08.d 11.26.2024 Minutes TC DRAFT
Scandia Tourism Committee, Community Center Hall November 26, 2024
Members in Attendance: Sue Dickens, Jim Gribble, Chrissi Larsen, Sarah Porubcansky, and Lynne
Moratzka. Additional Attendees: Brenda “Bee” Stignani (Office Assistant).
Call to Order –Chair Dickens called the meeting to order at 4:07 p.m., a quorum is present.
Approve the Agenda – Gribble moved, Porubcansky seconded, to approve the agenda with
Flexibility. Motion carried unanimously.
Approve the Minutes – Porubcansky moved, Larsen seconded, to approve October 22, 2024
minutes. Motion carried unanimously.
Business Breakfast (November 13, 2024) – Chair Dickens reported the positive response from the
small group, with encouraging organic conversations and new participants. General discussion
included hearing comments from attendees to support the community, the need for the next menu to
also included a gluten free option in addition to the vegetarian choice, that Mayor Elect Kronmiller
indicated Council will discuss re-starting the EDA to take over future Business Breakfasts, and the
need to establish a vision to guide the future program and structure of future breakfast meetings.
VinterLights! Planning (December 1, 2024) – Chair Dickens facilitated discussion to verbalize a
checklist of all tasks planned and preparations made, requesting feedback for missed details.
Discussion concluded Dickens to add an easel at the entrance with a poster board to collect zip codes
from shoppers, Gribble to incorporate extra desserts from Bruce Swenson’s funeral, Dickens to
prepare gift bags for volunteer piano players, Porubcansky will assist as able in the hourly drawing
(collect entries from vendors) and Larsen to create an explanation of drawings flyer, and Larsen to
decorate the Heritage Room doors. Gribble outlined outdoor preparations.
Adjournment –Motion by Gribble, seconded by Porubcansky, to adjourn the meeting. Motion
carried unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 4:54 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Brenda “Bee” Stignani, Office Assistant