8.e) Building/Code Enforcement Official . . t�` ��--
Council Report
February 2009
Steve Thorp
Scandia Code Official
Building information:
• # permits issued: January = 3 YTD=S
• #new residential units: 0 YTD=O
• Totals for February 2009
a) Valuation=$13,100.00 YTD=$36,241.00
b) Permit Fees=$299.00 YTD=$498.00
c) Plan Review Fees=$0 YTD=$63.40
Total Fees Generated YTD=$561.40
Code enforcement/zoning actions:
1. court action: 0 (1 warrant has been outstanding since 11/19/07)
2. actively pursuing: 17
3. closed cases: 49
• new cases: 3 for the month of January;
• 10 Exterior Storage violations, 1 Shoreland Regulation infractions, 3 Farm Animal
violations, 1 unlicensed car, 6 miscellaneous (foreclosure or empty homes)
Planning: ' '
• Tii Gavo is in the final phases and will be proceeding with the Conservation
Easement monitoring in the spring of 2009 and the final landscape items.
• The Mining inspection program is proceeding toward the opening of the Gravel
mines in May. Review of all submittals is near completion whereupon monitoring
can be done to the requirements placed upon the companies by the City. The next
step will be meeting with each operator to review what will be expected of the
operator and what the operator's can expect from the City. Site visits will be
preformed prior to the opening of the mines to become familiar with the sites for the
new year and new areas that may be mined. The expected opening of the mines is
around the middle of May but is contingent upon the removal of road restrictions. A
presentation will be given to the Council in April depicting the inspection program
and allowing for additional input.
• Conservation easement monitoring program being developed and implementation
expected to occur in the spring.
Zoning issues:
1. Zavoral mining application received from Tiller Corporation and assisting with
the preparation of responses to the EAW comments.
2. Certificate of Compliance requested for the removal of hazard trees and diseased
trees in the Shoreland District, issued.
3. Certificate of Compliance requested for the operation of a home occupation in the
Agricultural District, April Council meeting.
4. Variance requested for the placement of an accessory building with the desired
square footage larger than allowed for with lot size, May Planning Commission.
Daily Activities:
• Building inspections,
• Zoning inspections;
• Resident interaction including phone calls, emails and in person regarding zoning,
planning and building issues;
• Wetland Conservation Act training;
• Emergency Manager courses (on line);
• Water Operator Certification received (Class E Water Operator certification);
• Snow removal as needed.
• The house at 20780 Olinda Trail North (Rasmussen house) has had all hazardous
material removed per State and Federal guidelines and is ready to be demolished.
The Scandia Fire Department may be using the residence for training purposes with
the intent of a final burn to happen on April 1 lth. The MPCA has been notified of the
City's intent and the Fire Department has notified the DNR.
• Review of the insurance proceeds for the skating warming house roof that insurance
monies will reimburse for. The League of MN insurance will pay for the removal and
roofing of half of the roof(SoUth and West hal�. Bids will be brought to the Council
in the spring for reroof that is needed,partial or complete reroof.
• Testing of the Uptown Water supply will be conducted for lead/copper sampling with
the opening of the Gammelgarden museum. The MN Health Department requires the
City to procure the samples, five samples are required, but they pay for the testing.
The wellhead protection plan required by the Health Dept will be reviewed this spring
in regards to the buried tanks and abandoned well by the old maintenance building.
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City of Scandia
Building Permits February-09
Permit# Date Address Owner Work Valuation
Permit# Date Address Owner Work Valuation
09-003 2/6/2009 20170 Oxboro Ln Moore corn burner $ 400.00
09-004 2/6/2009 14641 Oakhill Rd West hal excavatin $
09-005 2/17/2009 13144 Ma ber Tr Webber roof $ 12,700.00
$ 13,100.00
Permit# Permit Fee Plan Review Fee Total
09-003 $ 99.50 $ 99.50
09-004 $ 100.00 $ 100.00
09-005 $ 99.50 $ 99.50
$ 299.00
Letters of Credit �
Name Purpose Date issued Initial amount Current balance Expiration
Walk landsca e 10/20/04 $ 25,000.00 $ - released
final ro�ect 7/19/2005 $ 96,000.00 $ - Funds drawn b Cit
Tii Gavo radin 10/1/06 $ 250,000.00 $ - Ex ired
Tii Gavo construction 6/28/07 $ 1,514,344.00 $ 300,000.00 6/28/2009
Tii Gavo landsca e 6/28/07 $ 177,687.00 $ 141,787.00 6/28/2009
Acres landsca e/im r 10/20/05 $ 350,000.00 $ - released
Estates im rovements 7/23/08 $ 5,300.00 $ 5,300.00 7/23/2009
Childers variance 12/6/05 $ 30,000.00 $ 5,000.00 6/6/2011