09.e1 Brush Pile Grinding Brush Grinding Date of Meeting: 12/17/2024 For: Honorable Mayor and Council From: Charles Fischer – Director of Public Works Subject: Brush Grinding Background The City of Scandia has previously burned the stock pile of brush generated by the yearly tree removals from ROW’s and annual trimming. This year the amount of brush generated from downed trees and Ash tree removals has grown to a size unmanageable for supervised burning. Issue Should the City contract to have the brush pile ground to useable wood chips for trails and other uses. Fiscal Impact The Public Works general fund can support the cost to have the wood chips ground. Options : #1: Contract Dakota Wood at a cost between $13,000-$15,000 dependent upon the end amount of ground material estimated by the size of the current piles behind Public Works #2: Contract Veit at a cost of $45,000 estimated by the size of the current piles behind Public Works. Recommendation Option #1 Dakota Wood at a cost between $13,000-$15,000 Hi charly this is ethan with dakota wood grinding. Thank you for your time to come look at the brush pile. here is the quote for i: grinder and loader + operator is $4.25 a yard our flat rate for grinding is $10,000 mob fee $2,000 like We discussed in person, I believe we can get this done between $13,000 and $15,000 with mob. Screening services: Trommel screener Rental rate is $250 an hour + $800 mob Trommel screener + loader and operator $350 an hour and $1,500 mob Any questions please reach out than you Ethan: director of operations phone #651-955-5373 email ethan.dakotawood@gmail.com Veit & Company, Inc. NATE STONE , Project Manager 14000 Veit Place, M : (763) 428.2242 Nate.Stone @VeitUSA.com Rogers, MN 55374 CITY OF SCANDIA BRUSH P ILE GRIN DING To: Charles Fischer City o f Scandia Location: Scandia, MN Date: December 10, 2024 Proposal: Brush Pile Grinding LS $ 45,400.00 Alternates: A01: Adder to Haul off Wood Chips LS $ 45,125.00 Clarifications/Notes/Assumptions Assumes Wood Chips to Remain Onsite – See Add Alt 01 to haul offsite Includes Mobilization/Supervision Grind Tree Piles (3 total) and Spoil Chips Onsite Excludes Permits Snow Removal/Plowing Export of Wood Chips – See Add Alt 01 BOND: Add 1% to Contract Value NOTES: All items above are tied unless noted otherwise. Respectfully,