04-05-2017 Work SessionApril 5, 2017
The City Council conducted a Work Session on the above date. The following were present:
Mayor Christine Maefsky, Council members Bob Hegland, Steve Kronmiller, Chris Ness and
Jim Schneider. Staff present: City Administrator Neil Soltis, City Attorney Andy Pratt, and
Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund.
Mayor Maefsky called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
Council member Kronmiller requested that Agenda Items #3.a) High speed internet extension
and #3.b) Clarification on Communication Policy be added to the agenda.
Ness, seconded by Kronmiller, moved to approve the agenda as amended. The motion
carried 5-0.
Janie O'Connor and Marlys Johnson requested support and endorsement from the City for the
work they are undertaking to create a bike environment that would result in increased cyclist
traffic to Scandia and in turn have the potential for an increased economic impact for Scandia as
a biker destination. O'Connor explained that they visited Crosby, MN this winter to gather
information on strategies Crosby officials and business owners took to promote their city as a
recreational destination. They also surveyed Twin Cities bike club leaders to determine their
greatest needs when riding through Scandia. Things such as bike racks, a fix -it station, public
toilets, and signed bike routes were identified. O'Connor said that community advocacy will be
their key to acquiring funding through grants, donations and other assistance to achieve their
Council members were supportive of their endeavor and encouraged them to apply for 501(c)(3)
non-profit status and to recruit supporters through social media outlets. Completion of the
Gateway Trail through Scandia may be completed in the next few years O'Connor said, based on
conversations with the DNR; this could be a source of many additional cyclists.
Council member Ness asked how the City could assist. Administrator Soltis said that as their
plan progresses, capital planning could assist with a bike repair station or paving an area in front
of the Warming House for bike stands or assistance could be in the form of providing portable
toilets through the summer months.
Hegland, seconded by Ness, moved to sponsor and approve efforts of O'Connor and
Johnson to explore promotion of Scandia as a cycling destination. The motion carried 5-0.
Mayor Maefsky thanked them for their exciting ideas and liked that it is building on Scandia's
potential for tourism dollars.
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Council member Kronmiller said that the City should do more to tackle the issue of providing
high speed internet to all Scandia residents, as the proposals from Midco and Frontier are not
good enough and that the City should work on creative ways to make this happen. His research
estimated a cost of $3.3 million to fund the necessary infrastructure for the entire city, with a 10 -
year assessment of approximately $200 per property owner to pay for it. He advocated for staff
to work with providers and to research bond funding and assessments for this project.
Although Council members Schneider and Hegland voiced opposition, citing roads to be a
priority and that changes in technology could make cable obsolete before the bond is even paid
off, Administrator Soltis said it could be a worthwhile investigation to take on and tie into
economic development. The Council gave consent to direct staff to research Kronmiller's
proposal. Mayor Maefsky said high speed internet is critical to attract residents with home
businesses and families to Scandia and the City should be proactive in making it happen.
Council member Kronmiller said there appeared to be confusion from the last meeting on the
communication policy. He said the discussion item was on the policy and not on the Log House
Landing content that was submitted for the website and newsletter. Kronmiller said he was
disappointed in the newspaper article that reported on the meeting and he wanted to set the
record straight. He said his article was written to relay information on the Log House Landing
project through the years. Administrator Soltis said that to make it clearer, he could have labeled
Kronmiller's article as an exhibit for discussion on the communication policy in the meeting
In preparation of a Special Council meeting on April 25t to gather public comment on options
for the Log House Landing boat ramp project, staff provided a compilation of past meeting
minutes on the project, going back to May 14, 2013. City Attorney Pratt summarized the
outcome in which the City accepted the recommendation of the LHL Committee contingent on
funding from other agencies. The road project was put on hold when funding became
questionable, but a plan for improving the boat ramp with concrete and planks donated by
MnDNR was agreed to in cooperation with the Carnelian -Marine Watershed. This was also put
on hold after proposals to construct the ramp came in excess of budget with an intention of
revising the plans and rebidding this year. Council member Schneider questioned the legality of
bringing the project back for reconsideration. Pratt explained that Robert's Rules of Order are
not completely clear on this, but it appears there is discretion for the Council to reconsider and
not be bound by a decision made at one point in time.
Council member Schneider said there have been years of discussion on this, and the donated
planks are here and could be installed by the public works crew and be done. Council member
Hegland said this project should be looked at from a taxpayer's view — the launch is minimally
used and funding any improvements is unnecessary. Hegland made the following motion.
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Hegland moved to leave the launch alone, have the Watershed stabilize the area with
vegetation but not limit access, and have staff install the donated planks for the boat ramp.
Schneider seconded the motion.
Council member Kronmiller explained his position to first have the public weigh in on
alternative options for access at the site. He said there was assumption this was done by the LHL
Committee, but not found in the record. He cited minutes from a May 14, 2013 Council meeting
that concluded with options for erosion control to close the landing, pave the landing, or change
it to a walk-in trail for canoes and kayaks only. Later in 2014, the LHL Committee proceeded by
researching improvements to control erosion only under the condition in which the launch would
remain open. Kronmiller said the Council must make an informed decision in consideration of
all the options on the table.
Council member Ness referenced a staff report dated July 2, 2014 that listed the options and also
stated that during a road tour in May, the Council stopped at the Log House Landing to see the
issues and decided that the landing would not be closed down or limited to canoes/kayaks. Ness
said it's already been decided and he would like to see minimal landing improvements to assure
it stays open.
Mayor Maefsky stated that the public is expecting to give input on April 25th as was said in 2013.
She said they can't step back now and must listen to the constituents because the Council has a
responsibility to give the public an opportunity to be heard on what type of access there should
be — it would be disrespectful to not have the meeting. Ness said he was opposed to bringing up
what was already decided on. Schneider said there has been 4 years of public input. He has no
problem fixing the ramp and keeping the access open.
Mayor Maefsky called for the vote on the above motion. Schneider, Hegland — yes.
Kronmiller, Ness, Maefsky — no. The motion was defeated 2-3.
Discussion on the information that would be presented in advance of the April 25th public
comment meeting followed. Mayor Maefsky provided an article she wrote to provide a balanced
report with the factors used by the Log House Landing Committee in previous discussion on the
road and ramp access. She asked if there was any content that appeared inaccurate or was
missing before it would be put on the website.
Council member Schneider said there was both good and bad language contained in the article.
For the purpose of having all in consensus to adding the article to the website, Schneider then
agreed with the others to go ahead.
Administrator Soltis recommended the Council agree to the format of the public comment
meeting. He recommended that speakers be limited to stating their preferred option with reasons
why, and be allowed 2 minutes of speaking time in order to keep the meeting moving ahead.
Mayor Maefsky said that speakers should sign in as they enter the meeting and then be called on
to speak, but be given 3 minutes of time. Council member Ness added that speakers be given a
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single chance to express their option, and not come back with more comments as the meeting
progresses. Staff will collect written comments as well. All were in agreement to these
procedures, with 3 minutes speaking time.
Council member Schneider questioned when they would begin Council discussion. Attorney
Pratt advised that it is cleaner to limit the April 25th meeting to public comments only, and then
to deliberate at the next Council meeting scheduled for May P
Administrator Soltis presented a draft volunteer policy following discussions last year on
utilizing volunteers to participate in community enhancement projects. The policy described
volunteer rights and responsibilities, supervision, use of power tools and motorized equipment
and the liability coverage provided under the City's workers compensation coverage for
volunteers. A sample work log and a community service contract were reviewed.
Attorney Pratt said it looked good from a legal standpoint. Soltis answered questions on the type
of work volunteers could do and the expertise needed for some projects. Mayor Maefsky noted a
correction on page 3. Staff was asked to consider the need for background checks for those who
may be working with minors, but it was concluded that the sponsoring group would be
responsible for providing adequate adult supervision for those groups including minor
volunteers. Soltis said he will tweak the Eagle Scout Project Guidelines to align with the
volunteer policy, as those projects don't necessarily need to go to the Parks and Rec Committee
as a first step.
Council was in consensus to continue to move ahead with adoption of the policy.
Washington County recently notified the City that the term of office for Eric Lindberg of
Stillwater will expire on June 21, 2017. The County Board will make an appointment to the Car -
Mar Watershed Board based on lists submitted by the municipalities within the watershed
boundary. This list of nominees must be submitted to the County by April 24th
Council member Ness and Kronmiller recommended the City solicit applications for
appointment to the Watershed saying Big Marine Lake has no representation, and comparative to
the size of the Watershed, Scandia is underrepresented.
Administrator Soltis said a news item will go out with a deadline for applications of April 13th so
that the Council can take action at their April 18th meeting.
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Administrator Soltis reported that Robert Feidt has given notice of his resignation from the EDA.
His term would have expired on July 31, 2019. Council directed staff to solicit applications on
the website and facebook page for consideration at their May meeting.
Mayor Maefsky explained that Washington County is asking cities in the county to submit items
for a time capsule that will be buried as part of an event marking the 150 -year anniversary of the
Washington County Courthouse. Maefsky asked for ideas for donations of items that represent
how people live today, such as newspapers, photographs or artifacts to represent Scandia.
Council members gave her approval to gather items as she sees fitting.
Ness, seconded by Hegland, moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried 5-0.
The meeting adjourned at 8:41 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund
Deputy Clerk