09.e PW - Staff Report
Staff Report
Date of Meeting: 10/15/2024
For: Honorable Mayor and Council
From: Charles Fischer – Director of Public Works
Subject: PW - Staff Report
Staff have continued ROW brush clearing and regular mowing in City ROW north of HWY 97.
Staff will start brush clearing in City ROW south of HWY 97 by the week of Oct. 14th. Areas of
ROW which have been cleared will be able to be maintained at a higher efficiency in the future
from elimination of the overgrowth. Over growth within City ROW has been caused by
deficiency of time and resources to remove in past years. Public Works has met with residents
concerned about the brush clearing in the ROW and have explained the necessity to keep City
ROW clear of obstructions for routine maintenance and other work performed in the ROW.
Staff have been hauling spoil piles off site which have accumulated behind the Public Works
building from past projects. Public Works secured a location to dump the spoils at no charge to
the City.
Due to the high volume of fallen trees during the spring/summer wet period and wind storms,
the accumulation of tree and brush debris behind the Public Works building will be ground into
mulch instead of burning as in years past. Quotes have been requested from contractors for the
cost to chip the brush piles and will be presented to Council at a later meeting.
Staff installed eight new story boards in Lilleskogen Park to replace the rapidly failing existing
story holders. The new story boards are designed and built to withstand outdoor use unlike the
previously installed holders. Volunteers will continue to install new stories at selected intervals
which the elementary school provides throughout the school year.
The A/E and Bliss septic and lift tanks scheduled to be pumped this year are now complete.
Root removal took place in multiple tanks which posed the threat of blocking inlet and outlets
of the tanks. No immediate repairs were noted during the tank pumping process.
The City Hall office project is near completion; the remodeling will be complete as soon as the
new security drop down window is installed and the office will be complete once the new desks
are delivered and installed. Staff will return to the office using temporary desk space allowing
for City meetings to once again take place in the Council Chambers .
While the painters were on site for the office and hallway painting, Public Works requested the
front breezeway and hall be painted as well. Due to the years of renters/users hanging items on
the walls in the hall additional patching and skim coating was required to smooth the affected
areas on all four walls.
Public Works staff have been assisting with the project throughout the process.
• Clearing out the AV room; which included removing the old bar top and cabinetry to
make room for relocating file cabinets for permanent storage
• Moving out all the old desks, furniture and cabinets from the office
• Helping set up the temporary office in the Council Chambers
• Removing all items from the walls in preparation for paint
• Cleaning out the coat closet in the hall to allow for City storage of necessary rental items
and to use as a coat closet for renters of the hall. The closet will be painted as staff
become available.
• Removed the old wooden stage and replaced with a new portable stage
• Relocating and hanging items previously on the walls (not all items will be reinstalled
and others will be placed in different locations)
Before the end of October staff will be transitioning multiple pieces of equipment to winter use.
To transition and prep the equipment is typically a two-week process while still serving other
areas of the City.
Winter Seasonal Staff
Public Works is happy to report many seasonal staff from last winter will be working with the
City again this year. The consent to rehire and hire new seasonals is within the Council Packet.