4.a), cc 6.a) Jamb Architects, Conditional Use Permit Scandia Plaza Shopping Center • Meeting Date: 9/7/10 Agenda Item: ��'; �„ '� ��� r Planning Commission/City Council `? � �� �` '� Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209�h St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Hold a public hearing on the application of Jerry Anderson,jamb Architects, for a Conditional Use Permit for expansion and renovation of the Scandia Plaza Shopping Center, 21190 Ozark Avenue North. Deadline/Timeline: 60-day review period expires October 12, 2010 Background: The planner will present the attached report and recommendations at the meeting on September 7, 2010. • Recommendation: The planner has recommended approval of the Conditional Use Permit with findings and conditions, which have been incorporated into a draft resolution for use by the Planning Commission and City Council. Attachments/ • Draft Resolution 09-07-10-03 Approving Conditional Use Permit Materials provided: . TKDA Memorandum dated August 31, 2010 • Memo dated August 27, 2010 from Susan Rodsjo, Design Guidelines Committee Chair • Application Materials Contact(s): Jerry Anderson,jamb Architects (612 670- 0358) Sherri Buss, City Planner (651 292-4582) Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, City Administrator (Scandia Plaza CUP cover Sept 07 10) • Page 1 of 1 09/02/10 • CITY OF SCANDIA, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 09-07-10-03 APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR SCANDIA PLAZA WHEREAS, Jerry Anderson, Jamb Architects has made application for a Conditional Use Permit to allow building expansion and site renovation of the Scandia Plaza shopping center, located at 21190 Ozark Avenue North, City of Scandia; and WHEREAS, the property is legally described as follows: Lot 1, Block 1, Hawkinson Business Park, Washington County, Minnesota; and • WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the request at a duly noticed Public Hearing on September 7, 2010, and has recommended approval; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCANDIA, WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA, that it should and hereby does approve the Conditional Use Permit to allow building expansion and site renovation of the Scandia Plaza Shopping Center, based on the following findings: 1. The proposed building expansion and renovation are consistent with Scandia's Comprehensive Plan, Development Code and Design Guidelines. 2. The proposed use is allowed with a conditional use permit in the designated zoning district in which it is proposed. 3. The proposed project will not have negative impacts on the health, safety and general welfare of the occupants of surrounding lands. 4. The project includes adequate planning and design to address the anticipated traffic conditions and provides adequate parking to meet City requirements. 5. The proposed project is not expected to negatively affect public utilities, services and • school capacities. Resolution No.: 09-02-10-03 Page 2 of 3 • 6. The proposed project is not expected to negatively affect property values and scenic views. 7. The proposed project is not expected to negatively affect groundwater, surface waters and air quality. FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, that the following conditions of approval shall be met: 1. The project shall be in substantial compliance with the Phase 1 plans and supplemental elevations and illustrative materials received by the City on 8/13/2010, 8/27/2010 and 8/31/2010, with the exceptions noted in the conditions that follow. 2. Traffic signage at both access points on Ozark Avenue North shall direct drive-through users to the south driveway from Ozark Avenue. The traffic pattern on the south side of the building shall be two-way. The southern access drive at Ozark Avenue shall have a striped, not constructed, median. 3. The project plans shall be revised to provide a pedestrian connection from Scandia Plaza to the shopping center at the south. 4. All lighting, including building and security lighting, shall meet the Ordinance standards, including the cut off, height, and setback standards. • 5. Outdoor lighting shall be turned off within one hour of business closing, except for security lighting. 6. The Landscape Plan submitted on 8/13/10 shall be revised to replace the new Colorado Blue Spruce with Black Hills Spruce (Picea glauca var. densata) and the Skyline Honeylocust with Kentucky Coffee Tree (Gymocladus dioica). All trees and plant materials that do not survive for at least two full growing seasons, including the transplanted spruce, shall be replaced by the landowner. 7. The Applicant shall obtain approval of the wastewater treatment system from Washington County Department of Health and Environment. 8. Snow storage shall not occur on the septic system area or back up area. The owner shall delineate the snow storage area(s) so that they are clearly identifiable for snow plows, using temporary flagging or fencing that meets the City's Design Guidelines. 9. The Applicant shall address the issues and design recommendations identified by the Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District, shall obtain approval of the stormwater management plan for the site from the District, and shall obtain all necessary Watershed, NPDES, MPCA and other required permits. 10. The Applicant shall provide and implement a remediation plan approved by MPCA to address the diesel spill on the property, or provide verification that the contamination has been addressed and approved by MPCA. • 11. The project shall be in substantial compliance with the Phase 1 plans and elevations received by the City on 8/13/2010 and 8/27/2010, and shall meet the requirements of the Resolution No.: 09-02-10-03 Page 3 of 3 • City's Design Guidelines, including the use of appropriate materials, details and colors. The Applicant shall revise the window arrangement under the bank drive-through to be evenly-spaced and symmetrically-arranged. 12. The window awnings shall be of canvas materials and fit the storefront opening, and may be retractable or canvas-over-frame. Awnings shall not extend across several storefronts. Awnings shall allow ample clearance above the sidewalk or store entrance (a minimum of 8 feet above the sidewalk). On mainstreet-style storefronts, the awning should be placed above the transom windows. The overhang depth shall be a minimum of 3 feet and maximum of 6 feet. The awning valance (or skirt) should be proportioned to the size of the awning but may be no more than 12 inches in height. 13. This CUP does not allow new or additional business signage. The Applicant will need to apply for a sign permit for new or additional signage per the Development Code requirements. 14. The Applicant shall pay all fees and escrows. Adopted by the Scandia City Council this 7th day of September, 2010. • Dennis D. Seefeldt, Mayor ATTEST: Administrator/Clerk • TKDA444 Cedar Street,Suite 1500 Saint Paul,MN 55101 (651)292-4400 • The right time.The right people.l'he right compaqg (651)292-0083 Fax www.tkda.com MEMORANDUM To: City Council and Reference: Scandia Plaza CUP Request Planning Commission Copies To: Anne Hurlburt, City Administrator Jerry Anderson,jamb Architects From: Sherri Buss Proj. No.: 14561.005 Date: August 31, 2010 Routing: SUBJECT: Scandia Plaza Conditional Use Permit Request MEETING DATE: September 7, 2010 LOCATION: 21190 Ozark Avenue North Scandia, Minnesota APPLICANT: Jerry Anderson,jamb Architects • OWNER: H & E Enterprises/Howard and Emily Stegner ZONING: Retail Business District (RB) 60-DAY PERIOD: October 12, 2010 ITEMS REVIEWED: Plans dated 5/15/2010 and received August 13, 2010 Application form received August 4, 2010 Color rendering and lighting specifications received August 13, 2010 Parking calculations and plan details received August 13, 2010 Plan updates and additional information received August 27 and 31 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: The Applicant is reyuesting a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to allow building expansion and site redesign of the existing Scandia Plaza Shopping Center located at 21190 Ozark Avenue North. The property is located in the Retail Business Zoning District. A CUP is required for expansion of a shopping center in the Retail Business District. The subject property is 2.48 acres. BACKGROUND: The application materials show expansion and renovation of the shopping center. The improvements are proposed to occur in two phases. The applicant is requesting City approval of the proposed Phase 1 • improvements in the current application. An Employee Owned Company Promoting Aflirmative Action and Equal Opportunity Scandia Plaza CUP Page 2 August 31, 2010 Scandia, Minnesota • The shopping center is currently 8,100 square feet in size. The request includes a building expansion of 2,475 square feet to the east of the existing building, relocation of the bank from the west to the east side of the center and expansion of the bank space, a new driveway to the center and drive-through facility for the bank, renovation of the existing building, and changes to parking, traffic circulation, landscaping and storm water management. The existing tenants of the affected portion of the shopping center are the bank, post office, pizza restaurant, and liquor store. The application shows that all existing tenants would remain. The request does not include any new or additional signage at this time. Commercial signage requires a Conditional Use Permit. The applicant indicated that a separate CUP request will be made for signage at a later date. Phase 2 includes a building addition of 6,000 square feet to the west of the existing building and additional parking. Phase 2 would require a separate application and consideration by the City. CRITERIA FOR GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) The City's Development Code identifies the criteria that should be considered for evaluating a CUP request and granting a CUP. The Code indicates that the criteria that the Planning Commision shall consider include • the following: • Impact of the proposed use on the health, safety and general welfare of the occupants of surrounding lands • Existing and anticipated traffic conditions, including parking facilities, and impacts • Effect of the proposed use on utility and school capacities • Effect of the proposed use on property values and scenic views • Relationship to the Comprehensive Plan • Ability of the proposed use to meet the standards of the Development Code • Effect of the proposed use on groundwater, surface waters and air quality • That the proposed use is allowed with a conditional use permit in the designated zoning district in which it is proposed. DETAILED EVALUATION OF THE REQUEST: Comprehensive Plan The Comprehensive Plan provides land use and economic development goals and policies for the village center. These include: reinforce the village center as the social and economic focal point of the community; encourage commercial, office, [and other uses] that complement existing uses and patterns; create an enhanced and economically healthy village center; and encourage small businesses and entrepreneurs in and around the village center. The request is consistent with the goals of the Comprehensive Plan. • Lot Size and Frontage The minimum lot size in the RB District is 2.5 acres and the minimum frontage is 160 feet. Nonconforming lots must be within 60%of the minimum standard to allow a change in use without a variance. The subject Scandia Plaza CUP Page 3 August 31, 2010 Scandia, Minnesota • parcel is a nonconforming lot of 2.48 acres, with frontage of 285 feet on Ozark Avenue North and 427 feet on Scandia Trail. The lot size is within 60% of the minimum standard, and meets the size requirement for a nonconforming lot to allow a change in use without a variance. The request meets the lot size and fronta�e requirements. Setbacks The Retail Business District structure setback requirements are: front yard of 40 feet, side yard of 20 feet, rear yard of 50 feet, and Minor Arterial (Scandia Trail) setback of 150 feet from centerline or 75 feet from the right of way. The request meets the structure setback requirements. Setbacks standards for parking apply. Parking must be setback a minimum of 10 feet from the lot line, and 10 feet from a structure. The revised submittals,received Au�ust 13, comply with the parking setback requirements. Lot Coverage The maximum allowable lot coverage is 65% in the Retail Business District. The project proposes lot coverage of 54.6% in Phase I and 61% in Phase II, meetin tg he requirement. Access and Circulation The applicant is proposing two access driveways to the Plaza from Ozark Avenue North. The existing • driveway will remain as the north driveway on the proposed plan. A new driveway will be created to the south of the existing driveway. The applicant is proposing that bank dnve-through customers would be directed to the south driveway access from Ozark Avenue, in order to enter the three drive-through lanes at the bank. Traffic would move from south to north through the drive-through lanes. The northern driveway on Ozark Avenue would provide general access to the Scandia Plaza businesses. The applicant is proposing two-way traffic on the north side of the shopping center building, and one-way circulation on the south side. Two additional driveways connect Scandia Plaza to the shopping center to the south. A traffic engineer reviewed the plans and contributed to the following comments regarding circulation and traffic: • Proper signage and pavement markings will be needed for the bank drive-through access and circulation to function smoothly. Signage at both driveways on Ozark Avenue should direct drive- through users to the south drivewav access to the drive-throu�h facilit� • With 3 drive-through lanes, stacking space for vehicles using and waiting for the bank drive-through appears to be adequate. There is drive-through and driveway space approximately 100 feet in length available between Ozark Avenue and the bank teller area. This would allow approximately four vehicles to "stack" in each lane. • It appears that there is adequate width (22 feet)between the rear of the building and the curb to allow • two-wav traffic at the south side of the buildin�. Expected traffic volumes do not require one-way Scandia Plaza CUP Page 4 August 31, 2010 Scandia, Minnesota • traffic. Two-way traffic may be less confusing to drivers entering the site from the south, and would provide an outlet should congestion occur at the drive-through. • It is recommended that instead of a raised median at the south access drive, striping be used to delineate the area between the entrance and exit lanes. During a very busy time at the drive-through, vehicles could use this area for stacking, or use to pass other vehicles and use the southern driveway. • Under Phase 1, options exist to allow for future connection from Scandia Plaza to the undeveloped parcel to the west, which is owned by the Bank. The Phase II site plan would need to be modified to provide access to the parcel to the west. If the neighboring parcel is developed in the future, it will likely gain its access from Ozark Court, not from Highway 97. It is unlikely that Mn/DOT would allow an access from the parcel to Highway 97. The location of a future connection and access easements for Scandia Plaza will depend on the proposed use and design of the development on the adjacent parcel. Parking and Loading Chapter 2, Section 9.10 of the Development Code regulates parking. Retail use is required to have 4 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet of gross floor area. Restaurant use is required to have 1 space per 2.5 seats, based on design capacity. Based on these requirements, a minimum of 46 parking spaces are required for the proposed Phase I development of Scandia Plaza. . The revised plans for Phase 1 provide 52 parking spaces. The parkin�pace dimensions and number of �aces meet the ordinance recLuirement. The revised plans show a loading zone at the south of the building, 18 feet in width and serving all shopping center businesses. Pedestrian Environment The plans show a sidewalk internal to the shopping center, along the north of the building at the entrances. Chapter 2, Part 3, Section 8 addresses special requirements for the village center. Section 8.2(3) states that 5- foot concrete sidewalks must be provided on at least one side of every street in commercial developments. This standard has not been regularly enforced, and there are no existing sidewalks in the business park. The Comprehensive Plan calls for a non-motorized connection between the business park from the Ozark Court cul de sac to the village center. The Planning Commission and Council should require revision of the plans to include a pedestrian connection from Scandia Plaza to the shopping center at the south. The sidewalk could follow the west side of the building, and south to the property line at the driveway. This would allow the option to walk between the two centers. The connecting sidewalk would need to be relocated as part of Phase 2. Lighting The Development Code, Chapter 2, Section 9.8 addresses lighting standards. The luminaire must cut light off • at an angle of 90 degrees or less. A light attached to a building may not exceed the height of the building. Scandia Plaza CUP Page 5 August 31, 2010 Scandia, Minnesota . The Ordinance requires that lights be setback a minimum of 10 feet from the right of way and 5 feet from the side and rear lot lines. The maximum height of light poles is 25' (under the revised Development Code the maximum height is proposed to be 18'). The Applicant submitted additional information on August 27 that indicates that the parking lot luminaire that will be used on this project is Eurotique Architectural Lighting's Munich Series #EM25RT GCF. This fixture appears to be a full cutoff fixture. The Applicant must use luminaires that meet City standards. The Applicant shall submit information on all of the luminaires to be used on the site, includin securit ��li�g, to the City staff for approval. The lighting plan indicates two light poles and luminaires in the parking lot. The proposed li�poles are 16' in hei�ht, and meet the height requirements of the ordinance. The plan indicates two bright areas below and near the poles, and dark areas in much of the parking lot. The Applicant should consider revising the lighting plan to create a more uniform light level throughout the lot to improve safety. Outdoor lighting must be turned off within one hour of business closin�, except for securitv li htin� Li h�ting must meet the Ordinance standards, includin tg hat lighting meets the cut off, height, and setback standards. Building Height The maximum building height is 45 feet in the RB District. The height of the proposed structure is 28 feet, • measured from the mean height between the eave and the ridge to the average height at the lowest grade, as required by the Code. The current height of the buildings is approximately 18 feet. Proposed height to the top of the roof line for the tallest roofs will be 37 feet. The request meets the buildin hei t requirement. Landscaping and Screening Scandia Development Code, Chapter 2, Section 9.12 states that a landscaping plan is required when a commercial building is modified or expanded. The Code requires that Commercial/Industrial land uses provide the greater of one (1) tree per 1,000 square feet of gross building floor area or 10 trees. The Applicant includes 25 trees on the proposed landscape plan. Tree sizes include deciduous trees that are 3" diameter and 8-12' coniferous trees. The plan includes relocation of three spruce trees within the site. The number and size of trees proposed meets the requirement of the ordinance. The revised planting plan removed the Ash tree species, as recommended by staff. Staff recommend some additional changes to the species proposed: • The additional Colorado Blue Spruce should be replaced by Black Hills Spruce. Colorado Blue Spruce are frequently affected by Cytospara canker(which causes progressive death and loss of branches from the bottom of the tree), particularly in drier conditions around parking lots and other developed areas. Black Hills Spruce (Picea glauca var. densata) are more drought resistant, and have an appearance similar to Colorado Blue Spruce. • Staff suggest that the Skyline Honeylocust be replaced by Kentucky Coffee Tree (Gymocladus • dioica). The Comprehensive Plan recommends use of native species where possible. Kentucky 1 . . • Scandia Plaza CUP Page 6 August 31, 2010 Scandia, Minnesota • Coffee Tree is native to the region, and has a similar appearance to Honeylocust. It is also more disease and drought resistant. The existing flagpole on the site will remain in its current location. The Applicant received a memo from Ron Bowen dated August 20, 2010 requesting that Prairie Restorations take responsibility for seeding and mulching the area of their property that will be disturbed to develop one of the stormwater ponds. Wastewater Treatment The shopping center is served by an onsite wastewater treatment system. Wastewater will continue to be managed onsite. The proposed new driveway will cause removal of part of the existing drainfield. A letter from ZST states that the remaining drainfield should be sufficient to handle the expected demand created by both Phase 1 and Phase 2 expansion. A back up drainfield site is located in the northeast part of the lot. Soil borings and system plans have been submitted to Washington County Department of Health. Count�pproval of the svstem is required. Snow stora�e should not occur on the septic svstem area or back up area to prevent compaction of soils or � damage to the system. The owner shall delineate the snow stora e area s) so that thev are clearly identifiable for snow plows, usin temporary fla��ing or fencin�that meets the City's Design Guidelines such as the Scandinavian-stvle fencing used at the Gammel ar�den. Stormwater Management The Application was forwarded to the Carnelian-Marine-St. Croix Watershed District for review and comment. The District provided comments on August 30, including the following recommendations and requirements: • The District permit requires the project to treat only the net additional impervious area. The District indicated that sufficient space for treatment is available on the site. • The Watershed District noted that the Plans indicate a prior diesel spill in the location of the southern biofiltration pond. Infiltration is not appropriate in areas with contaminated soils. The spill occurred recently on the shopping center to the south, and some fuel migrated onto the Scandia Plaza property. The shopping center owners have implemented efforts to remove the contaminated soils. The Watershed District indicated that the Applicant will need to provide and implement a remediation plan approved bv MPCA, or provide verification that the contamination has been addressed and approved by MPCA. • The proposed receiving swale and downstream capacity should be verified for site runoff that will occur with this project. • The Plans should be revised to show the proposed south biofiltration basin. The District provided guidance regarding design of the basin. • • The District provided design guidance for the pond and for required pre-treatment. • The District expressed concerns regarding the adequacy of area for sewage treatment and the need for a secondary drainfield. The District noted that these facilities will be permitted by the County, not the District. , . � Scandia Plaza CUP Page 7 August 31, 2010 Scandia, Minnesota • • The District noted that a maintenance plan will be needed for the proposed drainage facilities. Design Guidelines The request has been reviewed under Scandia's Architectural Design Guidelines. The design review is addressed in a separate memorandum, attached. The Applicant met with the City to discuss the design elements of the plan, and has been responsive to requests to revise the proposed design to address the City's Design Guidelines. The most recent plans and building elevations submitted by the Applicant (August 27, 2010) comply with the Design Guidelines and discussions with the City in most respects. Key elements of the approved design include the following: • Use of fiber cement lap siding (James Hardie or similar) or cast stone for the siding and fascia materials on business fronts and side. Limit each store front to one material. The back of the center will be improved and painted. • Siding colors include: Hardie plank colors Evening Blue, Country Lane Red, and Mountain Sage. • Stone store fronts: Boulder Creek Stone, color: Mustang • Wide trim around windows (sills, lintels, and side trim) in Hardie-board materials, including storefront windows, upper dormer windows and windows in the bank drive-through area • Trim, fascia and soffit color: Hardie plan color Arctic white • Door color: Sherwin Williams Burgundy • Use of"natural" color roof shingles: "Weathered Wood"by Timberline • Canvas awnings in dark brown or black • • Pitched roofs on several businesses Susan Rodsjo, Planning Commissioner and Chair of the Design Guidelines Committee recommends the following modifications to the current plans: • The new windows under the bank drive-through should be changed to be evenly-spaced and symmetri cal ly-arranged • Wood signs should be considered for the future sign plan • Full cutoff luminaires should be utilized in a historic style. • The window awnings shall be of canvas materials and fit the storefront opening, and may be retractable or canvas-over-frame. Awnings shall not extend across several storefronts. Awnings shall allow ample clearance above the sidewalk or store entrance (a minimum of 8 feet above the sidewalk). On Mainstreet-style storefronts, the awning should be placed above the transom windows. The overhang depth shall be a minimum of 3 feet and maximum of 6 feet. The awning valance(or skirt) should be proportioned to the size of the awning but may be no more than 12 inches in height. • The location of the flagpole should be shown on the plans (the location will not change from the current location. Signage Chapter 2, Section 9.13 of the Development Code addresses signs. Commercial signage may be allowed by CUP. The applicant indicates that a CUP for new signage will be submitted to the City, to meet the current ordinance requirements. (The revised Development Code will require an Administrative Permit for signs.) • This CUP does not address business si t�ia�e and no new or additional business signage would be permitted with this CUP. Scandia Plaza CUP Page 8 August 31, 2010 Scandia, Minnesota • ACTION REQUESTED: The Planning Commission can recommend/City Council can act to: 1. Approve the request. 2. Approve the request with conditions. 3. Deny the request with findings. 4. Table the request. PLANNING STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: The Planner recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit to allow for the Phase 1 expansion of Scandia Plaza Shopping Center, located at 21190 Ozark Avenue North. The Planner recommends the following conditions: 1. The project shall be in substantial compliance with the Phase 1 plans and supplemental elevations and illustrative materials received by the City on 8/13/2010, 8/27/2010 and 8/31/2010, with the exceptions noted in the conditions that follow. 2. Traffic signage at both access points on Ozark Avenue North shall direct drive-through users to the south driveway from Ozark Avenue. The traffic pattern on the south side of the building shall be two- � way. The southern access drive at Ozark Avenue shall have a striped, not constructed, median. 3. The project plans shall be revised to provide a pedestrian connection from Scandia Plaza to the shopping center at the south. 4. All lighting, including building and security lighting, shall meet the Ordinance standards, including the cut off, height, and setback standards. 5. Outdoor lighting shall be turned off within one hour of business closing, except for security lighting. 6. The Landscape Plan submitted on 8/13/10 shall be revised to replace the new Colorado Blue Spruce with Black Hills Spruce (Picea glauca var. densata) and the Skyline Honeylocust with Kentucky Coffee Tree (Gymocladus dioica). All trees and plant materials that do not survive for at least two full growing seasons, including the transplanted spruce, shall be replaced by the landowner. 7. The Applicant shall obtain approval of the wastewater treatment system from Washington County Department of Health and Environment. 8. Snow storage shall not occur on the septic system area or back up area. The owner shall delineate the snow storage area(s) so that they are clearly identifiable for snow plows, using temporary flagging or fencing that meets the City's Design Guidelines. 9. The Applicant shall address the issues and design recommendations identified by the Carnelian- Marine-St. Croix Watershed District, shall obtain approval of the stormwater management plan for the site from the District, and shall obtain all necessary Watershed, NPDES, MPCA and other required permits. � 10. The Applicant shall provide and implement a remediation plan approved by MPCA to address the diesel spill on the property, or provide verification that the contamination has been addressed and approved by MPCA. � .. Scandia Plaza CUP Page 9 August 31, 2010 Scandia, Minnesota • 11. The project shall be in substantial compliance with the Phase 1 plans and elevations received by the City on 8/13/2010 and 8/27/2010, and shall meet the requirements of the City's Design Guidelines, including the use of appropriate materials, details and colors. The Applicant shall revise the window arrangement under the bank drive-through to be evenly-spaced and symmetrically-arranged. 12. The window awnings shall be of canvas materials and fit the storefront opening, and may be retractable or canvas-over-frame. Awnings shall not extend across several storefronts. Awnings shall allow ample clearance above the sidewalk or store entrance(a minimum of 8 feet above the sidewalk). On Mainstreet-style storefronts, the awning should be placed above the transom windows. The overhang depth shall be a minimum of 3 feet and maximum of 6 feet. The awning valance (or skirt) should be proportioned to the size of the awning but may be no more than 12 inches in height. 13. This CUP does not allow new or additional business signage. The Applicant will need to apply for a sign permit for new or additional signage per the Development Code requirements. 14. The Applicant shall pay all fees and escrows. � � . � r � MEMO • To: Scandia Planning Commission and City Council From: Susan Rodsjo, Planning Commissioner Chair, Design Guidelines Committee Date: August 27, 2010 Subject: Scandia Plaza renovation project It is an exciting year in Scandia for commercial building renovations!The latest project is the Scandia Plaza, which we are reviewing at the September meeting.The architect,Jerry Anderson, has worked closely with the city for over a year to design a renovation/addition that's in harmony with the city's new Architectural Design Guidelines. The main two structures in the proposal reflect historic Scandinavian design, while the two smaller portions reflect Mainstreet Storefront style (similar to the buildings recently renovated on Olinda Trail). These two historic styles are discussed at length in the Architectural Design Guidelines, and bringing them together in one plaza is a creative approach that adds an interesting twist to the building's presence. As suggested in the design guidelines,the architect used his talents create a building that is "new and unique while drawing upon historic design elements." Renovating this building posed many challenges for the architect. During early meetings,we discussed • the construction materials used on the existing building, many of which are considered inappropriate for historic design. Examples include the concrete block walls, bare aluminum doors and windows,and the vinyl siding on the back side.The architect has proposed significant changes that shift the majority of materials to those encouraged in the design guidelines.Although the new design still includes bare aluminum windows and painted concrete block on the back side, I fully understand that it is cost prohibitive to change all materials. I commend the architect for proposing fiber cement lap siding(James Hardie) and simulated stone to cover the majority of the existing concrete block(except for some on the back side), and for proposing to paint the bare aluminum doors to match the deep red siding.The design also includes replacing the existing vinyl siding with fiber cement siding to match the new front of the building. S.: T � 8 r�� . . ' . . . .. . . a . � - � � �h�'� f- . �{'P` m5�' .p . �'��. .�� �IIII �� Nt� tu r:.,y,�; . � � � ���� � � . .. .. , '��. k: °l' �.. �\. �..Y • Scandia Design Guidelines The Scandia Plaza proposed redesign follows the guidelines in the following respects. (Text from the • guidelines is in quotes.) Scandinavian Design "Scandia's architecture is heavily influenced by its Swedish settlers, with many buildings reflecting Scandinavian design. ... To enhance Scandia's community character, consider incorporating historic design elements appropriate to the style of the new building." Jerry is proposing a renovation heavily influenced by Scandinavian design, with elements drawing upon existing architecture in Scandia. "Scandinavian architecture from the 1800s and early 1900s features symmetrical, rectangular shaped buildings that are typically 1Yz or 2%2 stories tall. Rural buildings were typically constructed of wood, often with horizontal timbers. Siding may be vertical board and batten paneling (see the Gammelgarden Welcome Center), vertical wood-on-wood siding, or clapboard siding with a narrow reveal." The proposed renovation is 1-1/2 stories tall and features clapboard siding in a narrow reveal. The siding is fiber cement fiber(James Hardie), a durable material that closely resembles wood. "Wood buildings are typically painted with red-oxide paint(deep red), white, or yellow-gold paint. Window and door trim are traditionally white." One of the buildings is deep red, and the second is gray-blue, another common color in historic Scandinavian • design. The window trim is white. "Roofs are steeply pitched to prevent heavy snow cover, often with a gabled dormer(s)on the top half story. The roof typically has large overhanging eaves. Roofing material is typically tile or stone. However, homes built by early Swedish settlers in the St. Croix River Valley often had roofs made of wood." Although not as steeply pitched as a typical Scandinavian building, the new design features a fairly steep pitch with gabled dormers on the top half story. The building has large overhanging eaves, and the proposed roofing materials resemble either wood or stone(depending on which option is chosen by the owner). "Windows are typically evenly spaced in a symmetrical pattern and are true divided light. Each building is defined by a distinct style of pronounced lintels and sills, traditionally painted white." The size and arrangement of windows is dictated by the existing building,and for the most part they are evenly spaced and arranged in a symmetrical pattern. The architect has proposed adding white sills below each set of windows on the Scandinavian buildings, as well as white lintels that extend above the awnings. The dormer windows are divided light. The new windows under the bank drive-through are not evenly spaced and symmetrical, and I would suggest that the architect consider whether they could be changed to the same size windows arranged symmetrically. � Mainstreet Storefront Design � The Storefront sections of this new design are quite simple, utilizing the following elements suggested in the design guidelines: • A simple parapet wall in front of a flat roof • A storefront cornice (tapered, stepped moulding at the top of the building) • Canvas awnings • Design that is primarily glass, including a glass door • Stone material in color tones that reflect historic design • Defined lintels and sills for the windows General Design "Facades of large buildings should be visually broken into bays to avoid the appearance of large, blank walls. Visual breaks in the faCade should be accomplished by alterations in the plane of the faCade; height of the fa�ade; changes in materials, color, texture, or pattern; and/or the addition of columns, pilasters, and/or windows." This is accomplished with the distinct buildings of different heights, colors, and textures, as well as rooflines with dormers. "Drive-throughs and canopies: Style and construction materials should be integral with the architectural style of the building." The drive-through uses the same lap siding and stone as the main structure. • Encouraged Construction Materials The building uses the following materials encouraged in the design guidelines. • Fiber cement lap siding (e.g., James Hardie, CertainTeed) � Natural or cast stone "Color: To create a harmonious effect, colors should coordinate with the natural materials used on the building (i.e., the color of brick or stone, etc.), as well as with the colors used on adjacent buildings and buildings throughout the commercial area. In the village, use of brick reds and tans from existing masonry are encouraged. Accent colors should complement the colors of natural materials used in the building and its immediate surroundings." A coordinating color palate visually connects the various structures together. The tones in the storefront stone are gray with a hint of blue, buff, and a red-tone that coordinate beautifully with the colors chosen for the lap siding on the Scandinavian buildings(brick red and gray-blue). The brown canvas awnings blend nicely with the brown tones in the stone and provide a continuous line of color across all structures. "Awnings: Canvas awnings are a typical feature of historic architecture, offering shelter to pedestrians and shade from the sun. Select awnings that closely follow the shape and design of awnings used on historic buildings of the same style and era. Fixed awnings should mimic the profile of operable units (one-to-one pitch). Awnings should use water-repellent canvas or vinyl-coated canvas material in a color that coordinates with the building and its surroundings. Solid colors are preferred, but stripes may also be used if the colors coordinate with the building." The architect has proposed canvas awnings in keeping with historic design. • "Signage on Buildings: Signs on historic buildings and storefronts had a distinct character that played an integral role in the Mainstreet experience. Signs were simple, bold, and well-crafted using natural materials such as wood and metal. ... Signs should be externally lit." A sign plan has not yet been submitted, but the use of wood signs has been discussed. "Off-Building Signage: Each building may have one monument sign. The design of signs should reflect the building design, using the same/similar materials and design elements. Signs should provide strong � visual interest and use high-quality construction." A sign plan has not yet been submitted, but a new monument sign has been suggested to match the building design. "Rear Entrances: With the emphasis on placing parking lots to the rear and side of buildings, the sides and rear of buildings should be designed in a similar fashion to the front. Buildings should be clean and well-maintained on all sides. Rear entrances with a welcoming appearance are encouraged, including the use of a small sign, awnings, display windows, and planter boxes. Buildings should be designed using the same construction materials on all sides." The rear design will be improved, with new fiber cement siding on the separate back structure. Some of the existing block will remain, but it will be painted to coordinate with the new design. "General Lighting: Scandia wishes to preserve the beauty of night skies. The goal of the city's lighting guidelines is to permit reasonable use of outdoor lighting for nighttime safety, utility, security, and enjoyment while simultaneously preserving the ambiance of night. ... All lighting should be designed and installed to be fully shielded (full cutoff)so that no light is emitted above the horizontal plane of the fixture. Fixtures should be mounted in a way that prevents the cone of light from crossing any property line on the site. ... To the best extent possible, parking lot lighting should use lighting at a pedestrian scale using lamp posts that match lighting in the public streets." Full cutoJf lamps are proposed in a historic sryle.A plan for lighting the signs has not yet been proposed. • • � y • 25 AUgust, 2010 Scandia Plaza Jamb Architects Proj No 0903 Parking calculations Phase I — Parking: -ZONING CODE REQ'S - 4 spaces/1000 sf of BLDG. AREA -EXISTING BUII.,DING - 7,100 sf 28.4 spaces -PIZZA RESTAURANT - 20 seats/2.5 8.0 spaces -PHASE I ADDITION - 2 475 sf 9.9 sQaces TOTAL PHASE I - 9,575 sf 46.3 spaces Phase II — Parking: • -EXISTING BUIL,DING - 7,100 sf 28.4 spaces -PIZZA RESTAURANT - 20 seats/2.9 8.0 spaces -PHASE I ADDITION - 2,475 sf 9.9 spaces -PHASE II ADDITION - 6.000 sf 24.0 sQaces TOTAL PHASE II - 15,575 sf 70.3 spaces Parking Required: -PHASE I - 46 spaces -PHASE II - 70 spaces Parking Provided: -PHASE I - 53 spaces -PHASE II - 69 spaces RECEIVED • A�JG > �' 201 Q CITY OF SCANDIA ' MUNICH SERIES �arge �uminaires EUROTIQU� Architectural Lighting EM25RT EAA25RT EAA25RT EM?5RT • GCF GCSG ACHS KD �w zsw 2sw zsw 73'h ?b.5'h 31.5'h 36.Sh EM255T FJN25ST EM25ST FJiA75Sf GCF GCSG ACHS ALD 75.� Z5-w 25'w 25w I31� 7b.5h 31.Sh 36.5h EAA25FT EM25FT EAA25FT EM25FT GCF GCSG ACHS Am �'j T6.Sh 31�.Sh 36 5h F13L.S�iII �9.S�iEi HalfSohere 1?mRSl�s CastPJuminum Plumb Housing(Eurotique 5"Arm) 1.5"Aluminum Swi�el Nipple(Eurotique'"5"Arm) oE S�inless S�el Soclaet Set Screw Quidc Dismnnect Plug • Cas[Aluminum Ciallas[Housing H.I.D.[iallart Components(Factory Prewirc� Removable Dallast PIaLe witfi(3)KeyFale Slots and Screws �astPJuminum Skirt Quidc Disaonnect Plug --- Aluminum fteflecbx,Pivnting with Capti�re Screw Porcelain Mogul[iase Sodcet Hirged Aluminum Lens Ring with Captive Screw Lerrs with Continuous Gaslaet ORDERING INFORMATION Example:EM25RT 175H MOG GCSG SR2 120 ANBK DF Choose fhe boldlaw cotabg nanenclaturo ihot best suHs your needs and wrMe tt on the approprlate Ilne. Series Waftage/Lamp Disiribulion' � Finish� Opfions H.I.D.ballast&socket E��JQT �J$H �11��5 175 watt Mercury Vapor $(� IES DLsfdbutbn �� /WBK Black H$ Haue Slde Shleld EM25ST 250H MOG seo watt Meicury vavor SR3 IES Dtsfributbn 208 ANDB oadc eronze SF shg�e kntr�p EM25FT 4�F� MOG d00 watt Mercury Vapor SRASC IES Dfstdbutbn ZAO ANDC� DaAc Green DF Double Fusing 175M MOG 175 watt Metal Hallde SRLW �s o�nrouran 277 MNG verde�reen 2�MA MOG 2so watt Mefal Hapde SRSS �S D�smbutbn 347 ANPP Prrre Patitea 400M MOG 400 watt Metal Hollde ,�gp' � �,�y, 1505 MOG i so wcm Hgn P�„e sbdun TB' CS ancro s�ecr 2505 MOG Z50 watf H�h P�tae Sodtm Lens Materkyl �00� 4�$ (y�Q(� 400 watt H�h Preaue 9odAm NOTES: �F�.�r F� 1.Multl-tap Ballasi(120.2C)B,2�,277v)rx1480v. 2 For ihish a�d cdor opllan�see Fh�Lsfi sectlon n caf�dog.� • CsCS�'s Glast.qear Sag 3.Ses PhotomeMc tab fa/ES c/a�Nflcallorss and Iso 1 drYr�a ACHS ncMc,ciear r+ar spr,ere ��fp�����d reflecta canWnailon. ACD Acrylc,Cleat Diop Gbbe ANIT� . ti. t Tam^s 2011-e W.Runtlberg Ln.•AusIIn,1X 7B75B -- �n�����, Ph(51�977b444•F�(512�77-9C22 www.antlquestteetlarnpacom EL-]0 C�..NT��F ��.5�����r�����5 Luminaire classification for controlling stray light � � • The Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA,or IES) provides classifications for luminaires according to their upward distribution of light.These classifications include: Full Cutoff, Cutoff, Semi-Cutoff and Non-Cutoff. Y Fu�curoFF DEFINITION: Zero intensity at or above horizontal(90 degrees above nadir)and limited to a value not exceeding io�,U of tamp lumens at 8o degrees above nadir. Also called"fully shielded". ` BENEFITS: Limits spill light onto adjacent property,reduces glare. �.-; .., ' �,� '; UMITATIONS: May reduce pole spacing and increase pole and luminaire quantities. f � U0°" ���� EUROTIQUEOO LUMINAIRES: � � � Series Le e Dlstrlbutlon Optics EHi6,EH�,EM� EM25 GCF SR2,SR3,SR45C,°SR4W,SR55 ' ETH�6,ETHu,ETM� , a5 C�Q� DEFINITION: Intensity at qo degrees(horizontal)no more than z.5%of lamp lumens,�and no more than io%of lamp lumens at 8o degrees BENEFITS: Small increase in high angle Ifght allows increased pole spacing. ,E LIMITAT10N5: Allows some uplight from luminaire. Small overall imPact on sky glow � EUROTIQUE�LUMINAIRES: e0° Serles Lens Type Dlstrlbutlon Optlu �° ' EHi6,EHz�,EMi7,EM25 GCSG SRa,SR3,SR45C,°SR4W,SR55 ' EfFii6,ETH�,ET'M�7,ETNI25 '' EH�6, EM�7,ETH�6, ETM�7 ACHS,ACD SRi,SR3,SR45C,SR55 EHz2, EMzS, ETHzz, ETMzS ACHS,ACD SR45�,SR55 SEMI�CUTOFF DEFINITION: Intensity at qo degrees(horizontal)no more than 5%of lamp .�,� lumens and no more than zo°.b at 8o degrees. ' �-'.,f 3 BENEFITS: High angle light accents taller vertical surfaces,such as urban env� 4,. � �� ' � ronments. Most light is still directed downward. � � � �,; 80° ' LIMITATIONS: Little control of light at property line. �... EUROTIQUEOO LUMINAIRES: Series Lens Type Dlstrlbutlon O tia � ' EHZz, EMzS, ETHi2, ETMaS ACHS,ACD SRz,SR3,'SR4W DEFINITION: No limitations on light distribution at or above qo degrees. NON�Ct.ITOFF BENEFII'S: Uniform luminous surfaces,such as signs,globes or'acorn'style lumf naires. Wattage should be limited. • LIMITATIONS: Location and aiming are critical. Most likely of all categories to be offensive. � r: `� ��� page 1� F � d: �y .r v ,ry;e�',��*"` �,�:.Ad� . ,;.w^ '_�� , iS'�i � � � � .. . .2 �'� k�; ; HANOUER SERIES Pendant Luminaires � , EACS/2 EA-6 EH22RT GCF EL-5 EACS/t '` EA•6 EH22RT GCF j EL 5 � EAC4/1 EH16RT GCF EA-5 EL-3 � • �.' I EAC4W6 � EA-5 A'� � EH16RT GCF ��� �,. - EL-3 � . y� �' `7 t A�� � � t } 4„ 5.. 5„ � � 1 � ' %, � , o } i , � �j �` �; r�•j;� Part# EPAX 14 S4 EPSX 20 SS EPSX 26 SSS7 � ,' ; page 1t EP-1 EP-9 EP-13 ��_ �� ._ ", ,"��t: ' _ �.; ,�. . �, a Hanover Luminaire Stvles � Rin ed E l�ROTI C�u E ����St (R� Housing Architectural Lighting Ha�r Sphere �S Glass Drop EH22RT GCSG EH16RT GCSG ��o� EH22RT ACHS EH76RT ACHS EL-5 EL-3 �rt� EH22RT ACD EH16RT ACD EL-5 EL-3 Pa3e � Daga� EL-5 EL-3