4. Discussion on Draft Comprehensive Plan Vision, Goals, and Policies Vision and Overall Goals Scandia is known for its distinctive character and history. The City’s overall vision is to maintain its rural character typified by the agricultural heritage and natural resources. In 2040, Scandia has an economically vibrant village center which is home to a diverse population that is surrounded by mix of natural resource corridors and agricultural areas intermixed with rural residential and lakeshore neighborhoods. As new development is proposed, the emphasis will remain on the protection of a rural agricultural and natural resources. The Comprehensive Plan contains goals, objectives and policies to guide public and private land use development, redevelopment and preservation of all lands and waters within the City. These elements have been developed in conjunction with the City’s tradition of planning and in response to the statutory requirements under the Metropolitan Land Planning Act (MLPA). The following four overarching goals for the City of Scandia guided the preparation of this Comprehensive Plan update.  Maintain and promote the City’s cultural character and history. Scandia includes several historical structures. The Gammelgarden museum in the Village Center attracts people to learn about Minnesota history and Swedish immigration to Minnesota. Rural buildings and sites endowed with Scandia’s history and identity are preserved or incorporated into development and redevelopment, and family farms can still be found within the City.  Maintain and promote a variety of land uses and residential densities while maintaining Scandia’s existing agricultural and rural character. Scandia has diverse land uses emphasizing its rural nature and natural landscape, including agriculture, large lot and clustered rural residential housing, wooded areas, scenic areas and open spaces, and recreational areas. The village center provides a variety of housing types with community-scale commercial and industrial uses. Agricultural uses in Scandia include traditional commodity production, smaller farms devoted to local markets, and hobby farms. The mix of land uses in different parts of the City changes with the geography, and is preserved and maintained by sound, intentional land use policies.  Preserve and protect the City’s natural resources. Scandia is home to several high quality natural areas, lakes and the St. Croix River. The City’s parks, trails, open space and recreation system preserves rural character and protects natural beauty while offering opportunities for healthy lifestyles and recognizes the City’s history. Sensitivity to the City’s green infrastructure – trails, green corridors, natural areas and systems, surface and groundwater systems, scenic vistas, and night skies – will continue to be a priority for all development and infrastructure improvements. Periodic review of City ordinances to ensure development occurs with adequate protection of sensitive areas is part of the City’s commitment to preserve and protect valuable natural resources.  Provide economic opportunities for residents and businesses. Economic opportunities in the City continue to evolve. The City will seek solutions to create economic opportunities for employment in Scandia and to provide needed services for Scandia’s residents. The number of residents who are self - employed or work from home will continue to increase. Agriculture will continue to diversify including both traditional commodities and smaller, more specialized agricultural operations serving exclusively local markets. Goals and Policies for Specific Elements Housing 1) Support a variety of housing types and densities for residential uses in and surrounding the Village Center and other areas where appropriate. a) Encourage residential development in areas where sufficient infrastructure capacity can be provided. b) Offer density bonuses for development providing multifamily housing, senior housing, lifecycle housing, or work with property owners on the transfer of development rights. 2) Expand life-cycle housing opportunities for residents at all points of life. a) Encourage residential buildings to be designed for accessibility in order to meet the needs of current and future owners. b) Continue to work with the Washington County Community Development Agency to identify opportunities for providing additional affordable senior housing in the Village Center. 3) Encourage a range of housing choices that fit with the character of the community a) Review current development ordinance for districts to allow smaller lot sizes or higher densities while respecting the rural character and land uses. b) Encourage Open-Space Cluster housing development and Lot Averaging development. c) Continue to monitor the general condition of the housing stock, with a special focus on the physical condition of the older housing. Economic Development 1) Concentrate on retaining and expanding local businesses in and around the Village Center and existing Rural Commercial districts. a) Strengthen public services to attract and retain businesses and workforce. b) Identify and allow in-fill development opportunities for business expansion c) Promote new businesses that create synergy with existing businesses and overarching goals. d) Use outreach/branding initiatives to retain businesses and employment in Scandia. e) Cooperate with businesses, educational institutions, community organizations, and government to provide information to local businesses. f) Create development and land use standards to guide development into the Village Center and away from a linear pattern along the highways or undeveloped rural intersections. g) Encourage businesses providing local services, as well as tourism and recreation businesses in the Village Center. h) Work with building owners to maintain and upgrade building facades and properties consistent with the Village Center’s small town image and historic character. i) Encourage public and private investment in community-oriented institutions including the community center and city hall, church, cemeteries, and Gammelgarden. 2) Actively support the retention and expansion of Scandia community-scale agricultural operations a) Work cooperatively with other governmental agencies and community groups to develop programs to help keep agricultural land affordable in Scandia. 3) Encourage home-based entrepreneurs and businesses a) Set and enforce performance standards to encourage home-based businesses to transition to a storefront when its market is adequately developed. b) Review ordinances and regulations to eliminate barriers to home occupations while ensuring compatibility with surrounding land uses.