5.a)2) January 20, 2009 Regular Meeting . � � } �� ��
January 20, 2009
A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. Mayor Seefeldt
called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The following council meinbers were present: Council
inembers Connie Amos, Pete Crum, John Lindell, Dolores Peterson and Mayor Dennis Seefeldt.
Staff present: Administrator Anne Hurlburt, City Attorney Dave Hebert, Building/Code
Enforcement Official Steve Thorp, Treasurer Colleen Firkus, Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund.
There were no public comments.
The following additions to the agenda were noted: 1) a report on the council's closed meeting
held just prior to the regular meeting for the purpose of evaluating the ability of Maintenance
Supervisor John Morrison to return to work following a medical leave; 2) Council member
Lindell's discussion of agenda reports. Peterson, seconded by Amos, moved to approve the
agenda as amended. The motion passed unanimously.
The following consent agenda was presented:
a) Minutes
1) December 16, 2008 Regular Meeting
2) January 6, 2009 Meeting with Planning Commission
b) Treasurer's Report �
Beginning Balance 12/O1/08 $704,581.53
Receipts + 817,154.95
Expenditures 65,005.05
Payroll 29.003.66 - 94.003.71
Ending Balance 12/31/08 $1,427,732.77 �
c) Payment of Vouchers
d) Communications System Subscriber Agreement with Washington County for 800 MHz
Radio System
e) Agreement for Individual Sewage Treatment System Inspection Services with
Washington County
fl Approve Official Depositories (Resolution Ol-20-09-01)
g) Ratify Surety and Blanket Bonds (Resolution 01-20-09-02)
h) 2009 Pay Equity Report
Crum, seconded by Peterson, moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. The
motion passed unanimously.
Karen Schik, Park and Recreation Chair, presented an update of the Vinterfest activities planned
for Saturday, February 7th
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Deputy Chris Majeski reported on the past inonth's police activity. Random mailbox vandalism,
theft from ice houses on Big Marine Lake and a home burglary on Mayberry Trail llave occurred
within the city.
Assistant Fire Chief Steve Yehle presented a year-end suimnary of the fire department's activity.
There were 189 emergency calls, a slight increase over 2007.T'he pager and siren switch-over to
the 800 MHz radio frequency is on schedule for February.
City Engineer Paul Hornby submitted the January Engineer's Report.
2009 Engineering Rates _
Bonestroo proposed an hourly rate schedule for 2009 that represents a 5.3%increase over the
2007 rates. No rate increase was undertaken in 2008. Council member Lindell felt that a rate
increase was not justified at this time and proposed that alternative contract services be looked at.
Council members Peterson and Amos were in agreement with this. Lindell, seconded by
Peterson, moved to disapprove the 2009 Engineering Rates and discuss cost saving
measures with Bonestroo. The motion passed unanimously.
Administrator Hurlburt will request that Bonestroo continue with the 2008 rate schedule for the
city's engineering services and report back at the next meeting.
Building/Code Enforcement Official Steve Thorp reported that 276 building permits were issued
in 2008, with four of these being new residential home permits. Thorp has attended Wetland
Conservation Act Administration training and is continuing with NIMS training.
Animal Control
On a continuation of this issue, Administrator Hurlburt reported that Animal Control Officer
Sherrill Reid submitted a new proposal that establishes a rate of$90 per call at any time of day.
The cost of liability insurance would not be billed to the city. With this proposal, Hillcrest
Animal Hospital, Maplewood, has offered to provide impound services directly with the city.
Based on the new proposal, Ms. Reid's services appear to be less costly than the proposal
received from the other contractor(Animal Control Services/Rick Ruzicka). Council consensus
was that the proposal appears acceptable and directed staff to proceed with formal agreements
with Reid and Hillcrest.
A draft resolution was presented to the council which covers the need to delegate authority to
respond to disasters and to cover the execution of emergency intergovernmental agreements.
Assistant Fire Chief Yehle requested that council table this issue until a committee within the
department can meet with Council member Crum to discuss the logistics and come to an
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understanding of the terms. Council agreed to table adoption of the resolution to a future
Peterson, seconded by Amos, moved to appoint Council member Crum as Acting Mayor
for 2009. The motion passed unanimously.
Lindell, seconded by Amos, moved to appoint Council member Peterson to the Lakes Area
Community Television Commission. The motion passed unanimously.
Notices of the Planning Commission and Park and Recreation Cominittee vacancies were issued
in early January. Peter Schwarz (Plannirig Commission) and Dan Skupien (Parks)have
submitted applications for re-appointment. To date, no new applications were received. Council
directed staff to continue to advertise these positions.
Consensus of the council was to retire the Commercial/Retail Development Committee, as the
purpose of making recommendations to the Comprehensive Plan Committee had been fulfilled.
Members may have the option to serve on subcommittees regarding the implementation of the
Comprehensive Plan.
Crum, seconded by Amos, moved to appoint Mayor Seefeldt to the Capital Improvements
Committee and to retire the CommerciaVRetail Development Committee. The motion
passed unanimously.
Peterson, seconded by Amos, moved to appoint Council member Crum as the
representative to the Park and Recreation Committee. The motion passed unanimously.
Jyneen Thatcher,Washington Conservation District, was present to report on a wetland permit
application for Patrick and Brenda Melchior. An upgrade to an existing driveway across a
wetland complex was done at 19489 Manning Trail. T'he applicants are requesting a "no net loss"
determination through the Wetland Conservation Act. Ms. Thatcher presented findings which
supported a conclusion that the project qualified as a no-loss condition, in that the repair did not
encroach further into the adjacent wetland areas. The purchase of mitigation credits will not be
required. Ms. Thatcher recommended that future maintenance of the driveway and/or culverts
must be reviewed and approved by the watershed district. Peterson, seconded by Crum, moved
to approve the Wetland Permit Application for a No-loss Decision at 19489 Manning Trail
based on findings prepared by Jyneen Thatcher. The motion passed unanimously.
Proposals were received from the Forest Lake Times, Country Messenger and the Pioneer Press
to publish legal notices for the City. The Forest Lake Times submitted a low bid of$6.35 per
column inch(6 point type and 11 lines per inch). State law requires that specific qualifications be
met for the publication of legal notices. City Attorney Hebert advised that the Country
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Messenger did not meet circulation or location of an office witllin the required geographical area.
By choosing a newspaper that is not qualified, hearing notices may be deemed invalid and
challenged in court. Mayor Seefeldt acknowledged that a number of residents would like the City
to designate the Country Messenger as the official paper, but that legal issues are involved in tliis
decision. Judy Mattson, 12750 182"d Street, subinitted a petition of residents asking that legal
notices be published in the Country Messenger instead of or in addition to the Forest Lake
Times, as those in the 55047 zip code do not receive a free copy of the weekly Times. Discussion
of publishing a summary of notices in the Messenger was discussed, but the cost of doing this
would go well beyond the budget set for this year. Council member Peterson stated that the
Country Messenger should be designated as the official paper as the statute appears vague
depending on how it is interpreted. Mayor Seefeldt stated that legally and economically the
Times meets criteria as the official paper. Lindell, seconded by Seefeldt, moved to designate
the Forest Lake Times as the official newspaper for 2009. Voting in favor: Crum, Lindell,
Seefeldt. Voting opposed: Peterson, Amos. The motion passed. _
On January 9, a meeting was held with Council members Peterson and Amos, Administrator
Hurlburt and Public Works employees Egelkraut and Regnier to evaluate the Snowplowing and
Ice Control Policy adopted in October 2008. There was consensus that the policy should be
modified to begin snowplowing operations with a 2-inch (instead of 3-inch) snowfall. It was
agreed to add a statement to make it clear that snow and ice removal will continue during regular
work shifts, subject to the availability of personnel and equipment. There was also consensus that
the proposal to construct a salbsand storage structure should be reexamined by the Council.
During Council discussion, Lindell suggested that an agreement for sharing of saltlsand
purchases be looked into with Marine and May Township. Peterson, seconded by Lindell,
moved to adopt the revisions to the Snowplowing and Ice Control Policy as recommended
at the sub-committee meeting on January 9, 2009. The motion passed unanimously.
Council decided not to reconsider the salUsand storage structure through an update of bids at this
The Washington County Board has requested that local governments adopt a resolution in
support of several National Guard Units that will soon be deployed to Iraq. The resolutions will
be presented to the Division before their departure for training on February 13, 2009. Peterson,
seconded by Amos, moved to adopt Resolution 01-20-09-03, Supporting the 34th Red Bull
Infantry Division and Stillwater-based 34th Military Police Company of the Minnesota
National Guard. The motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Seefeldt summarized the conclusions of the closed Special Council meeting held just
prior to the start of the regular meeting. Maintenance Supervisor John Morrison, having been on
medical leave since August l, 2008, submitted a written request for a leave of absence without
pay. He is not able to give a specific end date,but would return to work as soon as medically
possible. Crum, seconded by Amos, moved to approve John Morrison's request for unpaid
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leave for up to 30 days, �vith a return to �vork pending a medical examination by a
physician of the City's choosing. The motion passed unanimously.
Council member Lindell suggested that a statutory reference be listed in the cover memos
attached to the agenda reports. Lindell reasoned that this would assist him in researching any
legal issues involved with council decisions. Staff will apply this where applicable.
Peterson, seconded by Crum, moved to adjourn.
The meeting adjourned at 9:07 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund
Deputy Clerk