9.d) Contract with Lakes Area Youth Service Bureau Meeting Date: 2/17/2009
Agenda Item: � „/ )
City Council Agenda Report
City of Scandia
14727 209`h St. North
Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274
Action Requested: Consider approving the contract with the Lakes Area Youth�ervice
Bureau for 2009.
Deadline/ Timeline: N/A
Background: • In previous years, the City has signed agreements with the Youth
Service Bureau(YSB) to provide health, social and recreational
services to the residents of Scandia.
• In return for these services, the City made a lump sum payment to
the organization.
• The YSB h�s requested that the city sign a new contract for the
term of January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2009,including a
lump sump payment of$5,500.00 (an increase of 1.71% from the
2008 contract amount of$5,407.00.)
• The 2009 budget includes funding for this service, including the
Recommendation: I recommend that the Council approve the contract, including the
lump sum payment of$5,500.00, and authorize the Mayor to sign it.
Attachments/ • Contract
Materials provided: . Information on Lakes Area Youth Service Bureau
Contact(s): Jeanne Walz,YSB Executive Director
Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator
(ysb contract)
Page 1 of 1
� Main Office:
� 244 Nortl� Lake Street
Forest Lake. MN 55025
Phone: 651-464-3685 . Fax: 651-464-3687
Eneuriny+the success of Youth for nver 30 Yearsl
Lakes Area Youth Service Bureau
DATE: February 1, 2009
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TO: Attn: Anne Hurlburt
City of Scandia , CITY OF SCANDIA
14727 209th Street North
Scandia, MN 55073 -
FROM: Jeanne Walz,
Executive Directo ,
RE: Services Request for Payment
I am writing to request payrnent in the amount of$5,500.00 to Lakes Area Youth
Service Bureau(YSB)to be used to provide agency services to residents of the City of
Scandia during 1-1-09 through 12-31-09.
Your continued partnership has made it possible for YSB to respond to the needs of
youth and their families. If I can be of assistance, please give me a call.
Please make check payable and send to: Attention: Jeanne Walz
Youth Service Bureau
244 North Lake Street
Forest Lake, MN 55025
Thank you.
Attachment: Contract for Services: Please sign and return a copy with your check.
TO: Mayor Dennis Seefeldt, City Administrator Anne Hurlburt
FROM: Jeanne Walz, Executive Director, Lakes Area Youth Service Bureau
RE: REQUEST FOR FUNDS TO Scandia- FY 2009 _ �Cl�.
As you begin your budget deliberations for FY 2009, please include an increase in the financial
support you provide for YSB services to your youth& families.
Attached you will find a market value statement of services provided to your citizens in 2007 as
well as a statistical grid showing how many citizens were served in 2006, 2007 and as of June 30,
2008. I have also provided an overview of YSB services/programs available to your citizens.
We are requesting financial support in the amount of$5,500 for FY 2009.
The Youth Service Bureau has been a resource for youth and families for 32years.
Statistics for 2007 again indicate that our programs significantly impact the lives of youth, families
and communities served by our programs:
• 89%of youth completing services do not reoffend after one year
• 92%of youth make better choices after completing YSB programming.
Recent research conducted by the Minnesota Youth Intervention Programs indicate that successful
youth prevention and diversion programs, like those provided by the YSB, save the communitv over
$7 in future social costs for each dollar invested.
I would welcome the opportunity to speak to your city council upon request and will follow up by
telephone to learn of your council's interest.
Thank you for your consideration. We are deeply grateful for your continued partnership with YSB.
CC: Kathy Lillis, Board Chair, Lakes Area Youth Service Bureau
Lakes Area Youth Service Bureau has received the Charities Review Council's seal of approva!for meeting all standards
of accountability. This important review process helps our donors to know that we are good stewards of their financia/
support.Please view our report at x�w�v.snuirt�iver.s.or�.
WHEREAS, City of Scandia, Washington County, Minnesota(hereinafter"City") is authorized to contract
with nonprofit organizations for health, social, and recreational services and City Council members considers
the services to be in the public interest and good for the City;
WHEREAS, Lakes Area Youth Service Bureau, (hereinafter"Organization") is a nonprofit organization that
has the capability to provide health, social, or recreational services to those within City;
WHEREAS,the City Council considers the services delivered by Organization to be in the public interest and
good for City;
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises made herein and for other valuable
consideration the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, City and Organization agree as follows:
1. Services Provided. Organization agrees to provide or make available the following services to those living
within City:
2. Term.This Agreement shall be in effect for one year from Januarv 1, 2009 through December 31, 2009.
3. Cost. City agrees to pay Organization a lump sum total of$5,500.00 for the services it is to provide under
this Agreement. The Organization will make available to the City the financial records pertaining to
expenditures of funds in connection with the Agreement for the purpose of an audit. The Organization agrees to
furnish usage information required for effective r,esearch and evaluation. Confidentiality will be maintained in
accordance with all applicable Federal and State statutes, regulations, rules and policies. The Organization
agrees to maintain books, records, documents and other evidence and accounting procedures and practices
which sufficiently and properly reflect all direct an indirect costs of any nature incurred in the performance of
this agreement. These records shall be subject at all reasonable times for inspection, review or audit by
personnel of the City. The Organization agrees to maintain financial records for five (5) years for audit
4. Indemnifications, Hold Harmless, and Defend. Any and all claims that arise or may arise against
Organization, its agents, servants, or employees as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of the
Organization or its agents, servants, or employees while engaged in the performance of the Agreement shall in
no way be the obligation or responsibility of City. Organization shall indemnify, hold harmless, and defend
City, its officers, agents, and employees against any and all liability, loss, costs, damages, expenses, claims or
actions, including attorney fees which City, its officers, agents, or employees may hereafter sustain, incur, or be
required to pay, arising out of or by reason of any act or omission of Organization, its agents, servants or
employee, in the execution, performance, or failure to adequately perform Organization's obligations pursuant
to this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement shall constitute a waiver by City of any statutory limits or
immunities from liability.
5. Independent Contractor. Organization acknowledges and agrees that it is an independent contractor and
that nothing herein shall be construed to create the relationship of employer and employee between City and
Organization or of any obligations or commitments beyond the terms of this Agreement.
6. Modification and Termination. Any alterations, variations, modifications, or waivers of the provisions of
this Agreement shall only be valid when they have been reduced to writing, and signed by City and
Organization. This agreement may be cancelled by either party, with or without cause, upon 30 days written
notice, delivered by mail or in person. No claim for services furnished by the Organization, not specifically
provided in the Agreement, will be allowed by the City, unless approved in writing by the City. Such approval
shall be considered a modification of the Agreement.
7. Legal Compliance. Organization shall abide by all federal, state, or local laws, statutes, ordinances, rules,
and regulations now in effect or hereinafter adopted pertaining to this Ageement or to the facilities, programs,
and staff for which Organization is responsible. Organization shall procure, at Organization's expense, all
permits, licenses, or other rights required for the provision of the services contemplated by this Agreement. The
Organization shall not enter into subcontracts for any of the work contemplated under this Agreement without
written approval of the City. All subcontracts shall be subject to the requirements of this agreement. The
Organization shall be responsible for the performance of any subcontractor.
8. Insurance: The Organization will at all times during the term of this contract have and keep in force:
a) comprehensive general liability insurance policy in the amount of$2,000,000 per occurrence;
$3,000,000 aggregate.
b) workers compensation insurance
c)professional liability insurance, in the amount of$2,000,000 each loss and $3,000,000 aggregate for
each policy period.
9. Affirmative Action: In accordance with Affirmative Action Policies against discrimination, no person shall,
on the grounds of race, color, religion, age, sex, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, public assistance
status, ex-offender status, or national origin,be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to
discrimination under any program, service or activity under the provisions of any and all applicable federal and
state laws against discrimination.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have duly executed this Agreement.
Citv of Scandia La es Area Youth Service ureau
By: gy;
Signature Jea alz, Executive Directo
Date e 2-5-09
City Clerk
January -December 2008 Report
Youth 8� Family Counseling/Groups 39 3
Community Justice Program 184 10
Prevention Services 254 17
Parenting Services/ Adult Volunteers 396 24
Community Events, Activities 871 61
Community Justice/Diversion Services
86%of youth referred to the program due to illegal activities(property offenses, assault,alcohol and
drug offenses,status offenses) had no further involvement with the juvenile justice system one year
after program completion.
87%of youth completing Program show increased decision-making skills six months after program
949'0 of youth completing the Program reported a greater understanding of how their behavior and
choices affect themselves and others.
53%of youth reported a decrease in chemical use 6 months after program completion. -
87%of parents felt they would be able to communicate more effectively after attending the class.
89�of parents believed that their child would make better choices as a result of what was learned
during the program.
Youth and Family Counseling
77%of clients completing counseling reported significant improvement in the problem they addressed
in counseling.
56%of clients completing counseling reported significant improvement in relationships with family and
Parenting Support Services
949�0 of parents surveyed reported being better prepared to parent on a daily basis.
Youth Enrichment/Activities
67%reported that they would have been home alone, unsupervised, home with siblings or hanging out
with friends had they not participated in the after-school activity.
8490 reported that having this program available made them feel that the community cared about them.
94�o reported that their participation in the activity was a good use of their time.
Youth Community Service Participants
94%felt that the work they did was meaningful.
90%felt better about themselves after doing community service.
89�'o made a positive connection with an adult at the community service site.
60�0 of participants said they would volunteer as a result of doing community service.
� Main Office:
244 North Lake Street
Forest Lake. MI�,� 550?5
Phone: 651-464-3685 . Fax: 6�1-464-3687
Ensuring Ihe success of��outh for over?0 Yearsl
Lakes Area Youth Service Bureau
Founded in 1976
The Youth Service Bureau (YSB) provides support and guidance to youth ages 10-18 and their families.
Our mission is to "Ensure the Success of Youth"by offering programs and services that reflect our belief that
youth will be successful when relationships are strong, communities are caring, families are involved and
supportive, harmony is restored and youth have the skills and opportunities for citizenship. Parent involvement
is essential to all services provided by the YSB.
Our main office is located at 244 N. Lake Street in Forest Lake. Financial support from counties, local
communities, the Greater Twin Cities United Way and others allow our fees to remain low. Programs are
offered to residents of the Forest Lake School District communities in Washington and Anoka counties, and all
of Chisago County. Main telephone number: 651-464-3685
YSB direct service staff are qualified, experienced professionals.
Executive Director Jeanne.Walznvsblakesarea.or�; Jeanne Walz
Prevention Education Coordinator � Tovah Rykken
Community Justice Case Manager Matt Howard
Community Justice Case Manager Amy Strunk
Community Justice Worker Nate Kruckeberg
Youth& Family Counselor Kari Lyn Wampler, MA
Parent Education Coordinator Jackie Hays
Support Staff:
Development& Marketing Manager Pam Trudeau
Development Assistant Jackie Kottke
Coordinator of Support Services Linda Pasicznyk
Statistical Specialist Lou Arnold
Receptionist Jenny Tyrrell
Evening Receptionists Brittney Erdal
Kristin iverson
Clinical Consultation (Human Services Inc.) Gary Goolsbee, LICSW
Youth Service Bureau Programs & Services
PREVENTION SERVICES: GOAL: Help youth develop internal assets for a healthy identity.
Youth Advisorv Board: Two Youth Advisory Boards have been formed; one in the Forest Lake School District
and another in the North Branch School District. These groups of youth volunteers, who are in grades 7-12,
serves as youth advocates to the Board of Directors of the Youth Service Bureau. They assist the Youth Service
Bureau to better understand the needs of young people in a changing and growing community, helping staff to
identify programming gaps and opportunities. Both groups also complete community service projects
throughout the year. These experiences are planned and facilitated by the group, and the projects themselves are
voted on as a team. This allows youth to take on topics or issues of interest or concern in the community and
make a positive difference.
Volunteer Opportunities: Sophomore,junior and senior high students volunteer for the Youth Service Bureau as
program aides working with younger children, and participate in community activities and local festivals in the
area on behalf of YSB.
Progams are held in local communities to help youth learn, engage in positive social interactions with peers and
caring adults, and have fun at the same time. Some fees are charged. Activities vary each summer based on
community needs. Some of the activities include:
Forest Lake Safet C�aamn: For kids in grades 1-6, this camp is two days packed full of fun activities teaching
bike, water, electrical, and fire safety. Junior and senior high students volunteer for the Youth Service Bureau as
program aides working with younger children at day camps and activities, and participate in community
activities on behalf of YSB. Youth receive 6 hours of training. Volunteer service records are kept. Youth are
able to add this training and experience to their job/college resume's and receive letters of recommendation
from their supervisors as appropriate Forest Lake Police Department, Forest Lake Lions Club, a variety of local
businesses and the YSB sponsor this camp.
Senior/Youth Job Connection:
The Senior/Youth Job Connection program is a refenal service, providing seniors with affordable help for
almost any of their household chores. The Job Connection links youth ages 12-15 with adults aged 55 and older
in the Forest Lake area that need extra help and are willing to work with youth. Seniors negotiate wages with
the youth worker. Youth workers are available year round.
GOAL: To partner with area businesses and organizations to develop and offer safe, supervised and enriching
activities for youth grades 6 and up during non-school hours; minimizing involvement in juvenile delinquent
behavior through positive social experiences and connections with caring adults.
Coffee Talk: Through the Girls Program Planning Initiative, the Coffee Talk program was developed in direct
response the girls desire to feel more connected to adult women with whom they could talk to about anything,
without fear of being judged. Coffee Talk meets every other week for an hour at local coffee houses in Forest
Lake,North Branch, Stacy and Chisago City. Coffee Talk is open to all High School girls, and conversations
aze youth led with topics ranging from boys, childhood, college, parents, friends, and so much more. Coffee
Talk is free program, with the exception of beverages and snacks that the girls choose to purchase. All Coffee
Talk participants get a free Coffee Talk travel mug. This project is offered at S locations throughout the service
area. "Life Talk"is a YSB program offered at the Forest Lake Teen Center for youth grades 7-9.
Youth and Adult Pool Tournevs: YSB partners with area businesses such as Stars and Strikes to bring pool
tourneys to Forest Lake area youth and their adult partners. These tourneys are offered multiple times
throughout the year and have grown in popularity. All youth participants receive ribbons or trophies. This is a
smoke and alcohol free event, and a DJ spins music to keep the atmosphere lively.
Teen Lock-Ins. The teen lock-ins are designed for youth grades 7-9. Youth start the evening out at a movie
theater at 9:30 pm where they enjoy viewing a featured movie while snacking on pop and popcorn. After the
movie, the youth are transported by bus to the Junior High School for open gym, dancing, and pizza. Following
this activity, the youth are again transported to a bowling alley where they are able to enjoy cosmic bowling.
Parents pick up the youth the next morning at 6:00 am. This program is provided in partnership with Forest
Lake Area Schools Community Education.
Girls Onlv Lock-In: Designed for girls in grades 7-9, activities included Leadership/Team Building sessions
with staff from Life Skills Center for Leadership in Minneapolis, Make Overs, Make Your Own Pizza, Belly
Dancing, Body Image Discussions ,Myers-Briggs Testing, a Campfire, making Banana Boats, watching movies,
playing board games, making jewelry and much more. This program is co-sponsored by Camp Lakamaga Girl
Scout Camp.
GOAL: Strengthen skill development and build healthy family relationships.
• Youth & Family Counseling: provides immediate professional support to help families work through issues
such as power struggles between kids and parents, youth acting out at home or at school, strengthening
communication skill development, and building healthy relationships. Counseling is provided in various
formats for both children and their parents including one-on-one sessions, group counseling, and telephone
support. YSB counseling is short-term in nature. Through this program, youth and families also receive resource
and referral when long-term support is appropriate. No one is refused services because of an inability to pay.
• Crisis Services: provide help for youth and families in the midst of a crisis such as when youth experience
suicidal thoughts or runaway from home. When appropriate, referral to additional services will be given.
• Parenting Support and Education Programs: are designed to increase the capacity of struggling parents to
parent effectively by empowering them with skills, knowledge, and resources -both professional and personal.
Services include community-based parenting education programs designed to eliminate barriers between youth
and family members. Resources are available through a variety of inedia including classes, videos, printed
material, parenting telephone sessions, and parenting counseling sessions. Programs and outreach efforts are
specifically designed to reach at-risk families who are often resistant to accessing support programs.
• REACH Anger Management Group: is designed to help youth ages 13-151ook at and address their anger.
Youth who desire to understand their anger, what to quit hurting people around them or whose anger is
interfering with life goals should attend this group. Weekly 8 sessions.
GOAL: Hold youth offenders accountable with input from victims.
The YSB's Community Justice Program works to meet the needs of all those involved when a criminal
offense occurs: offender, victim, and the community. The offender is expected to take responsibility for his/her
actions, to understand the effect of the offense on the victim, to make amends for the offense, and be accepted
back into the community. This program works in conjunction with schools, law enforcement, liaison officers,
and counties. Young people referred to the Community Justice Program complete a contract with the Youth
Service Bureau. Parents are required to be involved. Offenders are asked to participate in weekly peer groups,
attend educational seminars, complete community service hours, and appear before a panel of community
volunteers. The goal of the panel is to help the offender realize the impact his or her offense has had on the
community. The victim is also involved throughout the process. A core group of fifty trained volunteers
provide a minimum of three hours of services each month to the Community Justice Program. Educational
classes and programs include: Choice & Consequence, Chemical Awareness, and Tobacco Awareness.
Diversion Program/Community Work Service
The Youth Service Bureau arranges placement of youth needing to complete community work service hours.
The YSB offers a service-learning approach to community service. Placements are made throughout the
community and some work crew opportunities are available. Emphasis is also placed on youth and families
working together to complete community work service.
Offenders A�e 12 and Under: Participants complete a program that includes discussion on making choices, how
their actions affected themselves and others, and learning skills to prevent further offenses.
Suspension Program:
YSB offers a safe, supervised setting for elementary and junior high school students who have been suspended
from school.
Teen Intervene (TI):
TI is an in depth chemical program for youth with repeat chemical offenses or for youth who are identified as at
risk for chemical abuse. The program includes five sessions with a counselor and parents also�articipate. The
program involves goal setting for reducing and/or quitting chemical use. TI is a Hazelden created best practice
Making Connections Mentoring Program:
The overriding goal of Making Connections is to improve school performance/attendance and reduce the
recidivism of at-risk youth by providing an opportunity for a positive, supportive relationship with a caring
adult. Each youth participant has a case plan developed collaboratively by the youth, YSB staff, and the youth's
family, which includes specific objectives related to his/her needs. These may include improving school
performance, life skills, social skills, decreasing delinquent behavior, increasing self-esteem, attitude, conflict-
resolution skills, and improved relationship with family and peers. The mentor/mentee activities are directed to
these objectives. '
GOAL: Support staff in the most efficient and effective way possible.
Adult Volunteer Opportunities
Communitv Justice Communitv Volunteer Panel: Trained adult volunteers represent victims and the
community on the Community Justice Program's community panel. Offenders appear before the panel to
review the harmful consequences that their actions have had on themselves, the victim, and the community. A
commitment of one Monday per month for 3 hours is requested. The YSB provides training, supervision and
support to each panel member.
Parent Panel Volunteer, Communitv Justice ProQram: Parent Panel Volunteers facilitate a one-hour session
aimed at helping parents share ideas and resources as well as supporting each other during a challenging time
for both parents and adolescents. Volunteers will also talk to parents about asset building. By building assets in
youth,they are much less likely to participate in high-risk behaviors such as chemical use, violence, and
skipping school. Orientation and training provided.
Peer Groun Facilitator Volunteer: Meet with a small group (4-8) of youth who are participating in Peer Groups
as part of the Community Justice Program. Lead them through activities and discussions on a variety of topics
relevant to teens including: communication, nutrition, college preparation, financial planning, positive choices,
relationships, and life skills. Flexible schedule in afternoons/evenings, one or two days per quarter.
Follow-Up Specialist Volunteer: From the YSB office, make phone calls to youth and their pazents to review
their status in the Community Justice Program, get them signed up for classes, panels, or community work
service. Volunteers will also contact past Community Justice participants to check in with them on how they
are doing and offer any additional services as needed. Flexible schedule in afternoons/evenings, one or more
days per month.
Peace Garden Volunteer: In recognition of our 25th anniversary in 2001, YSB staff and volunteers developed a
Peace Garden in the front yard of the Forest Lake office. Youth and adult volunteers are needed to work with
YSB staff and a University of Minnesota Certified Master Gardener to further develop and maintain the Peace
Garden. No green thumb or gardening knowledge required! Positions available for youth and adults. Flexible
Office Assistant Volunteer: Organize, copy, collate, prepare mailings, etc. YSB staff occasionally needs some
extra sets of hands to work with various projects in the YSB office. Positions also available for youth. Flexible
Shop Volunteer: Supervise and assist community justice clients with building log furniture. Flexible schedule
and hours, training provided.
Making Connections Mentors: Work with youth to build a positive and encouraging relationship. Be a positive
role model, connect with youth in the community, listen and have fun. Mentors meet with their mentee one to
two times per month for a minimum of six months. Flexible schedule. Male mentors are always in demand!
Coffee Talk Volunteer: Meet with high school girls at local coffee shops to facilitate positive group discussion.
Coffee . Candidates must be comfortable setting and maintaining boundaries for sharing, attend consistently,
and like to laugh and have fun! Coffee talk is offered on a variety of days throughout our service area. Coffee
Talk is for one hour at each of the locations, twice per month.
Hidden Heroes: The goal for Hidden Heroes Volunteers is to help a youth feel valued, encouraged and
supported throughout the school year. This is done through the mail, anonymously with a reveal party at the
end of the school year. Letters are sent a minimum of once per month or as often as your time permits.
FundraisinsJCommittee Volunteers: Depending on your area of interest committees include: golf tournament,
Taste, Stepping Out for Youth Gala, and booster club events. There are additional opportunities throughout the
year. Most committees meet once or twice a month during the planning period. Additional time required is
flexible as schedules permit.
RECOGNITION: YSB recognizes that our volunteers and members of the community partner with us to
ensure the success of youth:
• On Behalf of Youth Award:
This annual award recognizes the efforts of a youth and an adult individual dedicated to helping youth in the
• James Trudeau Law Enforcement Award:
This award recognizes the efforts of law enforcement personnel on behalf of youth.
• Volunteer Recognition Reception:
YSB invites our Community Justice volunteers to a gathering each spring so we can recognize and thank them
for their service to youth, families and communities.
• Annual Report:
All donations, in-kind gifts and volunteer services are recognized in our annual report.
Please visit our website, wwtiv.vsblakesarea.or�, for more information on each of our programs and services.