02-14-12 Council Work Session
February 14, 2012
A work session meeting of the City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Simonson called
the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. The following were present: Mayor Randall Simonson, Council
members Connie Amos, Chris Ness, Jim Schneider and Sally Swanson. Staff present: City
Administrator Anne Hurlburt, Attorney Vince Stevens of Miller & Stevens, P.A., Treasurer
Colleen Firkus and Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund. Fire Chief Jim Finnegan and Assistant Fire
Chiefs Bill Havener and Mike Hinz were also in attendance.
Schneider, seconded by Amos, moved to approve the agenda as presented. The motion
carried 5-0.
Fire Chief Finnegan explained the need for the fire department to recruit new members due to
several retirements since new members were last added in 2010. Finnegan would like to add six
new members this year and conduct another recruitment of six members in 2013. The hiring
process would be similar to what was used in 2010 with some changes. The current position
description for all firefighting jobs requires that they reside or are employed within a fifteen
minute response time to the Scandia fire station. The Department would like to reduce this
response time to eight minutes. Finnegan explained that this is a more realistic time for
responders to arrive at the station in time for the truck departure, and is a more common time
requirement for area fire departments. Response time for department members is also a factor in
the ISO rating.
Currently the Operational Policy requires a 24-month probationary period for new firefighters.
The Department would like to reduce this to 12 months. Finnegan reasoned that new members
could progress to Firefighter I class and be a more active member of the department within the
first year.
The proposed changes to the firefighting job descriptions and Operational Policy require council
action. Mayor Simonson stated his support for the changes. The rest of the Council was in
agreement with this. City Administrator Hurlburt presented a timeline for the hiring based on
council approval and an authorization to advertise at the February 21 council meeting. Interviews
and physical testing would be conducted in April, appointments made at the May 15 Council
meeting, and new members could start by June 2.
Council discussed their participation in the selection and interview process, and concluded that it
would not be necessary to be involved in this process until final approval to hire the new
Fire Chief Finnegan brought up the issue of purchasing sets of turnout gear on a rotating basis
over the next few years. City Administrator Hurlburt suggested this issue be included in the
budget planning meetings beginning in June.
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Scandia City Council
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At the January 17 meeting, the Council requested that a discussion of goals and priorities for
2012 be part of their next work session. City Administrator Hurlburt presented a chart of
significant projects and activities that the City is already committed to for 2012 and beyond.
Mayor Simonson started off by stating his concern about the cable franchise agreement which is
scheduled for renewal by the end of the year. City Administrator Hurlburt explained that the
Cable Commission is in the beginning of the process of preparing the franchise agreement and is
anticipating bringing it to those cities that are part of the joint powers agreement by the end of
the year. The City Attorney will be reviewing the agreement and offering a legal opinion at a
future time. Mayor Simonson and City Attorney Hurlburt are the city representatives to the
commission and will keep the council updated on the progress.
The next issue of discussion was the retirement announcement by City Administrator Hurlburt,
to occur in early October. Hurlburt estimated that the hiring process for her replacement could
take 5 to 6 months and suggested the council work with a recruitment firm to assist with the
process. The Council could meet with several firms having placement experience in small cities
to gather options and proposals. Council member Swanson stated that the expense of hiring a
recruitment firm is cost prohibitive and not necessary. Council member Schneider agreed but
suggested an inquiry into the actual cost of a search be done before deciding on the how to
proceed. Mayor Simonson stated that it would be important to explore these costs and options as
a first step. City Administrator Hurlburt will arrange for recruitment firms to present proposals to
the Council that would tailor a search to the city’s needs.
The Recycling Agreement with SRC, which has been in effect since 2001, is in the process of
being updated to bring it into line with the County’s grant requirements. It is anticipated that this
will come before the Council soon.
The Zavoral Mining and Reclamation EIS Project is moving into the formal public review
process. The Council will meet on February 28 to determine the release of the draft and open the
60-day comment period which would begin on March 19.
Discussion continued on a number of projects and goals for each department. Council member
Swanson recommended a review of the sign ordinance. Council member Schneider added that he
would like to see a change to accessory structure requirements. City Administrator Hurlburt
explained that a review of any changes in zoning requirements should be directed to the Planning
City Administrator Hurlburt recommended that the building inspection services agreement with
Forest Lake continue. Council agreed that other changes in personnel need to be established
before deciding whether to contract or hire a part-time building employee. The agreement with
Forest Lake is working fine at this point.
Council member Swanson recommended an update to the police service contract with
Washington County which has been in effect since 2000. Attorney Stevens advised that if the
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language of the contract is not a problem and the costs are not necessarily negotiable, an update
may not have a practical effect. Hurlburt stated that the agreement has been flexible to
accommodate changing needs, and that there are always costs to proceed with reviews and
The Public Works Department has a number of projects, including the development of a street
maintenance policy, a drainage infrastructure maintenance plan, and equipment/ building
maintenance schedules. It was agreed that these will be goals of the new Maintenance
Superintendent position. The summer road maintenance project recommendations will be
coming from staff and engineers in the next month or two, so that plans are ready by May.
A professional services agreement with Bolton & Menk for improvements to the Uptown Sewer
system will be brought to the council at the February 21 meeting, with installation of run-time
meters to begin as soon as possible. The rate structure and user fee ordinance is nearing
The Council discussed changes to committees and appointments for 2012. Council members
Schneider and Amos had been appointed to the Human Resources Committee in 2011, but the
council chose to discuss almost all personnel-related issues as a full council. Mayor Simonson
questioned if this committee is necessary. Attorney Stevens and City Administrator Hurlburt
advised that this committee could be disbanded and council members could be involved as
needed for each personnel issue.
Council member Swanson agreed to continue to serve as the Parks Committee liaison, while
Council member Ness will continue as Planning Commission liaison.
Mayor Simonson stated his concern about the lack of interest by appointed citizens serving on
the Capital Improvements Committee and would rather disband the Committee. All were in
agreement that the full council should discuss capital improvements during budget talks and
work sessions and that public input can be gathered at these meetings.
Mayor Simonson and City Administrator Hurlburt will continue to serve on the Forest Lake
Cable Commission.
Council member Ness recommended that a committee be formed to oversee both the 201 and
Uptown Sewer systems. It was agreed to establish an advisory committee made up of three
council members, staff, 2-3 citizen members with septic system expertise, and a customer of the
systems. Hurlburt will prepare a report on the mission and structure of the Wastewater Advisory
Committee for review at the February 21 council meeting.
Simonson, seconded by Ness, moved to make the following Committee appointments for
Human Resources: Disbanded
Parks Committee Liaison: Swanson
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Planning Commission Liaison: Ness
Capital Improvements Committee: Disbanded
Forest Lake Cable Commission: Simonson (already reappointed to new 2-yr
term by Resolution No. 12-20-11-03)
Wastewater Advisory Committee: Newly created
The motion to approve the appointments carried 5-0.
On February 7, Bradley LeTourneau notified the City that he has decided to stay with his current
employer, the City of Blaine, where he was offered a promotion. Mr. LeTourneau was the
second person to turn down the Maintenance Superintendent position. City Attorney Hurlburt
recommended that the position be re-advertised for approximately three weeks, as there may be
qualified candidates now available who were not available when the position was initially
advertised last September. The applications that remain on file will also be considered along with
the new applications.
Council member Schneider opposed re-advertising, and wanted a candidate chosen from the pool
of applicants who had initially applied. Schneider stated that there is an immediate need to fill
this position and didn’t want to waste any more time. Council member Amos agreed that there
were plenty of applicants in the pool to choose from.
Attorney Stevens advised that the City must consider past hiring practices to avoid any potential
liability issues that could be viewed as unfair practices such as discrimination or favoritism.
City Administrator Hurlburt explained that most of the remaining candidates in the pool did not
have the municipal and supervisory experience as the top candidates who were interviewed.
Hurlburt stated that these are important skills for this position. Re-advertising and going out to
the market briefly may not cost too much additional time to find a well-qualified person.
Hurlburt pointed out that it is important to hire the right person for the job rather than hire the
wrong person fast.
Council member Swanson was unsure if it would be necessary to re-advertise, as there were
people in the pool worth considering. Swanson agreed that the city needs to approach this
Council member Ness stated that he strongly favored to re-advertise as those initial applicants
may not be around or interested and it’s important to hire a well-qualified person who may be
available now. Ness felt it would be foolish not to open up the position for only a short window
of three weeks. City Administrator Hurlburt agreed that after six months, the pool of applicants
would very likely be decreased. Hurlburt stated that the remaining applicants would be contacted
to see if they wish to be reconsidered for the position and if so, they would not need to re-apply.
Simonson, seconded by Ness, moved to re-advertise the Maintenance Superintendent
position for a period of three weeks and evaluate the candidates along with those which
remain on file from the first application round.
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Council member Swanson stated that she had an issue with the ad as written and that a 20 minute
response time needs to be added. Attorney Stevens asked if there is a rational basis for this
requirement. Swanson replied that emergency situations such as a decision to send out plow
trucks or a sewer emergency require a quick response. Hurlburt advised that it is not part of the
current job description and it would need to be changed if the council wishes to make this a
requirement. Hurlburt stated that it could exclude good candidates who live outside this response
time and who would consider relocating.
Simonson recommended that a 30 minute response time would be more realistic. Hurlburt
verified that the Maintenance Worker job description has a minimum qualification of a 30
minute response time. The council agreed to add this requirement to the Maintenance
Superintendent job description.
Simonson, seconded by Ness, moved to amend his motion to add a 30 minute response time
as a minimum qualification to the Maintenance Superintendent job description and that
this be added to the job posting.
Mayor Simonson called for a roll call vote to re-advertise the position with a 30 minute
response time as a minimum qualification. Schneider – no; Swanson – yes; Ness – yes;
Amos – no; Simonson – yes. The motion carried 3-2.
City Administrator Hurlburt stated that the position will be advertised from February 15 to
March 9. Applications will be reviewed during the week of March 12.
City Administrator Hurlburt recognized the Uptown Sewer System and spring road projects as
topics for the March 13 Council work session.
Ness, seconded by Schneider, moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried 5-0.
The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund
Deputy Clerk