9.g) Resolution in Support of the MN National Guard on its Deployment to Iraq � � Meeting Date: 1/20/2009 Agenda Item: G} / � City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209`h St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Consider adopting a resolution supporting the Minnesota National Guard on its deplo}�nent to Iraq, as requested by the Washington County Board. Deadline/ Timeline: End of January Background: • The Washington County Board has requested that other area local governments adopt a resolution in support of several local National Guard Units that will soon be deployed to Iraq. • A model resolution was provided, which has been adapted for the Council's use. • The resolutions are being collected and will be presented to the Division before their departure for training on February 13, 2009 Recommendation: I recommend that the Council adopt the resolution. Attachments/ • Draft resolution Materials provided: . Letter dated January 12, 2009 from Commissioner Gary Kriesel Contact(s): Gary Kriesel, Washington County Board (651 433-6213 Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator (support national guard) Page 1 of 1 O1/15/09 � � CITY OF SCANDIA RESOLUTION NO. O1-20-09-OS RESOLUTION TO SUPPORT 34TH RED BULL INFANTRY DIVISION AND STILLWATER-BASED 34T" MILITARY POLICE COMPANY OF THE MINNESOTA NATIONAL GUARD WHEREAS, the 34�h Red Bull Infantry Division will begin a one-year deployment to Iraq beginning on February 13, 2009 with training exercise in the United States and then arrival in Iraq in April 2009; and WHEREAS, four Minnesota units including nearly 1,000 service members from throughout Minnesota, of which approximately one-third have had prior service in Iraq, will be included in the deployinent to the southern portion of Iraq to command inilitary operations in the area; and WHEREAS, the Stillwater-based 34`h Military Police Company with 166 members will be one of the four units to be deployed in addition to the Rosemount-based 34th Red Bull Infantry Division Headquarter; the Inver Grove Heights-based 34th Infantry Division Special Troups Battalion; and the Rosemount-based 34th Red Bull Infantry Division Band; and WHEREAS, this is an unprecedented military mission with the 34`h Infantry Division leading a force of more than 16,000 service personnel who will be enabling the Iraqi people to take responsibility for their future affairs; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SCANDIA, WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA, that the Council acknowledges with grateful appreciation the sacrifices of the military personnel who are leaving home and loved ones to serve our nation in Iraq; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Scandia City Council commends the men and women of the Stillwater-based 34th Military Police Company and the three other units of the 34ch Red Bull Infantry Division for their dedication to the success of its mission and the Council expresses its concern for the safety and well-being of all the service personnel and the sacrifices of their families during this deployment. Adopted by the Scandia City Council this 20th day of January, 2009. Dennis D. Seefeldt, Mayor AT'TEST: City Clerk/Administrator w ��T��;� *� Board of Commissioners V V lllllgl�►.J� Dennis C. Hegberg, District 1 �C�un� Bill Pulkrabek, District 2 Gary Kriesel, District 3 Myra Peterson,Chair, District 4 Lisa Weik, District 5 January 12, 2009 ----, �---�.�':��.����:.� i Ms. Anne Hurlburt I ' Administrator � .��F� -' `t '��;j� I City of Scandia 14727 209th StN ��GI�T`f :;f- �:C:',.r�Dln_� Scandia, MN 55073 Dear Ms. Hurlbert: The Washington County Board of Commissioners is privileged to be able to recognize the personnel of the 34`h Red Bull Infantry Division of the Minnesota National Guard which will soon be deployed to Iraq. In order to acknowledge the call to duty in Iraq, the County Board will adopt a similar resolution to the attached one to tell the soldiers that their service to our country is appreciated and that we are aware of their sacrifices in leaving family, friends, and Minnesota for their deployment. It is suggested that city councils and town boards adopt similar resolutions in support for the men and women of the 34th Red Bull Infantry Division. The Washington County resolution has been personalized to recognize the 166 members of the Stillwater-based 34�h Military Police Company of this Division. If your city council or town board is able to adopt a resolution in support of the 34th Red Bull Infantry Division's deployment to Iraq, please send your resolution to either of the following persons by the end of January 2009. Both Councilmember Mary McComber of the City of Oak Park Heights and Richard Glasgow of"Dear American Hero" will be collecting the resolutions for a presentation to the Division before their departure for training on February 13, 2009. Mary McComber Richard Glasgow Councilmember Dear American Hero City of Oak Park Heights Box 162 14168 Oak Park Boulevard No. Lakeland, MN 55043 P.O. Box 2007 Ms Anne Hurlburt Administrator City of Scandia 14727 209th St N Scandia, MN 550730ak Park Heights, MN 55082-2007 Washington County also uses Commissioners' Service Awards when recognition is suitable for signatures by the full County Board. Please find our Commissioners' Service Award attached for your potential use with appropriate modifications to suit your local unit of government in recognizing the Government Center•14949 62nd Street North• P.O.Box 6•Stillwater,MN 55082-0006 Telephone:651-430-6001 • Fax:651-430-6017•TTY:651-430-6246 www.co.washington.m n.us Washington County is an equal opportunity organization and employer �' _ men and women of the 34`h Red Bull Infantry Division. Washington County will prepare a Commissioners' Service Award as well as a resolution. Please feel free to contact me at 651-430-6213 if you have further questions. Sincerely, � ` CCJ Gary Kriesel Commissioner, District 3 Enclosures: Draft- Washington County Board of Commissioners Resolution Washington County Commissioners' Award