5.b) Certificate of Compliance for Cutting Trees at 12130 Lakamaga Trail Meeting Date: 3/03/09
Agenda Item: �� I }
City Councii Agenda Report
City of Scandia
14727 209`h St. North
Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274
Action Requested: Issuance of a Certificate of Compliance to Gary Kaufhold at 12130
Lakamaga Tr. N. with a PID #29-032-20-41-0006 to allow the cutting
of trees in the �Shoreland Overlay District
Deadline/ Timeline: N/A
Background: • Section 9.1 of the Shoreland Management Regulations requires a
Certificate of Compliance be obtained prior to the removal of any
trees. The applicant is asking for approval to cut down 2 hazard
trees and 2 diseased trees for a total of 4 trees.
• The property is owned by Richard and Aina Burgman and is
located on the Northeast side of Big Marine Lake.
• A variance was granted on September 20`h, 1998 for the repair of
two decks that were in a significant state of disrepair. At this time
a condition of the variance was to preserve two trees, the Silver
Maple 20" DBH hazard tree and the Green Ash 23"DBH hazard
trees, which are located on the site drawing. It appears from the
notes of those meetings that the site had `no significant trees
between the lake and home' which gave rise to the condition to
save the trees. In the 10 plus years since these conditions were
imposed, the Green Ash has done considerable damage to the
footings/foundation and the Silver Maple poses a threat of
damaging the home if it were to fall.
• The cutting will be done in the winter so there should be very little
impact on Big Marine Lake.
• The homeowner intends to replace the trees but in locations that
are more appropriate and less destructive to the home.
Recommendation: Jyneen Thatcher from the Washington County Conservation District
and Jim Shaver from the Carnelian Marine Watershed District also
identified no issues with the proposed tree cutting. I did a site visit
and believe both of the hazard trees pose a threat to the continued use
of the residential structure. A building permit will be required for the
foundation repair so all erosion control measures will be monitored
with the construction.
My recommendation is to issue the Certificate of Compliance.
Attachments/ • Draft Resolution 03-03-09-XX
Materials provided: . Zoning application
� Survey and tree assessment for Burgman property
Contact(s): Gary Kaufhold, 651-433-2768
Prepared by: Steve Thorp, Code Official
Burgman cert of comp
WHEREAS, a Certificate of Compliance is required for the cutting of trees in the
Shoreland Management District; and
WHEREAS, the property is legally identified with a Washington County Parcel ID #29-
032-20-41-0006, Washington County, Minnesota with an address assigned of 12130 Lakamaga
Trail N.; and
WHEREAS, the City Council reviewed the request on March 3, 2009;
does approve the request of Gary T. Kaufliold/Kaufliold Custom Cabinets for a Certificate of
FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, that the following conditions of approval shall be met:
1. The cutting of 4 hardwood trees on approximately a one half(1/2) acre site is permitted.
2. Harvesting of trees shall be completed by April l, 2009 unless another Certificate of
Compliance is issued.
3. The applicant shall pay all costs associated with issuance of this permit.
Adopted by the Scandia City Council this 3rd day of March, 2009.
Dennis D. Seefeldt, Mayor
City Clerk/Administrator
I='i1e l�c�. �(�(���� (� �
City of' Scandia, l��tinnesota
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. Nrn��r�-t�� Lucation: l:arrr� �r�lclr��.�.,. ir cr��j�liruf�lc•i
12130 Lakamage Trail, Scandia, MN 55073
- -_ -------- ____ ----__ ;
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2. �'1 ashinhton Cuunh� Parcel II): 2g03220410006
. __ -- ----- --- -- - -- _ __ _ _ _ ::
___ _ --
3. Complete Le�al I)cscri��tion: l�rttcrc•Ir r1���•�•c���rrr�•� -
Part of the North Half of Government Lot 2
! Section 29, Township 32 N, Range 20 W
(See Attached Figure 1)
_ _ _--- _ — — _ _—_
_---- ------
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. ���ncr-(s): Yltt�ne: -�
1��► 651-433-5645
Richard and Aina Burgman
I �tre�� �'��idr�;�: 625 Prospect Drive f:-M;�iL- wrburgman@mac.com
t'it�; State: Waterloo, IA /_ip: 5�701 ;
�------- --_— __._ ___----_ _--------- _ - --_ _ _ ;
____ --- _- -— -
; 5. AppiieandContact Pcison: Phc►n�_
t h t 651-433-2768
Gary T. Kaufhold �f,� 612-749-3195 (cellj
I S[rt�c Adcfi�c,ti t[�t�,ilin_�t: 218$1 Pomroy Avenue North L-�9a;1:
C'it� Stat�: Scandia, MN Iip: 55073
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; ti. Itec�uested Achon{s): !c•h�rc•�u(!r/rcrt uE�f�li•}
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C zrtiticatc nf(�ompli:illl'C{(���Itllllcl'Cliil l f in,il l'la�
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' l'r>i :lmrncimrnt 1lonim� ��r t�mtprehrnsi�e Plan 1 Other
---_ _ -- - -- _ _ ._
7. E3rief'Uesrriptiun of IZequest: Icnrucli .��e_J��ircrrc� .�lire�r rJ a���•��.��.�crr-��l
Richard and Aina Burgman own a resic�ential lot ad}acent to the eastern shore of the north arrn o#Big Marine
Lake. The property is located at North Half of Government Lot 2, Section 29,Township 32 f�, Range 20 W
{see attached Figure 1j. The applicants request a residential Certificate of Compliance from the City af Scandia
to rernove 2 (two) mature hazard trees and 2 (two) diseasedJdying trees from their property. The two hazard
trees adjacent ta the re�idence are a mature green ask(Fraxinus americana) 23" DBH,and a mature silver
maple�Acer satcharinum) 20" DBH. The two hazard trees and are causing structural damage to the
residentiai foundation, and may�urther damage the residence should they fal! on the structure. The two �
diseased/dying trees are a green ash (Froxrnus americana) 23", and a northern catalpa (Catalpa speciosa}, !
19" DBH. The diseased green ash has a dead top and is likely ta fall on the adjacent property(to the sauth.
The diseased northern catalpa is dead and splii in the center of the truck, and will likely fall if further stressed. !
Figure 1 depicts the locations of trees an the Burgman property. Three of these trees are located within 100
feet of the shoreline of Big Marine Lake. Folfowing City approval,the trees wilt be feiled by a professional tr-ee
removal service during winter conditions. The land owner intends ta replace these trees with appropriate
native shade trees (2"diameter) in more appropriate locations of the property at a later date
(follawing foundation repairs).
----- ---------___ __ _..----_._. .. ___..._ ------ -. . - -- ---- -- ------ -_- ----
; 8. Projcc� Namc: gurgman Property Hazard Tree Removal
1 herehv a���t� iur ce,nsideraticm �►t thr ahe��e dey�rihcd rt�ju��t an�1 ci��lar�th�t th� inti�rm:lll�)tl an<t materi:il:;�ihmittrd
��ith thi; applice��i�>n are cumpl�te:�nel accurate. 1 understaiid tha� arE�licants are rec�uired t� reimhurse the cit� 1i�r afl
�wt-t�i=��urk�1 rost. iit�urr�d for �roce„in�_, re�ie��in��,�nd hrarim_the a��r(iratiuit. Thes�costs shall include. hut ar�n��t
limilcd te+: puhlicalioi� �ind mailin��cst nc�tice,: rr�ie�i�b� thc:�it�'>�n_�inrcrin,�. �l.11llltll_�Fil1ll i)I�1CC Ct�Ilallllant,: le��al
et�sts, and r��c�rdim, tces. :1n es�r�,�. c�ero,it to co�er thc�c cu;ts �cill f�r rt,Jlected h� thc eit� at the tim�c�i applic.i(3O[l.
:1n� halance renr,tinin��aficr rc�i��, is rumy�(ete��ill he reti�nded to tl�c applirant. '\c� intcrrst is pai�l ttin �tirr•a�s �ler��sits.
PLEASE NUTE: If�th� tee u��ner i� ne>t thr a���lir:�nt. tf�e apr{ir�jni n�ust �re,�id���•riu�n auth��rizacic>n h� the frc
c���n��� in urdcr tor this application [o h�cc>nsi�(ercd t�aii���l�tc_ -
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For Cih� l'se Onl� '
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� P.�rce) ��:n-ch l�e�: CITY OF SCANDIA I
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Tree Assessment, Descriptions, and Locations ---�` ° , .
prnvided hy Criticai Connections Ecalogica{5ervices,inc. ;,,,,,,.;, ,
February 2�, 2009 _. — ^. - C . ,
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��r,��..������a�����A B u rg m a n P ro p e rty
I,.undmerk 5urveying lnc. Ecomplr.n�Scrwcvc.lnc.
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_ ,,,�p.,.�.,.,� PN6�l)Nm �ocation af Hazard Trees Proposed For Removal Figure 1
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