8.f)3) Park and Recreational Programs for Summer 2009 i �
Meeting Date: 3/17/2009
Agenda Item:
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Ctty Council Agenda Report
City of Scandia
14727 209`h St. North
Scandia, MN 55073 (651) 433-2274
Action Requested: Review the proposed Summer 2009 Park and Recreation Program
Deadline/ Timeline: Brochure is scheduled to be mailed with City Newsletter on
approximately April 1.
Background: • Recreation Program Coordinator Marty McKelvey has prepared
her proposed 2009 summer program schedule. It was reviewed by
the Park and Recreation Committee at their February 2 and March
2 meetings.
• We propose to continue the successful partnership with Camp
Lakamaga begun in 2007. The Council will need to approve the
agreement at a future meeting. The terms will be similar to last
year, except that Lakamaga will receive a higher percentage of
registration,fees (generally 80%) for programs for which they will
provide full staffing.
• Several other programs will be held at the Community Center
(tennis, lacrosse and the popular Cleat Kits program.) Ms.
Mckelvey will teach the Cleat Kids programs. The City will need
to hire a part-time tennis instructor. The Lacrosse camp would be
taught by a vendor(Sports Unlimited.) Separate actions approving
the hiring of the instructors will be brought to the Council for
approval at a later date.
• New programs/events this year include a bird-watching hike at
Wind in the Pines Park, a sports equipment swap at the community
center(May 9) and an adult co-ed softball league. (August through
Recommendation: The Council should review and discuss the preliminary recreation
program brochure, and give any direction to staff you may deem
Attachments/ • Preliminary Recreation Program Brochure, Spring 2009
Materials provided:
Contact(s): Marty McKelvey, 433-8410
Prepared by: Anne Hurlburt, Administrator
(2009 summer programs)
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SummeY 2009
Recreation PYograms
Greetings and welcome to our Summer 2009 recreation programs, helping Scandia residents experience a fun-filled
season of activities for kids and families. Again this year, many activities (for boys and girls) will be offered in partner-
ship with Camp Lakamaga, the beautiful Girl Scout Camp on Big Marine Lake, and popular programs offered at the
Scandia Community Center are back. Pre-registration for all programs is required. For updates on program regis-
tration and more forms, check the City's web site �www.ci.scandia.mn.us.) For questions, please contact:
Marty McKelvey, Recreation Coordinator 651 433-8410
or the City office at 651 433-2274.
Cleat Kids I Geat Kids ll,Continued
Fee: $35.00 for 3-week session Lacrosse Camp
4 to 6 year-olds I Session:June 30—July I 6 Ages 6-12
Deadline: June 23
Location: Community Center
Learn new skills while participating in Location: Barton Johnson Park
game-like activities followed by reading Tennis This camp is designed ��.
and arc activities at the community center for both irls and bo s =�:
and Gammel arden. Multi le s orts are �"ades K-12 g Y ��
S P P ages 6-12 regardless of
offered each week, including soccer, bas- skills or ability. Non-
ketball,volleyball and racquets. These Location: �ommunity Center contact lacrosse,also
activities promote enthusiasm and inspire Participate in individual and group lessons known as"Sok La-
learning with emphasis on fundamental at the Community Center. Each class will crosse"is played. � '�
sports instruction and fun. Bring water engage in activities that are designed to Fundamental skills will
bottle and snack. Min/Max enrollment match a player's skill level. For the be taught while working on team play and
6/20 younger players simple drills and games spor[smanship. Sporu Unlimited provides
All sessions: Mondays and Wednesdays, �^'�II teach players to handle ground all equipment. Bring sunscreen,water bot-
I 0:00 a.m.to I I:30 a.m. strokes and volley with partners. Older tle and snack. Each camper receives a
players will play in single or double camp T-shirt,water bottle and sportsman-
Fee: $40.00 per 3-week session matches and work on ship award.Staff ratio I-10. Min/Max En-
Session I: June 8—)une 24 consistency and strate- rollment 12/20.
Deadline: June I � gies so players will be
Session 2: July 6 —July 22 ►� more efficient. Ad- Monday through Thursday
j� vanced players will 9:00 a.m.— 12:00 p.m.
Cleat Kids II engage in a variety of Fee: $80.00
strategies and improve I Session: July 20—23
Grades 1-6 ground stroke me- Deadline: July 13
chanics. Bring water bottle. Min/Max En-
Deadline: June 29 rollment 6/16.
l.ocas�on: Camp Lakamaga Does your child need an
Monday through Thursday accommodation to their
Learn valuable skills and enjoy creative Fee: $25.00 Tennis I & 2
games with other sports minded kids. We different abilities due to a
rovide children with fun activities that Fee: $35.00 Tennis 3 �
P handicap. We will do our best
will inspire learning so kids will experience Tennis I, Grades K—2 to help them participate in our
success when playing games. All levels of June I 5— 18 9:00 a.m. -9:45 a.m. programs. Please contact
play are welcomed. Camp Lakamaga's Deadline June 8 Marty McKelvey
facilities include a large playing field and Tennis 2, Grades 3 —6 at 651433-8410 to •
basketball court. Bring water bottle. Min/ June 22—25, 9:00 a.m.— 10:00 a.m.
Max Enrollment 10/20 Deadline June 15 discuss their spe-
One session: Tuesdays and Thursdays Tennis 3, Grades 7— I 2 cific needs.
I 0:00 a.m.— I I:30. a.m. July 6—9 9:00 a.m.— I I:00 a.m.
Deadline June 29
. '
Thursday. Deadline: July I Session 2:July 14, Tuesday
t�►IM[p [�IKl�M�1G�1 Session 3: August 24— 25, Monday Deadline: July 7
&Tuesday. Deadline: August 17 Session 3:August 12,Wednesday
has programs for each child and New Deadline: Aug 5
programs for parents participating with
their child. Day programs are offered for Wild for Water Bugs and Critters
'/� day and full day campers. Evening Grades 3-8
Child/Parent programs are available start- �!'QL�CS 1-.3
ing June 22"d and continue until August Have fun at Camp Lakamaga by learning
29`h. These programs are from 6:30 p.m. and doing fun water activities at our wa- Explore the world of nature and things
to 8:30 p.m. All programs are designed terfront. Kayaking, canoeing,and swim- that crawl around our camp! Get down
to fit the busy summer schedules of par- ming with your friends or while making on your hands and knees and get dirty
ents and kids! new friends is included in this Y: day water while we explore to find bugs with our
adventure on Big Marine Lake! All activi- eyes and a magnifying glass! Find out what
ties are caught and supervised by certified kinds of critters live at camp and then
S arks & Blasts Da Ca,m lifeguards. Lifejackets are provided. Min/ create your own critter to bring home
p y p Max Enrollment 5/20 with you! Min/Max Enrollment 5/20
Grades 1-8 All sessions: I:00 p.m.—5:00 p.m. All Sessions: I day 9:30 a.m.— I 2:00
Fee: $35.00 for both days p.m. Fee: $20.00
Come out to Camp Lakamaga and have a Session I: June 30,Tuesday Session I:June 30,Tuesday
great day camp experience! We offer Deadline: June 23 Deadline: June 23
swimming, kayaking&fishing, biking,arch- Session 2: July I,Wednesday Session 2:July 20, Monday
ery,art and nature projects,adventure
course,fitness course and more! Camp- Deadline: June 24 Deadline: July 13
ers will plan programming at the beginning Session 3: August 27,Thursday Session 3:August 20,Thursday
of the week-long session. Campers are Deadline:August 20 Deadline: August I 3
provided lunch and a snack each day. Co-
ed program. Min/Max Enrollment 5/20 Clay and Colors
All Sessions: I week, Monday—Friday 4th of July Family Camp
(includes meal) 8:30 a.m.—5:30 p.m. �adeS 4-8
Fee: $175.00 Enjoy some quality family time together.
Explore the wonders of art at Camp Leave the hassle of cooking,cleaning,or
Session I: June 22—26 Lakamaga! Water color at the lake or coming up with activities to us! Camp
Deadline: June I 5 create something wonderful with pottery. Lakamaga takes care of everything from
Session 2• July 6— 10 Artistic fun will be had by all! A snack is planned activities to home cooked meals.
Deadline: June 29 provided. Min/Max Enrollment 5/20 Accommodations are in yurts,air-
Session 3: July 20—24 All Sessions: One day from 8:30 a.m. - conditioned cabins,open-air cabins,or
Deadline: July I 3 12:30 p.m. Fee: $40.00 platform tents. All ages welcomed. Min/
Session 4:August 17—21 Max Enrollment 2/20
Deadline:August 10 Session I:June 29, Monday Fee: $175.00/Family(up to 4); $25.00/
Session 5:August 24—28 Deadline: June 22 additional family member
Deadline:August 17 � �AAA ��-w��` ���.��.�w.��
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B�is-eye Archery & Biking � t�1Mp 1�K�1M�1G� �
Bonanza Grades 1-8 � 12303 Lakamaga Trail N., Marine on St. Croix MN 55047 �
s �
Learn the basics or sharpen your skills. �' BeautifUl CBmP L2kamaga is 1 7
Play archery games and even shoot at a �� located on the shore of Big a � °; �
dinosaur while camp staff guides you in � Marine Lake, and owned and op- � � 9� 7
this fun program! Learn the basics of bik- '
ing and take a ride on the paths through � erated by the Girl Scouts of Min- � t„t �
camp or challenge yourself to our off-road d' nesota and Wisconsin River Val- k�� � 3 scandia �
course. All equipment is provided. Min/ � leys. Boys and girls are welcome s ��
Max Enrollment 5/20 � at all programs co-sponsored with 15'" j
a o i,►,.y. �
All sessions: Two days, I:00 p.m.—5:00 1 the City of Scandia. Camp `
p.m. Fee: $35.00 for boch days 1 Lakamaga asks all campers to _ �W;^ j
� complete a short health history '' - j
Session I:June 23 — 24,Tuesday& � form prior to the start of their j
Wednesday. Deadline: June 16 a
Session 2:July 8— 9,Wednesday& � activity. j
Dates: July 2— July S, Thursday— and boadwater safety on the water and on �i/�
Sunda 2:00 m.— 10:00 a.m. land. Then addle around to ractice our eir� �
Y P• P P r Sports Swap May 9
Deadline: June 25 new found skills! More advanced boaters at L,Olilltllllll Center
can go further out if comfortable. Lifejack- �
Ne�� Parent/Child Programs ets are provided or you can provide your
own. Min/Max Enrollment 5/12 Find sports equipment that fits into your
Fee: $I 0.00/person budget. Choose to replace your used and
outgrown equipment and upgrade or get
Monday Night Fishing on Big Session I:)une 24, Deadline June 17 the correct size gear for a reasonable
Marine Lake, 6:30 to 8:30pm Session 2:July 8, Deadline July I price. This sporu swap will include ail
Session 3:July 22, Deadline July 15 kinds of spores equipment, from shoes, to
Learn about different Session 4:August 5, Deadline July 29 outside gear and uniforms, to sports ac-
Session 5:August I 9, Deadline Aug. I 2 �essories. Participants will reserve tables
types of fish in our and dis (a items for exchan e or sale.
lake, different bait to � S9 ssion 6: August 26, Deadline Aug. P Y� 8
use and how to hook Date: May 9� 2009, I 0:00 a.m.- 3:00
your own bait, learn
to cast and then t P'm'
ry Weekenders—Saturdays, halforfull
your hand at fishing! da s at Cam Lakama a Fee: $25.00 to reserve vendor table;
See if you can catch y p g Free Admission
the"big one" off the camp dock! Gear Deadline May I to Register as a Vendor
and bait is provided for you. Spend a half day or a full day at Camp This on-going class began in February and
Min/Max 5/I 5 Fee: $15.00/person Lakamaga doing fun camp activities like
Session I:)une 29, Deadline June 22 and nature. Lunch and snack is provided for Great Decisions
Session 2:July I 3, Deadline July 6 you! '/2 day programs from 9:00 a.m.— AC�l�IIZS
Session 3:July 27, Deadline July 20 I 2:30 p.m.or full days from 9:00 a.m.to
Session 4:August 3, Deadline July 27 4:00 p.m.are available. All ages are wel- will continue until June. A new session
Session 5:August 17, Deadline Aug. 10 comed (must be accompanied by an adult). will begin in September and run through
Session 6:August 24, Deadline Aug. 17 Min/Max Enrollment 5/20 January 2010. Explore engaging topics
Fees: $I 5.00 for half days or$30.00 for �'ith a facilitator. Registration covers the
full da s workbook and reference materials and
Tuesday Night Pontoon Rides or Y DVD. Contact Marty McKelvey for more
Archery, 6•30 to 8:30 pm Session 1:J'une 6, Deadline May 30 information (651 433-8410)
Session 2:june 20, Deadline June 13 Dates: First Thursday, Sept.
Take a relaxing evening ride around Big Session 3:August 22, Deadline Aug.lS 2009 Jan. 2010
Marine Lake while enjoying a light snack Session 4:August 29, Deadline Aug.22 Times: 9:00 a.m.— I I:00 a.m.
and beverage. Enjoy quiet time with your
family on the lake. Lifejackeu are pro- Fee: $30.00
vided or you can provide your own. Min/ Bird Watchers at Wind-in-
Max 5/10 OR...Take aim at our arch- the-PIYIeS PQf�Z, Sunda A(IUit CO—�'d
ery range by learning the basics of arch- e�� y
ery safety,aiming your bow, proper Ages 12 to Adult 1`t Softball League �!
shooting and then have a chance to prac- e
tice. Equipment is provided. Min/Max Grab your binoculars and
Enrollment 5/20 walking shoes and join two Starting in August through October a co-
Fee: $20.00/person for Pontoon Rides knowledgeable birding • � ed slow-pitch softball league will play at
or$I 0.00/person for Archery guides for a hike at one of Scandia's lighted ball field on Olinda Trail.
the most unique natural Games are played on Sundays.This league
Session I:June 23, Deadline June I 6 areas in Scandia. See color- is designed for fun and exercise. From
Session 2:July 7, Deadline June 30 ful birds as they head north novice to advanced,teams with �0— 15
Session 3:July 21, Deadline July 14 players will include 5 women players on
during the peak of spring
Session 4:August 4, Deadline July 28 migration as the guides will each team. All games are played under
Session 5:August 18, Deadline reveal important bird habi- the lights using ASA rules and an I 1/12"
Aug.I I tats along scenic trails. Program is offered size softball. Minimum on a team- 10
Session 6:August 25,Deadline Aug.18 in partnership with Friends of Scandia Parks P�ayers.
and Trails. Directions and information Fee: $400.00 per team
Wednesday Night Canoe and Kayak Provided if needed. Registration a must and Dates: Sundays,August I 6`n_
G.'30 to 8.•30 pm space limited!! Min/Max Enrollment 5/I 6 October I (`n
Fee: FREE 3:00 p.m.—9:00 p.m.
Location: Wind In the Pines Deadline August I
Learn the basic skills of canoeing and kay- �
aking on Big Marine Lake. Learn different Date: Saturday, May I 6, 2009, 7—9
strokes, entering and exiting the boats, a.m. Registration Deadline May 9`", 2009
• �� � �� ��
� ��� ` �:����� REGISTRATION FORM
SCANDIA 2009 City of Scandia Recreation Programs
General Instructions: Complete this registration form and return with payment (cash or check) by the registration
deadline to the City of Scandia, 14727 209�' St. N., Scandia, MN 55073. Enrollment is limited and pre-registration for
all activities is required. If a program fills, a limited wait-list may be available. Refunds will be issued if the class is can-
celled; you will be notified at least 3 business days prior to the class if there is a cancellation. Refunds will not be is-
sued for non-attendance unless your cancellation is received at least one week prior to the start of the class. For
classes indicating a grade level, register by the grade level your child completed in the 2008-2009 school year. Addi-
tional registration forms are available at the city office or on our website: www.ci.scandia.mn.us. Call Recreation
Coordinator Marty McKelvey at 65 I 433-8410 or the City O�ce at 65I 433-2274 for further informa-
Adult/ Parent's Name:
Street Address: City State Zip
Home Phone: Work Cell E-Mail
.. - .. .• �. - --
Make checks payable to the "Gity o f Scondia" Total:
Acknowledgements: I certify that the above information is true,accurate and complete. I understand that once I am a confirmed partici-
pant, I agree to the cancellation policy as stated above. I hereby give permission to the City of Scandia to use photographs taken of ine or my
child during these activities for promotional purposes.
Release: I recognize there is a significant element of risk in any sports and/or activity. Knowing the inherent risks,dangers and rigors involved,
I certify that I and/or my family(including any minor children)are fully capable of participating in the attivities,and wish to do so as voluntary
participanu,and with such knowledge assume any and all risks while participating in the activities.In consideration of the City of Scandia and iu
partners,including Camp Lakamaga and Sporu Unlimited(collectively referred to herein as"the City of Scandia"),providing this program to me
and/or my family and/or legal wards,I hereby waive and release the City of Scandia,and iu employees,agenu and volunteers,from all actions,
claims and demands for personal injury,including death,arising out of the conduct of the activities. I further agree that I shall not bring any
claims,demands,legal actions and causes of action against the City of Scandia,its employees or agents. This waiver of liability does not waive
liability for any injuries chat I obtain as the result of willful,wanton or intentional misconduct by the City or any person acting on behalf of the
City. This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. I have read,understand,and
accept the terms and conditions stated herein and acknowledge that this agreement shall be effective and binding upon me and/or my family and/
or legal wards during the entire period of participation in Scandia Park and Recreation activities.
Signature: Date•
Participant or i(under 18,parent or legal guordian.
For Ciry Use Only:
Date Received: Cancellaiion:
Pa�d� Refund: