08.a Draft minutes 11.05.2024 PRC
City of Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee Monday, November 5, 2024
A meeting of the Parks & Recreation Committee was held on the above date at the Community Center and Zoom.
Present: Terry Gorham (Chair,) Greg Zauner (Vice-Chair,) Dustin Hegland, and Kim Johnson. Also Present: Charles
Fischer (Public Works) and Brenda “Bee” Stignani (Office Assistant.) Gorham called the meeting to order at 6:00
p.m., a quorum was present.
Hegland moved to approve the agenda, seconded by Johnson. Motion carried unanimously.
Gorham called for any additions or corrections to October 7, 2024 minutes. No additions or corrections were
submitted. The minutes stand approved as documented.
Chair Report
Gorham will provide his comments on the Children’s Story Path Update & Awards agenda item and called for
any questions. No questions for Chair Gorham.
Public Works Report
Fischer provided a written report. Gorham added in regard to the courts a recent request for PRC to consider a
plan for inviting local businesses first, then other businesses to sponsor the courts by donations for specific
amenities to enhance the new courts. Discussion concluded Gorham will connect with local court users to
construct a list of amenities to consider to bring back for the committee to organize
Staff Report
Stignani reported Scandia Elementary School has not yet provided student work for the Story Board Stands.
Gorham introduced newly appointed PRC member Kathy Sanville who joined via Zoom.
Taco Daze/Pickleball Tourney Recap
Gorham reported a successful tournament. The 12 team slots were filled in the first day, all showed up even
though there were stand-by teams ready to cover, and the tournament was completed in the time allotted.
Everyone seemed to have a great time, the medals and prizes were distributed. Plans for 2025 include running
two tournaments simultaneously on the additional courts, with Beginners in one tournament and Seasoned
Players in the other. Staff asked if there are any potential classes offered of how to play as well as planning a
grand opening event. Fischer suggests bringing this planning discussion to the February or March agenda when
it is more clear when the courts will be open.
Children’s Story Path Update – Awards & New Stands
Fischer facilitated discussion regarding the design of the new stands. Staff will assist with communicating with
the school for the award for the Lions, Tacos and Dalas ... Oh My! contest and follow up to see if Midco already
presented the internet story contest winner her classroom prize or not. Gorham stated the classes like to display
the oversized check and asked staff to see if the expense is low enough to have a local printer make them or if a
reusable one is the best option. Johnson will assist in asking a local printer also.
Vinterfest Planning
October 5, 2024
Scandia Parks and Recreation Committee
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Zauner reported securing a coffee & dessert food truck in addition to Deep Roots Concession and is waiting to
hear if the Lions will have their truck out also. Staff reported Bolton & Menk has submitted a donation for the
prize money for the Snow Sculpture and Vinterbeans contests. Zauner confirmed the button design contest will
be offered to 5th grade students also this year only if staff confirms that these students will be attending the
middle school next year as part of a proposed restructuring of the Forest Lake School district classes. Staff will
also confirm the time they would like the information presented to students by Zauner. Zauner confirmed the
cloggers will perform Friday night prior to the Lions’ BINGO. Zauner requested all committee members study
the Task Assignment list and report to Stignani where to sign them up, all committee members consider
suggestions of other events or activities, and staff provide Sanville with 2024 event.
PRC Operational Calendar
Gorham confirmed to bring the courts re-opening event back to the February agenda and to confirm with
Scandia Elementary School when the button contest should go to the school, in October or November each year.
Sign for Hay Lake Par – Installation
Fischer confirmed the new sign is scheduled to be installed this year, prior to any winter weather. The sign will
be placed on city property on Olinda Trail N near the line of the hay field. Public Works will build up a berm, and
cover it with wood chips, and install it perpendicular to Olinda Trail in order to make the sign more readable by
traffic from either direction. Due to the realignment of Olinda Trail, the city does not own the property on the
corner of Olinda Trail and Old Marine Trail.
The proposed agenda for Monday, November 4, 2024:
1. Story Path Update - Awards
2. Vinterfest Planning
3. Operational Calendar
Motion to adjourn the meeting by Johnson, seconded by Zauner. Motion carried unanimously.
The meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda “Bee” Stignani, Office Assistant/Parks and Recreation Coordinator