09.e PW-Staff Report Staff Report Date of Meeting: 12/ 17/ 2024 For: Honorable Mayor and Council From: Charles Fischer – Director of Public Works Subject: PW - Staff Report Roads/ ROW Staff have continued ROW brush clearing in City ROW south of HWY 97. ROW which has been cleared of brush will be able to be maintained at a higher efficiency in the future from elimination of the overgrowth. Over growth within City ROW has been caused by deficiency of time and resources to remove in past years. Public Works has met with residents concerned about the brush clearing in the ROW and have explained the necessity to keep City ROW clear of obstructions for routine maintenance and other work performed in the ROW. Staff completed grading for the new building pad behind Public Works. The contractor will begin construction the week of December 16th. The truss’ have been delivered and the footings will be drilled prior to construction. Due to the high volume of fallen trees during the spring/summer wet period and wind storms, the accumulation of tree and brush debris behind the Public Works building will be ground into mulch instead of burning as in years past. A request to proceed hiring a contractor is in the packet for Council consideration. Parks Staff have been working hard flooding the rink through the cold weather and light snow events. The rinks and warming house will officially open December 19th. Sewer Public Works attended and shared information at the Big Marine Sewer meeting aimed at informing the users of the system of potential changes to budgeting and billing for the coming year. Buildings Two additional stage pieces have been ordered for the new portable stage. The area of the new stage in now 16sqft larger than the previous permanent stage. Public Works staff have also continued hanging new or pre-existing items in the upgraded office and hallway. Equipment Staff completed winter equipment preparation prior to the snow events this season.