9.d) Wetland Conservation Act Permit for 19489 Manning Trail, Patrick and Brenda Melchior r ' Meeting Date: 1/20/2009 Agenda Item: ' ; � � ,� J City Council Agenda Report City of Scandia 14727 209`�' St. North Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274 Action Requested: Approve the request of Patrick and Brenda Melchior for a finding of "no net loss"pern�it under tlie Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) for placement of fill on a driveway far property at 19489 Manning Trail. Deadline/ Timeline: 60-Day Review Period Expires February 2, 2009 Background: • In 2006, the New Scandia Town Board approved variances to allow replacement of an old cabin with a new home on this property. One of the conditions was that the existing driveway be upgraded. • The project covered by the wetland permit involves place�nent of new culverts and fill on the driveway that has existed since at least 1938. • J}meen Thatcher of the Washington Conservation District has prepared the findings and recommendations for the wetland pennit. The Co�Iservation Districts acts as staff to the city for administration of its responsibilities under the WCA. Ms. Thatcher will be present at the January 20 City Council ineeting to present her report. • The Technical Evaluation Panel (TEP) that reviewed this request was not unanimous in their findings. The representative of the Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR) recommended that the property owner be required to purchase initigation credits because a portion of the driveway may have converted to a wetland due to lack of maintenance over time. Recommendation: I reco�mnend that the Council approve the wetland permit application, with the findings and conclusions by Ms. Thatcher to be attached. A recommended condition of approval is that future maintenance or repair of this driveway and/or culverts must be reviewed and approved by the watershed district (Canlelian-Marine-St. Croix.) Attachments/ • Memorandum froln Jyneen Thatcher dated January 12, 2009 Materials provided: . Wetland Conservation Act Findings and Conclusions • Application Materials Page I of 2 Ol/16/09 • TEP Findin�s of Fact • E-mail to Jyneen Thatcher from Lynda Peterson, BWSR Contact(s): Jyneen Thatcher, Wetland Specialist Washington Conservation District 651 275-1136 (x 25) Prepared by: Ailne Hurlburt, Administrator (wetland pennit f��r melchior) 1'age 2 of 2 O1/16/09 1380 W 1 1�ONl-/� GL= RD AS �I I NGTON " � G ,-� w � Y 3 � \ ' STILL �NnTI: R. MN 55082 - -L `' • 'O � � � ��� ` ` O � 651 - 275 1 I 36 I' IiC� N E [ � ,\v, ��._.�, � � I S T R I C T �� 5 , _ 2 � 5 - , 25 � � F � X � WWW . MNWCD _ ORG MEMORANDUM TO: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator; Steve Thorp, Code Enforcement Officer; and City Officials FROM: f yneen Thatchcr, �Y/etland Specialist DATE: January 12, 2009 RE: Wetland Permit, Melchior site Attached are the Findings of Fact and supporiing documents addressing the Melchior application under the Wetland Conservation Act. The application was submitted on August 1, 2008, requesting a no-loss determination, but was deemed incomplete until the submitted information was confinned. In surrunary, this project involves the placement of fill on a deteriorated but pre-existing driveway across a wetland complex. Unfortunately, the fill was placed prior to obtaining approvals froin the regulatory agencies, thereby complicating the determination of whether pre-existing conditions met wetland criteria. Since additional culverts were needed, the agency representatives agreed that reviewing the site during culvert installation would allow for review and confirmation of pre-existing soil conditions. That installation and observation was done on December 4, 2008, resulting in the attached Technical Evaluation Panel report. The City should have a copy of the August 2008 application, in your files. The Technical Evaluation Panel recommendation is not unanimous. Two of the critical agencies (Washington Conservation District and Carnelian-Marine on St Croix Watershed District)believe tlie findings support a conclusion that no additional wetland was lost as a result of the placement of fill along the old driveway. The representative of the Board of Water and Soil Resources contends that the pre- existing driveway may have converted to a wetland due to lack of maintenance,and that nutigation is required. Please note that no one suggests denying the right to repair the driveway; tlie question is whether wetland mitigation is needed. Therefore, I am submitting this application to the City far review and decision, under your usual procedure. As the application requests a"No-Loss Decision",a vote of approval would support the findings that no wetland mitigation is needed. If the Council believes that the driveway repair has filled wetland, then the decision should be to deny the no-loss application and request re-application as a wetland replacement plan. A decision by resolution or documented in the meeting minutes will be sufficient. I expect to attend the City Council meeting, in case there are additional questions about this project, but feel free to contact me before then if more infornzation is needed. Enclosure: WCA TEP Report and signature pages(Dec. 17,2008); WCA Findings and Conclusions Super�isors: Louise Smallidgc � Gary Qaumann � Tom Meycr � Rosemary Wallace = Tom Arms�rong, Jr. , Wetland Consei-vation Act Findin,<.;s and Conclusions LGU: City of'Scandia Project/Applicant: Patrick and Brenda Melchior Project location/description: Driveway across pareel 2903220320014, to 19489 Mannin�Trail. Findin�s: Fill material was placed across a portion of coniferous swamp, to provide access to applicant's parceL Material placed was sand and crushed concrete rubble, to a depth of up to 2 feet deep, 500 feet long and 20 feet wide. Fill was placed between 2005 and 2007. An application for No-Loss determination was received on August 1, 2008, claiming no increase in size of access driveway footprint from the pre-existing condition. Technical evaluation panel reviewed site on April 2007, and May 8, 2008. Additional independent site visits were�nade by agency representatives before and since. At TEP �neeting May 8, 2008, all agreed on sequencing (unavoidability of iinpact, therefore removal of material not reasonable),but that additional culverts were needed to protect the swamp. Applicant agreed to idea of installing additional culverts, and TEP agreed to monitor the installation as an opportunity to observe pre-fill conditions. A No-loss application subinitted on August 1, 2008 included borings through the recent fill, docu�nenting old fill inaterial under the recent fill. The elevation of the top of the old fill ranged from 0.1 feet to 2 feet above the soil surface in the adjacent, undisturbed wetland. Soils within the undisturbed wetland and below the old fill were docu�nented as peat. As much as 4 feet of old fill was found between the new fill and the natural, buried peat. The Aug. 1 No-loss application was deemed inco�nplete,pending TEP observation of the pre-existing conditions, to confirm the information in the application. In November 2008, Carnelian Marine an St Croix Watershed District (CMSCWD) agreed to provide engineering assistance for culvert sizing and placement, and waived their nonnal pennit requirements, to expedite the installation process and lessen potential damage to the swamp froin prolonged impoundment. Culvert installation was scheduled for December 4, 2008, with 24 hours notice given to TEP members. Installation was monitored by Jyneen Thatcher(Washington Conservation District), Jim Shaver and Melissa Arikian (CMSCWD) and Ken Meek(Earth Science Associates). Photos from the installation are attached. Removal of fill material to allow culvert installation confirmed the rock/rubble layer with brown sand fill was placed immediately on gray and gleyed sand and gravel. Removal exposed some log timbers, and remnants of old culverts. The gray/gleyed layer was saturated, and the impounded water immediately flowed through the open channel when the toe of the fill inaterial was reinoved. The culverts were placed as indicated on the CMSCWD application drainway plan, with the culvert generally on or slightly below the surface of the fonner/pre-existing fill. The existing culvert was replaced with a 24" diaineter pipe, and three additional 15-18" culverts were added. A spillway was to be created by scraping the driveway surface fior 1 UO teet seg»�ent, not entirely fi��ished as of date of this report. Conclusion: The footpi-ii�t of the recently plaee fill material confonns to the footprint of the pre- existin� driveway, documented by air photos as early as 1938, and by recent soil borings confi�7»ing tlie presence of previous filling. Soil boring data support the history of periodic maintenance along the driveway, consisting of placement of additional layers of fill material. The most recent fill (�2006) appears to be a thicker layer of gravel than each layer of earlier repairs. Elevation of the surface of the old fill is higher than the ground surface of the surrounding wetland, and may have been depressed by the recently placed material. Therefore, the recently place fill appears to have been placed on the footprint of fill placed prior to the enactment of the Wetland Conseivation Act. Over time, lack of maintenance to the surface and culverts enabled l�ydric soils to refonn, due to subsidence and compaction of the roadbed and lateral saturation from the upstream basin. Additionally, the new culverts and spillway will maintain the hydrologic flow through this wetland complex, alleviating the potential for impoundment upstream of the driveway and associated wetland impacts. Recommendation: Therefore, this project appears to qualify as a No-loss condition, as a repair to a driveway constructed across a wetland, which did not encroach further into the adjacent wetland areas. Recommended conditions of approval: Future maintenance or repair of this driveway and/or culverts must be reviewed and approved by the local Watershed District. Report prepared by Jyneen Thatclier, Wetland Specialist Washington Conservation District (on behalf of City of Scandia) Photos from culvert placement, Melchior site, December 4, 2008 i¢ . b� ., ' i _ � -.....,.,�� ; F �� ,v .. y�� � , 7�y;� � '� r i �` O �1+i 4 Z..- : .� �1 a� �tt����, � R'�� ` ` k, �'� . a� ��a ll� 1�:a �,� .� �,1 yka•_ � � . 1 _ ,L�'zabi}J+ ��. �` �r �Y r . , `, � ti er.•.� . � ;;,- ,�, , ; ``�R`*'+t�k��`-: ,"/ /�� :....,-'i TI ' •.� - i. . . ( � riA�-_,5.._. -='�^' `�� -�� -�"� 't�--- � . �t ,ti�'•-l� �� � � . �:`. 1 ..'1 �`-�� � �`���\� ��� . , `� .. ,�.7�`"� ��,`f. ti 1, Y��,� . 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"�A� `�•^u1 I� \� I'.li .� 4����� � g�.: �t� f(�� � {� • S .� '�� y� �k i,. � � . ��� �11�� �� 3` � .f�`�� . �f.t'v��C;' - ' r � � I ,a � ;�,wJ t•.l� ��":� � . • 7 "�'� !�� A{� �Fi : ��l�� •�� � /`r '�y 1-..�yi :H . . .: <;�� . yh' ,�..�� � ... t, �tvR j,aa�" �' f '. :;r.� r ;.�` y4„+��+Y '+,'"s, �'/���' ; J'.1-�. �� ) 'w� �• .: y :�'-.. k� •�„ � �.�r:����a�.�+1" ..�.��i•� ��`� , . ?L,�_ ..1��.:.:1._ ..�,+�a,}T .c. ��i�'� I J+,�n another view of downstream pool NA-(1266?0-038 (V?A2 for\1S 1t'ORD)9/17/?007 __ Minnesota Local/State/Federal A lication Form for Water/Wetiand Pro'ects Fur Intcrnal Use Only Application No. Field Officc Codc Datc lnitial Application Reccivcd Uatc initial Applicalion Dccmed Camplctc PART I: BASIC APPLICATION "See HGLP^dirccts you to imponant additional infomiation and�ssistancc in Inswetions,Page I. 1. LANDO�VNER/APPLICAN'1'CONTACT 1NFORA9ATION(Sec Help 1) N�mc: Pat and Brenda Melchior Phone: E-mail: Completc mailing address:962 Otto Avenue,St Paul, MN 55102 lA. AUTHORI7.ED ACI:NT(.Sec Help IA) (Oirh�ifnppficable;an a�enf is►to1 required) Numc: Ken Meek; Earth Science Associates, Inc. Phone: E-n,ail: Complctc mailing address: 37445 Grand Ave; North Branch, MN 55D56 2. NAA9E,TYP�AND SIZE OF PUBLIC�VA7'ERS ur�VETLANll5 IMPACTED(Attach Addi�ional Projecr Aren shects if needed) Name or I.D.#of Waters Impacted(if applicable;if known): (Check all that apply): ❑ Lake ❑ River �Circular 39�Vctland typc:❑ l,❑ ]L,�2,❑3,❑4,0 5,❑6,�7,�8 �Vetland plant community type': ❑shallow opcn water,�dcep marsh,❑shallow marsh,❑sedgc mcado�v,� ticsh mcadow, ❑wet to wet-mesic prairie,❑calcareous fen,❑open bog or coniferous bog,❑shrub-carr/alder thickct, �hard�vood swamp or coniferous swamp,❑ Floodplain forest,0 scasonally floodcd basin � Indicate size of entirc lake or�vetland(check one): ❑ Less than 10 acres(indicate size: ) � I 0 to 40 acres ❑Greater than 40 acres 3. PROJECT LOCATION (Informnlion rnn he foru��l m�propertv In.r sJarenaent,p,-operq�ti�le or tide insurnncc): Projecl street address: 19489 Manning Trail Fire#: City(if applicable): Scandia '/ Section: Section:29 To��mship#:32 Rnnge#:20 Counry:Washington Lot#: Block: Subdivision: Watcrshed(mm�e or#)37056 UTM location:N E Attach a simple sitc locator map. If ncedcd,include on the map written directions to thc silc from a known location or landmark,and provide distanccs from known locations. Labcl thc shect S/TE LOCATOR A�AP. 4. ' TYPC OT PROJECT: Describe thc typc of proposed work. Attach T3PE OF PROJECT sheet if needed. Fill on pre-existing driveway across welland 5. PROJECT PURPOSE,D�SCRIY7'ION AND DIMGNSIONS: Describe what you plan to do and why it is needed,how you plan to construct thc project with dimensions(length,width,depth),area of impact,and when you propose to construct the project. This is the most importAnt pnrt oi}�our application. See HELP 5 before completing this sectlon;see�Vl�at To lnclude on Plans(Inshvctions, page 1). Anach PROJECT DESCR/PTION shcct. See submitted application documents,dated July 2008 Foot�rint of projcct: acres or 9860 square feet drained,filled or excavated. 6. PROJECT ALTERNATIVES: What alternatives to this proposcd projcct have you considered that�vould avoid or minimize impacts to wcdands or.waters? List at lcast T�'1'O additional altcmatives to your project in Scction 5 that avoid wetlands(onc of which may be"no build"or"do nothing"),and explain why you chose to pursue the option described in lhis application over thcse altcrnativcs. Attach PROJECT ALTERN.9Tl1'ES sheet if needed. 7. ADJOINING PROPERTY O\VNERS: For projccts that impact morc ttian 10,000 square fect of water or wctlands,lisl the complete mniling addresscs of adjacent property owners on an attached separate sheet. (Sec HELP 7) 1 8. PORTION OF�i'ORK COMPLETGD: Is any partion of the work in wctland or water nreas nlready completcd? �Yes ❑No. If yes,describe the complctcd work on a separate sheet of paper labelcd 1VORK ALREADY COM PLETCll. {Scc H ELP S) 9. STATUS OF OTHCR API'ROVALS: Lisl any othcr permits,reviews or approvals relaled to this proposcd project that are cither pcnding or liavc alrcady bcen approved or denied on a separatc attachcd shcct. Scc HELP 9. 10. 1 nm applying for state and local authorization to conduct thc work described in this application. I am familiar with the infonnation containcd in this application. To thc bcst of my kno�vlcdgc and belief,all information in Part I is true,complete,and accurate. I possess the authority to undcriakc the work described,or 1 um acting as the duly authorized agent of the applicant. Signnture ojnpplicnn�(Lnndo���iic�) Unle Sigiml�n�e ojngenl(ijopplicnhle) Da1e This block masl be signed by thc person w�ho dcsires to undcrtake the proposcd aclivi[y and has Ihe nec�ssary property righls to do so. If only the Agem has signed, please atmch a scparale shcct signed by thc landoHTer,giving nc�cessary auiliori��lion to the Agrnt. �Scc H'etland Planls a�id Pln�rl Cnnimr�nities ojhli�ii�csola a�id H'iscnnsiu(Eggcrs aird Reed,1997)ns modificd by thc Runrd of.�i'nlcr i�nd Soil Resources, Uniled Stnles Army Corps of Enginecrs. Minnesota Local�State/Frder�l Application forms for Water/Wclland Projects Pagc I roa t_cu use onL��: Ucterruinalion for Part I: ❑ No WCA Jurisdiction ❑ Excmpt:No._(P�T MN Rulc 84?0.012'_) � No Loss: (A,B,...G,per�1N Rulc 842D.02'O) ❑ Wetland Boundary or type ❑ Replacemcnt required-applicant must complele Pan tt COMPLETE THE SECTION dGLO\1'ONLI'IF RGPLACEP1GNT IS NOT REOUIRGD• Applicntion is(check one): ❑Approved OApprovrd wiih conditions(conditions attacheci) ❑ Denied Commcnts�Findings: S�e a'��"�•`-�q ��G�f'Y!� LGU o�ciul sig�mhu•c Dnr� Narnc and r17e �or Agriculturnl and Draina�e e�emptions(111N Rule 8420.0122 Subps. 1 und 2i3),LGU hus rccei��ed proof of recording of restric�ions (per MN Rulc R420.0115): Counlv�vhere recor�led Dnle Dorumenl#assigned 1�r recorder LGU o�ciu!signalwe Date Minn�sota LocaUStatciFedcr�l Application Fonns far Wa1cT/WcUand Pmj��cu Pagc 3 ':1 u"a� 1.6 �r�i�� r"� "-'# �„�1�.¢' .+� , '"� w�"t�;L� � �' �"y i��p�{ r'�'�, }z' + �-+ a ��� � t �.�! 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Y � w '1�` /�� � 1. r .� � ,f ,� �,'41 � ' �l" �`/�"�����', ~ RI '. ysa' ���.`it�/{�G: �� ,�' �r: l�&''a'- `� ��` t'� j . n�� '�.,w` .r � � (� ` 'I ..i � ' r� ,i,"ry �.�� •r �,I�1�� ,�' :� `� � ianN � `fw.....� •r ��1' j! �� ii �I��S���Z.3'} *��. -M�,.��� afi�i„ Iv 1v. ' ��� ,/'r �� � �11�..�; '� , ��.�C �•,+ � y� � �� ��t� i,l�r.S �I 4�/�1 � �I�rc � 1 j /� I �y�'1.:..L� � �.ti���/.K' v r���w • • �4/ '� a��.� ��, �`'y�' ��,r �� 'l1• 'S4� t�i �����` };l � 1a,�.A � • ���� i - M ;�N a#��.. �. ��s '�.um� �... ,� 'r ��..,�.� � ►` °t "7�+''� �4'{► , �.•,�`''3� � ��� / �.r-� a ( w, �. CA' s�P' ��.�.� ��� *�� �'��i� ,r� Y 1. _� .`':` • •:��'i '""' e � ' R +R ���.�' . � ~ >� '�� � � . i1!dw:tr• ;u v :i�;,.� 5�_ :.' .,. �':.Y � �f ,�,3,. F ,f ; . BARTEi SCISNC•E ABSOCIATB.g�INC. }� ��i,�Y+��tt��;� � �1° � M`J C',�, <',, S-�z-��. �_. , {. :1�'-'`���� _ I (_���� �ru��l c]m�iriao�9pmdida -�s' �+a,-:�1� r '� `t� '-- I �t{�� -l. 37K1�dh�v � '��� �� .:��'"t.�. ,4� . .�� �.. . L '� �tl�,� ,�:,,,► ; � Figure 1 Site Localor Map , � ��� :.� ,,,�.t ,_,:-- i 0 � � � 0 O • � �!P C '� �r�ti�ly i f ����4 �+ '�� �w = Y- s _r � `'`t i'`� "��r'���� y�A �� ��J�'�� � (' ���,�'� � 0 , ����� a ' > ' z �� i 0 0 0 '� p �t� � ��; s� � 7 ` A, s,� � ��8k., °F . -��p,s��, 1 S ��� Date: Decc�nbcr_17_200R LGU: Scandia Counry:Washineton f,GU Contact:Jyneen Thatcher, Washineton Conservation District Project Name/;t:Melchior drivewav Phone�:651-2 i5-1 136 Location of Project: N1�✓__ S1'V �9 3� 20 % '/ '/ Sec, T�yp. Range LoUBlock City: Scandia County:Washineton TEP Members(and others)who revie���ed project:�CL�ck if�iewed project siie) ❑ LGU: Steve Thom ❑ BWSR:Lynda Peterson � SWCD:J neen Thatcher ❑ DNR(ifapplicaUlc):Ct'3iB Wt115 Other Wetland Experts present: Melissa Arikian,EOR(for Camelian MArine on St Croix WD• Ken Meck FSA TEP requested by:SVVCD,to verifv pre-existine conditions below new fill 1. Typc of 7EP detern�ination requested(chedc ihose lhal appli�): Exemption(WCA L-xemption# ) X No-Loss \Vetland Boundary and Type Replacement Plan 2. Description of Wetland{s) with proposed impact: a.Wetland Type(Circular 39)7(Cowardin)PFOZ Wetland Plant Community Type�coniferous s�vamo b. Wetland Size c. Size of Proposed Impact(acres and square feet) 3. Have sequencing requirements been met? Attach Sequencing Finding of Fact as supporting inforn�ation. �Yes ❑No(if no, list wliy): 4. Is the project consistent �vith the intent of the comprehensive local water plan and/or the�vatershed districl plan, the metropolitan surface�vater management plan and metropolitan groundwater management plan,and local comprehensive plan and zoning ordinance? �Yes ❑No(if no, list why): 5. What is the net result of the project on the following wetland functions: Functions Deerade Neutral Improve Floodwater 5torage }{ Nutricnt Assimilation �{ Sediment Entrapment }{ Ground�vater Recharge �{ Lo�i�Flow Augmentation 7{ Aesdietics/Recreation X Shoreland Anchoring X Wildlife Habitat X Fisheries Habitat Rare PIanUAnimal Habitat }� Commercial Uses 6. For replacement plan or no-loss determinations,are wetland functions maintained at an equal or greater level7 �Yes ❑No(if no, list�vhy) 7. Does Technical Evaluation Panel recommend approval of the activity proposed in item 1? �Yes ❑Yes,�aith Conditions ❑No(if no,list why): 8. List TEP findines to support recommendation in question 7 aUove.(Please attach document if necessary).See attached 9. 51GNATURES(� P -econunend fion i no!a conse��sus,no�e u�ith n»�is�erisk and e.�plain ai Jhe back ojthis page) /� / .�/D S-P--� � e-��:� SW'. ( resentative � (Datc) DWS Rcprescntative (p���) / �-�- �%.��� �,�us����. LGU Representative (Datc) DNR Represcntative (Dat �. �See{�'eda�rd Planls aiid Plnnt Cour��trruitics of111rnncsnla rrnd ll�isca�rsin(Egb�rs nud Recd,1997)as moditied b}�Ute Board of�'��ater und Soil Resources,Unitcd Statcs Army Corps of Engineers. Pagc 1 of I t�7cichior_SCA_WCA_FOF_20081217.doc (August 3007) i � z� i�t -+#� � ��2t* r� ,�rN' • • 0 � � � �� .y �'� �, t ��� • � �!' ��� �! � 3.�� - ' ` S� �" ,���.���R X t�t��� � i� � � ��l�a��, i � 0 � _ – . i 0 0 ���`t � t �,�7y� �.� �;t � , � { ��YR .,�� S�� i ` �+.,''_�•^'1,,+ A d�.}w`K�,l..k t�.:i'd i I�ate:DecemUer 4 2008 LGU: Scandia i County: Washin�ton LGli Contact:Jyneen Thatcher,Wasliin�ton Conservation District � Project Name/;I:Melchior drive�vav Phone�t:651-275-1 136 Location of Project: NVV SW 29 32 20 ; � '/, '/ '/, Sec. Twp. Itange I�ot/Block � City:Scandia County.Washin on ' TCP Members(and others)who reviewed projecr�Check irvie�ved project site) ❑LGU:Steve Thoro 0 BWSR:Lvnda Peterson �SWCD:_Jyneen Thatcher ❑DNR�ifapp�;�b�e):Cr�ig Wills Other Wetland Experis present:Melissa Arikian,EOR(for Camelian Marine on St Croix WD• Ken Meek ESA TGP requested by: SWCD,to verify pre-existin�conditions below new fill I. Type of TEP determination requested(check ihose thal apply): �xemption(WCA�xemption#_� X No-Loss Wetland Bouodary and Type Rep]acemcnt Plan 2. Description of Wetland(s)with proposed impact: a.Wetland Type(Cir�ular39)7(Cowardin)PF02 Wetland Plant Community Type'coniferous swamp b.Wetland Size c. Size of Proposed Impact(acres and square feet) 3. Eiave sequencing requirements been met? Ariach Sequencing Pinding of Pact as supportino information. �Yes ❑No(if no,list why): 4. Is the project consistent with the intent of the comprehensive local water plan and/or the watershed district plan, the metropolitan surface waier management plan and metropolitan b�oundwater management plan,and local comprehensive plan and zoning ordinance? OYes ❑No(if no,list why): 5.. What is the net result of the project on the following wedand functions: Functions Degade Neutral Improve Floodwater Storage }� Nutrient Assimilation X Sediment Entrapment �{ . Ground�vater Recharge X Low Flow Augmentation X Aesthetics/Recreation x Shoreland Anchoring X Wildlife Habitat }� Fisheries Habitat � Rare PIanUAnimal Habitat X Commercial Uses 6. For replacement plan or no-loss determinations,are weiland functions mai�tained at an equal or greater level? �Yes ❑No(if no,list why) 7. Does Technical Evaluation T'anel recommend approval of the activity proposed in item t? �Yes ❑ Yes,with Conditions ❑No(if no,]ist why): List TEP findings to support recommendation in question 7 above.(Please attach document if necessary).See attached SIGN^ATURES('rfTF recommendation is no!a co�ue�ut�s, nole»�i1h an aslerisk aiid eaplain on!he back oj�his page) i! r ` --- �O —O� , ` , --S�C&Fttprzsrntafisc- (Date) BWSR Rcprescntntivc (Dpte) �-��?l��i����-�.���'�� _ �r��n���"`P^�n���'� ��}--� DNR Represcnmtive (Dnte) �Sce We!/a�rd Plmtts and Plawt Coninumilies ojMinuesnla ond Tf'iscnnsin(Eggers and Xeed,1997)as modified by thc I3oard of Water and Soil Resources, United States Army Corps oi Engineers. Paee 1 of 1 U1/06/Z�04 'PU� 19: 52 FP.}: 651 770 2552 EMMONS&OLZVI�R i:ESOURCES �002/002 � ' s"u�' �' �- � `? t #j �J7 S f.;. i� � � '� • � • � 1��'�� ��V/.�T�'�� �4a $--'?�vt� ft� .� f � , s �.x� � �c R��`�- . O�: ' . � � � � � � • � N > L� � �:Y�'��^�� �+i r ��.4��?ii 1rt� .aTr�`i � �1'�' - 3 :f+�i''�iL S��.T A ��ri�t�.l t�S:� p ,�K+: ;R}�.::. -', `a.. ;^uy w t:�iw p.rL{.� -�� 7.!:.j A±.N_i,.K �C i J 4�� ;9 Datc: Dccember�I_''0O� LGU: Sc�india lounty: 1Vasliin��lan LGU Contact:Jyn�en l�hatchcr.1��;ishinetc�n Cnnscn�ation Dislricl Pri�ject T�'.jmc��':Melcliiur dri��ew;��� Phone �::651-�7S-I I;6 Locaiion of Project: NIV S1'V 39 33 �0 ',', ';; ':�; 5ec. '(��+�p. 12on��c LoU[31oc1: Cit�-:Scandia Countv: 1'��ashin,ton '1'LP Members land others)who re��ie���ed projccr.tcheck�f�ic��ed prujeci snc) ❑ LGU: Ste��e"�hom ❑ BWSR:Lynda Peterson ❑X S\��CD:J�neen Thatchcr ❑ DNR�if�pplic;�n�c�:Cr�ie 1�1�ills Other 1Vetland Gxpens pre�ent:N9elissa Arikian. EOR(fi�r Carnelian h9arine on St Croix \VD: I<�n �qeck. ESA. T6P requested by: 51VCD. to�-�rilv pre-e�istin,�conditinns lielo�v new[II i. �r��ne of I'EP deiermin�lion requesled(rhec•k dw.er rhur uppl��): Gxemp[ion(\�✓C/1 Gxemption;i ) X No-Loss. Wetland [3oundar�'and Type --- Replacement Plan 2. Description of 1'��etland(s)���ith proposed impacL• a. 1�leUai�d T��pe(Circular 39)7(Co�vardin) PfO�\Vetland Pl�nl Contnuu�ity�f��pe' coniCerous s�+•amn b. Wetland Size � c. Size of Proposed Impact(acres and sc�uare feet) ___ �. Ilavc sequencim�rrquirements been met? Attach Scquencing 1=indin�,of f=act as siq�porting inlorma(ion. Q Yes ❑ No(if nu, list�vhy): 4. Is the projec! consistent �vith the intent of the cumprehensive local �vater plan and/or the�vatershed districi plan, the metropo(itan surface��ater mana�_ement plan and melropolitan�roundwater mana�ement plan,and local comprehensive plan and zonin�,ordinance? �Yes ❑ No(if no, list why): j. What is the net result of the project on the followin���ti�etland functions: �unctions De��rade Neutral Im�rov� Plood���ater Stora�e k Vutrient Assimila[ion � Sediment Gntrapment � Ground�vater Rechar��e � � Luw Plo�v,�u�mrntation � Aesthetics/Recreation �( Shoreland Anchorin_ � 1Vildlifc I-labitat �; I�isheries Habitot — -- Rare PIanUAnimal I labitat X Comnxrcial Uses 6. For replacernent plan or no-loss determinations,are �vetland fiinctions maintained at an equal or greater levcl'? � Yes ❑No(if no,list why) 7. Does Technical G��aluatiu.� P:..._I reco�amend approval af tiic activity pro��,sed in iiem I^ QX Yes ❑ 1'es,�vilfi Conditions ❑ No(if no, list�rhy): S. List TCP tuidings to support recommendation in question 7 abo��e.(Please attach docum�nt ifnecessa�y).See attached 9. SIGNATURGS(il 7YiP I'iCl1/7!l71iY7(I(IllQA 1.1'l7Ul(1 CUIld'l'N.1'IIS.170I!'NVf�I C7q 1L54Yri.cA wrd ct�plaiu on ili��hnrk u/Ihi.�•pu�;��l 51\-C11 Rcprcscnl;�livc (I).dcl (�1VSIZ Rcprcscntalitr (U;dc) _ �-/�U..�'_t�LL C�i.14a�,_.�__ � .�tirtcc�:;.c�. �fa�'; L(iU Ncprc>cnlalivc fl):��c) cm5c.�..;,H�'Ft Rc�rescnL•uicc IDalc) �See 11 ellulrr!Plniit�•und Plu�i1 Cuminrniilic.�oj;l�linne.cu�n nrtd{t'iscuu.siu(E„;;er.��r�nd 12eeJ, ���?�as�,�od�red i>>-fhc l3oard of�ti':�tcr and Soil Rcsoin-ccs, llnilcd St:ites Arm��Corps of fsnginccrs. Paec I ul I �i�lchior_SG1_\I'C�1_fOI�_?Of181'17.i�uc �;\ugust 20(17) , O1/05i20QS1 13:0� 1�A1� t'i U0'�i00? ���� .� 0 ;� � • O ' O II /f yr aV�� I f " "�� �R s ( ���� ��t+ 7Y��������^d . � `'�• o '� jc'�'� �r se�� ��1� "� �� id� ��y.�: � �Mr� ����t � ' �+.� ����� '�+"�� 4'.Y; y i� a`�!.��� �"�i`�,��; � � F� =i�i �i �Y} 8! _ :l �F:, I . �{ � � f:. � ''fak � �"�+. Dale: December 4,2008 LGU:Scandia County:Washineton LGU Contact:Jyneen'11�atcher. WashinQton Conservation District Project NameNl:Melchior drivewav Phone�:651-275-1 136 Location of Praject: NW SW 29 32 20 '/, 'h '/, Sec. Twp. Range Lot/Block City:Scandia County:WashinLton TEP Members(and others)who reviewed projeet:(Check if vicwrd proj�ci siu) ❑ LGU_Steve Thorv ❑ RWSR:Lynda F'etcrson � SWCD: Jvneen Thatcher ❑DNR(ifapp�icnnlcjCraig Wi11s Other Wetland Experts present:_Melissa Arikian.EOR(for Curnclian Marinc on St Croix WD•Ken Meek ESA. TEP requested by:SWCD.to verify pre-existine conditions below new fiq 1. Type of TEP determination requesied(check lhose�ha!opply): Exemption(WCA Exemption#_) X No-Loss Wetland Boundary and Type Replacemcnt Plan 2. Description of Wetland(s)with proposed impact: a. Wetland Type(Circular 39)7(Cowardin)PF02 Wetland Plant Community Type�coniferous swam� b. Wetland 5ize c.Size of Proposed Impact(acres and square feet) 3. Have sequencing requirements been cnet? Attach Sequencing Finding of Fact as supporting information. �Yes ❑No(if no, list why): 4. Is the project consistent with the intent of the comprehensive local water plan and/or the watershed district plan,the metropolitan surface w�ater managementplan and metropolitan groundwater managementplan,and local comprehensive plan and zoning ordinance? �Yes ❑No(if no, list why): 5. What is the net result of the project on the following wetland functions: Functions Deerade Neutral Improve Floodwater Storage �{ Nutr-ient Assimilation �{ Sediment Enu-apment �{ Groundwater Rechazge �; Low Flow Augtnentation �{ Aesthetics/Recreation j{ Shoreland Anchoring }( Wildlife Habitat x Fisheries Habitai Rare PIanUAnimal Habitat �{ Commercial Uses � 6. For replacement plan or no-loss determinations,are wetland functions maintained at an equal or greater level? �Yes ❑No(if no,list why) 7. Does Technical Eval�ation Panel recommend approval of the activiy proposed in item 1? �Yes ❑Yes,with Conditions ❑No(if no,list why): 8. List 7"EP findings to support recommendation in question 7 above.(Please anach document if necessary).See attached 9. SIGNATURES(if7EP recommendarron is not a conseasus,nole«�i1h on as�erisk mid ezpfain on 7he bock of�his page) SWCD Represcntativc (Date) BWSR Representatiee (Dn(c ) ���� �/� LGU Rcprescntative (Date) �Rcpresentativc (Date ) CorP�— �Scc H�elland Plauts and Pla�rt Coinnuuiities af Minnesota and li'isconsi�t(Eggers and Reed,1997)as modified by the Board of Water and Soil Resources,United States Army Corps of Engineers. ��� (f � / _ �'�s'�/in.�.wt"' I1N�n—�- Pagc 1 of 1 Sc�(f� ��y c� C�Q,@.at tJ�-r.�`-L�(/ A9cichior SCA_WCA_FOF_20081217(2) (August 2007) Jyneen Thatcher From: Lynda Peterson (BWSR) [Lynda.Peterson@state.mn.us] Sent: Monday, January 05, 2009 10:17 AM To: Jyneen Thaicher; daniel.j.seemon@mvp02.usace.army.mil Cc: Lynda Peterson(BWSR) Subject: RE: Melchior TEP FOF- resend • Jyr:een, My concerns over the TEP findings are as follows: - Findings by the tep indicate that the new fill was placed immediately on gray and gleyed sand and gravel. The gray/gleyed layer was saturated and . . . My concern is that the existing road may have converted to a wetland due ko lack of maintenance, as indicated in conclusions of the TEP findings. - There was no mention of any identification of vegetation on the existing road. Was there any observation of hydrophytic or non-hydrophytic vegetation on the existing road??? Any information on this will help me support or not support the tep findings. However, an atypical wetland delineation may be more useful in this situation. Vegetation can be assumed by looking at rhe surrounding vegetation, because of not normal conditions. - I am not disputing the footprint of the existing road, but I am not convinced that the existing road is eligible for a No-Loss approval. This would mean that the existing road was either a non-wetland prior to the new fill or that the area of fill was never a wetland. - I would recommend the applicant buying credits at a 4:1 ratio (as recommended in MN Statute 8420.0290, subpart 4. "J" I cannot approve this application for the Melchior driveway in the City of Scandia. Lynda Peterson BWSR Wetland Specialist 612-201-9806 -----Original Message----- From: Jyneen Thatcher (mailto:jethatc@mnwcd.org] Sent : Monday, January O5, 2009 9:08 AM To: Lynda Peterson (BWSR) Subject: RE: Melchior TEP FOF- resend That's understood. I would like to make sure the City Council gets your comments and has the chance to discuss your concerns. Jyneen -----Original Message----- From: Lynda Peterson (BWSR) [mailto:Lynda.PetersonC�state.mn.us] Sent: Monday, January 05, 2009 9:03 AM To: Jyneen Thatcher; daniel.j .seemon@mvp02.usace.army.mil; Craig.Wills@dnr.state.mn.us; marikian@eorinc.com Cc: Steve Thorp; CMSCWD-Jim Subject: RE: Melchior TEP FOF- resend Jyneen, As I have mentioned before. I wi11 be the descending vote on this one. I am still not convinced that the existing road was not a wetland prior to the new fill. Lynda -----Original Message----- 1