2025 Preliminary Budget Presentation - Updated2025 Preliminary Budget
September 4, 2024
Discussion Items
Capital Improvement Committee Recommendations.
Review of CIP and budget impacts
Brief Introduction to the proposed 2025 General Fund Budget
Council is encouraged to ask questions, offer comments, and suggest changes at
Capital Investment Committee
Establish consistent annual levy-supported cash contributions to
all Capital Improvement Funds
Increase levy amount in 408 Road Improvement Fund by 10%
from the proposed 2024 amount ($400,000 to $440,000)
Utilize additional road rating technology to rate roads in 2025
Create a public input plan to engage the public in discussion
about the appropriate amount of money for annual road
Capital Investment Committee
Recommendations cont.
Consider a change to driveway culvert policy, returning
ownership and maintenance to residents
Consider adopting additional development fees, including seal
coating and stormwater fees
Issue equipment certificates for fire department vehicle purchases
2025 Capital Improvement Fund – 401
General Fund
Beginning Fund Balance includes a
$150,000 transfer out to 404 Park
CIP to support the Tennis Court
project in 2024
$125,000 tax levy to support
recommended projects
Six projects totaling $ 323,041
Fund Balance will be used to make
up the shortage
Ending Fund Balance of $489,826
$686,867 Beginning Fund Balance
$125,000 Levy
$1,000 Interest
$126,000 Total
$30,0002025 LCCMR – Gateway Trail
$17,548 Fire Dept Radios
$40,945Jaws of Life
$17,548Lucas CPR Device
$125,000Cold Storage Building
$323,041 Total
($197,041)Revenue Over/(Under)Expenses
$489,826 Ending Fund Balance
2025 Capital Improvement Fund – 404
Park Fund
2024 - Transfer of $125,000 in
Unassigned Fund Balance and a
Transfer from 401 of $150,000
will provide a one-time revenue
increase for 2024/2025 projects
$40,000 tax levy to support
recommended projects
One project totaling $ 300,000
Ending Fund Balance of
$272,993 Beginning Fund Balance
$40,000 Levy
$66 Interest
$300,000Tennis Court Improvements
($259,934)Revenue Over/(Under)Expenses
$13,058 Ending Fund Balance
2025 Capital Improvement Fund – 406
Equipment Fund
$125,000 tax levy to support
recommended projects
Two purchases totaling $592,296
ARPA money used to pay for plow
Equipment Certificate issued for
$210,000 to pay for tanker
New debt levy of approximately
$23,000, starting in 2025 until 2035
Ending Fund Balance of $77,999
$329,781 Beginning Fund Balance
$125,000 Levy
$1,061 Interest
$126,061 Total
$286,787 2003 Tanker 2 Replacement
$305,5092011 Snow Plow Replacements
$592,296 Total
($137,515)Revenue Over/(Under)Expenses
$210,000Bond Proceeds
$77,999 Ending Fund Balance
2025 Capital Improvement Fund – 408
Street Improvement Fund
$440,000 tax levy to support
recommended projects
One street reconstruction project
totaling $ 700,000
Ending Fund Balance of $359,671
$351,295 Beginning Fund Balance
$440,000 Levy
$12,295 Interest
$380,447 Total
$700,0002025 Local Road Improvement
$103,590Revenue Over/(Under)Expenses
$359,671 Ending Fund Balance
2025 Preliminary Budget - Revenues
The General Fund levy is projected to be $1,893,907, a $27,989
increase over 2024, or a 1.5% increase.
Licenses and Permits have been increased slightly to reflect fees
collected from new cannabis registrations.
Interest earning has been increased to reflect the increased rates
available to the City’s money market account.
Total General Fund Revenue is $2,383,667. This is a 2.47%
increase over 2024.
2025 Preliminary Budget - Expenses
All personnel wages have been increased by 3.5% in accordance with
the negotiated union wage increase.
Council wages have been increased, estimated to be at 3.5%. The actual
increase is based on the 12-month CPI from November 2023 to
November 2024
Budget includes a full-time treasurer.
Fire Department wages have been increased by 23% to better reflect
actual wages paid
Public Works includes $175,000 for contractual road maintenance and
repair. This is in addition to the CIP projects
2025 Preliminary Budget - Expenses
The following percentage increases are assumptions. Actual numbers
will not be available until later in the year.
All Health and Dental Insurance line items have been increased by 10%
Property and Workers Comp Insurance line items have been increased
by 10%.
Bolton & Menk services have been increased by 5%
Policing services have been increased by 5.91% per 2025 Agreement
Total expenses are $2,365,660. This is a 3.45% increase over 2024
General Fund Budget Summary
DifferenceCurrent 20252024
$57,554$2,383,677$2,326,123Total General Fund Revenue
$78,838$2,365,660*$2,286,822Total General Fund Expenses
($21,284)$18,017$39,301Revenues Over / (Under)
(1.0%)58.4%59.4%Estimated Fund Balance**
* Current expenses have been reduced by $16,357 from August Presentation
**Shows an estimated percentage of next year’s projected expenses
Tax Levy Summary
$27,989$1,893,907$1,865,918General Fund Levy
$330,789$676,423*$345,634Debt Service Levy
($55,300)$730,000$785,300CIP Funds Levy
$0$0$5,300EDA Levy
$303,478$3,300,330$2,996,852Total Levy
($13,435)($121,291)**($107,857)Less Fiscal Disparities
$290,043$3,179,038***$2,888,995Total Net Levy
* $120,148 in interest and project savings are being used to reduce the levy
amount of the 2024 Road Project Bond
**3-year Average
*** Current Net Levy has been reduced by $90,105 from the budget presented in
Tax Rate Summary
($88,730)$10,758,518$10,847,248Estimated Tax
$290,043$3,179,038$2,888,995Net Levy
2.916%29.549%26.663%Tax Rate
* Tax Rate at August presentation was 30.535%
Historic Tax Rate Summary
% ChangeTax Rate
9 Year Average – 30.134%
Looking Forward
Staff will continue to update projected numbers with actual
numbers when they come in.
Multiple budget documents can be prepared to show various
scenarios if the Council wishes to evaluate multiple levy and
spending options.
The next budget discussion is scheduled for the Council's Regular
Meeting on September 17, 2024, at which the Council will
approve the 2025 Preliminary Budget.