04-18-2017 MeetingApril 18, 2017 A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Christine Maefsky called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, roll call was taken. The following council members were present: Council members Bob Hegland, Chris Ness, Jim Schneider and Mayor Christine Maefsky. Absent: Council member Steve Kronmiller. Staff present: City Administrator Neil Soltis, City Engineer Ryan Goodman, City Attorney Andy Pratt, Police Deputy Brandon Yetter, Fire Chief Mike Hinz, Public Works Director Adam Hawkinson and Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund. PUBLIC FORUM There were no public comments. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Schneider, seconded by Hegland, moved to approve the agenda as presented. The motion carried 4-0. PROCLAMATION IN RECOGNITION OF MARLYS OSTRAND As part of Mayor and County Recognition Day for National Service, Mayor Maefsky presented Marlys Ostrand with a plaque in recognition of her 17 years of volunteering as the Director of the Scandia Food Shelf program, administered by Elim Lutheran Church. CONSENT AGENDA The following Consent Agenda was presented: a) Minutes 1) March 21, 2017 Regular Meeting 2) April 5, 2017 Work Session 3) April 10, 2017 Board of Appeals b) Treasurer's Report Beginning Balance 3/1/2017 $3,059,860.29 Receipts $21,450.86 Expenditures $(64,740.86) Payroll $(23 3, 57.43) $(88,098.29) Ending Balance 3/31/2017 $2,993,212.86 c) Payment of Vouchers d) Resignation from Fire Department — Mike Egelkraut e) Special Event Permit, Scandia Marine Lions, Fat Cat Triathlon (July 8, 2017) f) Authorization for Meisters to sell beer at Fat Cat Triathlon, Hay Lake Park (July 8, 2017) g) Washington County Historical Society Temporary On -Sale Liquor License (June 17, 2017) Ness, seconded by Schneider, moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. The motion carried 4-0. April 18, 2017 Scandia City Council Page 2 of 6 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE Terry Gorham, Vice Chair of the Parks and Recreation Committee, reported on the April 3, 2017 meeting. The Committee is looking into revenue opportunities such as advertising signage on the hockey rink boards and concession sales in the Warming House. Representatives from Wild River Fitness in Osceola appeared at the meeting to discuss the potential to expand their senior programming in Scandia. Gorham said that the Committee plans to survey members of the Lions group to determine needs of the senior community. PRC member Sue Rodsjo is gathering more information on trail projects such as Safe Routes to Schools and the Gateway Trail. BUILDING OFFICIAL Building Official Chuck Preisler's building activity report was received. Nineteen permits were issued in March at a valuation of $204,640.00. POLICE DEPARTMENT Police Deputy Brandon Yetter provided a quarterly report on police activity along with rules and laws on operating ATVs and off highway motorcycles. An attempted burglary at the dentist's office is being investigated. Yetter completed the DARE program with the 6t grade class at Scandia Elementary. Sheriff Hutton and Mayor Maefsky spoke at the graduation of 65 students on April 13tH FIRE DEPARTMENT Fire Chief Mike Hinz reported that the department responded to 17 calls in March — 5 fire related and 12 rescue calls. Grass fires are being called in, and a house fire occurred on 188th Street. CITY ENGINEER City Engineer Ryan Goodman reported that weight restrictions were lifted on April 14th. Bolton & Menk staff will be conducting the second meeting of the Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee on April 20th CITY ATTORNEY City Attorney Andy Pratt invited staff and elected officials to Eckberg Lammers' municipal seminar being held on April 27th. Topics on code enforcement, employment issues, financing and special assessment will be covered. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS Public Works Director Adam Hawkinson reported on the department's activities. Decorative street lamps were repaired under the agreement the City has with St. Paul. A repair to the check valves at the Bliss lift station #3 will be scheduled once quotes are received. The backstop at the lighted ballfield will be repaired, as well as repairs to the wooden bleachers. CITY ADMINISTRATOR City Administrator Neil Soltis has met with Midcontinent Communications and will continue discussions with the EDA on cable and broadband expansion in Scandia. The auditors have found no issues with the City's records, and will present a final report on the 2016 audit at the May 16th Council meeting. Staff is working on the City's website upgrade, and will review a mock-up with the Council at a future meeting. April 18, 2017 Scandia City Council Page 3 of 6 Soltis explained that he is received a complaint about Federated Coop's red strip lighting on the building and gas canopy and asked for direction on a process to address this. An administrative permit for the business signage was approved in February for Federated Coop's remodeling project of the former Todd's Home Store. Soltis explained that the application was approved based on the lighting being a part of the business signage and that internally lit signs are allowed in this zoning district. The application was reviewed with the Planning Commission at their February meeting and the Commissioners agreed this was consistent with the ordinance. Soltis said that the complaint is based on the strip around the gas canopy being a type of lighting that is not allowed on businesses. Council member Schneider said that since staff and the Planning Commission have already determined that the business is in compliance with the ordinance, there is no reason to bring this before the Council. Attorney Pratt noted that there has been a double check in the process via the Planning Commission, which concurred with staff and found no objections. Hegland, seconded by Schneider, moved to accept the decision made administratively by staff on Federated Coop's signage because it meets the standards of the sign ordinance. The motion carried 4-0. Council member Ness asked why construction on the solar projects is being delayed. Soltis said that Xcel Energy is backlogged due to the number of projects in the state and the projects take time to get infrastructure in place. The developers have been approved for extensions on their permits, and anticipate moving ahead later this year. RECOMMENDATION TO WASHINGTON COUNTY REGARDING THE RENAMING OF HALF BREED LAKE Washington County has been petitioned to officially change the name of Halfbreed Lake to the commonly referred to Sylvan Lake. The County tabled a decision to allow more time for additional input on the name change. The County supplied the petition it received by the April 17th deadline to Scandia and Forest Lake for their review, which was to name the lake "Lake Keewahtin" to honor the Native American heritage and area history with the name meaning "blizzard of the north" or "north wind". Administrator Soltis noted that of the 11 Scandia addresses on the petition, 7 have frontage on the lake. Maefsky, seconded by Ness, moved to support the name "Lake Keewahtin" as petitioned by the majority of Scandia residents on the lake. The motion carried 4-0. DISCUSSION ON REQUEST FOR FUNDING FROM BONE LAKE ASSOCIATION Mayor Maefsky said that she received a request from the Bone Lake Association for funding contributions to help control aquatic invasive species in the lake. Maefsky advocated in favor of this, saying the City should support efforts to keep lakes clean and take responsibilities towards solutions because lakes are a valuable part of the City and doing otherwise sends an unfortunate message. Council member Hegland said that it is not appropriate for the City to dedicate resources for a small number of people who live on the lake and that invasive species control should go to the DNR and Watershed. Council member Ness agreed and said the Big Marine April 18, 2017 Scandia City Council Page 4 of 6 Lake Association has not come to the City but rather does their own fundraising events and requests funds from the DNR and Watershed, as there are other sources out there. Administrator Soltis said that Watersheds may be the best taxing authority as they have the greatest concern for clean water. Maefsky noted one of the options in the staff report and made the following motion: Maefsky moved to discuss establishing a grant policy on participating in aquatic invasive species control with Lake Associations and Watershed Districts. The motion failed for lack of a second. BIDS FOR SEAL COATING PROJECT City Engineer Goodman presented the 4 quotes received at the bid opening on April 12`x' for the 2017 Seal Coat Project. Contractor Pearson Bros., Inc. Allied Blacktop Company Asphalt Surface Technologies Corporation Fahrner Asphalt Sealers LLC Total Base Bid $104,704.00 $114,349.00 $115,977.00 $122,395.00 Goodman recommended the project be awarded to the lowest bidder. Council member Schneider asked what the budget is for this project. Goodman explained that both the crack filling and seal coat projects are well under the $200,000 budget and that additional crack filling could be done to support deteriorating roads as well as blow patching to fill the wider cracks in preparation of a future seal coat. Schneider, seconded by Hegland, moved to accept the bid from Pearson Bros., Inc. in the amount of $104,704 for the 2017 Seal Coat Project. The motion carried 4-0. PROPOSALS FOR GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES FOR FUTURE ROAD PROJECTS In preparation of future road projects and as included in the 2017 Capital Improvement Plan, quotes were received for soil boring reports on various roadways to determine existing conditions in order to furnish appropriate design and construction recommendations. A map of the 29 soil boring locations was attached to the staff report. Engineer Goodman presented the following quotes: Geotechnical Company Total Northern Technologies, Inc. $5,950.00 American Engineering Testing, Inc. $12,900.00 Hegland, seconded by Ness, moved to accept the bid from Northern Technologies for the Pavement Soil Boring Project in the amount of $5,950.00. The motion carried 4-0. April 18, 2017 Scandia City Council Page 5 of 6 PURCHASE OF ROLLER ATTACHMENT The 2017 Equipment Replacement Fund includes $8,000 for the purchase of a used roller for asphalt patching. Public Works Director Hawkinson explained the difficulty in finding a used roller and provided quotes received for new and used roller attachments to the skid steer. Hawkinson recommended the purchase of the 1 -ton Bobcat vibratory roller attachment at a cost of $6,632.50, with necessary accessories of $200. Hawkinson said that investing in a roller instead of renting the equipment will benefit productivity. Hegland, seconded by Ness, moved to approve the purchase of a Bobcat roller attachment at a cost of $6,632.50. The motion carried 4-0. CONTRACT WITH BRIAN NELSON FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION SERVICES As discussed at the March 1, 2017 Council meeting, upon retirement of current Electrical Inspector Dave Kichler, the Council agreed to enter into a contract with Brian Nelson. Attorney Pratt reviewed the contract that was presented, becoming effective July 1, 2017. As with Kichler, the collected electrical permit fees will be split 80/20. Ness, seconded by Hegland, moved to approve the contract for Electrical Inspection Services with Brian Nelson as presented. The motion carried 4-0. RENEWING CONTRACT WITH WASHINGTON CONSERVATION DISTRICT FOR TECHNICAL SERVICES Administrator Soltis explained that the City has been contracting on an annual basis with the Washington Conservation District for administration of the Wetland Conservation Act for wetland permitting. The contract is consistent with the previous agreements with the exception of monitoring the Zavoral mining site, which has ended. The estimated costs of wetland reviews are $2,730 per year, with most of this being reimbursed out of applicants' escrow accounts. Hegland, seconded by Ness, moved to approve the 2017-2018 contract with the Washington Conservation District for Technical Services as presented. The motion carried 4-0. NOMINATIONS TO THE CARNELIAN -MARINE -ST. CROIX WATERSHED DISTRICT BOARD OF MANAGERS No applications for nominations to the Carnelian -Marine- St. Croix Watershed Board were received. Council member Ness, a resident on Big Marine Lake, questioned if it would be legal for him to serve as a Manager. Attorney Pratt will research the question to see if it would be a conflict of interest. Nominations are due to the County by April 24, 2017. Ness will continue to contact the Lake Association for interested residents. Maefsky, seconded by Schneider, moved to nominate Council member Ness if legally allowed for him to serve on the Watershed Board. If not allowed, Ness could make a recommendation on behalf of the Council by the April 24th due date. The motion carried 3- 0, with Ness recusing himself from the vote. ADJOURNMENT Ness, seconded by Schneider, moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried 4-0. April 18, 2017 Scandia City Council Page 6 of 6 The meeting adjourned at 8:18 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Brenda Eklund Deputy Clerk