2. Agenda for the 06 07 17 Work SessionCITY OF SCANDIA CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AGENDA Wednesday, lune 7, 2017 6:30 P.M. 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of the Agenda 3. Hiring of probationary firefighters 4. Discussion on changes to sign policy 5. Discussion on development agreement with New Energy Equity LLC for Oldfield Ave. community solar garden. 6. Presentation by Ekberg Lammers on code enforcement options 7. Discussion on Dog ordinance 8. Discussion on Community Solar Garden ordinance 9. Discussion on establishing a sister city in Sweden 10. Discussion on establishing a good neighbor award 11. Discussion on 2018 State Capital Investment Project Request for the Gateway Trail extension 12. Update on web site 13. Update on proposed 2018 budget schedule 14. Adjournment