&direct f �: x. connection to Item G ° Items G&H-$18,062 �� y � �"� ��.. Bliss Lift Station #2 Control & Alarm / Monitoring Panel Item/Quantitv/Description I 1 Nema 3X automatic motor control& alarm /monitoring panel for operation on 240 VAC, 1 phase, 3 wire, 60 cycle incoming service. To provide automatic wet well level responsive, across-the-line, full voltage motor control for 2—5HP submersible pumps operating in a"pump- down° mode with monitoring and alarm logic. Nema 3X, type 304 stainless steel, freestanding, three door(insulated)enclosure with hinged, pad-lockable, front access doors, S.S. framed utility meter viewing window, hinged aluminum inner doors (for access to operator related components), painted mild steel sub-panel and vented skirts. To include the same sub-item description as Item G with the addition of 2—sets of single phase motor start /run companents(one set per each of the two pump motors). J 1 Submersible level transducer with 40'signal/breather cable for suspension by its cable in the wet well&direct connection to Item I Items I&J-$18,877 �rr:.. . 5�� � � ���-�:,�� � - � Bliss Lift Station #3 8� 4 Control & Alarm / Monitoring Panel Item/Quantitv/Description K 1 Nema 3X automatic motor control &alarm/monitoring panel for operation on 240 VAC, 1 phase, 3 wire, 60 cycle incoming service. To provide manual drain field discharge valve selection, automatic, operator- adjustable, time-based sand filter(L.S.#3)/drain field (L.S.#4)dosing &wet well level responsive, across-the-line, full voltage motor control for the two sets of existing submersible pumps (Sand Filter Dosing L.S.#3—3HP motors&Drain Field Dosing L.S.#4—2HP)operating in a"pump-down" mode with monitoring and alarm logic. Nema 3X, type 304 stainless steel, two door(insulated) enclosure with (rack) mounting tabs, hinged, Pad-lockable, front access doors, hinged aluminum inner doors (for access to operator related components) and painted mild steel sub-panel. To include: a) Incoming power distribution block b) Incoming power&motor ground lugs SCADA&Telemetry for Utilities and Industries � c) Incoming power transient voltage surge suppressor d) 4-Combination motor circuit breaker/motor starter with inner door overload reset pushbutton e) 4—Sets of single phase motor start/run components fl 240/120 VAC, control power(isolation)transformer g) 3-120VAC circuit breaker(control power, GFCI receptacle, enclosure interior heater) , inner door mounted h) 120VAC control power monitoring relay i) Staggered pump starting following utility power failure restoration j) 4-"Hand-Off-Auto" pump selector switch, inner door mounted k) 4—Pump"run" indication light, inner door mounted I) 4—Pump"moisture/seal failure"alarm indication light, inner door mounted m) 4—Pump"moisture/seal fail sensing relays n) 5-"Open-Auto-Close" pump discharge valve control mode selector switch, inner door mounted o) 5—"Valve Open" indication light, inner door mounted p) 5—"Valve Closed" indication light, inner door mounted ,: '�� q) Thermostatically controlled, enclosure interior heater �n r) Enclosure interior insulation s) GFCI duplex convenience receptacle, inner door mounted t) 120VAC/24VDC Power supply - u) Battery/charger backed VDC power supply(provides battery-backed power to the level controller/ cellular transceiver to facilitate power failure alarm transmission v) Sci-Text 1062 graphic HMI /PLC controller, inner door mounted, outdoor viewable (LED back-lit LCD) display providing: • Digital "Feet&tenths" + bar graph wet well liquid • Wet well level respansive, independently adjustable On/Off pump control& abnormal level alarm set points • Automatic, operator adjustabte, time-based override of the wet well level responsive"pump required" level control stage actuation (if there is adequate wet well liquid level)to facilitate regular time-based dosing of the sand filter/ drain field • Automatic alternation of the pumps on successive sta�ts(to facilitate equal wear ` of the pumps)with fixed sequence override • Manual operator selection of lift station#3's three sand filter dosing discharge valve's automatic sequence steps (dry contact closure output for each valve) • Manual operator selection of lift station#4's two drain field dosing discharge value's automatic sequence steps (dry contacf closure output for each valve) • Valumetric Flow Calculations* • Pump Run T�me Accumulatr�rs • Pump Start Counters ` • Alarm Callout via direct SMS Text Communication (No third party server required) of the specific station alarm condition • Station status Callout via direct SMS Text Communication (No third party server required)of the station operating conditions, that can happen on a regularly scheduled basis (once or several times as day) and/or upon demand via SMS Text query(Wet well level, pump run time, pump start counts, current pump On/Off&station status, flow, etc.) w) Intrinsic safety barrier(for the submersible level transducer signal interface) x) GSM Cellular Data Modem with antenna y) Control&alarm relay logic z) Terminal blocks for external connections aa) Color-coded&numbered control wiring bb) UL698A"Enclosed Construction"serialized Industrial Control Panel label cc) Laminated panel schematics, door interior mounted dd) Fully documented, assembled,wired and pre-shipment tested SCADA&Telemetry for Utilities and Industries 8 L 2 Submersible level transducer with 40'signal/breather cable for suspension by its cable in the wet well&direct connection to Item K Items K&L-$29,641 Central Alarm / Monitoring / Control / Cellular Transceiver Panel with PC, monitor 8� printer Item/Quantitv/Description M 1 Nema 12 Supervisory Control & Data Acquisition Panel for operation on 120 VAC, 1 phase, 3 wire, 60 cycle incoming service. To automatically communicate with the pump station site panels described above via wireless cellular SMS text messaging to monitor&display all system status and alarm conditions (with date/time alarm &status event logging) and provide alarm acknowledgment, level set point&dosing timer'adjustment. Nema 12 painted steel enclosure with a hinged, front access door& mild steel sub-panel suitable for wall mounting. To include: a) 2-Circuit breaker(Incoming power& UPS load) b) Power distribution block c) Incoming power ground lug d) Incoming power transient voltage surge suppressor e) Uninterruptible Power Supply(UPS), 550VA,panel mounted fl 120VAC Receptacle for the UPS, panel mounted = g) 120VAC/24VDC Power supply h) Sci-Text Plus 10.4"color graphic touchscreen operator interface(HMI-Human Machine Interface)/ PLC controller with LED back-lit LCD display, door mounted, providing: • Digital"Feet&tenths" + bar graph liquid level indication for each wet well • Wet well level responsive, independently adjustable On/Off pump control & � abnormal level alarm set points �� ; • Automatic, operator adjustable, time-based override of the wet well level responsive"pump required" level control stage actuation (if there is adequate wet well liquid level)to facilitate regular time-based dosing of the sand filter/drain fields • Automatic atternation of the pumps @ each location on successive starts (to facilitate equal wear of the pumps)with fixed sequence override • Volumetric Flow Calculations'` • Pump Run Time Accumulators • Pump Start Counters . Manual operator step sequence selection of the lift station's drain field discharge valve . Valve"Open"/"Closed" position indication • Alarm Callout capability via direct SMS Text Communication (No third party server required) of the specific station alarm condition • Station status Callout capability via direct SMS Text Communication (No third party server required)of the station operating conditions, that can happen on a regularly scheduled basis (once or several times as day) and/or upon demand via SMS Text query(Wet well level, pump run time, pump start counts, current pump On/Off&station status, flow, etc.) • PC/printer interface i) GSM Cellular Data Modem with antenna j) PC/printer/UPS interface hardware/cables SCADA&Telemetry for Utilities and Industries 9 k) Terminal blocks for external connections I) Color-coded&numbered control wiring m) UL508A"Enclosed Construction"serialized Industrial Control Panel label n) Laminated panel/work station schematics o) Fully documented, assembled,wired and pre-shipment tested N 1 Desktop PC, Dell OptiPiex 9010 Mini Tower computer with 3�d Gen Intel Core i5-3470 processor, Windows 7 Pro operating system, MS Office Pro, 4G6 memory, USB keyboard, 500 GB HDs, 10/100/1000 pci network card, , optical mouse, 16X DVD+ & -RW SATA removable media storage, internal audio speaker(see attached data sheet for full description) O 1 21.5" Flat panel color L.E.D. monitor, Dell E2213H P 1 Uninterruptible Power Supply(UPS), 1500UA, 90QW��C�iberPc�wer CP1500AVRLCD Mini-Tower Q 1 Monochrome laser printer(for reports), HP LaserJet R 1 System Software � o MS Office Professional 2013 o Log Me I� (for secure remote system access via the internet) S 1 Lot of configuration/programming time to tailor the HMI software to the City of Scandia, MN's specific lift station/drain field/sand filter system requirements; including the creation of MS Excel lift station pump run time/start count&discharge flow reports. The PC software/hardware will be ready for(either local hardwire or wireless router)connection to the City's existing LAN (local area network) providing internet access. � � �� �.. Items M—S$19,888 Items A—M Total net price to the City of Scandia,MN is$119,603 TPCs pricing includes: _ • Engineering �� • Approval Submittals �� • Operation& Maintenance Manuals �' • Shipment or delivery of the equipment �;,�` • 1 Year Warranty �%_�:� • Net 30 day terms , �, TPCs pricing does not include: o Start-up &operator instruction services (see"Optional system adders"1 o Taxes Optional system adders: 1. Installation, start-up&operator instruction services are quoted separately due to the proposed equipment either being purchased incrementally or in total at one time. Start-up and operator instruction services are available at$85 an hour per field service engineer plus $0.656 per mile service vehicle travel expense, portal-to-portal.An eight hour day for one service engineer including mileage, will cost approximately$735. Once a new control panel is mounted with wiring connections brought to it (""by others per TPC's direction), Start-up&operator instructions should take one or two days average per location. 2. Add $424 per lift station for the system to include monitoring of the station's total current draw. 3. Add $983 per lift station for the system to include an independent, intrinsicaliy-safe, back-up dual wet well suspended float switch system to activate the high level alarm output&the pump(s) in a staggered starting mode on a high wet well level and shut the pumps off on a low wet well level. This system to SCADA&Telemetry for Utilities and Industries 10 include an inner door mounted"back-up system activated" indicating light and reset pushbutton (to restore system operation to the primary Sci-Text 1062/submersible level transmitter system). 4. Add $914 for Item E Anderson Erickson lift station control panel enclosure to alternate�y be provided in a freestanding enclosure(similar to the Bliss Pump Station#1 &#2 control panels proposed above, only without the third door, service entrance metering, manual transfer switch &portable generator receptacle.Add an additional$4,125 for Item E Anderson Erickson lift station control panel to also include the third door, service entrance metering, manual transfer switch & portable generator receptacle. 5. Add $6,455 per lift station for Item E-Anderson Erickson lift station control panel and/or Item I—Bliss #2 lift station control panel to include a VFD to convert the 240VAC, singie phase incoming power to three phase power with thermostatically controlled, forced air enclosure interior ventilation &three phase pump motor control components and deleting the 2 sets of single phase motor start/run components (requiring replacement of the existing single phase with three phase submersible pump motors). 6. Add$320(to any control panel)to add a top or side of encfosure mounted, red,flashing LED, Common Alarm Light/fixture with side or inner door mounted alarm light reset pushbutton.Once reset the flashing alarm light will remain steady-state"ON"until fhe alarm condition has cleared. Proposal Notes . The pricing'itemized in this proposal is offered net to the City of Scandia, MN, F.O.B.TPCs factory in Oakdal�,MN—freight allowed to the jobsite • Approval submittal drawings will be provided approximately 3 to 6 weeks following receipt of an order(depending upon the scope of equipment purchased). • Control System shipment, ready for installation thereafter, will be provided approximately 6 to 10 weeks after submittal approval and release to production (depending upon the scope of equipment purchased). • *" Please advise if you would like usto contract with a licensed MN electrician to provide a proposal adder for removal of the existing control equipment(where applicable) and installation of the proposed TPC equipment. . The proposed HMI/PLC hardware is well proven, used internationally in multiple municipal and industrial control & monitoring markets. It is readily available through multiple distributors locally & nationally. • The GSM cellular data modems inciuded in each panel are designed for GTMA cellular data communication. GTMA cellular SMS data text messaging with coverage of the Scandia, MN area is offered by AT&T and T-Mobile. The City of Scandia, MN can purchase unlimited SMS data text messaging service direct from T-Mobile for$8.19 per month per location. T-Mobile has confirmed via phone& e-mail that their coverage will work.in Scandia, MN. Following your review, please let us know if you have any questions or requested proposal additions or modifications. Sincerely, L�A�1/ei C7GU'Y�.P.P�VV Vice President—Sales SCADA&Telemetry for Utilities and Industries 11 Telemetry and Process Controls, Inc. Lift Station Alarm / Monitorinq & Control System Proposal for the Citv of Scandia, MN Items and Options `� . .�.�, �'�.. Accepted by: The proposal and terms &conditions herein are acknowledged and accepted: NamelTitle Date Authorized Signature Purchase Order No. ��� �'' General Conditions • This proposal is subject to the following/attached terms and conditions. Terms of payment are 25% invoiced after approval drawings are submitted, with 75% invoiced after the new control &alarm/monitoring system equipment is documented,assembled,wired, programmed,tested and shipped to The City of Scandia, MN. Alternately, if start-up and operator instruction services are+nitially ordered with the equipment, 25%will be invoiced after approval drawings are submi#ted; 65%will be invoiced after the new control & alarm/ monitoring system equipment is documented,assembled,wired, programmed, tested and shipped to The City of Scandia, MN and 10%will be invoiced following successful system start-up and operator instruction services have been provided. • Terms are Net 30 days after each invoice date. • This proposal and pricing is based on our interpretation of the Request For Proposal (RFP)that was provided to us. Exceptions have been noted wherever possible. In the event of a conflict between the language in the RFP and the proposal, the language in the proposal takes precedence and is the basis of the proposed pricing. Telemetry and Process Controls, Inc. (TPC) reserves the right to reject any order based on differences in pricing. • Taxes are not included in the prices quoted. The customer must pay all applicable Federal, State and local sales or use taxes. SCADA&Telemetry for Utilities and]ndustries � � UPTOWN SEWER BUDGETS The Uptown Sewer Project Fund is an enterprise fund that does not receive property tax support. User fees must pay the costs of operating the system and provide reserves for operations,major repairs and eventual replacement of system components. As was done with the 201 System,Personnel Services are being charged directly to the Uptown System rather than having an operating transfer to the general fund.This more accurately reflects the staff costs associated with operation and maintenance of the system. Hourly employees will account for their time on each time card and salaried employees will have a set percentage of their salary charged to the Uptown System each pay period. The following percentages of wageslsalaries were assumed for the Uptown System in 2014: Administrator-0.5%,Treasurer- 3%,Director of Public Works-4%and Maintenance Workers- 5%and 1%.These arnounts were arrived at based upon experiences from the last six months. Benefits such as health,life and disability were not charged to the sewer budget because the added time to separate those billings would outweigh the benefit to the general fund. The Wastewater Advisory Committee and Council may want to discuss switching to quarterly billing versus monthly billing. This would reduce the Treasurer's time spent on this fund. Contractual Services now includes the cost of employee training related to sewers. The sewer training costs have been split 75%to the 201 System and 25%to the Uptown System. Utilities (electricity) costs have been increased significantly following last year's upgrades to the system. The 2014 budget is tripe the 2013 budget. Reductions in other areas has resulted in little change to the Contractual Services category. No Capital Outlays are planned for 2014. Long term debt is equal to 25%of the cost of the 2012 Improvernent Project,to be paid back to the Capital Improvement Fund over 15 years. In order to account for increased costs and to start building a reserve account, staff is recommending a 5%increase to the usage charge. The rate would go from $14.98 per 1,000 gallons used to$15.73 per 1,000 gallons. 29 8/7/2013 2014 Draft Budgei UPTOWN SEWER FUND 612 REVENUE BUDGET 2012 08/31112 2012 2013 7I912013 2013 2014 Proposed Year-to-Date Aaual Propased Year•to-Date EsNmated W�osed AccpuM DeScriDtlon Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue Notes' 36100 Special Assessmen[s Other tncome 36210 Interest Income 36230 Donations 36240 Insurartce Retund 36250 Mist.Refunds Total Olher Incane 0 0 Proprietary Furd Revenues 34407 Sewer Cherces 24 385 7 114 9.579 22,876_ 7,332 2�.997 23,097 Total Proprietary Purad 24 385 7 114 9,579 22,fi76 7,332_ 21,997 23,097 Olher Financina Saxces - 39203 Trensfer from other Fwds 99 601 99,601 175,'178 Totel Dther Finandnq Sources 99 801 89 601 1�5.178 0 0 0 0 Totall7ptown SewerFand 6t2 123,986 1p6,715 184,757_ 22,676 7,332 21,997 23,097 ����� i of'I UPTOWN SEWER 4:34 PM 8l712013 2014 Dralt Budget UPTOWN SEWER(FUND 612)EXPENSE 2010 2011 2012 2013 6/30/2013 2013 2014 Change Actuat AIXual Actua� Adopted Year-to-Date Estimated Proposed '13-'14 AccouN Descriplion Expenses ExpdVs Expdtrs Budget Expdts Expdhs Budgef Budget Notes: Personnel Services 101 Regular Wages 8 Salaries 546 1,091 6.610 121 PERA Coord.Employer Contrdwtion 37 75 479 122 F1CA Emplc+yer Contriwtion 31 62 410 126 MEDICARE Emd��nbutbn 7 14 98 Tot�Personnel Services 821 1,242 7,595 iJDNJO! 1 MatBri215&SuDP�� 200 OHice Supplies 13 75 75 203 Pr�ed Forms&Papers 210 Operating Supplies&EquipmeM 500 250 212 Fuel 221 Equ�mer�Parts 159 240 Small Tool6&Minor Equi�nenl Totai Materials&SuDP��es 172 500 75 325 -35.0096 Cornractual Sarvices 3D2 Surveying 303 Eng'meering Services 14,989 24,824 5� 500 304 Legal Services 3,079 500 500 306 Persoixiel Tesiing 8 Recru�menl 308 Other Professiaial Services 258 309 SoTtware SuppM 8 Maintenance 311 CoNractual Perrn�Fees 175 &55 855 313 Committee 8 Cammiss'wn Reimbtxs 3'I6 Conterence 6 Seminars 3�7 Employee Treinirg 700 3�9 Other Services dfi 321 Telephone 322 Pasfage 331 TravelExpenses 334 LkenselCDL 1$5 351 Legal Notices PubllshMg 353 Sales Tax 10 361 LiabildylProperty Iruurance SS 244 46 48 63 63 65 367 Utiities 243 356 331 500 776 1,500 385Sewer(PumPing) 2.384 3,� 1,250 2.100 2,100 386 Operalion 8 Ma�tenence 1,637 4,008 2,OU4 4,008 4.409 403 Improvements other than Bidg 404 Mechinery 8 Equipment Repair 2,746 1,815 1,680 1,500 500 418 VeFwde a Equipmertl Leasfng 420 bepreciation Expense 433 Dues 8 Subscr�ions 438 Misc Conhaclual �.`� 5� A39 Returdsissued Total Contractual Services 5,518 2'1,374 32,873 11,511 3,296 4,071 11,829 9.0270 Capital Outiays 510 Capit�Outlay-LarW 512 Easement Acquistion 520 Capit�Improvements lo Bldgs 530 Capilal Improvements other then Bldgs 729,087 540 Heavy Maehinery Ceptal 550 Nblor Vehides Captal 580 Furniture&Fixtues 570 OHice Equipmerd �412 Total Capital Oudays 130,479 Debt Service 602 Lonp Tam Debt Irterest 603 Long Term Debt Principel 2 667 2,640 2,BA0 Total Debt Service 2,887 2.840 2.840 •t.Ot% Transfers 710 Residual Equity Transters 720 Operatina Transfers 1 744 5.840 4.6� Tolal Transfers 1,744 5,940 4,698 Total Uptown Sewer(612) 5,519 21.374 185,288 20,8�8 3,917 72.728 22.186 7.62% Notes: 1.Operating transt�repiaced with personn�servkes a�b5 �a{� UPTOWN SEWER 4:32 PM$l7/2073 r, c� `�.: y► ���^ � � 1 � '� .`V��� i� : r-� SCANDIA Staff Renort Date of Meeting: August 28, 2013 To: Wastewater Advisory Committee From: Kristina Handt, City Administrator Re: Committee Membership Agenda Item #: 7. Background: In 2012 ten people (2 Council members, 1 Planning Commission member, and 7 citizen representatives) were appointed to the newly created Wastewater Advisory Committee. The Wastewater Advisory Committee is charged with advising the Scandia City Council on matters regarding the city's "201" and "Uptown"wastewater systems including long- and short-range planning for operations, maintenance, improvement, expansion and financing. When initially proposed the committee would be comprised of a couple Council members, 1-2 Citizens with technical expertise related to medium or large size SSTS, 1-2 representatives from each the 201 and Uptown Systems and a Planning Commission members. Over the past year, the committee has been unable to hold one-third of its meetings due to a lack of a quorum. With the current membership six members must be present for a quorum. Staff suggested at the last meeting the size of the committee be reduced to five so that attaining a quorum only requires three people. Issue: Should the Wastewater Advisory Committee recommend a change in membership to the Council? Proposal Details: The Council and all other City committees (Planning Commission, Parks and Rec, EDA) are comprised of five member boards. In addition to the five citizens on the Planning Commission and Parks and Rec Committee a non-voting Council liaison is appointed each year. Given that these boards function with five members are representing the interest of nearly 4,000 residents, it is difficult to understand why twice as many people are needed to represent less than a couple hundred on the Wastewater Advisory Committee. I would propose the Wastewater Committee be comprised of 5 citizen members and one Council liaison, consistent with other committees. After a reviewing of attendance at the last year's meeting I would suggest the committee be made up as follows: Brad Bergo-five year term Holly Kaufold-four year term Dan Cartier-three year term Doug Salmela-two year term Wayne Schmidt-one year term Council Liaison-Jim Schneider-one year term The initial terms would be staggered but upon reappointment or the appointment of a replacement,there would be five year terms for everyone. The five citizen members were suggested because of their previous attendance at meetings. Moose has only attended one meeting in the past year and Mike has attended two. I've discussed the issue of having a Planning Commission member represented on the committee with the City Attorney. He has advised that the Wastewater Committee should not be making any Planning Commission decisions and therefore a Planning Commission member is not needed. Matters of zoning and land development are the purview of the Planning Commission. If a development application that is received that requires the review of both the Planning Commission and Wastewater Advisory Committee each committee will review the application as appropriate and make recommendations to the Council. The Continenza case is the most recent example of this happening and that process seemed to work well, especially now that the Wastewater Committee has developed policies regarding connections. The City Attorney was also consulted about appointing alternates and he advised against it. Council member Schneider was suggested because he has attended every meeting and also to avoid a possible future conflict of interest for Council member Ness who is a customer of the 201 system. Options: 1) Recommend to the Council the above changes to the Wastewater Advisory Committee membership. 2) Recommend to the Council different changes to the Wastewater Advisory Committee membership 3) Recommend no changes to the Wastewater Advisory Committee membership. Recommendation: Option. 1)