05-02-2018 Work SessionMay 2, 2018 The City Council conducted a Work Session on the above date. Mayor Maefsky called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. The following were present: Council members Bob Hegland, Steve Kronmiller, Chris Ness, Jim Schneider and Mayor Christine Maefsky. Staff members present: City Administrator Neil Soltis, Fire Chief Mike Hinz, Public Works Director Adam Hawkinson and Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA Kronmiller, seconded by Ness, moved to approve the agenda as presented. The motion carried 5-0. DISCUSSION ON DONATION FROM LIONS CLUB FOR HOLIDAY DECORATIONS Lynnette Welsch and Judy Rydeen from the Scandia-Marine Lions Club were present to propose a donation of funds for the purchase of new holiday streetlight decorations, as the current ones have become aged. They asked if the City would match the contribution amount. Rydeen presented a photo of the selected decoration, an LED illuminated wreath, at an estimated cost of $489 each. There are 42 lamp poles in the village area, and it was proposed to replace 12-15 the first year for the core downtown and expand out each year. Council member Hegland questioned if a community member could construct the wreaths at a lower cost rather than purchasing from the specialty company. The Council was in consensus to match the Lions donation, estimated at $3,000. Welsch will propose the donation to the Lions Board and report back at the May 15th Council meeting. DISCUSSION ON FUNDING LAKE ASSOCIATIONS FOR AQUATIC INVASIVE SPECIES CONTROL The following were present to discuss a proposal for the City to contribute funds towards efforts to control aquatic invasive species in Bone Lake and Big Marine Lake: • Dave Bakke, President of Bone Lake Association • Jeff Dahlberg, President of Big Marine Lake Association • Mike Sorenson, Administrator of Comfort Lake -Forest Lake Watershed District • Jim Shaver, Administrator of Carnelian -Marine -St. Croix Watershed District Sorenson presented information on measures to control the spread of aquatic invasive species such as eurasion milfoil, curly leaf pondweed and zebra mussels and noted that other AIS such as spiny water flea and starry stonewort are on the horizon. Sorenson also presented information on the results of the 2017 boat launch inspection program which occurs at the public accesses. Bakke noted that state funding is being cut back and that the Association is looking for the City to contribute to the cost. Dahlberg said that the State has decreased the funding to support AIS programs. Mayor Maefsky said in prior discussions, the Council decided it is the role of lake property owners and watershed districts to protect water quality, but the lakes are valuable resources for Scandia and the City should have some responsibility for them and advocated support. Council member Kronmiller said lake owners are not contributing to the spread of AIS but is introduced May 2, 2018 Scandia City Council Page 2 of 4 from boaters entering the water bodies, as data from the DNR showed. Council member Ness said it appears the income for AIS control is not at the level it had been and now is the time to help out. Council member Schneider said he is in favor of contributing funds for AIS control but preferred to have it directed to treatment instead of boat launch inspections, which may not be a foolproof method to stop the spread. Kronmiller, seconded by Schneider, moved to approve support for aquatic invasive species control programs. The motion carried 5-0. Administrator Soltis explained that a direct donation could not go to the lake associations as it does not meet the definition of a public purpose expenditure, but the City could contract with the Watershed Districts for the programs. Ness, seconded by Kronmiller, moved to contribute $2,500 for AIS control to Big Marine Lake and $1,000 for AIS control to Bone Lake in 2018. The motion carried 5-0. The Council agreed to discuss annual funding during the upcoming budget deliberations. DISCUSSION ON FIRE CHIEF POSITION FROM VOLUNTEER TO PART-TIME Fire Chief Mike Hinz stated that labor laws are complex and he is not proposing his position to be considered part-time but rather looking for an increased stipend to allow him time to accomplish the duties as described in the current job description. Administrator Soltis agreed that the part-time status raises questions on benefits and relief association contributions, but there are also questions if the stipend compensation he is asking for would exceed the maximum amount allowed for a volunteer. Council member Schneider said he is all for increasing compensation to the Fire Chief, but staff needs to work out the legal issues. The Council was in consensus to direct staff to research a maximum stipend amount and determine if this will allow Hinz more hours. Staff will report on the findings at a future meeting. DISCUSSION ON STORMWATER ISSUES IN THE BLISS SUBDIVISION Administrator Soltis explained the runoff problems this spring associated with a new home construction on Layton Avenue. The City Engineer has designed a plan for the owners to redirect runoff from the road into a raingarden on the property that has been added as a condition for the Certificate of Occupancy. Soltis noted that controlling stormwater runoff within all of the Bliss subdivision should be addressed on a larger scale. Council member Kronmiller agreed that cabins are being replaced with larger homes and it's getting harder to control the stormwater beyond what was designed here and questioned the implementation of the site plan for the new home. Kronmiller noted that the building permit approval should have a process so that the stormwater impacts do not affect the entire neighborhood. Soltis recommended an Engineering review of separate grading permits rather than delegating this to the building inspector. Kronmiller said that enforcement is needed along May 2, 2018 Scandia City Council Page 3 of 4 the way to ensure they are building what is expected. Council member Schneider added that this should be looked at more closely in the variance process as well. Staff was directed to investigate whether the Carnelian -Marine Watershed District has previously prepared a stormwater plan for the Bliss addition and to pursue a plan for stormwater treatment that would result in improvements to water quality. Going forward, a separation of duties should be delegated in the building process to take care of issues that impact runoff. DISCUSSION ON WIND IN THE PINES AND REGULATION OF PARKING At the April 17th Council meeting, staff was directed to research an administrative citation process for enforcement of parking permits at Wind in the Pines Park, with the intention to control access to the park. Administrator Soltis presented examples of this type of ordinance. Mayor Maefsky said requiring a parking pass will not help the problems of trespassing but only adds a level of regulation. Council member Schneider agreed that the owner should do more to prevent trespassing because it's not the City's responsibility. Council member Ness said that he walked the trails at the park, and the mowed trail to the ridge at the end of the park boundary is directing hikers off the parkland. He recommended more trail markings and better signage. Council member Kronmiller said there may be value to use the administrative citation process for other issues and not just this one, such as junked cars and other nuisances. Administrator Soltis agreed that it could be used in this manner instead of relying on courts to reconcile nuisance violations. Staff was directed to prepare an ordinance for an administrative citation process to be discussed at a future meeting. Public Works staff was directed to post additional signage and markers on the park trails. DISCUSSION ON BROADCASTING CITY MEETINGS AND EVENTS Following the City's exit from the Forest Lake Cable Commission on July 1 st, the city meetings will no longer be filmed for future broadcast on cable station LATV. Last month, the City reviewed a proposal from LATV 10 to continue to film city meetings and other events at a determined cost. Staff researched video broadcasting and proposed BoxCast, a live HD - streaming service offered by GovOffice, the City's website host. Purchase of the device could come from PEG fees, and the annual service for streaming and the filming contract be paid from the collected franchise fees. With a budget of $10,000 for the 2nd half of the year, Administrator Soltis said the City could contract with LATV for 24 city meetings, a Taco Daze event, and one community story. Council member Kronmiller reported that Scandia's exit from the Cable Commission means that local subscribers will no longer have access to cable channels LATV 10 and Ranger 20 and would not have access to the $120,000 of PEG funds held by LATV. Administrator Soltis noted that the City may be entitled to some residual equity when leaving. May 2, 2018 Scandia City Council Page 4 of 4 Hegland, seconded by Ness, moved to approve the recommendation for video streaming with BoxCast and pursue a contract with LATV 10 for filming of city meetings and events. The motion carried 5-0. DISCUSSION ON PROPOSAL FOR SOLAR ENERGY SUBSCRIPTION Administrator Soltis presented a proposal from US Solar for an opportunity to subscribe to the production from one of their community solar farms. Cost savings is estimated at $1,278 in year 1 of the 20-25 year subscription. Soltis noted that the action would support the City's GreenStep initiatives. Council was in consensus to look at an agreement with US Solar at a future meeting. ITEMS FOR FUTURE WORK SESSIONS Council member Kronmiller proposed looking at requirements for newly elected officials to complete Board of Appeal and land use training. Administrator Soltis explained that the state keeps adequate records of members trained for Board of Appeals, and the land use training can be added to the description of a Planning Commission member. Newly appointed members have been completing this training once appointed. ADJOURNMENT Ness, seconded by Hegland, moved to adjourn the meeting. The motion carried 5-0. The meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Brenda Eklund Deputy Clerk