9.b)2) Spring "Heavy Metal Day" s .
Meeting Date: 2/17/2009
Agenda Item: �. ,6�d�
City Council Agenda Report
� City of Scandia
14727 209th St. North
Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274
Action Requested: Give staff direction on whether or not to proceed with the scheduling
of a Heavy Metal Day to be held this spring. _
Deadline/Timeline: A date needs to be reserved with SRC as soon as possible.
Background: • For many years, the Township/City has sponsored a "Heavy Metal
Day" for residents to drop off refuse not taken by their regular
trash hauler, such as scrap metal, furniture, appliances, tires, etc.
These events were typically held in the spring and fall.
• The purpose of sponsoring a clean-up day is to allow residents a
convenient way to dispose of refuse that has the potential to be
stored on their property or may be illegally discarded within the
city limits.'
• In September 2008, the Council decided to cancel the fall clean-up
day due to the city's expense to sponsor the event.
• Costs for disposal fees paid to SRC, Inc. to host the "Heavy Metal
Day" last April 26, 2008 at the Community Center parking lot
totaled $1,414.69. An additional $188.00 was paid to run ads in
the Forest Lake Times and Country Messenger promoting the
event. In 2007, costs were$938.55 and $839.00 for the spring and
fall clean-ups, respectively.
• The spring 2008 event incurred higher costs for a few reasons:
increased disposal fees, a higher than advertised rate for freon
appliances, and lower gate receipts to offset the disposal charges.
• Staff at SRC, Inc. has suggested that a date of May 9, 2009 be
scheduled for a spring event, as cool weather may have been a
factor in the low turnout on last April's Heavy Metal Day.
Recommendation: Council should give direction as to whether or not to host a spring
"Heavy Metal Day" and to designate this as an annual event, or to
continue with twice yearly clean-up days.
Attachments/ • An ad of the 2008 Heavy Metal Day.
Materials provided: . Statements for the 2008 and 2007 Heavy Metal Clean-up Days.
Contact(s): SRC Inc. 651 464-2321
Prepared by: Brenda Eklund, Deputy Clerk
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:� Saturda A ril 26 8:00 a.m. to 11 :00 a.m.
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c orks Garage, 14727 209th St. N
209th St. N is one way for Cleanup Day. Enter from Olinda Tr. � .��
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, Each car load of trash ....................................... $5 and up
Pickup load of trash ........................................ $25 and up
Trailer load of trash .......................................... $25 and up
Oversized load of trash ................................... $25 and up
Each major appliance (no freon)...................................$15
= Refrigerator/Freezer {freon) ............$25
Commercial or propane ref/freezer ................. $75 and up
Dehumidifier/Air Conditioner/Microwave .....................$25
�� Each mattress or box spring $
........................................ 15
Each overstuffed furniture ............................................$15
Carpet/pad per yard .......................................................$1
Tire (13"-16.5") $2.50
_ $0.50
Tire rim.......................................................................
Demi tires & larger ..................................... See tire vendor
: Metal.................................................................. No charge
Rider lawn mower.........................................................$15
Push lawn mower...........................................................$5
�._. Recycling and clothing to recycle accepted at no charge.
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„ Inc.
J Box 564
6320 East Viking Blvd Date
Wyoming MN 55092 6/30/2008
City of Scandia
14727 209th Street North
Scandia,MN 55073
/� �, I � ��� �� Due Date Amount Due Amount Enc.
�"'�i� �
�v � , � 6/30/2008 $1,414.69
Date Description Amount Balance
03/30/2008 Balance forward 0.00
04/26/2008 30 YD Pull Chazge 200.00 200.00
04/26/2008 ,Disposal Fee-30 yards @$8.50/yard 255.00 455.00
04/26/2008 Front Loader Pull Charge Rubbish 200.00 655.00
�04/26/2008 Disposal Fee-2.14 tons � g,3/�p y� 177.78 832.78
04/26/2008 85 Yards Scrap Metal @ S12/yard 1,020.00 1,852.78
04/26/2008 Freon Appliances- 15 @$35.00 (a!�v P✓�1 SQ cl, � a,5) 525.00 2,377.78
04/26/2008 Non-Freon Appliances-31 @$15.00� . 465.00 2,842.78
04/26/2008 47 Batteries @ N/C 0.00 2,842.78
04/26/2008 135 Gallons of Oil @ N/C 0.00 2,842.78
04/26/2008 Tire Disposal-45 tires collected by D&G Tire Recycle 0.00 2,842.78
04/26/2008 State Rubbish Tax 6.5% 29.57 2,872.35
04/26/2008 State Rubbish Tax 17% 30.22 2,902.57
04/26/2008 39.5%CEC Tax 70.22 2,972.79
04/26/2008 Florescent Bulbs 6@.65 each 3.90 2,976.69
04/26/2008 PMT 105 Gate Recepts -1,562.00 1,414.69
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Current 1-30 Days Past Due 31-60 Days Past 61-90 Days Past Over 90 Days Past Amount Due
Due Due Due
1,414.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 � $1,414.69
,:c, ����. Statement
PO Box 564
6320 East Viking g]�d �ate
Wyoming MN 55092
651-462-l 099 si3 iizoo�
Bill To
Scandia To�vnship
14727 209th Street North
Scandia, MN 55073
Due Date Amount Due Amount Enc.
�-���� l 2��0�� l-���� �� � .��E�-���
c,�`��- �� 6/30/2007 �,,o,o.ss
Date Description
Amount Balance
04/30/2007 Balance forward
— OS/15/2007 Yard Ticket 6-car tires,2-monitors, 1-printer �•�
OS/19/2007 30 YD Pull Charge Demo 2@200.00 �Z'�� 72.00
OS/24/2007 Disposal Fee 60 yards @$8.00/yard 400.00 472.00
OS/24/2007 40 YD Pull Charge Rubbish_ _ 480.00 952.00
OS/24/2007 Disposal Fee 3.29 tons $46/ton� 200.00 1,152.00
OS/24/2007 �� 151.34 1,303.34
57.5 Yards Scrap Metal @$12/yard 1,050.00
OS/24/2007 172 Electronics 2,353.34
OS/24/2007 Freon Appliances 2S@$25 Each 2>77G.00 5,129.34
OS/24/2007 Non Freon Appliances 22@$15 Each 700.00 5,829.34
OS/24/2007 35 Batteries Collected c�i N/C 330.00 6,159.34
OS/24/2007 100 Gallons of Oil Collected @ N/C 0.00 6,159.34
OS/24/2007 Tire Disposal 142 Tires Collected by D&G Tire Recycle 0.00 6,159.34
OS/24/2007 State Rubbish Tax 17%on$I 80.00 of Demo 0.00 6,I 59.34
OS/24/2007 State Rubbish Tax 17°/a on$151.34 of Rubbish 81'G0 6,240.94
OS/24/2007 39.5%CEC Tax on$151.34 of Rubbish 25'�3 6,266.67
OS/24!2007 14S Dis osal Partici ants and 50 h4eta! 59.75 6,326.45
P P /Tire Customers 0.00 6,326.45
OS/24/2007 Gate Receipts
-5,315.90 I,Ol 0.55
R�CEI EQ �a 1 - y3/z� - �l0 72 • o0
JUN -- 6 '00) l r� I - yl a�� � ��3o y�� g. _5�
Current 1-30 Days Past Due 31-60 Dues Past 61-90 Days Past Over 90 Days Past
Due Due Amount Due
1,010.55 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00 �1,010.55
y .
.c, inc. Statement
,�O Box 564
6320 East Viking Bh�d R�te
VV��oming R7N 55092
6ill To
Scandia Township
14727 209th Screet Nonh
Scandis,n•iN 55073
� �, Due Date Amount Due Amount Enc.
� �� �- � ovr Ll� n� �� �'�c ��,�(�
���E'l,(y� — (,.� ' 12/30/2007 5839.00
p0te Description Amount 8alance
Ol!30/2007 Balance forward
10/Ol!?007 30 YD Pufl Charge-AppliahCes 200.00 2UU.U0
]0.�01/2007 Non freon Appliances 16 @ S I 3.�0 240,p� �q,p�
10/O1/200" Freon wppliances 21 Q?S.0{1 525��p y65 00
l0�01/2007 30 Yard PuU Chargc-Eltctronics 200.00 1,165.00
10/011200? 57 Electronics , 934.00 2,p99.op
10/O1/200? 25 YD Pull Chargc Bikes Bt Lawn Mowers 275.00 2,374.00
10/01/200? 90 YD Pul!Charge Sicel 330.00 2,704.00
10/Ol/2007 30 YD Pul1 Chatge-Demo 20Q.00 2,904.00
10/OlCL007 Disposol Fee SS/Yd,-Aemo 240.00 3.144.OQ
10/012407 Ton M�iSVI'T�x.601Yard 18.40 3,162.OQ
10/012047 Gate Receiprs 9;2�/0; �2,323.00 839.00
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Current 1-30 Days Past Due 31-64 Days Past fi1-9D Days Past Over 90 flays Past qmounf Due
Due Due Due
R39.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 SR3y.00