2. draft of the minutes of the 09-11-17 EDA meeting
The Scandia Economic Development Authority met in the Board Room at the Scandia
Community Center on Monday, September 11 beginning at 6:30pm.
Commissioners Present: Bob Hegland, Brad Borg, Mark Porubcansky, and Bruce Swenson.
Staff Present: Neil Soltis
Minutes - Motion by Swenson, seconded by Porubcansky to approve the minutes of the August
14, 2017 meeting. Vote: Yes – 4. Motion carried.
Agenda - Motion by Porubcansky, seconded by Swenson, to approve the agenda. Vote: Yes – 4.
Motion carried.
Review of Comprehensive Plan Goals and Policies – The Board reviewed the overall goals and
the element goals and policies for the Housing and Economic Develop ment elements and
provided suggestions to be incorporated into the plan . Specific items noted were the
diminishing role of traditional commodity agriculture, the transition to more small scale
agriculture, and the need to emphasize the growth of hoe-based and small businesses.
Planning for Fall Business Event – The Board set Thursday October 19 at 7:30 a.m. as the date
and time for the business breakfast event. S oltis noted that Chris Eng and Tyler Hilsabeck will
attend. The Board reviewed a list of potential invitees and were asked to submit addition s and
Updates / Discussion on EDA Goals - Lifecycle Housing Update – Soltis reported on a follow-up
from the packets that were mailed to senior community developers. The developer is not
interested in the property since the project does not meet their scope of work but noted that a
facility would need to be served by city water and sewer in order to be eligible for low income
housing credits, that senior housing does not score well in seeking tax credits since more weight
is given to the square footage and thee number of bedrooms, and that the location would lend
itself to a continuum of care facility.
Director’s Report – Soltis noted that Frontier has completed their 2017 projects and will be
distributing door hangers and sending direct mailings to househ olds that will benefit from the
internet upgrades. Soltis also noted that the next iteration of the Minnesota Landscape
Partnership design will be able to be presented at the Octobe r meeting.
Commissioner Reports – There were no Commissioner report
Items for Future Agendas – No additional items were identified
Next meeting – Due to the Columbia Day holiday and the Business Breakfast event, the next
meeting will be held on November 13, 2017.
Adjournment - No further business was discussed. A motion to adjourn was made by Swenson,
seconded by Porubcansky. Vote: Yes – 4.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted, Neil Soltis, Secretary