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06.b Treasurer's Report
City ofScandiaaug Treasurer’sReport October 31, 2024 FUND ACCOUNTING Beginning Cash Balance $ 4,331,040.1210/1/2024 Beginning Checking Balance$ 187,248.91 Checking Receipts 181,848.39 Transfers to Checking 320,000.00 Total Deposits 501,848.39 Expenditures 432,143.92) CASH BALANCES6/30/2024 Payroll$ (46,312.35) Transfers to Money Market G 101-10100GENERAL FUND$ 1,559,552.86 Total Payments 478,456.27) G 203-10100COVID-19 RELIEF$466,422.00 G 225-10100EDA$40,520.23 Ending Checking Balance 210,641.03G 226-10100CABLE TV$ 28,121.83 G 230-10100GATEWAY TRAIL$ - Beginning Money Market Balance 1,081,641.52 G 240-10100PUBLIC SAFETY AID$ 176,529.00 Money Market Receipts 952.43 G 313-101002013 EQUIP CERT$ 31,943.24 Transfer to Checking 320,000.00) G 318-101002018 EQUIP CERT$ 192,075.68 Transfer from Checking G 324-101002024 ROAD PROJECTS$ (245,073.05) G 401-10100CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT$ 708,520.61 Ending Money Market Balance 762,593.95G 404-10100PARK DEVELOPMENT$ 11,305.14 G 406-10100EQUIPMENT REPLACE$ (204,562.32) Beginning Investments Balance 3,070,395.34 G 408-10100LRIF$ 1,140,352.41 Investments Receipts-Interest 30,779.76G 602-10100BLISS SEWER$ 7,511.06 Transfer from Checking G 612-10100UPTOWN SEWER$ 18,676.97 71,358.20)G 624-10100A-E SEWER$ 29,791.99TransferstoChecking Ending Investments Balance$ 3,029,816.90G 801-10100ESCROW$ 11,310.14 3,972,997.79 Outstanding Checks$ (30,054.09) 10/31/2024EndingCashBalance $ 3,972,997.79 Total ofFunds 324 + 408 $ 895,279.36 CHECKING, MONEY MARKET & INVESTMENT CD's Checking *102$ 187,248.91BegBal Credits$ 501,848.39 Debits$ (478,456.27) Receipt in Transit 210,641.03EndBal Money Market *105 - Rate 1.25%$ 1,081,641.52BegBal rate change from .25% Credits 952.43 Debits 320,000.00) End Bal$ 762,593.95 Investments CD *4422 - Rate 5.10% 12 mo., 3/25/2025$ 339,230.35 CD *4424 - Rate 5.00% 12 mo., 7/27/2025$ 479,018.30 CD *4428 - Rate 5.10% 7 mo., 05/01/25 $ 794,944.50 CD *4427 - Rate 5.10% 9 mo., 10/30/2024 579,185.76 Bond Proceeds 837,437.99 Total Investments$ 3,029,816.90 Total Bank & Investment Accounts 4,003,051.88 30,054.09) Checks in Transit *3102 Total Funds$ 3,972,997.79 Submitted by: Colleen Firkus, Treasurer CITY OF SCANDIA Revenue - Expenditure Summary OCTOBER 2024 Description2024 Budget2024 YTD AmountSEPT AmountBudget Balance% of BudgetComments GENERAL FUND 1,865,916 $ 1,003,106 $ - $ 862,810 53.76% RevenueR 101-41000-31000 Washington Cty. Tax Settlement Distributed July1andDec. 1 107,857 $ 76,018 $ - $ 31,839 70.48% R 101-41000-31040 Fiscal Disparities 20,000 $ 5,565 $ - $ 14,435 27.83% R 101-41000-31701 Gravel Taxes 5,500 $ 2,000 $ - $ 3,500 36.37% R 101-41000-31830 Solar Energy Production Tax 1,000 $ - $ - $ 1,000 0.00% R 101-41000-31900 Penalties & Interest Del Tax 5,000 $ 4,050 $ 1,050 $ 950 81.00% R 101-41000-32150 ROW Utility Permit 11,000 $ 4,019 $ 2,844 $ 6,981 36.54% R 101-41000-32180 Tobacco & Liquor Licenses 3,000 $ 2,169 $ 150 $ 831 72.30% R 101-41000-32190 Other City Permits 160,000 $ 177,288 $ 26,502 $ (17,288) 110.81% R 101-41000-32210 Building Permits 100 $ 145 $ - $ (45) 145.00% R 101-41000-32260 Gambling Permits 7,000 $ 7,203 $ 7,203 $ (203) 102.89% R 101-41000-33401 LGA/MVHC/AG/PERA Aid 52,719 $ - $ - $ 52,719 0.00% R 101-41000-33420 Fire Relief State PERA Fire Training Grants; $5k Street 6,000 $ 19,324 $ - $ (13,324) 322.06% R 101-41000-33422 Other State Grants & Aids Sweeping Grant 6,000 $ 3,302 $ - $ 2,698 55.03% R 101-41000-33428 PILOT 11,000 $ 8,164 $ - $ 2,836 74.22% R 101-41000-33620 Recycling Grant 10,000 $ 10,228 $ - $ (228) 102.28% R 101-41000-33630 Local Govt Grants & Aids Washington County Dive Gear Grant 1,200 $ 1,900 $ - $ (700) 158.33% R 101-41000-33640 Other Grants Watershed Street Sweeping Grant 5,000 $ 5,871 $ 325 $ (871) 117.42% R 101-41000-34103 Zoning and Planning 20 $ - $ - $ 20 0.00% R 101-41000-34107 Assessment Search Fees 100 $ - $ - $ 100 0.00% R 101-41000-34109 Water Usage 33,915 $ 35,816 $ - $ (1,901) 105.61% R 101-41000-34202 Fire Protection Services Town ofMay FireService Contract 3,070 $ - $ (3,070) 0.00% R 101-41000-34301 Damage Repairs 3,630 $ 2,673 $ - $ 957 73.63% R 101-41000-34303 Dust Control 1,000 $ 2,700 $ - $ (1,700) 270.00% R 101-41000-34304 Reimbursement for Services FLCC bookkeeping services $3,600/yr. 0.00% R 101-41000-34305 Other Street Services 1,000 $ 450 $ - $ 550 45.00% R 101-41000-34730 Ad Revenue 7,400 $ 8,848 $ 2,481 $ (1,448) 119.56% R 101-41000-34750 Facilities Rental 0.00% R 101-41000-34760 Cleaning Fees 1,500 $ 1,429 $ - $ 71 95.28% R 101-41000-34790 Recreation Programs 7,000 $ 3,876 $ 250 $ 3,124 55.37% R 101-41000-35101 Fines & Forfeitures 5,636 $ 97,442 $ 28,155 $ (91,806) 1728.93% R 101-41000-36210 Interest Income distributed among funds atEOY 7,195 $ 2,886 $ - $ 4,309 40.11% R 101-41000-36230 Donations Vinterfest button donations 4,000 $ 2 $ - $ 3,998 0.05% R 101-41000-36240 Insurance Dividend 2,000 $ 880 $ 51 $ 1,120 44.01% R 101-41000-36250 Misc. Refund Total General Fund Revenue$ 2,352,688 $ 1,490,425 $ 69,011 $ 862,263 63.35% Operating TransfersR 101-41000-39200 Interfund Operating Transfer$ - R 101-49000-39203 Transfer from Other Funds$ - $ 2,580,172 $ 71,358 $ (2,580,172) R 101-49000-39204 Money Market Transfer$ - $ 5,473,697 $ 320,000 $ (5,473,697) Total Operating Transfers$ 8,053,869$ 391,358 $ (8,053,869) CITY OF SCANDIA Revenue - Expenditure Summary OCTOBER 2024 Description2024 Budget2024 YTD AmountSEPT AmountBudget Balance% of BudgetComments GENERAL FUND ExpenditureADMINISTRATION & FINANCE E 101-41000-101 Regular Wages & Salaries$ 196,713 $ 137,984 $ 14,080 $ 58,729 70.15% E 101-41000-121 PERA Coord. Employer Contribu.$ 13,801 $ 10,986 $ 1,056 $ 2,815 79.60% E 101-41000-122 FICA Employer Contribution$ 12,196 $ 8,690 $ 843 $ 3,506 71.25% E 101-41000-126 MEDICARE Employer Contribution$ 2,852 $ 2,162 $ 197 $ 690 75.81% E 101-41000-131 Employer Paid Health$ 46,482 $ 33,816 $ 3,147 $ 12,666 72.75% E 101-41000-132 Dental Insurance$ 1,990 $ 1,407 $ 128 $ 583 70.70% E 101-41000-134 Employer Paid Life$ 643 $ 548 $ 50 $ 95 85.16% E 101-41000-135 Employer Paid Disability$ 960 $ 788 $ 72 $ 172 82.12% E 101-41000-151 Worker s Comp Insurance Prem$ 1,339 $ 1,837 $ - $ (498)137.19% E 101-41000-200 Office Supplies$ 1,133 $ 526 $ - $ 607 46.46% E 101-41000-203 Printed Forms & Papers$ 1,957 $ 3,568 $ 1,694 $ (1,611) 182.31% E 101-41000-210 Operating Supplies$ 824 $ 581 $ 195 $ 243 70.52% E 101-41000-301 Auditing and Acct g Services$ 27,000 $ 32,050 $ - $ (5,050) 118.70% E 101-41000-303 Engineering Fees$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E 101-41000-304 Legal Services$ 65,000 $ 28,798 $ 2,662 $ 36,202 44.31% E 101-41000-306 Personal Testing & Recruit$ - $ - $ - $ -0.00% American Legal Web Fee & Ordinance E 101-41000-308 Other Professional Services$ 5,000 $ 1,747 $ - $ 3,253 34.94% Updates E 101-41000-309 Software Support & Maintenance$ 18,746 $ 16,686 $ 5,278 $ 2,060 89.01% E 101-41000-316 Conferences & Seminars$ 721 $ 20 $ - $ 701 2.77% E 101-41000-317 Employee Training$ 206 $ - $ - $ 206 0.00% E 101-41000-319 Other Services$ 700 $ 362 $ 81 $ 338 51.71% E 101-41000-321 Telephone$ 5,100 $ 4,585 $ 520 $ 515 89.90% E 101-41000-322 Postage$ 2,200 $ 2,243 $ 610 $ (43) 101.96% E 101-41000-331 Travel Expenses$ 1,000 $ 622 $ 135 $ 378 62.21% E 101-41000-351 Legal Notices Publishing$ 1,500 $ 1,444 $ - $ 56 96.24% E 101-41000-361 Liability/Property Ins$ 11,516 $ 9,166 $ - $ 2,350 79.60% E 101-41000-365 Insurance Claims$ 1,000 $ - $ - $ 1,000 0.00% E 101-41000-381 Utilities-Electric & Gas$ 12,000 $ 8,832 $ 1,297 $ 3,168 73.60% E 101-41000-413 Equipment Rental$ 1,800 $ 1,253 $ 23 $ 547 69.63% E 101-41000-430 Recycling$ - $ 50 $ - $ (50) 0.00% E 101-41000-433 Dues and Subscriptions$ 5,000 $ 1,877 $ - $ 3,123 37.54% E 101-41000-434 Youth Service Bureau$ 5,500 $ 5,500 $ - $ - 100.00% E 101-41000-435 Misc Expense$ - $ 14 $ 7 $ (14) 0.00% Annual website host & maintenance; E 101-41000-438 Misc. Contractual$ 4,120 $ 2,198 $ - $ 1,923 53.34% ABDO help E 101-41000-439 Refunds Issued$ - $ 601 $ - $ (601) 0.00% E 101-41000-560 Furniture and Fixtures$ - $ 233 $ - $ (233) 0.00% E 101-41000-570 Office Equipment$ 1,500 $ 122 $ - $ 1,378 8.15% Total Admin & Finance Dept. Expenditures$ 450,499 $ 321,298 $ 32,074 $ 129,20171.32% CITY OF SCANDIA Revenue - Expenditure Summary OCTOBER 2024 Description2024 Budget2024 YTD AmountSEPT AmountBudget Balance% of BudgetComments GENERAL FUND CONT.CITY COUNCIL ExpendituresE 101-41110-101 Regular Wages & Salaries$ 20,772 $ 15,579 $ 5,193 $ 5,193 75.00% E 101-41110-122 FICA Employer Contribution$ 1,288 $ 246 $ 62 $ 1,042 19.11% E 101-41110-126 MEDICARE Employer Contribution$ 301 $ 174 $ 75 $ 127 57.76% E 101-41110-127 PERA Defined$ 703 $ 580 $ 210 $ 123 82.56% E 101-41110-151 Worker s Comp Insurance Prem$ 100 $ 52 $ - $ 48 52.00% E 101-41110-308 Other Professional Services$ - $ - $ - $ -0.00% E 101-41110-316 Conferences & Seminars$ 350 $ 30 $ - $ 320 8.57% E 101-41110-331 Travel Expenses$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E 101-41110-560 Furniture and Fixtures$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E 101-41110-570 Office Equipment$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% Total City Council Dept. Expenditures$ 23,514 $ 16,661 $ 5,540 $ 6,853 70.86% ELECTIONS ExpendituresE 101-41410-199 Election Judge$ 5,400 $ 3,879 $ - $ 1,521 71.83% E 101-41410-200 Office Supplies$ 50 $ 45 $ - $ 5 90.20% E 101-41410-203 Printed Forms & Papers$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E 101-41410-210 Operating Supplies$ 750 $ 592 $ - $ 158 78.93% E 101-41410-351 Legal Notices Publishing$ 200 $ 56 $ - $ 144 27.91% E 101-41410-413 Equipment Rental$ 1,700 $ 1,672 $ - $ 28 98.35% Wash. Cty. Equip. Maintenance Fee Total Elections Dept. Expenditures$ 8,100 $ 6,243 $ - $ 1,857 77.08% PLANNING & BUILDING ExpendituresE 101-41910-101 Regular Wages & Salaries$ 60,010 $ 47,852 $ 4,489 $ 12,158 79.74% E 101-41910-121 PERA Coord. Employer Contribu.$ 4,263 $ 3,587 $ 337 $ 676 84.14% E 101-41910-122 FICA Employer Contribution$ 3,721 $ 2,818 $ 265 $ 903 75.74% E 101-41910-126 MEDICARE Employer Contribution$ 870 $ 684 $ 62 $ 187 78.56% E 101-41910-131 Employer Paid Health$ 17,353 $ 14,461 $ 1,345 $ 2,892 83.33% E 101-41910-132 Dental Insurance$ 724 $ 603 $ 55 $ 121 83.29% E 101-41910-134 Employer Paid Life$ 173 $ 158 $ 14 $ 15 91.56% E 101-41910-135 Employer Paid Disability$ 416 $ 381 $ 35 $ 35 91.57% E 101-41910-203 Printed Forms & Papers$ 100 $ - $ - $ 100 0.00% E 101-41910-311 Contract Permit Inspections$ 60,000 $ 59,523 $ 7,656 $ 477 99.21% E 101-41910-312 Planning Services$ 60,000 $ 41,763 $ 4,600 $ 18,238 69.60% E 101-41910-313 Committee & Commission Reimbur$ 5,200 $ 3,900 $ - $ 1,300 75.00% E 101-41910-316 Conferences & Seminars$ - $ 30 $ - $ (30)0.00% E 101-41910-319 Other Services$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E 101-41910-361 Liability/Property Ins$ 5,563 $ 4,937 $ - $ 626 88.75% E 101-41910-438 Misc. Contractual$ 5,000 $ 3,624 $ 1,233 $ 1,376 72.49% E 101-41910-439 Refunds Issued$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E 101-41910-720 Operating Transfers$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% Total Planning & Building Dept. Expenditures$ 223,393 $ 184,322 $ 20,092 $ 39,072 82.51% ASSESSOR ExpendituresE 101-41960-300 Assessor$ 23,200 $ 19,260 $ 2,000 $ 3,940 83.02% POLICE ExpendituresE 101-42100-318 Police Contract$ 183,442 $ 91,721 $ 91,721 $ 91,721 50.00% Code Red System; Taco Daze Security E 101-42100-319 Other Services$ 960 $ 1,189 $ 880 $ (229) 123.89%880 Total GF Police Dept. Expenditures$ 184,402 $ 92,910 $ 92,601 $ 91,492 50.38% CITY OF SCANDIA Revenue - Expenditure Summary OCTOBER 2024 Description2024 Budget2024 YTD AmountSEPT AmountBudget Balance% of BudgetComments GENERAL FUND CONT.FIRE ExpendituresE 101-42200-101 Regular Wages & Salaries$ 160,554 $ 152,587 $ 13,751 $ 7,967 95.04% E 101-42200-121 PERA Coord. Employer Contribu.$ - $ - $ - $ 0.00% E 101-42200-122 FICA Employer Contribution$ 9,954 $ 9,317 $ 794 $ 637 93.60% E 101-42200-124 Police & Fire PERA$ 8,983 $ 8,185 $ 774 $ 798 91.12% E 101-42200-126 MEDICARE Employer Contribution$ 2,328 $ 1,857 $ 202 $ 471 79.77% E 101-42200-134 Employer Paid Life$ 192 $ 176 $ 16 $ 16 91.67% E 101-42200-135 Employer Paid Disability$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E 101-42200-141 Unemployment Compensation$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E 101-42200-151 Worker s Comp Insurance Prem$ 12,000 $ 6,249 $ - $ 5,751 52.08% E 101-42200-200 Office Supplies$ 200 $ 150 $ - $ 50 75.00% E 101-42200-203 Printed Forms & Papers$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E 101-42200-209 Medical Supplies$ 3,500 $ 663 $ - $ 2,837 18.94% E 101-42200-210 Operating Supplies$ 8,800 $ 6,139 $ 705 $ 2,661 69.76% E 101-42200-211 Cleaning Supplies$ 100 $ - $ - $ 100 0.00% E 101-42200-212 Fuel$ 4,000 $ 4,070 $ 605 $ (70) 101.75% E 101-42200-217 Uniforms & Safety Equipment$ 10,000 $ 18,108 $ 80 $ (8,108)181.08% new employee uniforms E 101-42200-221 Equipment Parts$ 1,500 $ - $ - $ 1,500 0.00% E 101-42200-222 Tires$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E 101-42200-223 Structure Repair & Supplies$ 800 $ 6 $ - $ 794 0.81% E 101-42200-240 Small Tools and Minor Equip$ 22,195 $ 16,418 $ 609 $ 5,777 73.97% SCBA medical exams & flow testsE101-42200-305 Medical Services$ 5,600 $ 5,630 $ - $ (30) 100.54% E 101-42200-306 Personal Testing & Recruit$ 500 $ - $ - $ 500 0.00% E 101-42200-309 Software Support & Maintenance$ 17,000 $ 14,498 $ 3,929 $ 2,502 85.28% E 101-42200-310 Medical Training$ 2,000 $ 50 $ - $ 1,950 2.50% E 101-42200-316 Conferences & Seminars$ 250 $ - $ - $ 250 0.00% E 101-42200-317 Employee Training$ 12,000 $ 2,505 $ - $ 9,495 20.87% E 101-42200-319 Other Services$ 500 $ 105 $ - $ 395 21.00% E 101-42200-321 Telephone$ 7,000 $ 5,035 $ 841 $ 1,965 71.92% E 101-42200-322 Postage$ - $ 18 $ - $ (18) 0.00% E 101-42200-324 State of MN-Fire Relief$ 52,719 $ - $ - $ 52,719 0.00% E 101-42200-325 City Match-Fire Relief$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E 101-42200-331 Travel Expenses$ 2,000 $ 1,818 $ - $ 182 90.91% Fire School travel costs MN Board ofFirefighter Training & E 101-42200-334 Licenses & Permits$ 500 $ 368 $ - $ 133 73.50%Education License E 101-42200-340 Advertising$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E 101-42200-361 Liability/Property Ins$ 7,339 $ 7,208 $ - $ 131 98.21% E 101-42200-381 Utilities-Electric & Gas$ 8,000 $ 2,423 $ 2 $ 5,577 30.28% E 101-42200-384 Refuse/Garbage Disposal$ - $ 72 $ - $ (72)0.00% E 101-42200-385 Sewer Pumping & Maintenance$ 550 $ 526 $ - $ 24 95.64% E 101-42200-401 Building Maintenance/Repairs$ 3,500 $ 1,932 $ 75 $ 1,568 55.20% E 101-42200-403 Improvements Other Than Bldgs$ - $ - $ - $ 0.00% E 101-42200-404 Repair Machinery/Equipment$ 8,500 $ 12,018 $ 5,469 $ (3,518) 141.38% E 101-42200-407 Well Repair & Maintenance$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E 101-42200-433 Dues and Subscriptions$ 3,200 $ 3,245 $ - $ (45) 101.42% E 101-42200-438 Misc. Contractual$ 3,500 $ 1,440 $ - $ 2,060 41.14% E 101-42200-440 Events$ 1,000 $ 384 $ 197 $ 616 38.43% E 101-42200-520 Capital Improvements to Bldgs$ - $ - $ - $ 0.00% E 101-42200-530 Capital Impr Other Than Bldgs$ - $ - $ - $ 0.00% E 101-42200-540 Heavy Machinery Capital$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E 101-42200-560 Furniture and Fixtures$ 500 $ 51 $ - $ 449 10.18% E 101-42200-570 Office Equipment$ 900 $ 1,078 $ - $ (178) 119.81%computer equipment Total Fire Dept Expenditures$ 382,164 $ 284,329 $ 28,049 $ 97,834 74.40% ANIMAL CONTROL ExpendituresE 101-42700-314 Animal Control$ 6,000 $ 5,652 $ 339 $ 348 94.21% CITY OF SCANDIA Revenue - Expenditure Summary OCTOBER 2024 Description2024 Budget2024 YTD AmountSEPT AmountBudget Balance% of BudgetComments GENERAL FUND CONT.PUBLIC WORKS ExpendituresE 101-43000-101 Regular Wages & Salaries$ 255,022 $ 218,484 $ 19,887 $ 36,538 85.67% E 101-43000-102 OT Regular Wages$ 5,014 $ 2,884 $ - $ 2,130 57.51% E 101-43000-104 Temporary Employee Wages$ 2,262 $ 338 $ - $ 1,924 14.93% E 101-43000-121 PERA Coord. Employer Contribu.$ 19,503 $ 15,942 $ 1,492 $ 3,561 81.74% E 101-43000-122 FICA Employer Contribution$ 16,262 $ 12,467 $ 1,170 $ 3,795 76.66% E 101-43000-126 MEDICARE Employer Contribution$ 3,803 $ 3,067 $ 274 $ 736 80.65% E 101-43000-131 Employer Paid Health$ 66,939 $ 54,094 $ 4,949 $ 12,845 80.81% E 101-43000-132 Dental Insurance$ 1,164 $ 973 $ 88 $ 191 83.59% E 101-43000-133 Union Training Center$ 1,872 $ 1,368 $ 144 $ 504 73.08% E 101-43000-134 Employer Paid Life$ 698 $ 654 $ 60 $ 44 93.76% E 101-43000-135 Employer Paid Disability$ 1,365 $ 1,289 $ 120 $ 76 94.40% E 101-43000-141 Unemployment Compensation$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E 101-43000-151 Worker s Comp Insurance Prem$ 27,000 $ 22,615 $ - $ 4,385 83.76% E 101-43000-200 Office Supplies$ 50 $ - $ - $ 50 0.00% E 101-43000-210 Operating Supplies$ 8,500 $ 4,880 $ 359 $ 3,620 57.41% E 101-43000-212 Fuel$ 25,000 $ 20,482 $ 2,543 $ 4,518 81.93% E 101-43000-217 Uniforms & Safety Equipment$ 2,300 $ 1,218 $ 107 $ 1,082 52.95% E 101-43000-221 Equipment Parts$ 17,000 $ 8,979 $ 882 $ 8,021 52.82% E 101-43000-222 Tires$ 7,500 $ 4,754 $ - $ 2,746 63.39% E 101-43000-223 Structure Repair & Supplies$ 2,000 $ - $ - $ 2,000 0.00% E 101-43000-224 Materials for Road Maintenance$ 7,000 $ 16,795 $ - $ (9,795)239.93% Cold Patch; New Streetlight Flags E 101-43000-226 Sign Replacement and Repair$ 750 $ 494 $ - $ 256 65.93% E 101-43000-228 Gravel$ 10,000 $ 330 $ - $ 9,670 3.30% E 101-43000-229 Salt$ 22,000 $ 12,375 $ - $ 9,625 56.25% E 101-43000-240 Small Tools and Minor Equip$ 8,000 $ 8,121 $ 1,319 $ (121)101.51% E 101-43000-302 Surveying$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E 101-43000-303 Engineering Fees$ 10,500 $ 8,348 $ - $ 2,153 79.50% E 101-43000-304 Legal Services$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E 101-43000-305 Medical Services$ 1,000 $ 53 $ - $ 947 5.34% E 101-43000-309 Software Support & Maintenance$ 6,000 $ 331 $ 131 $ 5,669 5.51% E 101-43000-317 Employee Training$ 1,500 $ 579 $ - $ 921 38.63% E 101-43000-319 Other Services$ 7,000 $ 4,192 $ 23 $ 2,808 59.88% E 101-43000-321 Telephone$ 4,000 $ 3,539 $ 355 $ 461 88.47% Travel toArborist workshop & Water E 101-43000-331 Travel Expenses$ 500 $ 291 $ - $ 209 58.14%School E 101-43000-334 Licenses & Permits$ 500 $ 10 $ - $ 490 2.00% E 101-43000-361 Liability/Property Ins$ 8,766 $ 9,713 $ - $ (947) 110.80% E 101-43000-365 Insurance Claims$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E 101-43000-381 Utilities-Electric & Gas$ 6,000 $ 1,822 $ 39 $ 4,178 30.37% E 101-43000-384 Refuse/Garbage Disposal$ - $ 120 $ - $ (120)0.00% holding tank & floor drain oil separator E 101-43000-385 Sewer Pumping & Maintenance$ 1,500 $ 2,285 $ - $ (785)152.35% tank pumping E 101-43000-387 Street Light Utilities$ 4,200 $ 2,868 $ 603 $ 1,332 68.29% E 101-43000-401 Building Maintenance/Repairs$ 6,000 $ 3,290 $ 198 $ 2,710 54.83% E 101-43000-403 Improvements Other Than Bldgs$ - $ - $ - $ 0.00% E 101-43000-404 Repair Machinery/Equipment$ 25,000 $ 9,763 $ 4,648 $ 15,237 39.05% E 101-43000-405 Contractual Road Maint/Repair$ 200,000 $ 122,164 $ 2,785 $ 77,836 61.08% E 101-43000-407 Well Repair & Maintenance$ 500 $ - $ - $ 500 0.00% E 101-43000-413 Equipment Rental$ 4,000 $ 169 $ 143 $ 3,831 4.23% E 101-43000-417 Uniform Rental$ 1,200 $ 803 $ 100 $ 397 66.91% E 101-43000-433 Dues and Subscriptions$ 200 $ - $ - $ 200 0.00% E 101-43000-438 Misc. Contractual$ 16,000 $ 9,059 $ - $ 6,941 56.62% E 101-43000-439 Refunds Issued$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E 101-43000-530 Capital Impr Other Than Bldgs$ 9,900 $ - $ - $ 9,900 0.00% E 101-43000-550 Motor Vehicles Capital$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E 101-43000-560 Furniture and Fixtures$ 1,000 $ - $ - $ 1,000 0.00% E 101-43000-570 Office Equipment$ - $ 487 $ - $ (487) 0.00% E 101-43000-720 Operating Transfers$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% Total Public Works Dept. Expenditures$ 826,270 $ 592,488 $ 42,418 $ 233,782 71.71% CITY OF SCANDIA Revenue - Expenditure Summary OCTOBER 2024 Description2024 Budget2024 YTD AmountSEPT AmountBudget Balance% of BudgetComments GENERAL FUND CONT.PARKS & RECREATION ExpendituresE 101-45000-101 Regular Wages & Salaries$ 11,328 $ 8,867 $ 846 $ 2,461 78.28% E 101-45000-104 Temporary Employee Wages$ 39,985 $ 18,434 $ 1,890 $ 21,551 46.10% E 101-45000-121 PERA Coord. Employer Contribu.$ 850 $ 664 $ 63 $ 186 78.16% E 101-45000-122 FICA Employer Contribution$ 3,181 $ 1,661 $ 167 $ 1,520 52.23% E 101-45000-126 MEDICARE Employer Contribution$ 744 $ 395 $ 39 $ 349 53.10% E 101-45000-131 Employer Paid Health$ 2,562 $ 1,933 $ 189 $ 629 75.47% E 101-45000-132 Dental Insurance$ 42 $ 32 $ 3 $ 10 76.19% E 101-45000-134 Employer Paid Life$ 27 $ 25 $ 2 $ 2 91.26% E 101-45000-135 Employer Paid Disability$ 76 $ 50 $ 5 $ 26 66.03% E 101-45000-141 Unemployment Compensation$ - $ 16 $ 16 $ 16) 0.00% E 101-45000-151 Worker s Comp Insurance Prem$ 2,700 $ 2,251 $ - $ 449 83.37% E 101-45000-200 Office Supplies$ 100 $ - $ - $ 100 0.00% E 101-45000-203 Printed Forms & Papers$ 200 $ - $ - $ 200 0.00% E 101-45000-210 Operating Supplies$ 1,000 $ 802 $ 25 $ 198 80.18% E 101-45000-212 Fuel$ 1,000 $ 138 $ - $ 862 13.80% E 101-45000-221 Equipment Parts$ 2,500 $ 676 $ - $ 1,824 27.04% E 101-45000-223 Structure Repair & Supplies$ 2,500 $ 138 $ - $ 2,362 5.52% E 101-45000-240 Small Tools and Minor Equip$ 500 $ - $ - $ 500 0.00% E 101-45000-312 Planning Services$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E 101-45000-313 Committee & Commission Reimbur$ - $ 720 $ - $ 720) 0.00% E 101-45000-319 Other Services$ 1,750 $ 1,464 $ 445 $ 286 83.68% E 101-45000-322 Postage$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E 101-45000-340 Advertising$ - $ 275 $ - $ (275) 0.00% E 101-45000-353 Sales& Use Tax$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E 101-45000-361 Liability/Property Ins$ 3,489 $ 5,333 $ - $ (1,844) 152.86% E 101-45000-381 Utilities-Electric & Gas$ 6,500 $ 2,919 $ 390 $ 3,581 44.91% E 101-45000-384 Refuse/Garbage Disposal$ 5,000 $ 3,780 $ 499 $ 1,220 75.61% E 101-45000-385 Sewer Pumping & Maintenance$ 1,250 $ 855 $ 471 $ 395 68.38% Lighted ballfield fence repair - insurance E 101-45000-401 Building Maintenance/Repairs$ 6,000 $ 4,481 $ 90 $ 1,519 74.68% reimbursed E 101-45000-403 Improvements Other Than Bldgs$ 2,500 $ 716 $ - $ 1,784 28.63% E 101-45000-404 Repair Machinery/Equipment$ 1,000 $ 507 $ 25 $ 493 50.67% E 101-45000-406 Grounds Care$ 4,000 $ 1,265 $ - $ 2,735 31.62% Liten Park spraying, Lilleskogen & lawn E 101-45000-438 Misc. Contractual$ 8,000 $ 7,208 $ 625 $ 792 90.10% service E 101-45000-439 Refunds Issued$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E 101-45000-440 Events$ 7,000 $ 2,892 $ 1,370 $ 4,108 41.32% E 101-45000-490 Financial Assistance$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E 101-45000-530 Capital Impr Other Than Bldgs$ 9,900 $ 4,214 $ - $ 5,686 42.57% E 101-45000-720 Operating Transfers$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% Total Parks & Rec Dept. Expenditures$ 125,684 $ 72,712 $ 7,161 $ 52,972 57.85% CITY OF SCANDIA Revenue - Expenditure Summary OCTOBER 2024 Description2024 Budget2024 YTD AmountSEPT AmountBudget Balance% of BudgetComments GENERAL FUND CONT.COMMUNITY CENTER ExpendituresE 101-45180-101 Regular Wages & Salaries$ 16,600 $ 13,273 $ 1,364 $ 3,327 79.96% E 101-45180-104 Temporary Employee Wages$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E 101-45180-121 PERA Coord. Employer Contribu.$ 1,245 $ 977 $ 93 $ 268 78.45% E 101-45180-122 FICA Employer Contribution$ 1,029 $ 776 $ 80 $ 253 75.38% E 101-45180-126 MEDICARE Employer Contribution$ 241 $ 191 $ 19 $ 50 79.25% E 101-45180-131 Employer Paid Health$ 3,692 $ 2,645 $ 266 $ 1,047 71.64% E 101-45180-134 Employer Paid Life$ 43 $ 40 $ 4 $ 3 92.09% E 101-45180-135 Employer Paid Disability$ 95 $ 95 $ 9 $ 0) 100.24% E 101-45180-151 Worker s Comp Insurance Prem$ - $ 152 $ - $ (152)0.00% E 101-45180-210 Operating Supplies$ 2,900 $ 1,364 $ 241 $ 1,536 47.03% E 101-45180-223 Structure Repair & Supplies$ 4,000 $ 236 $ - $ 3,764 5.91% E 101-45180-321 Telephone$ - $ 532 $ 153 $ (532) 0.00% E 101-45180-334 Licenses & Permits$ 1,000 $ 955 $ - $ 45 95.50% E 101-45180-361 Liability/Property Ins$ 835 $ 801 $ - $ 34 95.89% E 101-45180-381 Utilities-Electric & Gas$ 9,135 $ 4,944 $ 467 $ 4,191 54.12% E 101-45180-384 Refuse/Garbage Disposal$ - $ 156 $ - $ (156)0.00% E 101-45180-385 Sewer Pumping & Maintenance$ 4,000 $ 3,233 $ 1,262 $ 767 80.84% E 101-45180-401 Building Maintenance/Repairs$ 15,000 $ 13,972 $ 6,432 $ 1,028 93.15% E 101-45180-404 Repair Machinery/Equipment$ 5,000 $ 125 $ - $ 4,875 2.49% E 101-45180-406 Grounds Care$ 1,300 $ 117 $ - $ 1,183 9.00% E 101-45180-407 Well Repair & Maintenance$ 1,000 $ - $ - $ 1,000 0.00% Seasonal lightingE101-45180-438 Misc. Contractual$ 3,500 $ 1,500 $ - $ 2,000 42.86% E 101-45180-439 Refunds Issued$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E 101-45180-520 Capital Improvements to Bldgs$ 9,900 $ - $ - $ 9,900 0.00% E 101-45180-530 Capital Impr Other Than Bldgs$ - $ - $ - $ 0.00% E 101-45180-570 Office Equipment$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E 101-45180-720 Operating Transfers$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% Total Community Center Dept. Expenditures$ 80,515 $ 46,083 $ 10,389 $ 34,432 57.23% TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES$ 2,333,741 $ 1,641,959 $ 240,661 $ 691,782 70.36% E 101-49000-421 Cash Over/Short Operating TransfersE 101-49000-720 Operating Transfers$ 7,761,031 $ 320,000 $ (7,761,031) TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES W/TRANSFERS$ 2,333,741 $ 9,402,990 $ 560,661 $ (7,069,249) CITY OF SCANDIA Revenue - Expenditure Summary OCTOBER 2024 Description2024 Budget2024 YTD AmountSEPT AmountBudget Balance% of BudgetComments COVID RELIEF FUND RevenueR 203-46200-33150 Federal Grant$ - $ - $ - $ - ExpendituresE 203-49000-720 Operating Transfers$ - $ - $ - $ EDA FUND RevenueR 225-46500-31000 Washington Cty. Tax Settlement$ 5,300 $ 2,650 $ 2,650 $ 2,650 50.00% R 225-46500-33640 Other Grants$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% R 225-46500-34750 Facilities Rental$ - $ 550 $ 550 $ (550) 0.00%Vinterlights! Vendor table rent R 225-46500-36210 Interest Income$ 100 $ - $ - $ 100 0.00% R 225-46500-36230 Donations$ - $ 310 $ - $ (310) 0.00% R 225-46500-39200 Interfund Operating Transfer$ - $ 33,356 $ - $ (33,356)0.00% closed checking account Total EDA Fund Revenue$ 5,400$ 36,866$ 3,200$ (31,466)682.71% ExpenditureE 225-46500-210 Operating Supplies$ 300 $23$0$2777.74% E 225-46500-303 Engineering Fees$ - $0$0$00.00% E 225-46500-304 Legal Services$ - $0$0$00.00% E 225-46500-308 Other Professional Services$ 100 $0$0$1000.00% EDAM Membership; Sister City DuesE225-46500-340 Advertising$ 1,500 $0$0$1,5000.00% E 225-46500-433 Dues and Subscriptions$ 1,203 $364$0$83930.26% E 225-46500-440 Events$ 1,500 $310$0$1,19020.67% E 225-46500-720 Operating Transfers$ - $33,356$0($33,356)0.00% closed checking account Total EDA Fund Expenditures$ 4,603$ 34,053$ -$ (29,450)739.81% CABLE TV FUND RevenueR 226-41950-36210 Interest Income$ 100 $ - $ - $ 100 0.00% R 226-41950-36260 Sale of Equipment$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% R 226-41950-38050 Cable TV Franchise Rebates$ 16,700 $ 15,317 $ 1,628 $ 1,383 91.72% R 226-41950-38051 PEG Fees$ 4,400 $ 3,423 $ 413 $ 977 77.80% Total Cable TV Fund Revenue$ 21,200$ 18,740$ 2,041$ 2,460 88.40% ExpenditureE 226-41950-240 Small Tools and Minor Equip$ 300 $ - $ - $ 300 0.00% E 226-41950-309 Software Support & Maintenance$ 3,500 $ 2,879 $ 181 $ 621 82.26% Boxcast streaming & storage E 226-41950-438 Misc. Contractual$ 7,750 $ 9,118 $ 2,199 $ (1,368) 117.65% Filming Govt meetings; Zoom contract E 226-41950-570 Office Equipment$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% Total Cable TV Fund Expenditures$ 11,550$ 11,997$ 2,380$ (447) 103.87% GATEWAY TRAIL FUND RevenueR 230-45000-36230 Donations$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% ExpenditureE 230-45000-308 Other Professional Services$ - $ - $ - $ 0.00% CITY OF SCANDIA Revenue - Expenditure Summary OCTOBER 2024 Description2024 Budget2024 YTD AmountSEPT AmountBudget Balance% of BudgetComments 2018 STREET RECONSTRUCTION RevenueR 318-47000-31000 Washington Cty. Tax Settlement$ 345,634 $ 172,817 $ - $ 172,817 50.00% ExpenditureE 318-47000-601 Long Term Debt Principal$ 245,000 $ - $ - $ 245,000 0.00% E 318-47000-611 Long Term Debt Interest$ 84,175 $ 42,088 $ - $ 42,087 50.00% E 318-47000-620 Fiscal Agent s Fees$ 495 $ 1,045 $ - $ (550) 211.11%2023 & 2024 fees Total 2018 Street Reconstruction Fund Expenditures$ 329,670 $ 43,133$ -$ 286,53713.08% 2024 STREET RECONSTRUCTION RevenueR 324-47000-31000 Washington Cty. Tax Settlement$ - $ - $ - $ 0.00% R 324-47000-36210 Interest Income$ - $ 47,765 $ 3,579 $ (47,765) 0.00% Total 2024 Street Reconstruction Fund Revenues$ - $ 47,765 $ 3,579 $ (47,765)0.00% ExpenditureE 324-47000-601 Long Term Debt Principal$ - $ - E 324-47000-611 Long Term Debt Interest$ - E 324-47000-620 Fiscal Agent s Fees$ 495 $ - $ 495 0.00% E 324-49000-720 Operating Transfers$ 292,838 $ 71,358 $ (292,838) transfer from bonds tochecking Total 2024 Street Reconstruction Fund Expenditures$ 495 $ -$ -$ 4950.00% CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS RevenueR 401-48000-31000 Washington Cty. Tax Settlement$ 235,000 $ 117,500 $ - $ 117,500 50.00% R 401-48000-33422 Other State Grants & Aids$ - $ 34,110 $ - $ (34,110) 0.00% R 401-48000-33640 Other Grants$ - $ 21,750 $ 10,778 $ (21,750) 0.00% R 401-48000-36210 Interest Income$ 3,000 $ - $ - $ 3,000 0.00% Total Capital Improvement Fund Revenue$ 238,000 $ 173,360 $ 10,778 $ 64,640 72.84% ExpenditureE 401-41000-312 Planning Services$ - $ - $ - $ 0.00% E 401-41000-520 Capital Improvements to Bldgs$ - $ - $ - $ 46.10% E 401-41000-530 Capital Impr Other Than Bldgs$ 250,000 $ - $ - $ 250,000 0.00% E 401-42200-520 Capital Improvements to Bldgs$ - 0.00% E 401-45180-520 Capital Improvements to Bldgs$ 67,548 $ 31,140 $ 31,140 $ 36,408 46.10%office remodel E 401-48000-303 Engineering Fees$ - $ 57,291 $ 8,579 $ (57,291) 0.00% Gateway Trail Engineering E 401-48000-308 Other Professional Services$ - $ 4,800 $ - $ (4,800)0.00% Gateway Trail Lobbying E 401-48000-435 Misc Expense$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E 401-48000-438 Misc. Contractual$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E 401-48000-520 Capital Improvements to Bldgs$ - $ - $ - $ 0.00% E 401-48000-530 Capital Impr Other Than Bldgs$ 160,000 $ - $ - $ 160,000 0.00% E 401-48000-720 Operating Transfers$ - $ 150,000 $ - $ (150,000) 0.00% transfer toPark Fund forcourt recon 477,548 $ 93,231 $ 39,719 $ 384,317 19.52% PARK DEVELOPMENT RevenueR 404-48000-31000 Washington Cty. Tax Settlement$ 60,000 $ 30,000 $ - $ 30,000 50.00% R 404-48000-33422 Other State Grants & Aids$ - $ 101,250 $ - $ (101,250) 0.00%2023 Playground grant R 404-48000-34780 Park Dedication Fees$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% R 404-48000-39203 Transfer from Other Funds$ - $ 150,000 $ - $ (150,000) 0.00%from Park Fund balance R 404-48000-36210 Interest Income$ 66 $ - $ - $ 66 0.00% R 404-48000-36230 Donations$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% Total Park Development Fund Revenue$ 60,066$ 281,250 $ -$ (221,184)468.23% ExpenditureE 404-48000-303 Engineering Fees$0.00$ 54,470 $ 2,703 $ (54,470) 0.00%tennis courts E 404-48000-308 Other Professional Services$0.00$ 410 $ - $ (410) 0.00% E 404-48000-312 Planning Services$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E 404-48000-520 Capital Improvements to Bldgs$ - $ - $ - $ 0.00% E 404-48000-530 Capital Impr Other Than Bldgs$ 150,000 $ 205,683 $ 202,997 $ (55,683) 137.12%tennis court reconstruction E 404-48000-720 Operating Transfers$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% Total Park Development Fund Expenditures$ 150,000 $ 260,563 $ 205,700 $ (110,563)173.71% EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT RevenueR 406-48500-31000 Washington Cty. Tax Settlement$ 110,000 $ 55,000 $ - $ 55,000 50.00% R 406-48500-36210 Interest Income$ 1,045 $ - $ - $ 1,045 0.00% R 406-48500-36260 Sale of Equipment$ - $ 28,550 $ 28,550 $ (28,550) 0.00% 2014 Ford F550 sold R 406-48500-39350 Certificate of Indebtedness$ 350,000 $ - $ - $ 350,000 0.00% Total Equipment Replacement Fund Revenue$ 461,045 $ 83,550$ 28,550 $ 377,49518.12% ExpenditureE 406-48500-540 Heavy Machinery Capital$ 867,000 $ 264,304 $ - $ 602,696 30.48%Fire Truck & Drum Mulcher E 406-48500-550 Motor Vehicles Capital$ 84,356 $ 161,429 $ - $ (77,073) 191.37%FD Utility Truck(2023) & PW F550 Total Equipment Replacement Fund Expenditures$ 951,356 $ 425,733 $ -$ 525,62344.75% CITY OF SCANDIA Revenue - Expenditure Summary OCTOBER 2024 Description2024 Budget2024 YTD AmountSEPT AmountBudget Balance% of BudgetComments LOCAL ROAD IMPROVEMENT FUND RevenueR 408-43100-31000 Washington Cty. Tax Settlement$ 375,000 $ 187,500 $ - $ 187,500 50.00% R 408-43100-33422 Other State Grants & Aids$ 63,082 $ - $ (63,082) 0.00% R 408-43100-36210 Interest Income$ 10,705 $ - $ - $ 10,705 0.00% R 408-43100-39310 Proceeds-Gen Obligation Bond$ 4,000,000 $ 3,868,542 $ - $ 131,458 96.71% Total LRIF Revenue$ 4,385,705$ 4,119,123$ -$ 266,58293.92% ExpenditureE 408-43100-303 Engineering Fees$ 120,000 $ 318,338 $ 32,960 $ (198,338) 265.28% E 408-43100-319 Other Services$ - $ 375 $ - $ (375) 0.00% E 408-43100-351 Legal Notices Publishing$ - $ 59 $ - $ (59)0.00% E 408-43100-530 Capital Impr Other Than Bldgs$ 3,575,000 $ 2,760,097 $ 38,398 $ 814,903 77.21% Total LRIF Expenditures$ 3,695,000 $ 3,078,869 $ 71,358 $ 616,131 83.33% BLISS SEWER RevenueR 602-43210-31951 Special Assessments Principal$ - $ 2,652 $ - $ 2,652) 0.00% R 602-43210-31952 SA Penalties & Interest$ 420 $ 318 $ - $ 102 75.76% R 602-43210-33422 Other State Grants & Aids$ - $ - $ - $ -0.00% R 602-43210-34401 Sewer User Fees$ 125,230 $ 83,537 $ 15,935 $ 41,693 66.71% R 602-43210-34402 Sewer Connection Fee$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% R 602-43210-36100 Special Assessments$ - $ 47 $ - $ (47)0.00% R 602-43210-36102 Penalties and Interest$ - $ 222 $ 85 $ (222)0.00% R 602-43210-36210 Interest Income$ 210 $ - $ - $ 210 0.00% Total BLISS Sewer Revenue$ 125,860 $ 86,776 $ 16,019 $ 39,084 68.95% ExpenditureE 602-43210-101 Regular Wages & Salaries$ 17,458 $ 11,476 $ (3,363) $ 5,982 65.74% E 602-43210-120 Pension Expense$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E 602-43210-121 PERA Coord. Employer Contribu.$ 1,309 $ 859 $ (252) $ 450 65.65% E 602-43210-122 FICA Employer Contribution$ 1,082 $ 671 $ (196) $ 411 62.00% E 602-43210-126 MEDICARE Employer Contribution$ 253 $ 207 $ (11) $ 46 81.78% E 602-43210-131 Employer Paid Health$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E 602-43210-151 Worker s Comp Insurance Prem$ 525 $ 716 $ (67) $ 191) 136.38% E 602-43210-200 Office Supplies$ 91 $ 102 $ - $ (11) 112.31% E 602-43210-210 Operating Supplies$ 700 $ 32 $ - $ 668 4.53% E 602-43210-240 Small Tools and Minor Equip$ 420 $ - $ - $ 420 0.00% E 602-43210-303 Engineering Fees$ 7,718 $ 77,381 $ 2,748 $ (69,663) 1002.60% Bliss Treatment Project E 602-43210-304 Legal Services$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E 602-43210-308 Other Professional Services$ 3,500 $ 16,315 $ 474 $ (12,815) 466.14%Monthly Sampling & Lobbying E 602-43210-309 Software Support & Maintenance$ 910 $ - $ - $ 910 0.00% E 602-43210-317 Employee Training$ 980 $ 598 $ - $ 382 61.05% E 602-43210-321 Telephone$ 1,750 $ 1,560 $ 68 $ 190 89.15% E 602-43210-322 Postage$ 420 $ - $ - $ 420 0.00% E 602-43210-331 Travel Expenses$ 525 $ 78 $ - $ 447 14.93% E 602-43210-334 Licenses & Permits$ 1,400 $ 505 $ - $ 895 36.07% E 602-43210-361 Liability/Property Ins$ 2,535 $ 2,383 $ - $ 152 93.99% E 602-43210-381 Utilities-Electric & Gas$ 2,100 $ 1,051 $ 117 $ 1,049 50.06% E 602-43210-385 Sewer Pumping & Maintenance$ 14,000 $ 11,315 $ 9,495 $ 2,685 80.82% E 602-43210-386 Operation & Maintenance$ 3,500 $ 1,032 $ 1,032 $ 2,468 29.49% E 602-43210-404 Repair Machinery/Equipment$ 11,200 $ 2,611 $ - $ 8,589 23.31% E 602-43210-413 Equipment Rental$ 700 $ - $ - $ 700 0.00% E 602-43210-420 Depreciation Expense$ 40,600 $ - $ - $ 40,600 0.00% 30% ofFund Balance moved tonew A-E E 602-43210-438 Misc. Contractual$ 7,000 $ 1,470 $ - $ 5,530 21.00% Fund 624 E 602-43210-439 Refunds Issued$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E 602-43210-530 Capital Impr Other Than Bldgs$ 6,930 $ - $ - $ 6,930 0.00% E 602-43210-720 Operating Transfers$ - $ 17,584 $ - $ (17,584) 0.00% Total BLISS Sewer Expenditures$ 127,606 $ 147,947 $ 10,045 $ (20,341)115.94% CITY OF SCANDIA Revenue - Expenditure Summary OCTOBER 2024 Description2024 Budget2024 YTD AmountSEPT AmountBudget Balance% of BudgetComments UPTOWN SEWER RevenueR 612-43210-34401 Sewer User Fees$ 22,400 $ 11,729 $ 587 $ 10,671 52.36% R 612-43210-36210 Interest Income$ 50 $ - $ - $ 50 0.00% Total Uptown Sewer Revenue$ 22,450$ 11,729$ 587$ 10,721 52.24% ExpenditureE 612-43210-101 Regular Wages & Salaries$ 10,725 $ 6,605 $ 635 $ 4,120 61.59% E 612-43210-120 Pension Expense$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E 612-43210-121 PERA Coord. Employer Contribu.$ 804 $ 495 $ 48 $ 309 61.51% E 612-43210-122 FICA Employer Contribution$ 665 $ 386 $ 37 $ 279 57.98% E 612-43210-126 MEDICARE Employer Contribution$ 156 $ 96 $ 9 $ 60 61.84% E 612-43210-151 Worker s Comp Insurance Prem$ 300 $ 522 $ - $ 222) 174.00% E 612-43210-200 Office Supplies$ 100 $ 35 $ 35 $ 65 34.64% E 612-43210-210 Operating Supplies$ 500 $ - $ - $ 500 0.00% E 612-43210-221 Equipment Parts$ 500 $ - $ - $ 500 0.00% E 612-43210-303 Engineering Fees$ 1,050 $ - $ - $ 1,050 0.00% E 612-43210-308 Other Professional Services$ 750 $ 310 $ - $ 441 41.27% E 612-43210-309 Software Support & Maintenance$ 84 $ - $ - $ 84 0.00% E 612-43210-317 Employee Training$ 200 $ 1,138 $ - $ (938) 568.82%Water Operator training E 612-43210-319 Other Services$ 1,500 $ - $ - $ 1,500 0.00% E 612-43210-322 Postage$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E 612-43210-334 Licenses & Permits$ 250 $ 231 $ - $ 19 92.40% E 612-43210-361 Liability/Property Ins$ 502 $ 464 $ - $ 38 92.41% E 612-43210-381 Utilities-Electric & Gas$ 1,000 $ 321 $ 26 $ 679 32.11% E 612-43210-385 Sewer Pumping & Maintenance$ 1,500 $ 1,484 $ - $ 17 98.90% E 612-43210-386 Operation & Maintenance$ 1,000 $ 546 $ 516 $ 454 54.59% E 612-43210-404 Repair Machinery/Equipment$ 2,000 $ - $ - $ 2,000 0.00% E 612-43210-420 Depreciation Expense$ 4,900 $ - $ - $ 4,900 0.00% E 612-43210-438 Misc. Contractual$ 1,500 $ 589 $ - $ 911 39.26% E 612-43210-530 Capital Impr Other Than Bldgs$ 9,900 $ - $ - $ 9,900 0.00% E 612-43210-720 Operating Transfers$ 2,640 $ - $ - $ 2,640 0.00% Total Uptown Sewer Expenditures$ 42,526$ 13,220$ 1,305$ 29,306 31.09% A-E SEWER RevenueR 624-43210-31952 SA Penalties & Interest$ 180 $ - $ - $ 180 0.00% R 624-43210-34401 Sewer User Fees$ 53,670 $ 34,771 $ 6,148 $ 18,899 64.79% R 624-43210-36102 Penalties and Interest$ - $ 50 $ 10 $ 50) 0.00% R 624-43210-36210 Interest Income$ 90 $ - $ - $ 90 0.00% R 624-43210-39200 Interfund Operating Transfer$ - $ 17,584 $ - $ (17,584)0.00% Total A-E Sewer Revenue$ 53,940 $ 52,405 $ 6,158 $ 1,535 97.15% ExpenditureE 624-43210-101 Regular Wages & Salaries$ 7,482 $ 4,918 $ 4,918 $ 2,564 65.73% E 624-43210-121 PERA Coord. Employer Contribu.$ 561 $ 369 $ 369 $ 192 65.78% E 624-43210-122 FICA Employer Contribution$ 464 $ 288 $ 288 $ 176 62.07% E 624-43210-126 MEDICARE Employer Contribution$ 108 $ 32 $ 32 $ 76 29.63% E 624-43210-131 Employer Paid Health$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E 624-43210-151 Worker s Comp Insurance Prem$ 225 $ 67 $ 67 $ 158 29.78% E 624-43210-199 Election Judge$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E 624-43210-200 Office Supplies$ 39 $ 44 $ - $ (5) 112.31% E 624-43210-210 Operating Supplies$ 300 $ - $ - $ 300 0.00% E 624-43210-240 Small Tools and Minor Equip$ 180 $ - $ - $ 180 0.00% E 624-43210-303 Engineering Fees$ - $ - $ - $ - 0.00% E 624-43210-308 Other Professional Services$ 1,500 $ 310 $ - $ 1,191 20.63% E 624-43210-309 Software Support & Maintenance$ 390 $ - $ - $ 390 0.00% E 624-43210-317 Employee Training$ 420 $ 109 $ - $ 311 25.99% E 624-43210-321 Telephone$ 750 $ 851 $ 146 $ (101) 113.46% E 624-43210-322 Postage$ 180 $ - $ - $ 180 0.00% E 624-43210-331 Travel Expenses$ 225 $ 78 $ - $ 147 34.84% E 624-43210-334 Licenses & Permits$ 600 $ 231 $ - $ 369 38.50% E 624-43210-361 Liability/Property Ins$ 1,086 $ 985 $ - $ 101 90.74% E 624-43210-381 Utilities-Electric & Gas$ 900 $ 391 $ 33 $ 509 43.42% E 624-43210-385 Sewer Pumping & Maintenance$ 6,000 $ 2,790 $ 2,790 $ 3,210 46.50% E 624-43210-386 Operation & Maintenance$ 1,500 $ 1,032 $ 1,032 $ 468 68.80% E 624-43210-404 Repair Machinery/Equipment$ 4,800 $ 1,289 $ - $ 3,511 26.86% E 624-43210-413 Equipment Rental$ 300 $ - $ - $ 300 0.00% E 624-43210-420 Depreciation Expense$ 17,400 $ - $ - $ 17,400 0.00% Riser Replacement; Sewer Rate Study; LS E 624-43210-438 Misc. Contractual$ 3,000 $ 4,508 $ - $ (1,508) 150.27% Pump Inspection E 624-43210-530 Capital Impr Other Than Bldgs$ 2,970 $ - $ - $ 2,970 0.00% Total A-E Sewer Expenditures$ 51,380$ 18,292$ 9,674$ 33,088 35.60%