05-02-2017 Planning CommissionMay 2, 2017
The Scandia Planning Commission held their regular monthly meeting on the above date.
The following were in attendance: Commissioners Walt Anderson, Jan Hogle, Travis Loeffler,
Tom Noyes and Dan Squyres. Staff present: City Administrator Neil Soltis, City Planner Sherri
Buss and Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund. Mayor Christine Maefsky and Council member Chris
Ness were also in attendance.
Chair Squyres called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.
Commissioner Loeffler added Agenda Item 6.c) Discussion of the Forest Lake Holdco solar
project installation. Loeffler, seconded by Noyes, moved to approve the agenda as amended.
The motion carried 5-0.
Commissioner Hogle noted a correction to the April 4, 2017 meeting minutes to reflect that she
departed the meeting at 8:00 p.m. Loeffler, seconded by Hogle, moved to approve the April
4, 2017 meeting minutes as amended. The motion carried 5-0.
Tim and Sue Biermaier are proposing to build a new home at 18569 Langley Avenue, a 0.13 acre
lot located within the Shoreland Overlay of Big Marine Lake. Planner Buss explained that the
submitted survey shows the house 59.5' from the Ordinary High Water Level, 21' from the road
right-of-way, and 7' from the south parcel boundary. Variances are needed from the 100'
required setback from the OHWL, the required 40' setback from the road ROW, and from the
required 10' sideyard setback. Lot coverage is calculated at 24%, just under the 25% allowed.
The home will connect to the City's 201 septic system, and will use the existing well. The septic
tanks will be approximately 10 feet from the parcel boundaries, which meets the County's
ordinance. The tanks must be separated a minimum of 50' from the well.
Buss explained that the existing driveway and 320 square -foot garage will remain, with the home
being built 5' from the garage. The garage is a nonconforming structure located on the north
property line. The survey shows an existing shed near the lake which is partly located on the
adjacent city -owned lot to the north. Buss noted that zoning allows one accessory structure on a
parcel this size and recommended removal of the 220 square -foot shed as a condition.
Buss presented the recommendation to approve the variances with six conditions written into a
resolution, including that the applicants obtain the required Watershed District permit for the
project. Findings stated that it is a reasonable use on the parcel, it fits the character of the area as
surrounding homes are approximately 60' from the lake, and it is the minimum variance needed
to develop the property.
Chair Squyres opened the public hearing at 7:13 p.m.
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Bob Ryan, Valley View Builders stated that Tim Biermaier was unable to attend the meeting. He
relayed that Mr. Biermaier would like to keep the shed by the lake, and propose to build the
home closer to the existing garage in order to meet the 10' setback from the south property line,
as this would provide adequate room to move his dock and access the lake. A "slip joint" would
connect the home and garage, and construction would meet the state building code for fire
protection. Planner Buss stated that buildings within 5' can be considered attached, leaving the
shed to be counted as the one accessory structure allowed. Buss said language should be added
that the shed be moved from straddling the property line in order to meet the 10' side setback,
and a variance would be needed for lake setback.
The Commissioners noted that the survey appeared to have discrepancies as discovered on the
site visit, as the stakes did not show the shed to be over the side lot line, and that distances shown
on the survey were not accurate.
Christine Maefsky, 12125 Mayberry Trail said that there also appeared to be discrepancies as
measured from the road right-of-way.
Cindy Johnson, 18599 Langley Avenue said she is not opposed, but questioned the capacity of
the 201 system for additional connections that may happen in the future as more small lots on the
lake are developed. Planner Buss explained that non -conforming properties can be built on as
long as adequate septic exists; but once capacity for the city's system is full and no room exists
on the small lots for a private septic system and backup, then they cannot be built on. Chair
Squyres stated that "the race is on".
Harold Johnson, 18599 Langley Avenue said it's fantastic to connect the house and existing
garage since it's necessary to have at least 10' along the side lot line for clearance when moving
a dock. He also said the shed along the City's property should have been moved years ago.
Johnson said users hear that the Bliss septic system is failing, and who will pay for the
improvements? Administrator Soltis countered that the Bliss is operating quite well other than
one monitoring well showing elevated nitrate readings. He said records show this elevated level
going back to the 1990's and may be attributed to the flow from nearby agriculture fields and not
from the Bliss drainfields.
There were no further comments and Chair Squyres closed the hearing at 7:52 p.m.
Chair Squyres noted the separation distances of the well and septic tank area at the site did not
correlate to the survey. The Commissioners said that the scale did not appear correct. Planner
Buss agreed that an accurate survey is needed to determine what the actual variances for the new
house will be. Commissioner Anderson said that topography of the site should be identified by
contours on the survey, although staff noted that this detail isn't necessary for the
Commissioner's review unless there are bluff setbacks, but rather for the Watershed and
Building Official. Anderson said they should review the contours for water runoff.
Loeffler, seconded by Noyes, moved to table the variance application for Tim and Sue
Biermaier until an accurate survey with contours is provided. The motion carried 5-0.
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Planner Buss will contact the Biermaiers to extend the City's review of the application up to the
statutory deadline of 120 days.
Patrick and Patricia Reicherts have applied for an amendment to the Big Marine Lake Liquor
Store's Conditional Use Permit to expand the uses on the site to include a bar and restaurant.
The original CUP was issued in 2003 and amended in 2007 to operate a convenience store with
gasoline pumps, an off -sale liquor store, and an upstairs office/apartment. Although the
proposed uses are permitted in the Rural Commercial zoning district for this property, the permit
specified that any change in use requires a new CUP.
Planner Buss explained that analysis of the concept found that it can meet the criteria for
approval only based on getting a final accurate plan. At this point, Reicherts provided a sketch
of the proposed expansion with few details on a site plan to address the parking lot requirements,
erosion control and drainage, along with building plans for review of design guidelines and
requirements. The County has strict conditions on wastewater treatment for expansion to a
restaurant, and the applicants would have to comply with these requirements in order to obtain a
septic permit. The County Engineers indicated that they would do a traffic analysis once plans
are firmed up to research if a turn lane would be needed on the County road. The City Engineer
requires that the final site plan must include a drainage plan, erosion control plan, and
maintenance plan that meet the City and Watershed District's requirements.
Planner Buss explained that the Watershed District responded against approval due to the runoff
from the expanded parking lot impacting a nearby wetland and watershed to Big Marine Lake.
However, Chair Squyres reported that Jim Shaver attended the site visit and will retract his letter
and require best management practices to control runoff through issuance of a Watershed permit.
Planner Buss said that Reicherts had contacted her that morning and is also considering
overnight lodging as part of the expansion. Buss said that this may need more analysis beyond
the 22 conditions written into a resolution, which merged the conditions of the earlier permits
Chair Squyres opened the public hearing at 7:51 p.m.
Betty Sterbenz, 10860191St Street said that she is an adjacent neighbor to the south and is against
the expansion. She said cars at the gas station are a loud disturbance already and there is not a
big enough area for a parking lot. She did ask that if the permit is approved, a full fence should
be required along their shared boundary line.
George Koras, 19301 Manning Trail said their property is just to the north and the store has been
a good neighbor. He is supportive if the addition meets setbacks from the property lines, which
Planner Buss confirmed are met.
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Cindy Johnson, 18599 Langley Avenue said she supports it because dining opportunities in the
area is a good idea.
Kevin Johnson, 18941 Layton Avenue expressed his support saying that it would be nice to have
a nearby restaurant and more options for dining out. Chair Squyres asked if he would have
concerns about increased traffic. Johnson said that traffic is already bad on County Road 15 as
the area is getting developed, but more development is a good thing.
Harold Johnson, 18599 Langley Avenue said he supports it but traffic management must be done
before the opening — don't wait for accidents to happen before requiring turn lanes and have the
County do their work at the same time. Planner Buss explained that state statutes have
standardized traffic control and this would be up to the County to analyze and require.
David Jessup, 18773 Layton Avenue said that he is not either for or against it at this point, but
encouraged that the application be tabled to gather answers to many unanswered questions since
basic information appears to be lacking.
There were no further comments and Chair Squyres closed the hearing at 8:02 p.m.
Commissioner Noyes questioned if a new liquor license isn't approved, then the whole
application is a moot point. Staff explained that the City Council has the discretion to allow the
business owner to change his current off -sale liquor license to a combination on/off-sale license
for the operation of a bar/restaurant and liquor store.
The Commissioners discussed the application and questioned if more detail is needed.
Commissioner Anderson stated a few times that this is a concept meeting at best with sketchy
details that they cannot possibly make a decision on; there are too many pitfalls related to
impacts of the expansion that should be addressed. Planner Buss explained the Commissioners
need to determine if the use meets the criteria in the zoning code, with added conditions that
must be fulfilled with the Engineer, Watershed and County before a building permit can be
issued. Buss said the Commissioners must trust that staff gives an appropriate review of the
required plans as stated in the conditions. Chair Squyres agreed that asking for detailed
engineered plans for drainage and septic would not be something he would understand, but
would be left to staff that does. Buss explained that Scandia's process does not include a concept
review with the Planning Commission for this type of application; from the owner's perspective
they would not make a huge investment in engineered plans if it's then decided that the use is not
Chair Squyres asked how the review of the building plans are managed to see that they meet the
design guidelines. Planner Buss explained that a condition could be added that the Planning
Commission reviews the building plans to make comments or recommendations.
Commissioner Noyes asked Reicherts to address the fencing issue. Mr. Reicherts explained that
a 400' fence had been constructed years ago, but due to an infringement on the Sterbenz's
property, it was removed. The City decided he did not need to replace it and he would have
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concerns about installing a new fence. He said that the property line to the south is screened
with evergreens. The Commissioners discussed the necessity of a fence to screen headlights and
provide a physical barrier to patrons wandering onto private property, and concluded that a solid
fence condition be added and that the Engineer would determine placement to avoid interference
with site lines along Manning Trail.
Noyes, seconded by Loeffler, moved to approve PC Resolution No. 05-02-17-02 with the
addition of lodging to the use and with added conditions 1) Planning Commission review of
the building plans; 2) requirement of a fence permit.
Commissioner Hogle asked if the business plans to have outdoor music, would this be regulated
by the noise ordinance. Planner Buss confirmed that music could occur outdoors if it's within
the decibel levels of the ordinance.
Chair Squyres asked to add a friendly amendment that no outdoor amplified music is
allowed unless the owners are approved for a Special Event Permit from the City. Noyes,
seconded by Loeffler, agreed to this addition to the motion.
A vote was taken on the above amended motion. The motion carried 4-1, with Anderson
The recommendation for approval will be presented to the City Council at their meeting on May
16, 2017.
Last month, the Commissioners discussed a resident's proposed addition to an existing garage to
accommodate an Accessory Dwelling Unit. The addition would not be allowed by the current
ordinance because the addition would exceed the height of the primary one -level dwelling on the
lot. Planner Buss provided several options to reconsider the height limits for detached accessory
structures for a possible amendment to the ordinance.
Planner Buss stated that some communities have a maximum height of 20' for detached
structures to keep the structures subordinate to the primary structure, particularly on small lots.
This was the consideration used for the development of the current ordinance. Buss explained
that communities with larger lots allow Accessory Dwelling Units to meet the same height
standard as other accessory buildings, which is 35' in Scandia.
The Commissioners discussed the 3 options Buss provided in the staff report, and concluded that
the height of ADU's be permitted as the maximum height for all structures. A public hearing for
the ordinance amendment will be scheduled for the June 6, 2017 meeting.
The discussion on updates to the Shoreland Ordinance was tabled, for continuation at the June 6,
2017 meeting.
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Commissioner Loeffler had concerns that the solar installation at Manning Trail and Highway 97
has deviated from the approved site plan. He noted the transformer equipment at the southwest
corner of the property near the highway that had originally been located at the northern part,
away from the highway. He asked about the logs and brush being stored here, questioned the
screening that should be planted, and described the chain link fence with barbed wire was not
what was presented during the proposal.
Administrator Soltis explained that the brush at the site was cleared from the edges of the
property for the solar garden, and the property owner has plans for its removal. Plantings for the
screening plan will occur soon now that the growing season has begun.
Staff will research if an administrative permit was issued for the fence, and report back on these
issues at the next meeting.
Commissioner Anderson asked that the ordinance be changed so that the Planning Commission
is allowed concept level review of projects that come in. There was consensus to proceed with
this discussion at a future meeting.
Chair Squyres asked that the sign ordinance be revisited for possible amendments. Planner Buss
recommended the Shoreland Ordinance update be completed before opening up the sign
ordinance review, which was agreed on.
Loeffler, seconded by Anderson, moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried 5-0.
The meeting adjourned at 9:22 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund
Deputy Clerk