01-04-2017 Work SessionJanuary 4, 2017 The City Council conducted a Work Session on the above date. Acting Mayor Bob Hegland called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. City Administrator Neil Soltis administered the oath of office to Mayor Christine Maefsky and Council members Chris Ness and Steve Kronmiller. Mayor Maefsky was elected to a two-year term of office and Ness and Kronmiller were elected to 4 -year terms at the November 8, 2016 General Election. The following were present: Council members Bob Hegland, Jim Schneider, Chris Ness, Steve Kronmiller and Mayor Maefsky. Staff members: City Administrator Neil Soltis and Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Administrator Soltis announced that Agenda Item 3.a) Discussion on Special Event Permit application for Meisters Hockey Day Minnesota event was withdrawn by the applicant. Ness, seconded by Hegland, moved to approve the agenda as amended. The motion carried 5-0. DISCUSSION ON CITY COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS The Council reviews City Council committee and commission appointments at the first meeting of the year. By consensus, the Council made the following appointments: Economic Development Authority Council member Kronmiller will fill the vacancy on the Board due to Dan Lee's expired term. Council member Hegland will continue his appointment on the EDA Board. Parks and Recreation Committee Council member Schneider will serve as the Council liaison to the PRC for 2017. Forest Lake Cable Commission The City currently has no citizen or elected official representation on the Forest Lake Cable Commission. Council member Schneider questioned if it is necessary to designate a representative due to the City's withdrawal from the Commission's Joint Powers Agreement, a 2 -year process concluding in June 2018. It was agreed to monitor the agenda content and appoint a member to attend the meetings as necessary. Planning Commission Council member Ness will continue to serve as the liaison to the Planning Commission. Wastewater Advisory Committee Council members Ness and Schneider will continue to serve as representatives on the Wastewater Advisory Committee. Acting Mayor will be appointed at the January 17, 2017 Annual meeting. January 4, 2017 Scandia City Council Page 2 of 3 DISCUSSION ON COMPOSITION OF THE COMPREHENSIVE STEERING COMMITTEE Administrator Soltis explained that the Comprehensive Plan consultant, Bolton Menk, proposes the establishment of a Steering Committee consisting of 10-12 members from a mix of staff, elected and appointed officials, and community volunteers. The Committee is intended to act as a sounding board for community issues, land use policies, and goals and will actively take part in the development of the Comp Plan by providing high level guidance and recommendations. The work plan calls for specific tasks to be completed over a series of 3 meetings. Last month, the City solicited applications from interested residents; twelve applications were received. Soltis recommended the Council determine the number of members and composition that should make up the Steering Committee, and then review the applications for appointment of citizens at a future meeting. Mayor Maefsky stated that she would like to see 2 Council members, 2 Planning Commissioners, 1 EDA member, 1 Parks and Rec member, and 4 to 5 citizens appointed to the Steering Committee. She added that the citizens should represent lake residents, an agriculture -based interest, those with an environmental focus, business affiliated, and a resident with no particular affiliation, as this allows for a broad view of perspectives in the community. Council member Kronmiller said he could envision up to 14 people as a way to include more Planning Commissioners, the Public Works Director, and business owners that may live outside of the community. Council member Hegland said a smaller Committee works more efficiently, and the average citizen may not have the knowledge to make recommendations on the entire scope of the Comp Plan. After much discussion and clarification that Administrator Soltis would be present at the meetings as a facilitator and not an appointed position, the following motion was made: Schneider, seconded by Hegland, moved to appoint 1 Council member, 2 Planning Commissioners, 1 Parks and Recreation Committee member, 1 Economic Development Authority member, and 4 citizens at- large to the Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee. Mayor Maefsky stated that at least 2 Council members should be appointed, as the Council needs to buy into the final Comp Plan at the end and should be more involved in the planning process. Maefsky called for a vote on the above motion. The motion carried 4-1, with Maefsky opposed. By consensus, Mayor Maefsky was selected to serve as Council representative on the Steering Committee. Administrator Soltis will distribute the citizen applications for discussion at the next meeting, with appointments to be made at the February 1 Work Session. Maefsky asked the Council to be prepared for a thorough discussion of the applicants with statements of reasons for their selections. Interviews could be scheduled if needed. The commission/committees will be directed to select their representatives for the Steering Committee at their next meetings. January 4, 2017 Scandia City Council Page 3 of 3 DISCUSSION OF COMPOSITION OF A CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT COMMITTEE Administrator Soltis explained that in 2016 the Council determined that review of the 5 -year Capital Improvement Plan could be done on a biennial cycle instead of annually, which was last done by the CIP Committee in 2015 and was comprised of 5 citizens. The composition of a committee to review the 2017-2022 CIP was discussed. Soltis said that a few citizen representatives can act as a sounding board for long-range planning with department heads and staff. By consensus, it was determined that the Capital Improvement Committee should include the Public Works Director, Fire Chief, City Administrator, a Park and Rec Committee member, and 3 citizens at -large. Council member Ness stated that priority for citizen appointments should go to those applicants for the Comp Plan Steering Committee that were not appointed. ADJOURNMENT Ness, seconded by Schneider, moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried 5-0. The meeting adjourned at 7:13 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Brenda Eklund Deputy Clerk