3 a Swensons GOOD NEIGHBOR Proclamation
WHEREAS, respecting and caring for others is a hallmark of the American character, and
central to how we as a community live; and
WHEREAS, respect and care for and from neighbors creates a more sustainable, resilient
community and makes Scandia a great place to live and be; and
WHEREAS, Scandia throughout its history has been the beneficiary of being a community
of Good Neighbors; and
WHEREAS, being a Good Neighbor demonstrates commitment, dedication, and caring for
the community; and
WHEREAS, in addition to being wonderful and caring neighbors to the Rinkenberger
family since they moved to Scandia in 1995, Kent and Jeannine Swenson went well above
what might be expected in helping when a fire broke out at the Rinkenbergers’ home May
5, 2018: turning off the propane tank, securing the horses away from the buildings, backing
the car out of the fire’s way, assuring the safety of pets, putting out fires close to the house,
and continuing in the following week to check on the Rinkenbergers’ well-being and to
give them cleanup help and support; and
WHEREAS, in these ways and more Kent and Jeannine Swenson have demonstrated the
qualities of being Good Neighbors and have been nominated to receive this Award;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Scandia presents the Scandia Good
Neighbor Award to Kent and Jeannine Swenson, in recognition and appreciation.
Presented this 19th day of June, 2018
Christine Maefsky, Mayor City of Scandia