2. Discussion on evaluation criteriaProject Priorities Capital improvement projects should be prioritized in some way so that limited funding can be allocated to those which are most important. This is difficult because the varying nature of the projects and their benefits and objectives are so disparate as to be essentially not comparable. Some public agencies have developed elaborate rating and ranking systems to try to set priorities. Complicated scoring systems may have some disadvantages because they may give a false sense of objectivity or precision to the priority setting process. Others use simpler systems, or simply do not try to compare projects that are like "apples and oranges." There is no accepted system or "industry standard" for prioritizing projects. The Capital Improvement Committee developed the following priority rating system in 2008, which was also used for the 2009 and subsequent updates: Critical or urgent, high-priority projects that should be done if at all possible; a special effort should be made to find sufficient funding for all of the projects in this group. 2 Very important, high-priority projects that should be done as funding becomes available. 3 Important and worthwhile projects to be considered if funding is available; may be deferred to a subsequent year. 4 Less important, low -priority projects; desirable but not essential. N/A Used for replacements of existing equipment. The following are other commonly used capital project evaluation criteria Legal Mandates Is the project needed to meet state or federal regulations? Fiscal and Budget Impacts What is the total capital cost? Impact on operating budget? Impact on tax base, tax rate and user fees? Is there any state or federal funding available? Health and Safety Impacts Will the project improve the health and/or safety of the residents in a measurable way? Environmental, Aesthetic and Does the project reduce pollution levels? Social Effects Improve the appearance of neighborhoods? Ensure community values are achieved? Economic Development Impacts Does the project promote the economic vitality of the community (job creation or business development)? Project Feasibility Does the project demonstrate that it can be implemented as planned? Is the timing, phasing and proposed funding reasonable? Is there public support for the project? Distributional Effects Who benefits from the proposed projects? Is the distribution of projects balanced? Disruption/Inconvenience How much disruption or inconvenience is caused by the project? Impact of Deferral What are the implications of deferring the project? Uncertainty of Risk What degree of risk or uncertainty is inherent in acquiring the facility (demand, obsolescence)? Inter -municipal Effects What are the effects on inter -municipal relationships? Is there an opportunity for inter -municipal cooperation? Relationship to Other Projects Are there advantages from this project accruing to other projects? Project Name: _ Estimated Cost: FORM E CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT RATING SHEET or Considerations Score Range A. Town Department Priority Classification 1. Mandatory 10 2. Maintenance 7 3. Improve Efficiency 5 4. New Service 2 B. Priority Ranking 1. Very high 10 2. High 7 3. Medium 5 4. Low 2 C. Project's Expected Useful Life (Three years or less score zero) 1. 20 or more years 10 2. 10 - 19 years 5 3. 5 - 9 years 2 D. Effect on Operating & Maintenance Costs 1. Reduce Cost 10 2. Cost Unchanged 5 3. Increase Cost 2 E. Effect on Town's Revenue (tax base) 1. Increase Revenues 10 2. Revenues Unchanged 5 3. Decrease Revenues 2 F. Availability of State/Federal Grant Moneys (If no, score zero) 1. Yes 5 TOTAL SCORE Adapted from "Developing a Capital Improvement Program", Metropolitan Council of the Twin Cities Area. 26 Austin, Texas Prioritization Criteria • Federal or State Mandates: Consent Decree, ADA Requirement, or new regulatory requirements • Urgent Need: Public health, safety or security threat; Infrastructure failure; degradation of service; legal mandate • Planning Priorities: Direct implementation of Regional, Comprehensive, Small Area, and Neighborhood Plans • Policy Priorities: Specific policy direction approved by the City Council • Business Priorities: Implements department plan/policy; Addresses Business Plan Horizon Issues; tangible improvement to service delivery • Impact Criteria: Sustainability (Economy, Environment, Society/Equity), Cost (O&M, revenues, leveraging) Template of a CIP Criteria Scale Criteria A Description -Ad Required Project Is the project required to meet legal, compliance, or regulatory mandates? Rating Scale (1-9) 1=not required/mandated 5=pending requirement 9= required or mandated Strategic Alignment To what extent is the project 1=no alignment with strategies aligned with our government's 5=partial alignment with overall strategies? strategies 9=full alignment with strategies Value to Citizens How much value will the outcome 1=minimal value of this project bring to our 5=partial value citizens? 9=high value ?4 City of Charlottesville, Virginia FY 2014 — 2018 Capital Improvement Program Project Evaluation and Criteria Scoring Criteria #1— City Council Adopted Strategic Vision and/or Priorities How does the project help meet the goals of the City Council Strategic Vision and/or the City Council Priorities? Review Committee Scoring 5 Project meets the goals of the City Council Strategic Vision and/or Priorities 0 Project does not meet the goals of the City Council Strategic Vision and/or Priorities Criteria #2 — Public health and safety How does the project eliminate or prevent an existing health, environmental, or safety hazard? Review Committee Scoring 5 Project completely eliminates or prevents an existing health, environmental, or safety hazard. 3 Project partially eliminates or prevents an existing health, environmental, or safety hazard. 0 Project does not eliminate or prevent an existing health, environmental, or safety hazard. Criteria #3 — Infrastructure investment / protection How does the project protect and preserve the City's infrastructure? Review Committee Scoring 5 The project improves and / or protects the City's infrastructure. 3 The project maintains the City's infrastructure. 0 The project does not protect or preserve the City's infrastructure. Criteria #4 — Impact on City operational finances / revenue generation Explain how the project will have a positive, neutral, or negative impact on the City's operational Finances. Review Committee Scoring 5 The project will result in a positive net impact on City finances. 3 The project will result in a neutral net impact on City finances. 0 The project will result in a negative net impact on City finances. Criteria #5 — Leverages outside funding How will the project leverage outside funding to facilitate completion of the project, and how much additional funding will be leveraged? Review Committee Scoring 5 The project will leverage outside funding for project completion. 0 The project will not leverage outside funding for project completion. Criteria #6 — Environmental sustainability/LEEDS building certification How does the majority of the project support the City of Charlottesville's environmental sustainability goals and commitments? Review Committee Scoring 5 Project directly meets the City's environmental sustainability goals/commitments (e.g., the project is directly related to a sustainability initiative and/or is committed to pursuing LEED certification for new construction or major renovations, where applicable) 3 Project contributes to the City's environmental substantiality efforts 0 Project neither fulfills a LEED requirement nor does it contribute to the City's environmental substantiality efforts. Criteria #7 — Encouragement of economic development How will the project help stimulate development or redevelopment of properties and/or encourage economic development in the City corridors? Review Committee Scoring 5 The project will encourage increased economic development in the City's corridors. 0 The project will not encourage increased economic development in the City's corridors. Criteria #8 — Ties in to other projects / organizations Does the project tie into other existing or proposed projects, and/or will the project be done in partnership with another non -City organization? Review Committee Scoring 5 The project ties into another existing project(s) or the project will be done in partnership with another non -City organization 0 The project does not tie into another existing project and will not be done in partnership with another non -City organization. Criteria #9 — Improves and/or increases the level of service provided by the City How does the project improve and/or increase the level of service provided by the City? Review Committee Scoring 5 The project improves and/or increases the level of service provided by the City. 0 The project does not improve and/or increase the level of service provided by the City. 2