04-24-2013 CITY OF SCANDIA WASTEWATER ADVISORY COMMITTEE Wednesday, Apri124, 2013 7:00 P.M. Scandia Community Center Board Room 1. Call to Order, Chair Chris Ness 2. Review Notes of Previous Meeting (January 10, 2013) 3. "201" Community Wastewater System a) Connection Policy-Ordinance No. XXX: Amending Ordinance No. 108 b) Review March 2013 test results c) Recommendation Regarding Continenza Request to Connect 4. Set Future Meeting Date(s)/Agendas 5. Adjournment Committee Members: Staff/Ex-Officio: Chris Ness,Councilmember/Chair Kristina Handt,City Administrator Jim Schneider,Councilmember/Vice Chair Phil Gravel,City Engineer Steven Philippi,Planning Commissioner Tim Kieffer,Maintenance Superintendent Daniel Cartier James(Moose)Malmquist Wayne Schmitt Holly Kaufhold Micheal Peterson Doug Salmela Brad Bergo a . January 10, 2013 A meeting of the Scandia Wastewater Advisory Committee was held on the above date. The meeting was called to order by Vice Chair Jim Schneider at 7:00 p.m. In attendance were: Doug Salmela, Brad Bergo, Wayne Schmidt, Council member Jim Schneider, Planning Commissioner Steven Philippi, Staff Kristina Handt, Tim Keiffer, Colleen Firkus, Engineer Phil Gravel. Members absent were James Malmquist, Mike Peterson, Daniel Cartier, Holly Kaufhold, and Councilmember/Chair Chris Ness, which resulted in no quorum. A discussion of issues followed. Council member Schneider reviewed the minutes from the previous meeting, asking for additions or corrections. There were none. It was noted the City Council decided on the capital improvements repayment plan in which 25% is billed back to the users of the Uptown Sewer System. Connection Policv - Amendin„g Ordinance No. 108 for 201 Svstem Engineer Gravel presented the proposed changes to Ordinance No. 108 governing the "201" Community Sewage Treatment System. In the past, new connections were prohibited unless sufficient capacity was available, and limited to residential users and to properties adjacent to the existing collection system. New wording would specify property owners seeking a new connection would have to prove it was not "feasible" to accommodate an onsite sewage treatment system. Proof would constitute a survey and an analysis from a State licensed onsite sewage treatment system designer. A discussion ensued as to the definition of"sufficient capacity." Gravel was directed to determine numbers for maximum peak flows and permitted flows. It was also suggested the word "feasible" be changed to refer to the language in Washington County's Septic Ordinance. The new ordinance would also spell out that the new user is responsible for all costs associated with hooking up to the system including, but not limited to the septic tank, sewer laterals, road repair related to the installation of the new equipment and any costs incurred by the City in the use of engineers or consultants. Kieffer asked that wet wells, pumps and control panels be added to the list of equipment. Salmela questioned the number of connections left on the Bliss side. He referred to a study done by TDKA a number of years ago. Salmela thought the study indicated there was room for five (5) more connections, with a couple of connections having been made since that study. ��e also mentioned there were still a lot of cabins on the Bliss side that if converted to year-round use would increase flows. Salmela asked if joint connections would be allowed to existing tanks. Staff recommended that all future connections be separate. January 10, 2013 Page 2 The committee also discussed the pros and cons of private versus city ownership of pumps and tanks, and how unusual it was for the City to own and maintain tanks and pumps on private property. It is customary for homeowners to own and maintain everything up to the main line. It was pointed out that the users are paying the city for maintenance through their user fees and that turning ownership over to property owners may result in a lack of proper maintenance. Mr. & Mrs. Continenza attended the meeting and asked when their connection request would be reviewed. It was determined the committee needed to wait for March flow results prior to making a recommendation to the Council. Future Meeting Date /Agenda The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday,April 24 at 7:00 p.m. The revised ordinance, flow results and the Continenza request will be on the agenda. Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Colleen Firkus Recording Secretary/Treasurer 3. �-� CITY OF SCANDIA ORDINANCE NO. XXX AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 108: GOVERNING THE "201" COMMUNITY SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEM Section 1. Amendment. Ordinance No. 108, Section 8, CONNECTIONS TO THE COMMUNITY SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEM, shall be amended to read as follows: SECTION S. CONNECTIONS TO THE COMMUNITY SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEM. A. New connections to the community sewage treatment system shall be prohibited unless sufficient capacity is available in all downstream facilities. 5utf cient capacity shall be defined as a ininiiiiuiil a��ailable capacit�� �f� 1�°0 of the �ei-mitted flows for the faeilitv. Flow evaluation shall be based on a minimum of 12 months of flow data. For the Anderson-Erickson facility sufficient capacity is available if the peak flow as measured over the peak 3-da�period is less than 90%of the 6 700 al� lon per dav system desi�n flow and the peak flow as measured on a monthly basis is less than 90% of the tar�et �nonthly limit of 5 300 alg lons per day. For the Bliss facilitv sufficient capacitv is available if the peak flow as measured on a monthlv basis is less than 90%of 14,800 �al� lons per dav 19 800 al� lons per day is the permitted flow less 5,000 al�ns per dav of reserve capacit� B New connection to the community sewage system shall be prohibited if the system is ���ithin 10°'0 of the �ernlit limits of not�-flo��- sampling requirements. C. _Connections shall be limited to residential users only, and to properties adjacent to the existing collection system. �.-D. Onlv propei�ties that are not able to accc�inmodate a�rivate onsite se«�a�e treatinent system will be permitted to connect to the communit sy ewa�e treatment system. Any �ro�ertv owner requestin�a connection to the 201 system must first provide to the Citv a survev and an analysis from a Mn Chapter 70801icensed onsite sewa�e treatment s�tem desi�ner documentin�that an onsite sewage treatment system is not feasible for the propertyunder the current WashinQton Countv Individual Sewage Treatment Svstem Code. �:E._No unauthorized person shall uncover,make any connections with, or opening into, use, alter or disturb any portion of the system or appurtenance thereof without first obtaining a written permit from the city or county as may be applicable. I �':F'._All sewer connections shall conform to applicable requirements of the State Building and Plumbing Code and all applicable rules and regulations of the city or county. All connections shall be made gas-tight and water-tight, and verified by proper testing to prevent the infusion of infiltration/inflow. Any deviation from the prescribed procedures and materials shall be approved prior to installation. The connection and inspection shall be made under the supervision of the city Building Official or his designee. C�. All Iie�� curuiections to the system after the effective date of this ordinance shall have their own septic tank. SharinQ of se�tic tanks amonQ neighboring properties is strictiv �rohibited. n:I-�. New users connecting to the system shall pay to the city a sewer connection fee in accordance with the current fee schedule set by Ordinance of the City CounciL Iii addition to the coiinection fee, the iiew user is responsible for all of the costs associated with hookin�up to the communitv sewage treatment system includin�but not limited to the septic tank, pumps, wet wells, control panels, sewer laterals, road repair related to the installation of the new equipment and any costs incurred by the City in the use of en�ineers or other consultants. Seetion 2. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its adoption and publication according to law. Passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Scandia this_th day of , 2013. Randall Simonson, Mayor ATTEST: Kristina Handt,Administrator/Clerk 3. � ��- Stantec Consulting Services Inc. 2335 Highway 36 West `�=';;� St. Paui MN 55113 Tel: (651)636-4600 Fax: (651)636-1311 �� April 10,2013 Kristina Handt,Administrator City of Scandia 14727 209th Street N Scandia, MN 55073 Re: Anderson/Erickson Sewage Treatment System (201 Collector System) Monitoring Well Sampling Information Our Project No.: 1 93802 1 53 Dear Kristina: As part of on-going monitoring of the Anderson/Erickson System Sewage Treatment System, samples were pulled from the deep monitoring wells in March of 2013. This letter presents a summary of the sampling results. A full copy of the lab reports have been transmitted to Tim Kieffer and you previously via an e-mail message. The attached Tables present a summary of the March 2013 sampling as well as previous samplings. Table 1 presents information on the groundwater field data. Table 2 presents informa#ion on the analytical test results from the samples. MONITORING WELL AND GROUNDWATER INFORMATION The Anderson-Erickson treatment system includes 4 sets of nested monitoring wells and shallow piezometers along with one add�ional shallow piezometer. The wells and piezometers are used to monitor the performance of the system. The wells and piezometers are useful in monitoring groundwater quality(i.e. nitrate nitrogen levels),determining groundwater flow direction,and detecting if there is"mounding"beneath the system. The attached Tables 1 and 2 show the results of past well measurement and sampling. The March 2013 sampling did not have any nitrate concentrations above the drinking water standard. The March 2013 ammonia levels are somewhat elevated, but they have been consistent throughout the testing,so the results may be indicative of background levels. There is no drinking water standard for ammonia. It appears that the previous high nitrate levels have been brought under control. This could likely be the result of the system being operated to let portions of the system"resY'. The system is designed so that one of the three cells should be off-line at any given time. Given the latest test results,we feel that it would be prudent to continue sampling the monitoring wells one to three times a year to make sure that the permitted indicator levels are met. Note that the permit with Washington County requires three sampling a year. You may want to consider trying to get that frequency reduced. SYSTEM FLOW INFORMATION The treatment system was installed in 1987. There have been several reports and studies over the past 10 years that have evaluated the design capacity of the system and possible methods of system expansion. The current system Operating Permit with Washington County lists a system design flow of 6,700 gallons, a target peak flow of 8600 gallons and a target average flow of 5300 gallons. � StslbaC April 10,2013 Kristina Handt, City Administrator P29@ 2 Of 2 --- V:\19381active11 93802 1 5 31Communications\Correspondence�2013-April,update letter A review of daily flow information was completed last summer. At that time, daily flows ranged from 1,410 ga�lons to 7,622 gallons. The high 7-day rolling average was 4,958 gallons. Flow measurement data should be monitored in the future to make sure that the system operates under the targeted flow limits. RECOMMENDATIONS At this time,we have the following recommendations regarding the operations and monitoring of the Anderson/Erickson Sewage Treatment System: • Continue daily flow monitoring in the non-winter periods. In order to reduce flows,the city should consider a program to educate the system users on water conservation measures. Education on water conservation options could be particularty useful during the peak use periods in the summer. • Complete a round of well sampling in July 2013. You should work with EcoCheck to get them trained to do the sampling as part of their operations work. • Pay specia! attention to well sampling results(Nitrate levels)when the operators begin reusing the drainfield cell that produced the original high nitrate levels. • Continue to take steps to complete the system repaidmaintenance recommendations included in the March 2012 Condition and Capacity Assessment Report. Consult with the EcoCheck to see if they have recommended maintenance improvements. Refer to required maintenance listed in the County Permit. • Take steps to repair the monitoring well sampling pumps. In deep well A the pump is inoperable and appears to be stuck in the well. Caution needs to be taken in attempting to remove the pump to make sure the well is not damaged or ruined. As presented in previous reports and memos,the Anderson/Erickson system will require some treatment system maintenance improvements in the near future. Long-term system expansio�mprovement recommendations to meet the needs of the entire Anderson/Erickson service area should be delayed until additional flow and well monitoring inforrnation is available. Please contact Clint Jordahl or me if you have any questions or require any additional information. Sincerely, STANTEC / ���5''�I'r� Phil Gravel, PE cc: Tim Kieffer, Public Works Attachments: Tables 1-2 Table 1 Groundwater Field Data Summary Anderson/Erickson System Stanbec Project 193802153 MDH Top of Depth to We0 Unique Well WeA Riser Groundwater Groundwater Conductivity� Identifier Number De a Elevation Date from TOR Elevatlon ho cm H Tem .°C 3/22/12 47.96 938.57 1,966 7.21 9.87 7/17/12 48.22° 938.31 - -- -- A-Deep 438453 59° 986.53 7/26/12 48.12 938.41 1,030 7.30 11.63 10/17/12 48.51 938.02 1,117 7.29 10.00 3/20/13 Water level was below pump,which was inoperative and stuck ln well A-Shalbw 421449 13.9 986.69 Aq Dahes Dry - - - - 3/22/12 46.99 939.41 2,448 6.92 10.3D 7/17/12 47.24° 939.16 -- - - B-Deep 438454 57.5° 986.40 7/26/12 47.17 939.23 1,569 7.14 12.06 10/17/12 47.40 939.00 1,422 7.14 9.93 3/20/13 >48.81` <937.59` 1,313 7.50 8.50 3/22/12 11.22 975.98 - -- -- 7/17/12 Dry° - - -- - B-Shaltow 421450 14.1 987.20 7/26/12 12.95 974.25 - - - 10/17/12 Dry - - -- - 3/20/33 Dry - - - -- 3/22/12 51.95` 937.83 637 7.24 10.57 7/17/12 51.85 d 937.93 - -- -- C-Deep 438455 57.9 989.78 7/26/12 51.74 938,04 449 7.34 14.24 10/17/12 52.35 937.43 464 7.30 10.67 3/20/13 53.22 936.56 465 7.70 8.54 C-Shallow 404748 14.2 990.40 AII DaEes Dry -- -- - -- 3/2Z/12 51.42` 937.65 1,987 7.14 10.64 7/17/12 51.58° 937.49 -- - -- D-Deep 438452 62.4 989.07 7/26/12 51.28 937.79 1,187 7.15 11.42 10/17/12 52.32 936.75 1,373 7.18 9.77 3R0/13 53.04 936.03 1,275 9.02 8.48 D-ShaYow 404749 14.0 988.60 All Dabes Dry - - - -- E-Shallow 404750 15.5 990.42 All Detes Dry -- -- - -- a-Measured from tDp of riser unless otherwise indicated b-Pump studc in well,depth from construction reoords and dces not include riser stickup c-Pump removed to measure water levei,full recharge not verified prior to recording water level d-7/17/12 groundwater measuremerds provided by Natural Systems Utilities,MN LLC(Eco(:heck) e-Pump is stuck in well and water level was below pump.Measured depth reported is depth to obstruction TaWe 2 Groundwaber Analytical Results Anderson/Erickson Sysbem Stantec Project 193802153 (all values reporbed as mg/L) Nitrate Plus Total Kjeldahl Well Nitrite Chbride Ammonia Nitrogen Nitrogen IdeMifier Dafe N + t]- NH . 3/22/12 16.2 377 <0.04 <1 7/26/12 1.6 237 <0.04 <1 A_�p 10/17/12 1.2 241 0.084 <1 3/20/13 Dedicated bladder pump was inoperable and is stuck in well 3/22/12 19.6 493 <0.04 <1 7/26/12 1.3 426 <0.04 <1 B-�p 10/17/12 2.3 343 0.25 <1 3/20/13 2.8 342 0.11 <1 3/22/12 1.4 7.7 <0.04 <1 7/26/12 0.46 4.3 <0.04 <1 C-Deep 10/17/12 0.46 3.2 0.095 <1 3/20/13 0.50 3.0 0.050 <1 3/22/12 12.9 415 <0.04 <1 7/26/12 0.73 327 <0.04 <1 D-Deep 10/17/12 0.66 364 0.045 <1 3/20/13 0.78 347 O.U52 <1 Duplicates 3/20/13(well C) 0.52 3.2 0.046 <1 < Parameter not detected at a concentration greater than or equal to the reporting limit indicated A C' � , � �7 � � � SCANDIA Staff Renort Date of Meeting: Apri124, 2013 To: Wastewater Advisory Committee From: Kristina Handt, City Administrator Re: Continenza Connection Request Agenda Item#: 3.c) Background: In 2011, Jim and Sandi Continenza applied for a variance from the minimum lot size to allow construction of a single family dwelling at 13350 188th Street North on Big Marine Lake. They also requested a connection to the 201 (Anderson-Erickson) sewer system. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the variance but the Council wanted to study the capacity of the A/E system before approving a connection. Stantec studied the system and made a report to the Council in 2012 recommending no new connections at that time. Further data was gathered and the August 28, 20121etter from Stantec is included in your packet. The letter notes that last summer the average flow over the highest 7- day period was 4,958 gallons per day(gpd). The system is designed for 6,700 gpd. As discussed in the previous agenda item, staff is recommending that sufficient capacity be defined as 10%of permitted flows or 6,030 gpd for the A/E system. At the September 1 l,2012 Council work session the Council referred the matter to the Wastewater Advisory Committee for a recommendation and further recommended that additional testing be completed in October 2012 and March 2013. The March 2013 test results are available and were discussed in the previous agenda item. Issue: Should the Continenza request to connect to the Anderson/Erickson system be granted? Proposal Details: The Continenzas need two connections to the A/E system, one for the existing dwelling on Lot 8, Anderson's Big Lake 2"d Addition and one connection for Lots 9 and 10 (combined). There is an existing stub on Lot 8 that would be used to serve both connections. Lot 8 has an existing dwelling located on it and is presently served by a septic system located on Lot 9. This system would need to be removed in order to construct the new home on Lots 9 and 10. � Per Stantec, an average two bedroom dwelling would add approximately 200 gpd to the system and larger dwellings may add 350 gpd. The existing house on Lot 8 is approximately 1,380 sq. ft. and includes two bedroom. The Continenzas are proposing to build a year-round home on Lots 9 and 10 that includes 6,678 square feet on 3 floors, seven bathrooms, four bedrooms plus a bunk room and a full kitchen. Based on MN Administrative Rules (copy included in your packet)the design flow (gallons per day) would be 750 gpd for this new residence and 225 gpd for the exiting residence. If both connections were allowed, 975 gpd would be added to the system. Fiscal Impact: Per ordinance, connection fees are $4,250 per connection. Options: 1) Allow both connections to the system 2) Allow only the connection for Lot 8 as its current on-site system would be displaced by the proposed new dwelling on Lots 9 and 10. 3) Allow no new connections. Recommendation: Option 2, unless the Continenzas can provide evidence to the City that Lots 9 and 10 would not be able to support an on-site system. 7080.1860 Minnesota Rule Page 1 of 1 Minnesota Administrative Rules 7080.1860 DESIGN FLOW(GALLONS PER DAY). TABLE IV Number Classification of dwelling of bedrooms I II III IV Gallons per day 2 or less 300 225 180 * 3 450 300 218 * 4 600 375 256 * 5 750 450 294 * 6 900 525 332 * *Flows for Classification IV dwellings are 60 percent of the values as determined for Classification I,II,or III systems. For more than six bedrooms,the design flow is determined by the following formulas: Classification I: Classification I dwellings are those with more than 800 square feet per bedroom,when the dwelling's total finished floor area is divided by the number of bedrooms,or where more than two of the following water-use appliances are installed or anticipated:clothes washing machine,dishwasher,water conditioning unit,bathtub greater than 40 gallons,garbage disposal,or self-cleaning humidifier in furnace. The design flow for Ciassification I dwellings is determined by multiplying 150 gallons by the number of bedrooms. Ciassification II: Classification II dwellings are those with 500 to 800 square feet per bedroom,when the dwelling's total finished floor azea is divided by the number of bedrooms,and where no more than two of the water-use appliances listed in Classification I aze installed or anticipated.The design flow for Classification II dwellings is determined by adding one to the number of bedrooms and multiplying this result by 75 gallons. Classification III:Classification Ill dwellings are those with less than 500 square feet per bedroom,wben the dwelling's total finished floar area is divided by the number of bedrooms,and where no more than two of the water-use appliances listed in Classification I are installed or anticipated.The design flow for Classification III dwellings is determined by adding one to the number of bedrooms,multiplying this result by 38 gallons,then adding 66 gallons. Classification IV:Classification IV dwellings are dwellings designed under part 7080.2240. Statutory Authority: MS s 115.03; 115.55 History: 32 SR 1347 Posted: March I1,2011 https://www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us/rules/?id=7080.1860 4/18/2013