04-25-2017 Special MeetingApril 25, 2017
A Special Meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. The purpose of the
meeting was to take public comments on the access options for the existing boat ramp at the Log
House Landing, the city owned access to the St. Croix River. The following were present:
Mayor Christine Maefsky, Council members Bob Hegland, Steve Kronmiller, Chris Ness and
Jim Schneider. Staff present: City Administrator Neil Soltis and Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund.
Mayor Maefsky called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m.
Mayor Maefsky explained that the Council would be receiving public comments on four
proposed options for the Landing:
Option 1: Leave ramp as is with no changes.
Option 2: Continue to pursue ramp rebuilding plans for trailered and other boats.
Option 3: Change the ramp to walk-in / carry -in only with no trailers permitted.
Option 4: Close the ramp completely.
Speakers were asked to limit their comments to no more than 3 minutes.
Dave Bercham, 23416 Paris Avenue, Scandia, spoke in favor of Option 2. St. Croix River is
a benefit to the community; the Landing is used for the Fat Cat Triathlon which he coordinates;
improvements to control run-off are needed; referenced Kronmiller's idea to connect to parks
and trails; an upgrade here could make Scandia a recreation destination.
Kristin Tuenge. 20595 Quinnell Avenue, Scandia spoke in favor of Option 3. Restoring to
vegetation is the best way to control erosion; boat trailers contribute to damage of the Landing;
the majority of the users are canoes and kayaks; restoration will improve the scenic value of the
site, enhance the historic value and is the least expensive option; carry -in only will help to
manage usage of the area which is increasing.
Ryan Lee, 916 River Road, Osceola, spoke in favor of Option 2. Erosion control mats can be
used for the Landing as a cost effective option; eliminating boat access will increase congestion
at other landings; a good access is needed for all users; limiting usage lessens interest in the
Duane Lee, 15428 Panola Drive, Lindstrom, spoke in favor of Option 2. Uses the Landing
often for canoeing; a variety of watercraft users should be allowed for the greater community
good; shutting out a group of users is a less neighborly action.
Jim Fitzpatrick, 20733 Quint Avenue, Scandia, spoke in favor of Option 3. Read a letter
from Jim Johnson favoring Option 3 that noted the original intended purpose in the 1970's
Lower St. Croix Master Plan for the Landing as a carry -in site; boats have alternative access sites
nearby; this is an opportunity to undo the damage and promote a vision for something better.
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Bill Buell, 20077 Quinnell Avenue, Scandia, spoke in favor of Option 1 or Option 3.
Worked for the DNR to develop watercraft public accesses in the 1980's; a concrete or
segmented ramp would have problems with buckling and shifting and have high maintenance
costs to consider; a concrete ramp does not fit this location and would encourage bigger boats
that could potentially erode the shoreline.
Mary Hooley, 14241205 Ih Street, Scandia, spoke in favor of Option 3. Sees this as an issue
of responsibility to past and future generations to attend to the protection of shoreline as stated in
the Comp Plan and keep as pristine as possible; Scenic Riverway's purpose is to enhance the
values of the St. Croix River; a carry -in site is less expensive; has fear of doing otherwise could
open door to slippery slope of development.
Terry Barczak, 19899 Quinnell Avenue, Scandia, spoke in favor of Option 3. Leaving as -is
is not a solution; closing would be an unnecessary loss; a ramp is a serious mistake that would
change the character, be a scar on the shoreline, and increase boat traffic; William O'Brien State
Park has a ramp designed for boats only minutes away; City must protect its treasure.
Ryan Reed, 29401 St. Croix Trail, Franconia, spoke in favor of Option 2. Closing the
Landing would push boat traffic to Franconia landing which is already crowded; William
O'Brien site is not accessible year-round or for duck hunting in the fall due to firearm
restrictions; he picks up trash that primarily comes from canoe and kayak users; do not prohibit
users who care for the River.
Kathleen Wallace, 16797 2051h Street, Scandia spoke in favor of Option 2 using concrete
bars for the ramp. Worked for the DNR and has experienced concrete bars that are pulled up in
the winter season and reinstalled in the spring; the site needs help because the parking area is
ugly and the trap rock on the boat ramp is not appropriate; loves the River and wants no damage
done to the site.
Mike Smith, 20919 Quint Avenue, Scandia, spoke in favor of Option 3. Carry -in is the only
option that addresses erosion control; larger motor boats (200-250 horsepower are common) are
contributing to erosion of the riverway; a 21' concrete ramp is an excessive cost for the number
of users; majority of the users are canoes and kayaks; William O'Brien Park boat access is not an
inconvenience and will accommodate hunters.
Ray Burris, 21850 Olinda Lane, Scandia, spoke in favor of Option 1. Leave open to all as it
is; a user of the site since the 1960's; Landing is the closest accessible site to the campgrounds
along the River; City could charge fees for cars to park; not a picnic area but a boat launch.
Bruce Swenson, 22161 Oldfield Avenue, Scandia, spoke in favor of Option 2 using planks.
Descendants used the access to deliver goods to Stillwater, shuttled cattle to graze on the islands
in the 1930's, and has historical significance; issue put to bed last year when DNR donated the
planks and this is wasteful to spend taxpayer money on continuation of the subject; the river
neighborhood has been trying to close the Landing for years; just get the job done as was
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John Goodfellow, 825 Pine Cone Trail, Marine on St. Croix, spoke in favor of Option 3.
Carry -in site is consistent with the Master Plan which designates this segment of the River as
quiet waters; best opportunity to educate river users on protection of the waterway.
Betsy Brock, 16950 205th Street, Scandia, spoke in favor of Option 3. Landing has gotten
busier over the years with bigger boats and trucks; ramp option is not a wise use of taxpayer
dollars; do not encourage larger and faster boats on this low wake section of the River.
Curt Hadland, 15280 Pilar Road, Scandia, spoke in favor of Option 3. Preserve the
historical and natural history of the site fitting the rural character of Scandia; Gammelgarden
Museum could develop this as an off-site historical program; 3 major accesses currently exist
within 11 miles and also on the Wisconsin side; should negotiate with private landowners for use
of their property to accommodate fire and rescue vehicles; consider the long-term effects and
keep this site different from other sites.
Mary Strom, 16975 197th Street, Scandia, spoke in favor of Option 3. Motor boats are
speeding regardless of the no -wake regulations; erosion to the shore is her concern.
Angie Conley, 16963 197th Street, Scandia, spoke in favor of Option 3. Stated her parents
Jim and Kathleen Zavoral, property owners on the River, were unable to attend and favor Option
3. Supports entrance to the River while protecting it; larger access ramp would lead to bigger
boats and more shoreline erosion; invasive species could be brought in on boats more easily than
on non -motorized watercraft; other landings are nearby; should find balance to have the access
for all appropriately sized users.
Lisa Schlingerman, 20661 Quint Avenue, Scandia, spoke in favor of Option 3. Sees more
families walking down the road to the site; used to be called Picnic Point; make accessible to
swim, shoreline fish, hike, enjoy solitude of the River; restore and preserve the historical
significance to replicate what the Swedish immigrants experienced as this site is part of
Scandia's identity; a unique destination point that could have potential for economic
Dave Hebert, 19920 Quinnell Avenue, Scandia, spoke in favor of Option 2. Has used access
for 45 years with a 14' fishing boat and 15 hp engine; pontoon boats used by River property
owners create more shoreline erosion over time; City has been limiting parking that should be
looked at and increased; observes heavy use on the weekends; the unsafe condition of the site
needs to be fixed; the St. Croix River Association approved of the standards previously proposed
for ramp improvements.
Pam Smith, 20919 Quint Avenue, Scandia, spoke in favor of Option 3. Carry -in is the best
protection for the rustic site and less costly; Friends of the Log House Landing analysis
concluded a vegetated ramp would control erosion and improve walkability; parking cannot be
expanded beyond the existing 12 spots per the National Park Service; preserve the historic site
and enhance the viewshed.
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Jim Martin, 13860 236th Street, Scandia, spoke in favor of Option 3. Read Karen Schik's
letter to favor Option 3. Carry -in would eliminate erosion, protect water quality and is least
costly; preserves natural shoreline view; having no trailers would create a place for more people
to enjoy the River; other boat accesses are nearby; a huge ramp would be wasteful government
Deputy Scott Zitzloff, spoke on behalf of Washington County Sherriff s Department to
keep the access open to boat traffic. Landing is crucial for search operations; William O'Brien
is inaccessible for law enforcement purposes in which the fastest response times are critical.
Don Mitchell, 20233 Quinnell Avenue, Scandia, spoke in favor of Option 3. Never heard
anyone in favor of closing the Landing; has difficulties with favoring Option 3 but should be
respect for each other's use of the River; different parts of the River suit different users and non -
motorized access is viable here.
Jerry Cusick, 15978 Scandia Trail, Scandia, spoke in favor of Option 1 or 2. Leave as -is or
improve the access as a boat launch; user of Landing for 30 years and has worked in Washington
County Water Patrol Division; existing sign indicates access for boat launch only with no
camping or loitering allowed; sees comments as an attack on boaters; claims of erosion is a scare
tactic because high water levels do more damage than boating; River segment is not a no -wake
zone but a slow speed zone (referenced MN Statute 6105.0330); must remain accessible for
water rescues; should be shared by all users with no discrimination.
Nick Shope, 23 270th Street, Osceola, spoke in favor of Option 1 or 2. Upgrade or leave
alone; River is part of the National Park System designed for public to use, not just one user
group; unique National Park that has no fee and accessible campgrounds; to restrict use would be
an injustice and doesn't go with the plan no matter the recreation.
Marion Etzwiler, 1235 Yale Place, Minneapolis (formerly Marine), spoke in favor of
Option 3. Has had a family cabin on Quint Avenue since 1973; River is a beautiful resource
which should have constant vigilance to protect it.
Tommy Boesel, 24483 Quinlan Avenue, Scandia, spoke in favor of Option 1. Uses the
landing with his young family to launch small boat; unimaginable to close it, just keep the same;
when River is low, the Osceola and William O'Brien landings are hard to use and not good
Diane Etzwiler, 2303 McMonan, Eugene, Oregon (family cabin at 20789 Quint Avenue),
spoke in favor of Option 3. Site has not changed since she was a child in 1973 showing how
Scandia has protected this gem; carry -in option is a fantastic opportunity to embrace what
Scandia has; site would become average if improved with a boat ramp.
Randy Ferrin, 23290 Quentin Avenue, Scandia, spoke in favor of Option 3. Read his e-mail
that supported carry -in; uses Landing frequently for canoe launch; dismayed about its condition
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after rain events ; William O'Brien Park is a better launch for boats; endorses rehabilitation to fit
this rustic stretch of the River; carry -in option is less costly and easier to maintain; has worked
for the National Park Service Riverway; River would be better off as a carry -in site, not so with a
Katherine M. Lewis, 20453 Quinnell Avenue, Scandia, spoke in favor of Option 3. Other
options would still deal with erosion issues; carry -in option is a cost -savings one; high water
would undermine a poured concrete ramp; ramp at the State Park is designed for trailers; site was
donated in 1930's with a stipulation to be kept a park and the ramp should not be put in; River
needs an option for the non -motorized set that is friendly to canoes and kayaks.
Andrew Summersby, 20457 Quinnell Avenue, Scandia, spoke in favor of Option 3. Carry -in
supports Scandia's goal to preserve rural character and takes environmental care of the River; a
full concrete ramp is inappropriate and doesn't support the National Riverway Act; the River is
getting shallower and more inducive to smaller boats so it's not wise to construct a full ramp
build -out; we are all stewards of the River and must protect this unique resource.
Shane Coen, 2021 Broadway, Marine on St. Croix, spoke in favor of Option 3. Profession in
environmental design issues; a unique opportunity to look to context of incredible stretch of
River to tell us what to do; carry -in allows for an innovative restoration to bring ecology back to
its roots; carry -in will create more recreational opportunities for everyone.
Tom Clarke, 3000 West River Parkway, Minneapolis, spoke in favor of Option 3. National
natural treasure in our backyard; Osceola to Log House Landing is the most beautiful stretch of
the River; carry -in would restore and protect its natural rustic setting.
Ross Brunfelt, 19400 Orwell Avenue, Scandia, spoke in favor of Option 1. User of Landing
for 35 years; leave alone is best option; provided an online petition with 276 people who favored
leaving alone or improving the ramp, not discontinuing boaters; believes rural character
definition is people who are great and get along; rivers do erode naturally over time; this site can
accommodate all user groups; pushing boaters up to Franconia is not an option as the distance to
travel back down the River at a slow pace is too great.
Sam Eberhart, 20455 Quinnell Avenue, Scandia, spoke in favor of Option 3. Wants to see
people accessing the River; carry -in would respect ecology and maintain a well preserved
Susan Rodsjo, 21450 Pomroy Avenue, Scandia, spoke in favor of Option 3. Grew up on the
River and has never launched a boat at the Landing but rather uses William O'Brien Park;
concrete option would degrade the historic nature of the site; carry -in could draw tourism and
connect to the regional Heritage Trail system; keep natural and wild; City has limited taxpayer
dollars and not necessary to add another paved landing when the Park is nearby.
Barbra Booth, 16080 Scandia Trail, Scandia, spoke in favor of Option 3. Family owns the
log house at the Landing since the 1970's; concrete landing would be a horrible eyesore; not
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opposed to allowing rescue vehicles use of their property as access to the River if the landing
were changed to a carry -in site.
Tom Tauzell, 21087 Olinda Trail, Scandia, spoke in favor of not closing the Landing.
Convert to carry -in if erosion is an issue and the road remains gravel; if paving the parking area
and road, then make improvements to the ramp.
Missy Bowen, 20699 Quint Avenue, Scandia, spoke in favor of Option 3. Agrees with Betsy
Brock; River is of global importance as a critical riverway resource; concrete ramp would not
help the River; all need to be neighbors together on this issue; doesn't like exclusiveness but
increasing shenanigans at the site have led to more police calls, which increases the budget; vote
for the River.
Craig Smith, 20050 Quinnell Avenue, Scandia, spoke in favor of Option 1 or 3. Keep as -is or
make carry -in; uniquely suited environment for canoes and kayaks; William O'Brien Park is
convenient for boaters to use; environmental and fiscal reasons favor Option 3, otherwise stay
the course.
Kathy G. Lewis, 20453 Quinnell Avenue, Scandia, spoke in favor of Option 3. Erosion of
steep landing is main concern and something needs to be done; concrete ramp would be a
problem during high water leading to washouts that would be expensive to rebuild and maintain;
Scandia is fortunate to have a wild and scenic river right in town; a boat ramp is not the best use
of money and resources which doesn't serve many.
David Bowlin, 20921 Quint Avenue, Scandia, spoke in favor of Option 3. Riverway Act of
the 1970's put restrictions on landowners who embraced the preservation of the River; all users
should abide by the restrictions; due to erosion of the landing it cannot be left as it is; a boat
ramp is not in the spirit of the Riverway law; carry -in site would work best.
Sally Leider, 23229 St. Croix Trail, Scandia, spoke in favor of Option 3. Works with
teaching youth and one cannot teach caring but rather provide role models and experiences
which do; carry -in option connects to that idea; make a decision that would impact youth and
provide vision for the future.
Peter Weber, 20045 Orwell Avenue, Scandia, spoke in favor of Option 2. Council represents
Scandia residents and should disregard comments from the outside; property was deeded to
Scandia whose residents own it; questioned how many Scandia residents bring in non -motorized
watercraft; keep access for all citizens, not tourists who rank second; maintain the Landing as it
should have been over the years; do the job elected to do where everyone wins; meant to be a
recreation site for everyone and the City should fix it.
Richard Kinney, 19727 Parkview Avenue, Scandia, spoke in favor of Option 1. Uses the
access especially for night fishing when the William O'Brien Park cannot be used; leave the
Landing as it is now.
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Angela Anderson, 1121 4th Street, Stillwater, spoke in favor of Option 3. Swims and kayaks
from the Landing; needs improvements to fix erosion; capacity for bigger boats is concerning;
concrete ramp would encourage more traffic; boats have potential to bring in invasive species to
the River.
Marcus Haus, 22729 St. Croix Trail, Scandia, spoke in favor Option 1 or 2. Grew up and
owns 86 acres on the River; disagrees with erosion issues due to the Landing since the River
naturally changes every year; Wind in the Pines Preserve brings trespassers onto his land;
appears that boaters are being demonized which is not true, as proponents for the environment
are fishers and hunters; Landing hasn't changed in years and should remain public for everybody
to use.
Chad Anderson, 20877 Ozark Avenue, Scandia, spoke in favor of Option 1 or 2. Landings
are like gold for those communities on the River; closing to boats is a bad idea; improve or keep
the same but maintain access for all.
Kendra Eginton, 16930 197th Street, Scandia, spoke in favor of Option 1 or 2. River has
changed in the last ten years and gotten wider; uses motor boats regularly and does not like the
idea of being denied access but opposed to a concrete ramp; preserve the current landing but
support erosion control; maintain what makes Scandia great and keep Scandia special for the
next generation.
Erich Kertzscher, 21355 Parrish Road, Scandia, spoke in favor of Option 1. Has used the
River all his life; best duck hunting spot in the fall; favors staying the same with minimum
maintenance for erosion control; let all groups use the Landing.
Mike Hinz, Olinda Lane, Scandia, spoke in favor of Option 1 or 2. Stay the same or
improve; rivers naturally erode and most likely not due to the Landing; other boat landings are
distant and time to travel to this section would be lengthy at a slow speed; if boats speed, that is
an enforcement issue.
Pam Arnold, 16520 220th Street, Scandia, spoke in favor of Option 3. Carry -in restoration as
an ecological park so people can experience the site as a river landing; ownership versus
stewardship — River belongs to all of us and Scandia is responsible for its care; favors carry -in to
fit the modesty of the site.
Steve Philippi, 21813 Quarry Avenue, Scandia. Concerned that judgements are being made
and communication between people is not being heard; was a member of the Log House Landing
Committee which worked hard to find a compromise solution for improvements; a full -build out
of the road and Landing would decimate the site; spend more time to get a decision.
Pat Brannan, 21455 Pomroy Avenue, Scandia, spoke in favor of Option 1 or 3. Family has
used this site to the River for years; leave as -is or make as a carry -in site; not interested in a
cement ramp as too costly and these dollars could be used for streets; need to preserve what we
have for future generations.
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Kim Bakken, 21959 St. Croix Trail, Scandia, spoke in favor of Option 1. Uses the Landing
for fishing and canoeing; leave as -is, its fine this way; too shallow for big boats; a cement
landing would look ridiculous.
Mike Polehna, 1100 Northland Avenue, Stillwater, spoke in favor of Option 2. Worked for
County Parks Department and Stillwater Council member; can make Landing better without
infringing on the environment; everyone should have access to the River; not good for large
boats because the River is too shallow here; design a landing for small boats, 17-19 feet or less.
Mayor Maefsky announced that discussion on the Log House Landing will be on the agenda for
the City Council meeting on May 3, 2017.
The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund
Deputy Clerk