08.a PRC Minutes 09.05.2024 DRAFT
City of Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee Thursday, September 5, 2024
A meeting of the Parks & Recreation Committee was held on the above date at the Community Center and Zoom.
Present: Terry Gorham (Chair,) Greg Zauner (Vice-Chair,) and Dustin Hegland. Absent: Kim Johnson. Also Present:
Kyle Morell (City Administrator) and Brenda “Bee” Stignani (Office Assistant.) Gorham called the meeting to
order at 6:02 p.m., a quorum was present.
Gorham requested moving New Business Item 7.a City Center Report & Feedback to follow directly after the
reports in order to accommodate the guest presenters on Zoom. Zauner moved to approve the amended
agenda, seconded by Hegland. Motion carried unanimously.
Gorham called for any additions or corrections to August 5, 2024 minutes. No additions or corrections were
submitted. The minutes stand approved as documented.
Chair Report
Gorham reports 12 teams are ready to play, plus one team on standby, at the 7th Annual Pickleball Tourney on
Saturday at Taco Daze. The Lions have provided the t-shirts and the registration fees have covered the cost of
the metals and other awards.
Public Works Report
Morell reported the tennis courts will close on September 9th until the court project is complete in the spring of
2025. Public Works staff have removed some trees and will complete the task after Taco Daze in preparation
for the storm water pond to be installed. The concrete picnic tables will be replaced at a later date and the cost
is not included in the current project. Morell confirmed the storyboard stands have been ordered. Zauner
questioned if the Hay Lake Park sign has been ordered or if there are plans to install in the near future. Morell
recommended adding this topic to the October PRC agenda as the sign has been delivered, but the city does not
own the land where it was to be installed. PRC committee members consented to delay further discussion until
Fischer is present.
Staff Report
Stignani prepared a written report.
City Center Report & Feedback
Consultant Jody Rader and Washington County Project Coordinator Sara Allen, participated via Zoom. Rader
presented a report covering the history and current status of the cooperative City Center study.
Community / Internet Day 2024 – Scandia Community Fun Night Recap
Gorham reported the Fun Night ran smoothly, especially with the pre-cooked burgers although it was
disappointing that more finalists in the contest were unable to attend in person. Positive feedback from the
community and participants. The structure for greeting guests at the start of the Children’s Story Path (with
signage!), having volunteers monitoring the voting table to direct the public to the start of the path with active
Midco representatives working the crowd all kept the evening flowing on schedule. Public Works cleaned up
the walking path nicely and parking did not seem to be an issue.
September 5, 2024
Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee
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National Night Out Recap
Zauner reported the PRC Bird Feeder Activity was well attended, perhaps more on this evening than all of the
other past dates combined. While the supplies were not exhausted, all agreed this activity has run its course.
New activity suggestions will be needed for Earth Day 2025.
Children’s Story Path Update
Staff confirmed the new story stands have been ordered and Scandia Elementary School is on track for providing
new material by the end of September. The current stories are the finalists in the Lions, Tacos, and Dalahs…. Oh
My! contest. Staff will coordinate with Gorham to present the awards, and Zauner volunteered to take photos.
Vinterfest Planning
Zauner reported the school is voting to move 6th grade students to the middle school next year and suggests
opening the contest up to 5th & 6th grade students this year and 5th grade in the future. Past participants are
lining up: Lions agreed to Bingo, food trucks (still searching for a desert truck), Corey Roberts confirmed the date
for the Minnesotan Cup (January 24th & 25th,) the cloggers for Friday night with one food truck, and the bank has
sponsored the Fire Dancers. Zauner requested all committee members look at the Volunteer List and decide
where they can “plug in!” Zauner will follow up with Johnson about the dog sled suggestion.
PRC Operational Calendar
Gorham noted the topics for September are addressed and on track for October. No changes suggested.
The proposed agenda for Monday, October 7, 2024:
1. Sign for Hay Lake Park – Installation
2. Story Path Update - Awards
3. Vinterfest Planning
4. Operational Calendar
Motion to adjourn the meeting by Zauner, seconded by Hegland. Motion carried unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 7:19 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda “Bee” Stignani, Office Assistant/Parks and Recreation Coordinator