2. Draft minutes of the 06-11-18 EDA meetingCITY OF SCANDIA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Monday, June 11, 2018 6:30 P.M. Scandia Community Center Board Room The Scandia Economic Development Authority met in the Board Room at the Scandia Community Center on Monday, June 11, 2018 beginning at 6:30pm. Commissioners Present: Bob Hegland, Brad Borg, Steve Kronmiller, Mark Porubcansky, and Bruce Swenson. Staff Present: Neil Soltis Minutes - Motion by Porubcansky, seconded by Kronmiller to approve the minutes of the March 12, 2018 and the April 19, 2018 meetings. Vote: Yes — 5. Motion carried. Agenda - Motion by Borg, seconded by Porubcansky, to approve the agenda. Vote: Yes — 5 Motion carried. Discussion on designating the Community Leadership Team for the University of Minnesota Tourism Assessment — Soltis noted that Jan Lynn and Matt Miller have submitted application to be members of the Leadership Team. The Team is intended to have 4-6 members. Other potential members who have been approached include Brent Peterson (Washington County historical) and Sarah Porubcansky. Staff is working with Tammi Koerte of the Tourism Development Center on an initial meeting date. Discussion on submitting a pre -development grant proposal to the Washington County CDA — The Commissioners reviewed the draft of the predevelopment grant application. It was noted that additional information is needed from Chris Eng regarding the need for community support letters. The Commissioners discussed whether the feasibility of a water tower should also be included and what impacts this project may have on the northern extension of the Gateway Trail. Update on internet focus group — Kronmiller reviewed the current status of internet availability in Scandia noting that after the Frontier upgrade most of Scandia will be considered to be unserved. Kronmiller reviewed the feasibility study proposal from CTC that would provide an estimated cost to construct a fiber to the home network in Scandia and the study could be completed in 5 weeks. The commissioners discussed the financing and operation of such a system, the financing options, and the impact of future technologies if the network were to be constructed. Kronmiller noted that funding for the Department of Employment and Economic Development Broadband grant program was included in the tax bill that was vetoed by the Governor. The Commissioners reviewed the survey instrument which will be hosted by the Blandin Foundation. Soltis reported that a grant request for % of the CTC proposal cost will be submitted to the Blandin Foundation by the June 15 deadline. Soltis will check on the feasibility of having a non-binding resolution on the November ballot regarding the fiber network. Discussion on the development of a 3 -year work plan — Based on the goal of the draft 2040 Comprehensive Plan, the Commissioners discussed the need to conduct retention visits to Scandia businesses, the need to survey home based businesses and the need to identify issues related to community scale agriculture in Scandia. Further action on this item was deferred to the July meeting. Update from Washington County CDA — There was no update Director's Report — Soltis noted that representative of the MnDOT Landscape Partnership program are working with the City to lay out the planting beds at the 97 / Olinda intersection. Commissioner Reports —There were no reports Items for future agendas — Review of a business retention questionnaire was added for future discussion. Next Meeting Date —The next meeting will be held on July 91n Adjournment — Motion by Swenson, seconded by Kronmiller to adjourn. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Neil Soltis, Secretary