2. approval of the minutes of the 08-14-17 meeting The Scandia Economic Development Authority met in the Board Room at the Scandia Community Center on Monday, August 14, 2017 beginning at 6:30pm. Commissioners Present: Bob Hegland, Steve Kronmiller, Brad Borg, Mark Porubcansky, and Bruce Swenson. Staff Present: Neil Soltis Hegland called the meeting to order and welcomed Brad Borg as the new Board member. Minutes - Motion by Swenson, seconded by Kronmiller to approve the minutes of the July 10, 2017 meeting. Vote: Yes – 5. Motion carried. Agenda - Motion by Swenson, seconded by Porubcansky, to approve the agenda. Vote: Yes – 5. Motion carried. Public comment – Janie O’Connor noted that around 70 cyclists were in Scandia as a part of the Chilkoot ride from Stillwater and that the information from the cyclists surveyed will be presented at a community meeting. Discussion on MNDOT Landscape Partnership design assistance – Todd Carroll, the Statewide Landscape Coordinate for the program, presented preliminary plans for landscape improvements at the intersection of MN 97 and Olinda that would serve as a gateway to the village center of Scandia. Plantings using a mix of trees, shrubs, and perennials were proposed for 5 locations. Carroll reviewed the species, sizes, maintenance requirements, and design considerations including existing power lines, using natives when possible, and salt tolerance. Carroll noted that the program calls for MnDOT to provide design assistance and plant materials and that installation and maintenance are the responsibility of the City or other group. The next step in the process will be to seek comments from the residents and property owners which adjoin the proposed planting areas. Karen Schik commented on the species being proposed and advocated for the use of pollinators and following the City’s recommended plant species list that focuses on the use of native species. In discussing the design the Board felt the use of natives was important but the use of other materials for a more formal, structured look was desirable. More information was requested regarding the plant species. In response to a comment on the previous MnDOT prairie plantings on MN 97, Carroll noted that burning is needed for proper maintenance and MnDOT does not allow burning the road right - of-way. Updates / Discussion on EDA Goals - Hegland provided information that he received in meeting with the Chisago Lakes Chamber of Commerce noting their focus on Swedish heritage and potential links with Scandia and raised the question as to whether there is investor potential in having space available in Scandia for when businesses are seeking to location. The Board discussed sites in Scandia where an expansion or a new building would be appropriate. Lifecycle Housing Update – Hegland reported that packets have been sent out to developers / operators of senior facilities and that he will follow up on the information. Façade Improvement Loan Program – Soltis presented a working draft for a Fascia Improvement program that could be implemented if the EDA request for funding in 2018 was approved by the Council. The Board discussed the loan amounts, loan terms, design plans, eligible buildings and eligible improvements. A revised draft will be reviewed at a future meeting depending on Council funding. Business Subsidy Policies and criteria – Soltis presented a working draft of a business subsidy policy and criteria that would be used as a guide for utilizing a façade program or other economic development tools such as tax abatement or a tax increment district. The Board reviewed and discussed the purpose and criteria elements of the policy. A revised draft will be reviewed at a future meeting depending on Council funding. Fall Business Event – The Board discussed holding a meeting to bring together Scandia businesses. No specific date was set but the meeting was tentatively set for late October on a morning. Publicity for the meeting will include contact with the brick and mortar locations, and information on the newsletter, website, social media, and newspaper in order to get a better outreach to home based businesses. Soltis noted the Chris Eng and Ty ler Hilsabeck, of the Open to Business Program have expressed an interest in attending. The Board also discussed meeting frequency and the need to hold at least 2 meeting a year. Director’s Report – Soltis reported that the Frontier upgrades will be turned up in the next month or so. The Board discussed the information on Microsoft’s project to use television white space spectrum to provide broadband internet service to rural communities whe re the cost of extending fiber is cost prohibitive. The Board discussed the Scandia Mercantile auction noting that the high bid was not accepted. Commissioner Reports – There were no Commissioner report Items for Future Agendas – No additional items were identified Next meeting - The date of the next meeting was set for Monday September 11, 2017. Adjournment - No further business was discussed. A motion to adjourn was made by Porubcansky and seconded by Kronmiller. Vote 5-0, motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Neil Soltis, Secretary