3. Engineer presentation to Capital Improvement Committee May 4 2017CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT "ORNITTILE siaysu May 4, 2017 CURRENT ROAD RATING MAP �� 1 � ?�tlf 6T, W + ..• + IILN4E f �R $'. u t S WNIWFaQ � � 2AM 8T. N. TR Ci. CR Q O 292id 'T Bi. 4 8 00 T o 2L64� .� COBE � IC ;1 -Ni tiT L�uaE 8T. w. } Tt•Re> S,Pn Lpl� `J x � 21Bh STN 1J e'P,TA Br. " 2� 9E4FCeL4TR.H ,p 218m d WATE INiY.p 88W➢KRMN— 111 - e -d -e lnwr oe r z Q - i1 -'➢ BRC''16CIR aMAMRkTR kI g, L 3 > = TATE -W, q. IJI• R v h`W 8T - X` ¢ � CITY HELL lY1YAN YkYBERft , L1 BI R w �J i4NN I5701 co. R➢. s6 � 1�BR.N IOiu8TN�Y 3 Marrc LAISE � as y � IWRNE JriE 9 LIMN 83.N ve ♦. wiE ➢rat. m� I,y V il�L te�aT_w. • Road Rating Map 9-10 7-8 5-b 3-4 1-2 � 157f SCANDIA ROAD RATING BREAKDOWN • Scandia Rating Summary Table Condition Rating Mileage % of System 9-10 3.4 5% 7-8 28.3 39% 5-6 23.0 32% 3-4 9.6 13% 1-2 2.5 3% N/A 5.0 7% 71.8 100% SCANDIA PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT Extending Pavement Lifecycle Original Pavemoryt TiTlnujTrdffiG Prevention Trigger %hiablfitagon Tricgrg;, SCANDIA oil Z O B Z O H Z W W a NUMBER VERBAL RATING RATING CONDITION GROUPING TYPICAL MAINTENANCE NUMBER REPAIR 10 RATING COST/L.F Excellent Pavements that)iave little or No Repair 9 no distress (8-10) 8 Very Good Typical Street Life 7 Pavements that have a Good significant level of distress, non -load related Seal Chat 6 Pavements that have a (6-7) significant level of distress, 5 load related 4 Fair Overlay Pavements that have major (4-5) distress 3 Poor 2 Very Poor Pavements that have Reconstruction significant amounts of major (0-3) 1 Failed distress YEARS r- 0 3 15 20 25 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT • Ratings Related to Needed Improvements z RATING 10 p Excellent l— in RATING b O Good V z RATING 4 LU Fair 2 W 7 RATING 2 a_ Poor In addition to indicating the surface condition of a road, a given rating also includes a recommendation for needed maintenance or repair. This feature of the rating system facilitates its use and enhances its value as a tool in ongoing road maintenance. PAVEMENT AGE ICTri�l�C�ft�.#�.���r�������1►1�4�]�F]kTiIr11►����f�1►C�1�*].i.i�!'lYll.a Rating 9 & 10 No maintenance required Rating 8 Little or no maintenance Rating 7 Routine maintenance, cracksealing and minor patching Rating 5 & 6 Preservative treatments (sealcoating) Rating 3 & 4 Structural improvement and leveling (overlay or recycling) Rating y & 2 Reconstruction SCANDIA [iql H II-II.&FAU-0 N't I C') U U"ALN".14 • Construction Methods - Crack Sealing • Seal Cracks as soon as possible • Clean cracks • Dry cracks • Complete application 0 r SCANDIA • Construction Methods - Seal Coating • Includes applying a polymer modified asphalt emulsion & embedding finely graded aggregate into the surface. • Protects pavement from the deteriorating effects of sun and water • When bituminous pavements are exposed to sun, wind, and water the surface begins to oxidize. This causes pavements to become brittle. • Provides a waterproof membrane which not only slows down oxidation process but also helps the pavement shed water, preventing it from entering the base material. • Used to provide anew wearing surface on roadways that increases friction • Application on average will last about 7 years SCANDIA ALTERNATIVE MAINTENANCE • Construction Methods - Micro Surfacing / Slurry Seal • Micro surfacing is a cold -applied paving mixture composed of polymer - modified asphalt emulsion, crushed aggregate, mineral filler, water and a hardening -controlling additive. No rolling is required and the finished surface can generally be opened to traffic soon after placement. • Like seal coating, micro surfacing can be used as a blanket cover on placements suffering from loss of skid resistance, oxidation, raveling, and surface permeability. Also can be used to fill in minor ruts and improve rideability by removing minor surface irregularities. • This treatment can last on average 8 to 9 years SCANDIA PAVEMENT MAINTENANCE • Construction Methods - Mill & Overlay Street maintenance technique that requires the removal of the top layer (1 2 inches) of a street by grinding action of a large milling machine. After the top layer is removed, a new layer of bituminous pavement is put in its place. • Need adequate structure below top layer to support construction equipment. 04 n. SCANDIA • Construction Methods - Full Depth Reclamation (FDR) • FDR is an in-place recycling alternative to road reconstruction. It uses a powerful reclaiming machine to turn an old asphalt pavement into a road base by uniformly pulverizing that full thickness of the old pavement and blending it with a portion of underlying material. SCANDIA PAVEMENT RECONSTRUCTION • Construction Methods - Full Reconstruction • Includes removal of existing roadway by sub -cutting and reconstructing of the road section from the sub -grade to the final wear course. • Sometimes sub -grade correction work is required SCANDIA PAVEMENT WORK HISTORY I.V -7'crry tau op YEAR SEAL COATED 2000 2004 2006 20 11D 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 SCANDIA Seal Coat History all Work completed to date Recent Street Reconstruction . 2015 - Quinell Ave . 2016- 236,h/Novak/237,h/oldfield I.V -7'crry tau op YEAR SEAL COATED 2000 2004 2006 20 11D 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 SCANDIA kIPAIMINVOW-1.11U.. Ito • Planning- Completed Soil Borings with Report Ni I SE -1 SB4 S 5 tlti 5T. N. C $ Soil Boriflgy (Typ-) SCANDIA • Planning- Soil Borings & Report expected to be completed end of May 2017 17 i7 S41 L BORING LOCATION M PROPOSED STREET SCANDIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN • Planning- Developed Priority of Street Reconstruction Projects 2018 - $825,000 • 2020 - $950,000 • 2022-$1,100,000 2024 - $750,000 2018— PARTIAL RECONSTRUCTION — — — — — 2020 - FULL RECONSTRUMON 2020 - PARTIAL RECONSTRUCTION 2022 - PARTIAL RECONSTRUCTION 2024— PARTIAL RECONSTRUCTION _ = = = � 1 1, ST ID HAV LAKE P") C J SAN D .1) N C.`J. LAKE LAKE 44 00 W LAVL 2gn i AKL 7Z %b on 220 Lh 5T. N SCANDIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN 15 op 28En B.T. X. 2 ST. N II 2M9 a. K Cl 2W ST. k 2W RD ST, a 4 R1%arm STATE HlfY.W KfcFCWTR N STATE IkYY 97 STATE W 964n ST. H. ac9nBT. Sr. 04-71t52 vl 2026 20,22 028 TR. D - ST.. 20 R4 k.E exF F: wt 9 rq laftff.m. Br. b3. RCA City CIP RECONSTRUCT zols 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 SEAL COAT 2017 J$W0001 2018 ($200,00Q) 2019 ($215,010) 2020 ($215,010) Z021 (W.ODD) (QUI N IN ELL AVE, 2022 W15,400) NEED TO PLAN IMPROVEMENTS SCANDIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN • Planning- Current Shortfalls • Long-term CIP will need annual review and revisions. • Need to account for roads not currently programed or roads planned so far into the future conditions will change before we get to construction. • Planned improvements 2026 or later and/or not planned: • 2026 - Oxboro Ave N and Oxboro Lane • 2028 - 199th Street N, Parkview Lane, and Parkview Ave 23&hST.N. sEa f `✓' � N z • TBD -Oakhill Road ;E ST 23M ST. N. • TBD - Oren Road • TBD - Melanie Trail N 4 �: • TBD - Oldfield Ave N (Oakhill Road to Dead-end) 2WthST. N. 2024 _ A rt � w ,4 ,�LAXE S 52 r C} *. 02026 HXL Q a scan # e .. 0#11411 9ft SRN efoh Sr "4ff'A �, 2T. mLL SCRNQIk TR N. rt. i 0xBaRo GIR & SCANDIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN - Funding - Estimated Costs Per Lineal Foot (assume 24' average width) 1 Seal Coat and Crack Fill 2 Patching 3 Micro -Surfacing 4 Mill & Overlay 5 Reclamation and Pavement Replacement 6 Full Depth Reconstruction * Based on no sub -grade correction or adding gravel **Rural section - no concrete curb & gutter $8.00 Varies $12.00 $44.00 $82.00* $170.00** SCANDIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT RAN Funding- Options General Funds Money raised from annual City property taxes Special Assessments Indirect form of taxation. They are compulsory charge on selected properties for a particular improvement or service that benefits the owners of the selected property. The Courts insist on strict compliance with the special assessment procedural requirements. Increasingly, residents are more willing to challenge special assessments. Bonds City streets can be financed through bonding alone or in combination with special assessments. Variety of bonds City can choose from, recommended City consult specialized bond Counsel to help determine the bond best suited to the City's needs. Franchise Fees A franchise fee is a charge imposed by the City on utility and cable providers who operate in the public right-of-way. An agreement with the City allows them to work in the right-of-way upon payment of established fees. Developments Agreements New developments being subdivided in accordance with the City subdivision ordinance, a City may condition its approval of the subdivisions upon the construction and installation of streets by the sub -divider. SCANDIA CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN • Next Steps • Start Communication. -Work In Progress ■ After frost is out of ground (typically end of April or early May), complete field review. - Done • Recommend roads to have soil borings completed. -Work in Progress • Revise Capital Improvement. - Discussing Tonight • Present to Capital Improvement Committee and City Council during 2017. SCANDIA