08.d Draft minutes Tourism 09.24.2024 Scandia Tourism Committee, Community Center Hall September 24, 2024 Members in Attendance: Sue Dickens, Jim Gribble Chrissi Larsen, Lynne Moratzka and Sarah Porubcansky. Additional Attendees: Kyle Morell, (City Administrator) Brenda Eklund (City Clerk). Call to Order –Chair Dickens called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m., a quorum is present. Approve the Agenda – Porubcansky moved, Dickens seconded, to approve the agenda with Flexibility. Motion carried unanimously. Approve the Minutes – Porubcansky moved, Gribble seconded, to approve July 23, 2024 minutes. Motion carried unanimously. Scandia City Center Study – Jodi Rader, Consultant for the Scandia City Center Study, presented an overview of the concept plan for improved connections for pedestrians, bicyclists, and other modes of transportation in the downtown area of Scandia. Ms. Rader asked for feedback from the Committee to better refine the study for its final report, being drafted this fall of 2024. The Committee favored the traditional style theme (second of the three options) for wayfinding and interpretative signage, noting the color palate and style complements the community. Member Dickens described safety concerns at the Olinda Trail/Oakhill Road intersection. Ms. Rader said that traffic calming elements are proposed, which need County approval for their roadways. Member Gribble pointed out that the site of the future Gateway Trailhead has traditionally been used for snowmobile parking for access to the snowmobile trail behind Meisters which connects to a Highway 97 trail, and questioned if this will be a problem. Ms. Rader thought this would be a DNR/MnDOT discussion, but shouldn’t hinder use of the site. The Committee questioned curb extensions at the Olinda Trail/209th Street intersection, as it appears that the turn lane onto 209th Street would be eliminated, making it less safe. Ms. Rader concluded her presentation with a statement that the document will have final tweaks made and presented to the City Council later this year. Business Breakfasts – The Committee agreed with Dickens’ proposal to move the business breakfast from October 9th out to November 13th to allow more time for planning. Dickens envisioned that small group breakouts could offer feedback for future meeting ideas. Member Moratzka announced Cinnamon Bun Day will be held on October 4th, with volunteers handing out rolls in the early morning to commuters at the Olinda Trail/Oakhill Road intersection. Additionally, rolls will be available in the Välkommen House throughout the day. 2025 St Croix Valley Visitor Guide – The Committee reviewed several photos that would replace the current playground picture on Scandia’s page of the St. Croix Valley Visitor Guide. The Committee selected Member Gribble’s photo #1; and if there is additional space on the page, photo #5. Scandia Tourism Committee Minutes September 24, 2024 2 | P a g e VinterLights! Planning (December 1, 2024) – Dickens will inventory the number of tables in the community center for the vendor market. There may be some adjustments to the room layout. Gribble will oversee the outdoor activities. • Best of Scandia Artisan Market: Dickens reported that she has taken in 19 applications so far, and is following up with other past vendors before opening up registration to the general public next week. Larsen is in charge of Heritage Room activities. Dickens will check with the Lions Club for a fundraising idea to sell coffee for a small fee. Dickens reported that staff has approved funding for local newspaper ads. Moratzka noted that social media is most effective for publicizing the event. Adjournment –Motion by Porubcansky, seconded by Gribble, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 5:24 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Brenda Eklund, City Clerk