06.a Bolea Concept Plan - PC Packet 1 | P a g e Date of Meeting: December 3, 2024 To: Chair Loeffler and Members of the Planning Commission From: T.J. Hofer, Consultant City Planner Madison Richard, Consultant Planner Re: Bolea Concept Plan Applicant: Phillip Bolea Zoning: RR-N, SM-O Owner: Dahlin Arnold Future Land Use: General Rural Location: PID 3403220330021 13460 182nd Street North Review Deadline N/A The applicant is requesting feedback on a concept to add an addition to an existing principal dwelling, to realign the existing driveway, adding a walkway to access the lake, and bluff alterations on a nonconforming lot with a nonconforming setback from ordinary high-water level and bluff restrictions. BACKGROUND The existing lot is legally nonconforming due to the lot size, buildable area, lot width, and lot frontage. An existing legal nonconforming structure exists on the property. The existing principal structure is setback approximately 54 ft. from the ordinary high-water level (OHWL) where 100 ft. is required and is setback approximately six feet from the side yard where 10 ft. is required. The existing structure is also nonconforming based on bluff setbacks. A 30-ft. setback is required for all structures from bluffs. The site is heavily sloped and staff estimates that the vast majority of the lot is considered “bluff” per the definition in the shoreland ordinance. The existing nonconforming principal structure has an effective setback of zero feet from the blu ff. The existing principal structure meets front yard setbacks. Staff believes that the septic system on site is nonconforming and non-compliant based on Washington County’s standards. A nonconforming detached accessory structure also exists on the lot near the ordinary high water level. 2 | P a g e Staff do not have enough information to evaluate whether the height of the existing structure is legally nonconforming or conforming. Governing Ordinance Section 153.500.110 Subd. 3 Nonconforming Building and Structures (E) Expansion of Nonconforming Buildings or Structures establishes the standards of when a nonconforming building can be expanded. The standards state that a nonconforming building shall not be expanded except in conformity with the UDC. If the expansion of a structure is done because the lot is nonconforming based on anything other than height, yard setbacks, or lot area and the expansion cannot be done without increasing the nonconformity, the variance procedure must be followed. The applicant is proposing the expansion of a nonconforming principal structure and realignment of the driveway that would not be in conformance with the UDC and Shoreland Management Regulations. Chapter 5 Shoreland Management Regulations 3.72 states that all additions or expansions to the outside dimensions of an existing nonconforming structure must meet the setback, height, and other requirements of Sections 5.0 to 8.0 of the ordinance. Any devi ation from these requirements must be authorized by a variance. The proposed principal structure does not conform to these sections. EVALUATION OF REQUEST Existing Conditions The existing lot is a legally nonconforming lot in the Rural Residential Neighborhood (RR-N) base zoning district and the Shoreland Management Overlay District (SM-O). Lot standards are detailed below for the RR-N and SM-O districts. RR-N SM-O Minimum Lot Size (ac.) (Existing Lot of Record) 0.92 2.5 Buildable Area (ac.) 1.0 N/A Minimum Lot Width (ft.) 150 160 Lot Frontage (ft.) 100 N/A Setbacks (ft.) Front 40 N/A Side 10 N/A OHWL 100 100 Top of Bluff N/A 30 3 | P a g e RR-N SM-O Maximum Lot Coverage 25% 25% Height of Structure (ft.) 35 35 Staff have not provided a summary of the subject property, as a survey has not been submitted with the relevant information to review. Staff have reviewed the site and nearly the entirety of the site is considered a bluff. The existing home is nonconforming due to the encroachment into the bluff setback and the encroachment into the setback from the OHWL. Variance Variances will likely be needed for nearly any improvement on the lot. Chapter 153.500.060 Subd. 1(B) establishes the standards for when the City shall approve a variance. The variance must be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, must be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of this Chapter, and when the strict enforcement of this Chapter would result in practical difficulties with carrying out the strict letter of the Code. Practical difficulties are established within the UDC and are listed below in italics: a. The applicant proposes to use the property in a reasonable manner not permitted by this Chapter. b. The plight of the landowner is due to circumstances unique to the property not created by the landowner. c. The variance, if granted, will not alter the essential character of the locality. d. Economic conditions alone shall not constitute practical difficulties. e. May include, but is not limited to, inadequate access to direct sunlight for solar energy systems. f. The proposed variance will not impair an adequate supply of light and air to adjacent property, or substantially increase the congestion of the public streets, or increase the danger of fire, or endanger the public safety, or substantially diminish or impair property values within the neighborhood. g. The requested variance is the minimum action required to eliminate the practical difficulty. The applicant has provided a narrative which is attached. The applicant has identified the following issues with the site: the slope of the existing driveway and access to the principal structure from the driveway are not suited to the climate, the edge of the driveway has eroded leaving one parking stall unusable, there are issues with the water runoff on the site damaging the home’s foundation and walls, the existing home does not connect to the garage, and the existing septic system is non-compliant. Staff have reviewed these issues. 4 | P a g e Principal Structure The foundation has not been inspected by a qualified inspector and staff cannot comment on the status of the foundation. Staff is unable to determine if the proposed addition would be an increase to the existing nonconformity on the site, however, comments from the DNR suggest that any expansion should be considered an expansion of a nonconformity, as the entire lot should be considered a bluff. The proposed location of the addition to the principal structure would create a further nonconformity by expanding a structure on a bluff. Staff believes this is not the minimal action required. The expansion of the footprint of the building would require a variance, however expanding the existing structure vertically may not. The connection between the garage and the house without expanding the footprint should be considered. If the applicant believes this is not a viable alternative, this should be explained within a future narrative. The height of the structure has not been provided by the applicant, and staff cannot comment on an addition increasing the height until this information is provided. Height in the Shoreland Overlay is measured different than areas not in the Shoreland Overlay. 5 | P a g e (21) Height of building. The vertical distance from the average of the highest and lowest point of grade for that portion of the lot covered by the building, to the highest point of the roof for flat roofs, to the roof deck line of mansard roofs and to the mean height between eaves and ridge for gable, hip, or gambrel roofs. No structure shall exceed the maximum height permitted for the zoning district in which it is located, except for church spires, chimneys, agricultural silos, wind energy conversion systems, wireless communication antennas and towers and flag poles up to 45 feet in height. The height of a stepped or terraced building is the maximum height of any segment of the building. Driveway The alignment of the current driveway is nonconforming with the City’s Engineering Standards that limits the slope of a driveway between 2 and 10%. The realignment is a reasonable request to meet this standard as it increases usability for all climates and provides better access for emergency vehicles, the proposed northern location of the driveway will further impact the bluff and require significant vegetation clearing. Staff believe that the applicant should review alternate alignments and would encourage restoration and remediation to the vegetation that is cleared for the final alignment. Garage The replacement of the support wall at the current location would be appropriate and would not conflict with the UDC or Shoreland Ordinance. Plans for the support wall shall be engineered . The proposal includes relocating the support wall further into the setback to align with the proposed home addition, which does not minimize encroachment into the bluff. Stormwater Maintenance Staff understands that the application is having a survey prepared for the property. S taff cannot comment on the status of stormwater maintenance changes until a survey and plans for alteration have been prepared. 6 | P a g e ANALYSIS Review Comments The submittal was sent to city staff and other regulatory agencies for review and comment. Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District The Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District has been working with the applicant to receive the necessary drawings for review and ensure compliance with District requirements. The District has shared Watershed rules with the applicant and stated the need for stormwater mitigation and erosion and sediment control for proposed redevelopment or additions. The recommendation to the applicant regarding lake access/stairs/steps/lifts was to consider a minimal topographic alterations approach to reduce the potential erosion issues. As proposed, the Watershed District does not have enough details to confirm compliance. The Watershed will continue to work with both the applicant and City on the topic of implementing screening, habitat buffers, and shoreline alterations. Engineering Department The City Engineer has concerns about the driveway realignment, regarding location and drainage, as it must be setback five feet from the side property line. Stormwater should be directed away from the building and around the north side. Drainage cannot be directed onto an adjacent property. The City Engineer stated the “drainage should be routed so it is not forced over the proposed septic tanks”. More detailed comments will be provided on grades of driveway, drainage, impervious area, and stormwater treatment, once the applicant has provided a survey. Fire Department The Fire Chief has not provided comment at the time of writing this report. Public Works Department The Public Works Director has not provided comment at the time of writing this report. Department of Natural Resources DNR Area Hydrologist has not provided comment at the time of writing this report. Staff were able to reach the Area Hydrologist prior to the application being submitted and were advised to treat the areas of the site as a bluff based on the hill slope, regardless of existing improvement. COMMISSION ACTION No formal action is taken when considering concept plans. Comments made by the Planning Commission and staff are considered informal. RECOMMEDNATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission discuss the concept plan and provide feedback to the applicant. 7 | P a g e The UDC states that the Concept Plan may be reviewed by the City Council if recommended by the Planning Commission. Staff recommends that the Commission consult the applicant on whether they wish the application to be recommended to City Council. Attachments A. Location and Zoning Map B. Application C. Narrative D. Concept Plan E. Combined Submittal Items F. Comments from City Engineers, dated November 25, 2024. G. Comments from Carnelian Marine St. Croix Watershed District, dated November 25, 2024. 37 6.2 © Bolton & Menk, Inc - Web GIS 0 Legend Location & Zoning Map This drawing is neither a legally recorded map nor a survey and is not intended to be used as one. This drawing is a compilation of records, information, and data located in various city, county, and state offices, and other sources affecting the area shown, and is to be used for reference purposes only. The City of Scandia is not responsible for any inaccuracies herein contained. Disclaimer: 11/27/2024 9:22 AM 263 Feet City Limits Parcels 10/24/2024 Lot Lines Parks Shoreland Overlay PUD Overlay Lakes Mining Overlay Saint Croix River District Zoning Agricultural Core Agricultural Preserves Rural Residential General Village Neighborhood Rural Commercial Rural Residential Neighborhood Village Historic Core Village Center Open Space - Planned Unit Development Industrial Park Scandia_2022.sid Red: Band_1 Green: Band_2 Blue: Band_3 File No._____________ APPLICATION FOR PLANNING AND ZONING REQUEST City of Scandia, Minnesota 14727 209th Street North, Scandia, MN 55073 Phone 651/433-2274 Fax 651/433-5112 Web https://www.cityofscandia.com/ Please read before completing: The City will not begin processing an application that is incomplete. Detailed submission requirements may be found in the Scandia Development Code, available at the City office and website www.cityofscandia.com) and in the checklist forms for the particular type of application. Application fees are due at the time of application and are n ot refundable. 1. Property Location: (street address, if applicable) 2. Washington County Parcel ID: 3. Complete Legal Description: (attach if necessary) 4. Owner(s): Phone: (h) (b) Street Address: E-Mail: City/ State: Zip: 5. Applicant/Contact Person: Phone: (h) (b) Street Address (Mailing): E-Mail: City/ State: Zip: 6. Requested Action(s): (check all that apply) ____ Variance ____ Variance Extension ____ Conditional Use Permit (CUP) ____ CUP Extension ____ CUP/ Open Space Subdivision. ____ CUP/ Planned Unit Development ____ Interim Use Permit (IUP) ____ Annual Operators Permit ____ Administrative Permit (type)____________________ ____ Site Plan Review (type)____________________ ____ Site Plan Modification ____ Site Plan Extension ____ Sign (Permanent) ____ Amendment (Development Code ) ____ Amendment (Comp. Plan ) ____ Subdivision, Minor ____ Subdivision, Preliminary Plat/Major ____ Subdivision, Final Plat ____ Environmental Review ____ Wetland Review 13460 182nd St. N., Scandia, MN 3403220330010 3403220330011 SubdivisionName HERBERT ENGQUIST SUBD Lot 9 and 10 SubdivisionCd 91295 HERBERT ENGQUIST SUBDIV Phillip Bolea 7390 Dellwood Rd. N. Grant, MN 55115 boleaent@yahoo.com 651-402-6251 612-368-6309 13460 182nd St. N. Scandia, MN X Concept Review The Estate of of Arnold Brent Dahlin 7. Brief Description of Request: (attach separate sheet if necessary; include Variance Rationale if necessary) _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 8. Project Name: I hereby apply for consideration of the above described request and declare that the information and materials submitted with this application are complete and accurate. I understand that no application shall be considered complete unless accompanied by fees as required by city ordinance. Applications for projects requiring more than one type of review shall include the cumulative total of all application fees specified for each type of review. I understand that applicants are required to reimburse the city for all out-of-pocket costs incurred for processing, reviewing and hearing the application. These costs shall include, but are not limited to: parcel searches; publication and mailing of notices; review by the city’s engineering, planning and other consultants; legal costs, and recording fees. An escrow deposit to cover these costs will be collected by the city at the time of application. The minimum escrow deposit shall be cumulative total of all minimum escrow deposits for each type of review required for the project, unless reduced as provided for by ordinance. The city may increase the amount of the required escrow deposit at any time if the city’s costs are reasonably expected to exceed the minimum amount. Any balance remaining after review is complete will be refunded to the applicant. No interest is paid on escrow deposits. PLEASE NOTE: If the fee owner is not the applicant, the applicant must provide written authorization by the fee owner in order for this application to be considered complete. Property Fee Owner Signature(s) Date: Applicant Signature(s) Date: For City Use Only Application Fees: _______________________ Escrow Deposit: _______________________ Accessibility (driveway and DRIVEWAY ACCESS, was 11/5/2024 Concept Review: Accessibility Plan for Existing Home and Land at 13460 182 nd St. N., Scandia Scandia Planning Commission Meeting December 3, 2024 openings and other walls out of plumb. Cracks in foundation wall allow water infiltration into the living space. Water on driveway has eroded soils below the driveway and dropped elevation several inches. Water saturated soils have frost heaved driveway support wall and fractured 12inch block foundation. Water cascades over driveway edge into existing south foundation wall of home and frost heaves. C:\BOLEA\INVESTMENT PROPERTY\Big Marine\13460\regulations\Narrative Accessibility Plan for 13460 182nd St. N. Scandia bolea5.doc Created by Phillip Bolea on 11/8/2024 10:24:55 PM page 2 of 7 Concept Review: Accessibility Plan for Existing Home and Land at 13460 182 nd St. N., Scandia Scandia Planning Commission Meeting December 3, 2024 C:\BOLEA\INVESTMENT PROPERTY\Big Marine\13460\regulations\Narrative Accessibility Plan for 13460 182nd St. N. Scandia bolea5.doc Created by Phillip Bolea on 11/8/2024 10:24:55 PM page 3 of 7 Concept Review: Accessibility Plan for Existing Home and Land at 13460 182 nd St. N., Scandia Scandia Planning Commission Meeting December 3, 2024 The present accessible part of the driveway is only 12 ft wide for a 16ft over head door. Only one car can use the double car garage. 2.2 Proposed Reroute driveway to decrease slope. Rise/Run 11ft/156ft = 7% slope which matches my present home of 38 years and found to be satisfactory in all weather conditions. Abandon large sections of driveway that directs runoff toward foundations. Slope of driveway moves all runoff East into a rain garden infiltration area. Details in section 5 below. Radius of driveway is greater than my present home of 38 years. Suitable for large trucks . Structural railing on driveway edges with drop-offs. No vertical drops greater than 4ft. Use of terraced planting areas. Increase driveway width for two car functionality near garage. Re-naturalize with plantings. 3 Home Access 3.1 Existing Access to existing home is 8ft below surface of driveway. Exterior concrete stairway, 14 risers is difficult to navigate in bad weather. Impossible for handicap people using a wheel chair. A motorize seat is high maintenance and difficult to use by one person especially in bad weather. Very difficult to get groceries from car into house. C:\BOLEA\INVESTMENT PROPERTY\Big Marine\13460\regulations\Narrative Accessibility Plan for 13460 182nd St. N. Scandia bolea5.doc Created by Phillip Bolea on 11/8/2024 10:24:55 PM page 4 of 7 Concept Review: Accessibility Plan for Existing Home and Land at 13460 182 nd St. N., Scandia Scandia Planning Commission Meeting December 3, 2024 The grade at entry door is flat and heavily shaded. Water from driveway soaks into pervious surface and does not dry out. Root cause for existing foundation damage. 3.2 Proposed Solve three issues in one design. Create an entry room at same level as driveway and garage. Move the process of going from driveway level to main living level into the heated home space. Install interior elevator for handicap access from driveway level to living space level. The roof of this entry room is impervious with gutters and storm water management to prevent soils on south side of south foundation wall from becoming saturated. These soils will be frost protected by the climate control of the home. A poured concrete wall will support the new driveway north edge and use reinforcing rod into the concrete driveway to structurally lock top of wall to driveway. At the base of this wall is a concrete slab similarly locked at the base. The north end of the concrete slab is rod and core filled into existing south home foundation wall to lock in place. The entire structure is locked in place structurally. An 8ft high room is created below the entry level room that could have grade access for storage of lawn/garden tools and eliminate the need for an accessory shed on the property. Roof lines of the entry area will be 4/12 pitch to match existing roof lines and stay below structure height limits in the ordinance. 4 Septic System 4.1 Existing Existing septic system is functional and not leaking however it has been determined to be non- compliant by a licensed inspector and entire system must be replaced. A six month deadline us stated in the report on file at Washington County. 4.2 Proposed A licensed septic system designer has been hired and the design process has started. This is a three bedroom home requiring three 1000 gallon tanks. The third tanks is a lift station to a presumed mounded leach field on the flatest part of the property, south east corner lot9. 5 Water Runoff A licensed survey company has been hired to measure topography, find lot corners, determine OHWM, toe of bluff, and make the determination what areas are bluff designated. 5.1 Existing The existing home storm water runoff design has been in place for over 50 years. It has performed fairly well but there is much room for improvement. Existing smooth bore solid pipe allows runoff to accelerate down the slope and does not leverage distributed infiltration. Open top concrete drop boxes were used which are a tripping hazard. There are two organic filled debris clogged low areas near OHWM that serve as infiltration for the entire property. Lake ice heaving has created berms along the shoreline and prevented surface runoff from reaching the lake. 5.2 Proposed Work closely with Watershed district and using the Small Residential Project Stormwater Worksheet to create two stormwater management zones. The upper area between 182 nd St. N. and the home, and a lower area between the home and Big Marine Lake. The upper area 970 to 990 will move runoff west to east and into a rain garden infiltration zone in the driveway loop. An overflow pipe will distributed infiltration and slow water velocity down into two lower mostly existing infiltration areas. The lower infiltration areas will be cleaned out and expanded in surface area as needed. All rain garden infiltration areas will be design to exceed requirements of the Small Residential Project Stormwater Worksheet. All smooth bore existing pipe will be removed C:\BOLEA\INVESTMENT PROPERTY\Big Marine\13460\regulations\Narrative Accessibility Plan for 13460 182nd St. N. Scandia bolea5.doc Created by Phillip Bolea on 11/8/2024 10:24:55 PM page 5 of 7 Concept Review: Accessibility Plan for Existing Home and Land at 13460 182 nd St. N., Scandia Scandia Planning Commission Meeting December 3, 2024 and replaced with distributed infiltration corrugated pipe sized to handle maximum runoff volumes and slow the runoff velocity especially in steep areas. Clean-outs will facilitate maintaining the new pipe laterals. No open drop boxes to trip in or clog. No vertical drops greater than 4ft. Use of terraced planting areas as needed. Work closely with Watershed district and Washington County Conservation office to create a natural blended look and function. During construction erosion control and storm water management will be critical. Silt fencing, Straw Wattles, Straw bails, GeoCell material, and Geotech material will be used to control erosion and sediment. An arrangement has been made with a local home owner to store fill temporarily as needed. Storing material on site will not be practical due to topography. Sequencing operations and settling a disrupted area before opening a new area. A more long-term approach will be taken. We have no expectation of living in the home as we have fully functional home 15 miles away. Additionally during construction low compaction of soils will be important. Smaller lighter machines. No machines will travel between 970 and OHWM. Portable equipment and minimal foot traffic in this region. 6 Practical Difficulty Standards 6.1 Reasonable Use Lowering the slope of the driveway and using the driveway surface to direct runoff away from foundations in a natural look and function is reasonable for living on this property. Having simple weather robust access to the living spaces from a vehicle or the driveway is a reasonable expectation. 6.2 Circumstances Unique to the Property Topography and failures of existing as built driveway, entry area, septic system and aging collapsing runoff management system. 6.3 Essential Character Work will be performed and results will look natural and blend into the land from both the road view and lake view. Colors and shapes will blend into the natural setting. 6.4 Economic Conditions The owner has limited financial resources and will be engaged and supervise all aspect of the project to control costs. Many aspects of the project will require uniquely qualified contractors. The owner will vet several contractors. Contracts will be awarded to the best qualified for minimal impact and experience working in Bluff designated areas. Costs must also be considered. 6.5 Direct Sunlight Access to sunlight will be useful for water evaporation and strong plant growth for slope stabilization. Most of this lot is North North West facing. Some areas of the canopy should be opened strategically to allow light to the surface. A tree removal and 2:1 replacement plan will exceed the ordinance minimum requirement. 6.6 Adjacent Property Impact The site plan will be reviewed and comments welcomed from both east and west neighbors. No part of this plan will adversely affect either neighbor. If some unintended situation arises I will work to resolve as soon as possible. C:\BOLEA\INVESTMENT PROPERTY\Big Marine\13460\regulations\Narrative Accessibility Plan for 13460 182nd St. N. Scandia bolea5.doc Created by Phillip Bolea on 11/8/2024 10:24:55 PM page 6 of 7 Concept Review: Accessibility Plan for Existing Home and Land at 13460 182 nd St. N., Scandia Scandia Planning Commission Meeting December 3, 2024 6.7 Minimum to eliminate Practical Difficulty A higher valued home than existing on this property would probably be valued well over 1.3 million dollars and could be designed with more living space on the same level as the garage without increasing impervious area relative to the perfered minimal proposal. Example would be a new kitchen, dining room, bathroom and master bedroom on a proposed level equal to the garage. This would require major structural changes in the existing home or a complete tear down and rebuild on same foundation. I choose a minimal design of just the entry area and elevator to solve the accessibility hardship of the existing home and minimal changes to the existing home. Many of the design solutions are interconnected and solve multiple hardships in a single holistic process. Example is the entry room and related. This approach also does not significantly change the appearance of the home from the lake. 7 Conclusion The above four parts of the Accessibility Plan are interconnected and essential. They will be performed in a careful, minimal fashion so the end results blend into the natural setting of this property and most importantly protect the water quality and ecosystems of Big Marine Lake. A very unique lake. C:\BOLEA\INVESTMENT PROPERTY\Big Marine\13460\regulations\Narrative Accessibility Plan for 13460 182nd St. N. Scandia bolea5.doc Created by Phillip Bolea on 11/8/2024 10:24:55 PM page 7 of 7 GIS Area Map Existing Proposed Site 6 Document assembled by city staff from applicant's submittal. Names for documents from applicant. Contact city staff for original files. Driveway Garage Roof Interface Site Plan Failed Driveway and Support Wall Enter Steep Existing Driveway Impervious Surfaces Analysis Lot 9 sqft Lot 10 sqft Impervious Home Existing Impervious Home Proposed Impervious Driveway Existing Impervious Driveway Proposed 11.4.2024 Bolea Accessibility (driveway and living space) plan for 13460 182nd St. N., Scandia, MN Impervious area percentage of total area calculations for existing and proposed. See .png screenshot of each area's measurement of sqft from Washington County GIS map Property Viewer. Shoreland Ordinance 198 section 3.7, A, 3 states impervious surface coverage does not exceed 25% of the lot. Existing: Total lot area = 17087 + 8685 = 25772 sqft Total impervious area = 3154 + 1406 = 4560 sqft % impervious area = 4560 / 25772 x 100 = 17.7% Proposed: Total impervious area = 3154 + 212 + 1875 = 5241 sqft % impervious area = 5241 / 25772 x 100 = 20.3% 1 TJ Hofer From:Ryan Goodman Sent:Monday, November 25, 2024 8:25 AM To:Isiah Bubany; TJ Hofer Subject:RE: Bole Concept Plan (PID 3403220330010 and 3403220330011) Isiah/TJ, Additional Comments: Need to verify with Charlie on driveway permit, sometimes when there is this significant of a change he has required a driveway permit. Need to make sure new driveway is at least 5’ away from side property line. This is a significant impact along the shoreline with the proposed work, will the DNR have anything to say about this? Think the City should require a real survey on this to be able to review the grades of the driveway, drainage, impervious area, and stormwater treatment. Ryan J Goodman P.E. Bolton & Menk, Inc. 3507 High Point Drive North Bldg. 1 Suite E130 Oakdale, MN 55128 Mobile: 612-597-7140 Bolton-Menk.com From: Isiah Bubany <Isiah.Bubany@bolton-menk.com> Sent: Monday, November 25, 2024 7:56 AM To: TJ Hofer <tj.hofer@bolton-menk.com> Cc: Ryan Goodman <Ryan.Goodman@bolton-menk.com> Subject: RE: Bole Concept Plan (PID 3403220330010 and 3403220330011) TJ, Is submission of comments over email sufficient? If so, I have the following thoughts: 1. Alteration will need to make sure that water drains away from the building and around the north side. a. Drainage should be routed so it is not forced over the proposed septic tanks. 2. There is potential for issues with drainage and slippery conditions at the proposed driveway if no culvert is installed, or additional drainage modifications. 3. No driveway access permit will be needed. a. Is the old driveway being removed or will it remain in place? 4. I’m sure the watershed will address, but treatment may be required with the additional impervious surface. Thank you, Isiah Bubany, PE Project Engineer 2 Bolton & Menk, Inc. 3507 High Point Drive North Bldg. 1 Suite E130 Oakdale, MN 55128 Phone: 651-704-9970 Mobile: 651-308-1491 Isiah.Bubany@bolton-menk.com Bolton-Menk.com Document assembled by city staff from applicant's submittal. Names for documents from applicant. Contact city staff for original files. GIS Area Map aa dluoBLUFFS OF EAet.·so 260 13272 13290 13322 -182n0 sreet North 13275 17835 17989 [I I a I Ir @ ")[@ele)@ c)@ /I¥t ,'\ \ Site Plan 1 TJ Hofer From:Tom Langer <tom.langer@cmscwd.org> Sent:Monday, November 25, 2024 7:28 PM To:TJ Hofer Subject:RE: Bole Concept Plan (PID 3403220330010 and 3403220330011) Hi TJ, Mr. Bolea has been in communication with the Watershed.  Our understanding of his proposed driveway and home entry development plans are as you’ve described. Mr. Bolea has been informed of the Watershed Rules and the need for stormwater mitigation and erosion and sediment control for proposed redevelopment or additions. There does appear to be limited space but it is anticipated that it could meet our requirements. No concept plans contain the details needed to confirm compliance at this point.  Mr. Bolea has communicated a desire for a new access to the lake. The District supports the City’s ordinances about lake access/stairs/steps/lifts and our recommendation to Mr. Bolea was to consider a minimal topographic alterations approach to reduce the potential erosion issues.  The Watershed’s supports both Mr. Bolea’s need for tree management within the SIZ related to the retaining wall and the City’s tree replacement requirements. The District supports the concept of a viewshed and we remain interested in continued conversations with the City on the topic of implementing screening, habitat buffers, and shoreline alterations. We are anticipating a site survey from Mr. Bolea over the next few months to ensure sufficient detail on these concepts are provided so that compliance with District requirements is certain and the required permits are obtained. Thanks! Tom Langer Senior Riparian Specialist | Carnelian Marine St. Croix Watershed District 11660 Myeron Rd North | Stillwater, MN 55082 Phone:  (651) 275-7452 | Cell: 507-276-8056  www.cmscwd.org Permitting Overview: https://www.cmscwd.org/permits-overview District Rules: https://www.cmscwd.org/rules Permit Forms & Deadlines: https://www.cmscwd.org/residential-permits