06.a1 Draft minutes 10-15-2024 Meeting
October 15, 2024
A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date in the Council
Chambers. The meeting was conducted in-person and over an electronic platform. All
participants who joined the meeting remotely could hear each other and contribute to
Mayor Christine Maefsky called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Following the Pledge of
Allegiance, roll call was taken. The following were in attendance: Council members Jerry
Cusick, Steve Kronmiller, Mike Lubke and Mayor Christine Maefsky. Staff present: City
Administrator Kyle Morell, City Attorney Eric Larson, City Planner TJ Hofer, City Engineer
Ryan Goodman, Fire Chief Mike Hinz, Public Works Director Charles Fischer, and City Clerk
Brenda Eklund.
Kronmiller, seconded by Lubke, moved to approve the agenda as presented. Motion
carried 4-0.
Deputy Booth provided a September report – there were 136 incidences, theft of a trail camera, a
fraud report, and a burglary report. Booth explained that the burglary was not a random act but a
known individual who entered property without permission and damaged property; charges are
pending after an arrest. There were 45 traffic stops; citations were written for several, including
two DUI arrests and a handle of car accidents.
Deputy Booth congratulated the Washington County canine unit on their first place in the
national championships for the second year in a row at trials recently held in Alabama.
Scandia Good Neighbor Proclamation – Shaun Holtgreve
Mayor Maefsky presented a Good Neighbor Proclamation to Shaun Holtgreve. Mr. Holtgreve, a
Captain and EMT with Scandia Fire & Rescue, recently traveled to North Carolina to volunteer
and assist with clean-up efforts following Hurricane Helene.
The following Consent Agenda was presented:
a) Minutes
1) September 17, 2024 Regular Meeting
2) October 2, 2024 Work Session
b) Treasurer’s Report
c) Payment of Vouchers
d) Approve Application for Excluded or Exempt Lawful Gambling Permit, Scandia Women’s
Softball (November 22, 2024 Turkey Bingo)
e) Approve Renewal of Joint Powers Agreement between Washington County and City of
Scandia for Code RED Services
f) Approve Updated Annex Lease Agreement with Scandia-Marine Lions Club
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g) Approve Animal Control Service Agreement Pricing Addendum with Companion Animal
h) Approve Seasonal Rink Attendant Hiring
Cusick, seconded by Lubke, moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Motion
carried 4-0.
Park & Rec Committee Vice Chair Greg Zauner reported that the Taco Daze pickleball
tournament went very well. The Committee is planning for a grand opening next spring for the
new tennis/pickleball courts. New story boards have been installed at Lilleskogen Park and a
new sign at Hay Lake Park. At the October 7th meeting, the Committee welcomed new member
Kathy Sanville. Vinterfest planning is underway, with a button design contest being held for
grades 5 and 6.
Conditional Use Permit for a Local Solar Energy System over 800 square feet at 12240 238th
Street North. Applicant Wolf River Electric on behalf of property owner Eric Douglas.
Resolution No. 10-15-24-01
City Planner Hofer presented a recommendation from the Planning Commission for approval of
a Conditional Use Permit for a local solar energy system greater than 800 square feet on property
at 12240 238th Street North. The installation will cover approximately 984 square feet of land on
the 10.78-acre property. Findings and conditions were written into a resolution, including that the
system be screened from view from the public road.
Lubke, seconded by Kronmiller, moved to adopt Resolution No. 10-15-24-01, Approving a
Conditional Use Permit at 12240 238th Street North. Motion carried 4-0.
IAC Chair Bob Wilmers reported that a state DEED grant has been awarded to Midco for
broadband installation to properties along the river. The grant will fund half of the $1.38 million
cost, with 25% from Midco and 25% from the city. The project has a completion date of 2026.
Midco is also adding 30 homes to the southwest area of Scandia this fall which is tied into the
Big Marine Lake project. Wilmers stated that with these projects, less than 70 properties remain
that are lacking high speed fiber. Wilmers said the IAC will continue to work on finishing up
high speed internet access for all residents in Scandia through long driveway and remote area
Revised Charter
IAC Chair Wilmers explained that the Committee has learned a lot in the past five years, and
have incorporated those lessons learned into a revised charter to share with Midco and other
communities, outlining how it strengthened the public/private partnership in a timely fashion and
to serve as a roadmap for other projects.
Mayor Maefsky noted that a state legislator said a reason Scandia was awarded grants was due to
this partnership.
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Council member Kronmiller, the IAC Council liaison, said he has concerns about calling this
document a charter, saying why revise the charter when the Committee’s work is almost done.
Kronmiller said a charter should be a forward-thinking document, and suggested the title be
changed. Kronmiller also suggested “public communication” be changed to “official
Mayor Maefsky said she has no problem calling it a charter, as that is what the Committee wants.
But if there are issues, it should go back to the Committee.
Chair Wilmers said the Committee has been working on this through multiple meetings.
Mayor Maefsky announced that the Council will delay a vote to the next meeting to allow more
time to review the document.
Tourism Committee Chair Sue Dickens joined the meeting over Zoom. The Committee met on
September 24th and were presented the draft City Center Study. The business breakfast is being
planned for November 13th; invitations will be sent later this month. Planning for the Artisan
Market on December 1st is ramping up, with improvements being made based on feedback from
last year. The first Evening Adventures at local businesses is being held this Thursday.
The September building activity report was in the meeting packet. In September, 21 building
permits were issued at a valuation of $1,259,340.
Fire Chief Hinz reported on the Fire Department’s September activity. Last month the
department responded to 25 calls; 3 fire and 22 medicals. With the dry conditions, the DNR has
burning restrictions in place and recommending no campfires. The department responded to a
structure fire in Marine a few weeks ago. The Fire Prevention event went well last week, and
now getting ready for the Safe Halloween event at the fire station. The public auction closed with
sale of the 1995 utility truck at $13,500 and the rescue boat going for $3,500.
Fire Relief Association Benefit Level Increase. Resolution No. 10-15-24-02
Fire Chief Hinz explained the recommendation from the Relief Association to request the
Council approve a resolution to increase the benefit level in the statewide volunteer firefighter
pension fund held by PERA. The actuarial report concluded that a funding increase from $3,500
per year of service to $3,800 per year of service will still keep the funding at 103.4% with no
financial contributions required from the city.
Kronmiller, seconded by Lubke, moved to adopt Resolution No. 10-15-24-02, Increasing
the Benefit Level for Vested Firefighters in the Statewide Volunteer Firefighter Plan.
Motion carried 4-0.
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Laurel Ridge Final Plat -- Resolution No. 10-15-24-03
Planner Hofer presented staff’s recommendation to approve the final plat for Laurel Ridge, an 8-
lot subdivision on property located at 13952 205th Street North. Hofer said the developer has met
the conditions of preliminary plat approval. Staff recommended payment of park fees of $3,000
per lot. A development agreement has been drafted, with the applicant researching cost estimates
for the final document. Hofer said the agreement is not ready for approval tonight, but condition
#4 in the final plat resolution would allow the development agreement be approved by the City
Administrator; however, Council could strike the condition if they wish to review it in its entirety
at a future meeting.
Council member Kronmiller asked how future sidewalks or trails within the dedicated right-of-
way could be funded. City Engineer Goodman explained that recreational trails can use funding
mechanisms such as park dedication fees or grant applications for connections to downtown and
the school.
Cusick, seconded by Kronmiller, moved to adopt Resolution No. 10-15-24-03, Approving
Final Plat for Laurel Ridge Subdivision with staff recommendations. Motion carried 4-0.
Engineer Goodman provided an update on projects in his written report. Goodman explained that
the Washington County draft Capital Improvement Plan provides for submission of comments.
Goodman drafted a letter offering support of the Gateway Trail project, studies for improvements
to County roads, and improvement projects for Big Marine Park Reserve. The draft letter also
included recommendations for safety improvements at Cty Rd 15/Hwy 97 intersection and Cty
Rd 4/Hwy 95 intersection. Council member Kronmiller recommended the addition of safety
improvements at Oakhill Rd/Hwy 97 near the school. Comments are due December 1st.
2024 Tennis Court Reconstruction Project -- Contractor’s Request for Payment No. 1
Engineer Goodman recommended the Council approve the Contractor’s Request for
Payment No. 1 for the 2024 Tennis Court Reconstruction Project. This amount includes work
required to mobilize, install traffic control, perform removals, place erosion control, place and
tolerance aggregate bases, and construct the water treatment BMP. This request includes
withholding 5% retainage.
Lubke, seconded by Kronmiller, moved to approve Pay Request No. 1 and pay $202,532.40
to Veit & Company, Inc. Motion carried 4-0.
2024 Crack Filling and Seal Coat Project -- Contractor’s Request for Payment No. 3 and
Engineer Goodman recommended the Council approve the Contractor’s Request for Payment
No. 3 and Final for the 2024 Crack Filling and Seal Coat Project. This amount includes work
required to seal coat the roads in this year’s project and release of the retainer.
Lubke, seconded by Cusick, moved to approve Pay Request No. 3 and Final and pay
$38,398.20 to Pearson Bros. Inc. Motion carried 4-0.
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2025 Street Improvement Project -- Request to Authorize Preparation of Plans and
Engineer Goodman identified the roads within the 2025 Street Improvement Project, including
Manning Circle, Court and Lane, 216th Street and 202nd Street, all small roads off of Manning
Trail. The City budgeted a total of $665,000 for this project. The following timeline was
Authorize Preparation of Plans & Specifications October 15, 2024
Survey/Wetland Delineations/Soil Borings October – November 2024
Approve Plans & Specs/Authorize Ad for Bid January 21, 2025
Bid Opening February 19, 2025
Consider Contract Award at City Council Meeting March 18, 2025
Construction May - September 2025
Lubke, seconded by Kronmiller, moved to Authorize Preparation of Plans and
Specifications for the 2025 Street Improvement Project. Motion carried 3-0.
Public Works Director Fischer reported on department activities. The City Office remodel and
Community Center project is nearing completion. The office will have furniture installed next
City Attorney Eric Larson had no verbal report.
City Administrator Morell reported that the Gateway Trail project is on schedule for 2025-26
City Administrator Morell explained that cities that obtain liability coverage from LMCIT must
decide annually whether to waive the statutory tort liability limits to the extent of the coverage
purchased. Legal recommendation is to not waive tort liability limits.
Kronmiller, second by Cusick, moved to not waive the monetary limits on municipal tort
liability established by statute. Motion carried 4-0.
City Administrator Morell presented a resolution to update a minor subdivision that was
approved in 2013, but did not have the deeds recorded by the applicant. Therefore, the new lot
was never created. The family would like to finish the process and need an updated resolution so
that the owner can record the deeds at the County.
Kronmiller, seconded by Lubke, moved to adopt Resolution No. 10-15-24-04, Approving
Minor Subdivision at Motion carried 4-0.
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The City had contracted with William Strusinski to lobby on behalf of the City at the Legislature
for state funding the Bliss Sewer Improvement Project. The contract ended in June 2024. City
Administrator Morell reported that the city has been asked to present again to the State
Investment Committee in efforts to be part of future bonding in the next legislative session. The
lobbying agreement calls for eight months of service at $2,400/month, and will be paid out of the
sewer budget.
Cusick, seconded by Kronmiller, moved to approve the Service Agreement for Lobbying
with Libby Law Office. Motion carried 4-0.
At the last Work Session, the Council reviewed the job posting for the City Treasurer upon the
retirement of Treasurer Firkus in March 2025. Administrator Morell explained that in order to
offer benefits to a 24-hours-per-week position, the city’s personnel policy needs to be amended
to allow prorated benefits, paid time off and holidays at this work level. Morell said the position
will be posted later this month, with interviews in December and a start date in January.
Kronmiller, seconded by Lubke, moved to authorize posting the City Treasurer position
and to adopt Resolution No. 10-15-24-05, Amending the Personnel Policy for the City of
Scandia. Motion carried 4-0.
Carrie Mitchell has been communicating her concerns to the City regarding building inspections
following the failure of contracted work on her home that was not properly installed and created
water damage to the home. Mitchell described that the building project was not properly
inspected but signed off on, making it difficult to hold the contractor responsible for the
incomplete work.
Ms. Mitchell recommended that the city allow online public record access to help this situation,
and to have a process for how information is communicated to residents. Mitchell said this could
allow for clearer follow-through of the contractor’s inspection record for building permits.
Administrator Morell reported that a contract has recently been signed with ClearGov to begin a
forms process for building permits proposed to be in place in January 2025. This will allow
access to residents which will be fully online to view permits, and building inspectors can
document inspections while on site. Morell said the program may offer historical permits, but the
City needs to consult with the city attorney on private data that may be on the permit forms. Staff
can respond to permit history requests now with a phone call or email.
Ms. Mitchell asked for improvements to the building permit process and procedures, such as
individual documentation techniques. Administrator Morell said he will work with Ms. Mitchell
to get a clear understanding, brainstorm any ideas, and bring this issue back to the Council, with
resident transparency as a goal.
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Lubke, seconded by Kronmiller, moved to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 4-0.
The meeting adjourned at 8:13 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund
City Clerk