5.a)2) February 17, 2009 Regular Meeting � �r � ��,�
February 17, 2009
A regular meeting of the Scandia City Council was held on the above date. Mayar Seefeldt
called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The following council members were present: Council
meinbers Connie Amos, Pete Crum, John Lindell, Dolores Peterson and Mayor Dennis Seefeldt.
Staff present: Administrator Anne Hurlburt, City Attorney Dave Hebert, Building/Code
Enforcement Official Steve Thorp, Treasurer Colleen Firkus, Deputy Clerk Brenda Eklund.
There were no public comments.
Peterson, seconded by Crum, moved to approve the agenda as presented. The motion
passed unanimously.
The following consent agenda was presented:
a) Minutes
1) January 20, 2009 Special Meeting
2) January 20, 2009 Regular Meeting
3) February 3, 2009 Meeting with Planning Commission
b) Treasurer's Report
Beginning Balance O1/O1/09 $1,427,732.77
Receipts � + 74,502.12
Expenditures $93,601.79
Payroll 50,453.83 - 144,055.62
Ending Balance O1/31/09 $1,358,179.27
c) Payment of Vouchers
d) Renewal of Consumption and Display Permit, Scandia Senior Community Center
e) Application for Excluded or Exempt Lawful Gambling Permit, Scandia Women's
fl Abatement of Special Assessment, 18509 Langly Ave. N. (Resolution No. 02-17-09-01)
Crum, seconded by Amos, moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. The motion
passed unanimously.
At their February meeting,the Committee appointed Alex Bildeaux as Chair and Karen Schik as
Vice Chair for 2009 for a term of one year. Crum, seconded by Peterson, moved to approve
the Committee's recommendation for Chairperson (Alex Bildeaux) and Vice Chairperson
(Karen Schik) for 2009. The motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Seefeldt extended a thank you to the Park and Recreation Committee for their hard work
to make the"Vinterfest" event held on February 7th a success.
February 17,2009
Scandia City Council
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Deputy Chris Majeski reported on the past month's police activity. There has been an increase in
the discarding of garbage along roadways within Scandia.
Fire Chief Steve Spence reported that the radio switchover to the 800 MHz system is on track for
implementation to begin in March. As this was Chief Spence's last official meeting before the
council, he thanked the council and Scandia citizens for their support over the years. Chief
Spence has been a member of the department for 26 years, with 20 years serving as Fire Chief.
On behalf of the council, Mayor Seefeldt extended his appreciation to Chief Spence for his many
years of service, and announced that a formal recognition ceremony is planned for May, as
Spence will officially retire from the department effective Apri130ch
Building/Code Enforcement Official Steve Thorp reported on his completion of water operator
certification. Thorp is developing an inspection program to monitor the CUP and AOP
conditions for the mining operations.
2009 Budget
City Administrator Anne Hurlburt reported on the how the state budget cuts will affect the City's
funds. The loss of Market Value Homestead Credits will not be known until the next month or
two,but is proposed to be a loss of$50,000 to $90,000. Hurlburt outlined several areas within
the 2009 budget where spending should be delayed or limited (i.e. capital purchases, equipment
replacement, contractual road maintenance). Council plans to conduct a budget workshop to
address the effects on the 2009 budget as figures from the state are confirmed.
Park Slzelter Reservation Policies
The Parks Committee has identified a need for a reservation/park permit system for use of the
Warming House(outside of the skating season) and the Hay Lake Picnic Shelter. Administrator
Hurlburt presented a draft reservation policy which establishes rental fees for use of the facilities.
Council suggested a$50 rental fee for use of the warming house by residents, and $100 for non-
residents. The Parks Committee will review the draft policy and bring it before the Council for
adoption at a future meeting.
Spring Newsletter
The spring edition of the city's newsletter is scheduled to be mailed out approximately April 1. It
was discussed with the Country Messenger that they may be able to provide the newsletter as an
insert to their newspapers,but due to concerns that residents may not identify it in this manner,
the city will continue to mail newsletters to all residents. The Country Messenger will provide
the printing service for the newsletter. A draft of the newsletter will be reviewed at the March 17
council meeting.
February 17,2009
Scandia City Council
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A draft position description for the Volunteer Fire Chief was presented to the council at tlle
February 3 meeting. Several edits and formatting changes were made. Peterson, seconded by
Amos, moved to approve the Volunteer Fire Chief Position Description. The motion passed
An infonnal interview with Assistant Fire Chief Jim Finnegan was conducted prior to the start of
the regular meeting regarding his appointment to Fire Chief. Mayor Seefeldt reported that an
excellent discussion was held with Mr. Finnegan concerning the operations of the fire
department. Peterson, seconded by Amos, moved to appoint Jim Finnegan as Volunteer Fire
Chief for a term through December 31, 2012. The motion passed unanimously.
Extensioiz of tlie Recycling Agreenlent witla SRC,Inc.
Rick Prahl, SRC Inc., presented a report on the successful transition to a one-sort recycling
system to residents of Scandia. Based on collection weights, significant increases in recyclable
materials were evident in 2008. SRC has agreed to continue the contract for collecting recyclable
materials that has been in effect since 2001 at a price of$2,320.50 per month. Grant revenue
from Washington County helps offset a portion of this expense. Lindell, seconded by Peterson,
moved to approve an extension of the Recycling Agreement with SRC, Incorporated to
December 31, 2009. The motion passed unanimously.
Spring Heavy Metal Day
Council discussed the scheduling of a Heavy Metal Day to be held this spring. A date of April
25, 2009 will be reserved with SRC to provide collection services for this event. The consensus
of the council was to designate this as an"annual" event, and to discontinue sponsoring a fall
At the January 20 meeting, council directed staff to develop agreements with Sherrill Reid for
animal control services and with Hillcrest Animal Hospital for impounding services for stray
dogs. Both agreements have been drafted to be consistent with Ordinance No. 75. City Attorney
Hebert has reviewed the agreements and finds them to be in order. Peterson, seconded by
Crum, moved to approve the agreement with Sherrill Reid to provide animal control
services for stray dogs within the City of Scandia. The motion passed unanimously.
Crum, seconded by Amos, moved to approve the agreement with Hillcrest Animal Hospital
to provide impound services for stray dogs. The motion passed unanimously.
In previous years, the City has signed agreements with the Youth Service Bureau to provide
health, social and recreational services to the residents of Scandia in return for a lump sum
payment. The YSB has requested an amount of$5,500.00 for the 2009 contract. Councilmember
Peterson stated that the program is a wonderful resource for Scandia families. Crum, seconded
by Seefeldt, moved to approve the 2009 contract with the Youth Service Bureau at an
amount of$5,500.00. The motion passed unanimously.
February 17,2009
Scandia City Council
Page 4 of 4
PZan�Zing Coinmi.ssio�i
The tenn of P1amling Commissioner Peter Schwarz expired effective February 1. Schwarz has
submitted an application for re-appointment to the Commission. One other application was
received. Mayor Seefeldt spoke of the outstanding job Schwarz has done in writing ordinance
subject matter and his skills will be needed during implementation of the new Comprehensive
Plan. Crum, seconded by Peterson, moved to appoint Peter Schwarz to an additional term
on the Planning Commission to serve through February 1, 2014. The motion passed
Park and Rec��eation Conimittee
There are two openings on the Park and Recreation Committee. Dan Skupien's term expired
effective February 1 and Tom Triplett has indicated that he will resign from the committee when
a replacement has been appointed. Skupien has submitted an application for re-appointment. One
other application was received from Sally Swanson. Peterson, seconded by Amos, moved to
appoint Sally Swanson to the Park and Recreation Committee for a term to expire on
February l, 2014 and Dan Skupien to fill Tom Triplett's term which expires February 1,
2010. The motion passed unanimously.
Design Standards Committee
An ad-hoc committee has been organized which will work on design standards for commercial
buildings, which is an implementation task identified in the new Comprehensive Plan. Planning
Commissioner Susan Rodsjo will chair the committee and has recruited the following members:
Scott Westphal, Margie Dreher, Dan Sandager, Dave Hume and Wayne Brannum (Sala
Architects). Councilmember Amos will serve as council representative. Additional members may
be added to the committee before their first meeting in March. Seefeldt, seconded by Peterson,
moved to appoint the ad-hoc Design Standards Committee to serve for the duration of the
project. The motion passed unanimously.
Peterson, seconded by Lindell, moved to adjourn the meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 8:12 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brenda Eklund
Deputy Clerk