09.d2 Grading Permit Process and Reviews - General Engineering
14727 209 th St. N., Scandia, Minnesota 55073
Phone (651) 433 -2274 Fax (651) 433 -5112 http://www.ci tyof scandia.com
December 17, 2024
Honorable Mayor and City Council
14727 209th Street N
Scandia, MN 55073
Re: General Engineering
Grading Permit Process and Reviews
Dear Mayor and Council:
At the November 19th City Council Meeting, a resident expressed concerns with the current
grading permit process in Scandia during the public forum. The main concern was based on the
perceived redundancy of the City’s and Watershed’s grading permits. The City requested that
Bolton and Menk prepare a memo to outline the current review process, history of its
implementation, and potential changes that could be made (the current grading permit
application is attached which outlines when it is required for reference).
While both the City and Watershed require “grading permits” for land alterations in the City of
Scandia, they serve different purposes. The Watershed requires these permits to determine the
impact of new impervious surfaces on a property and how that water should be treated prior to
leaving the site. The City’s grading permit reviews property zoning, overall drainage concerns
(both the impact to the resident’s property and to ensure that water is not directed to
neighboring lots), low floor elevations on buildings, driveway elevations, grades, and other
aspects of the land alteration that may be problematic.
The City’s grading permit and review process was altered due to multiple land alterations that
ended up directly negatively impacting adjacent properties. This can lead to expensive repairs
and additional work that could have been foregone with a proper review ahead of time. An
example of this, being when the City implemented a street grade correction on Layton Avenue
as part of the 2021 Street Improvement Project to fix an issue caused by a previously altered lot.
The fee for a City of Scandia grading permit is $650 in total; $600 of which is put into escrow for
the time required to complete a review and provide a signed/approved to the resident.
Typically, Bolton and Menk uses 1-3 hours to complete one of these reviews, with the large
majority being 1.5 hours for review time and 0.5-1 hours for a final field inspection. The unused
fee is then reimbursed to the homeowner upon permit closeout.
14727 209 th St. N., Scandia, Minnesota 55073
Phone (651) 433 -2274 Fax (651) 433 -5112 http://www.ci tyof scandia.com
In conclusion, we would like to ask the Council to consider whether changes to the current
permitting process are warranted, and if so, what those changes should be. At this time, we only
request that this be opened for discussion and are not soliciting a motion to implement changes
as part of this December Council meeting. In January, we will provide another Council Agenda
Item requesting that changes be implemented to the current grading permit process if the
Council deems them necessary.
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions regarding this project at 651-308-1491.
Isiah Bubany, P.E.
Project Engineer
Enclosures: N/A
14727 209th St N., Scandia MN 55073 651-433-5762 fax 651-433-5112
Grading/Land Alteration Permit Application
Permit number (assigned by City): _____________________Date issued_________________
Project Address: _______________________________________________________________
PID number or legal description: ___________________________________________________
Owner: ____________________________________ Phone _________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________________
General Contractor: ___________________________________State Lic. #________________
Address: _________________________________________Phone ________________________
Check applicable:
❑ Shoreland zone: within 1000 feet of a lake, pond or flowage or within 300 feet of a river or
stream. [Consult the Scandia Shoreland Management Ordinance for specifics. Federal, State and
Local agencies may also govern the Shoreland zone, the St. Croix River and other applicable
➢ Grading or filling is prohibited within the bluff impact zone or shore impact zone.
➢ Any grading or filling in the Shoreland zone requires a permit.
➢ No cutting or removal of trees within the building setback from the ordinary high water level
shall be permitted. See ordinance for specific requirements of wetland types and allowable
➢ MN DNR and Watershed District may also govern.
❑ Land alteration and grading of 10 cubic yards or more of material added to or removed from the
site or excavated within the site; and/or disturbance of land area of 600 square feet or more.
❑ Any land alteration or development activity, regardless of size, that the City determines is likely
to cause an adverse impact to an environmentally sensitive area, to another public property or to
a City right-of-way.
❑ Clearing trees in an area larger than 20,000 square feet.
❑ A building, driveway permit has been issued or final plat approval was received.
Submittal Documents:
❑ Existing and finished grade plan showing drainage patterns.
❑ Erosion and sediment control plan.
➢ Provide a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) if a National Pollutant
Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit is required if Grading one acre or more
of soil; any grading, if it is determined that the activity poses a risk to water resources.
Signature: __________________________________________ Date: ______________________
E-mail: _______________________________________________________________________
FINAL INSPECTION: A final inspection is required when finished grade plan is achieved.
Grading Permit Fee $___50.00__________
Escrow $__600.00__________
TOTAL $__650.00__________
CITY ENGINEER SIGNATURE: ________________________________________________
FINAL INSPECTION: __________________________________________________________