01-05-2009 Park and Recreation Committee Agenda City of Scandia Park and Recreation Com�nittee Agenda Monday January 5, 2009 7:00-9:00 p.m. Scandia Community Center 7:00 1. Call to order 2. Review agenda 3. Approve minutes Project updates and reports 7:05 4. Snow-tubing report(Joan) 5. Vinterfest— Finally finalize final plans (all) 6. Friends of Scandia Parks and Trails—(Tom T) 7. 2009 Rec plans (Marty) 8. Park rules proposal (all). New Business 9. Plan volunteer event for spring. 10. Agenda for Feb • O�cer elections • Park rules • Friends update Announcements 9:00 Additions to the Agenda Adjourn NEXT MEETING: Groundhog's day: Monday February 2, 2009. 7 pm